HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/08/1988 (Cassette NO.1) September 8, 1988 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. smith Maureen Morton Robert Ewing Ron Petrocchi Jake wittwer Deputy City Attorney Police Sergeant Chief Building Inspector CHAIR COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES of August 11, 1988 Vice-Chairman Zellmer asked that the Minutes be corrected to show that under item "Presentation of Resolution to Mark Lewis" his name be inserted as the Commissioner who read and presented the resolution. Motion-Wendler/Second Zellmer: To approve the August 11, 1988 Minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. AGENDA CHANGES Staff informed the Commission that the applicants for Agenda Items 1 and 2 have requested a continuance to the September 22, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Chairman Terry informed the public that the Commission has a standing policy not to accept written material at a Planning Commission meeting due to the lack of time to have it adequately reviewed. Therefore, Chairman Terry stated that Mr. Louis Dell'Angela's letter requesting consideration, dated September 8, 1988, could not be accepted. The Commission unanimously concurred with this decision by voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS FROM 8/25/88 Standard Building Company (Manteqani Familv. owners). PUD-88-13 SA-88-100. Neqative Declaration No. 635. West side of Chestnut Avenue. 450' north of Grand Avenue Planned unit Development Permit and Subdivision Map to create a 19-unit single-family project on the west side of Chestnut Avenue, 450' north of Grand Avenue in the R-2-G-P Zone District. PAGE 1 OF 4 PAGES 9/8/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS FROM 8/25/88 - con't. Alden Company (Citv of South San Francisco. owners). PUD-88-14. SA-88-101. Neqative Declaration No. 636 Planned unit Development and Subdivision Map to create a 35-unit single-family project at the northwest corner of Chestnut and Grand Avenues in the R-2-G-P Zone District. Motion-Boblitt/Second Warren: To continue PUD-88-13, SA-88-100 (Standard Building Company), PUD-88-14, and SA-88-101 (Alden Company) to the September 22, 1988 Planning commission meeting. Approved by voice vote. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Mantegani. PUBLIC HEARING Unocal (Pacific/DSL#2. owners). UP-88-841. Neqative Declaration No. 643. 190 EI Camino Real Use Permit to construct a kiosk addition and allow 24-hour operation at an existing gasoline station in the P-C Zone District. September 8, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: Peter Treganowen Robert H. Lee & Assoc. 1310 Commerce Street Petaluma Mr. Treganowen stated the applicant agrees to the conditions contained in the staff report. Chairman Terry requested that the Planning commission review any proposed signage for approval. Staff suggested that Special Condition No. 5 be modified as follows: 5. Any sign changes must receive appropriate approval from the Planning commission prior to installation. Mr. Treganowen agreed to the modification. Motion-Warren/Second Zellmer: To approve Negative Declaration No. 643 and UP-88-841 subject to the conditions, as modified, and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. JillCattaneo.ZA-8a-44. Neqative Declaration No. 644 Zoning Amendment to modify South San Francisco Municipal Code sections 20.69.020 and 20.72.030 to allow two dwelling units on lots having a minimum size of 4,500 square feet in the R-2, Duplex Residential Zone District. September 8, 1988 Staff Report presented. PAGE 2 OF 4 PAGES 9/8/88 PC MTG. PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Applicant: Jill Cattaneo 20 Maple Avenue Speaking in favor of the application: Evelyn Martin 534 Commercial Avenue Mrs. Cattaneo explained her desire to develop an additional house on the lot between 561 and 567 Miller Avenue, which under the current zoning ordinance is not allowed. Ms Martin felt the amendment would be beneficial to small developers and property owners who want to develop the rear portion of their lots. The Commission discussed the mlnlmum site area required per dwelling unit and potential impact on R-3 lots. Staff assured the Commission that General Plan densities would not be jeopardized and noted that very few lots are affected by this amendment. Motion-Warren/Second Matteucci: To adopt the resolution recommending that the City Council approve ZA-88-44. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. city of South San Francisco. ZA-88-45 Zoning Amendment to modify South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.73 to include regulations on the use of barbed wire fences in the City. September 8, 1988 Staff Report presented. Sergeant Petrocchi presented a report from the police department opposing the zoning amendment as presented. The police department feels barbed wire is justified in certain cases to provide a safe and secure environment. He stated that requiring a use permit or having the Planning Director review and approve such requests would be acceptable. The Commission discussed the aesthetics of barbed wire (which, staff reported, initiated the amendment) and the unknown impact the amendment would have. Several Commissioners felt the Planning Commission should review all applications and recognized that there are occasions when barbed wire fences are necessary in mixed residential/commercial zones. A majority of the Commission felt that the amendment added to unnecessary bureaucracy and restates requirements already contained in the Nuisance Abatement Ordinance. The entire commission felt that to require all existing barbed wire fences to comply with the ordinance was excessive. PAGE 3 OF 4 PAGES 9/8/88 PC MTG. PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Motion-Warren/Second Matteucci: To not recommend a resolution to the City Council to approve ZA-88-45. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, and Warren. NOES: Commissioners Boblitt and Warren. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Chairman Terry stated he will be meeting with Mayor Drago to discuss an agenda for the October 12 joint meeting with Council. At the request of Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Deputy city Attorney reported that a letter was received from Manton Fong, the new owner of the Gellert Square Shopping Center. Mr. Fong is attempting to negotiate with the owners of City Heights Shopping Center for landscaping and curb replacement and closure of the unauthorized driveway. The Commission discussed the freshly painted signs on the windows at the Jailhouse Deli. Staff reported that Mr. Elmore has applied for a Type "B" sign permit and the Code Enforcement Officer has also been notified of the violation. Commissioner Warren requested a status report on UP-88-820's conditions of approval, with regard to compliance deadlines. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Terry adjourned the meeting at 8:58 p.m. to September 22, 1988, 7:30 p.m. an T. Smith, Secretary lanning Commission City of South San Francisco _,.,v"W'~\, _~ /"'.e"'...c.... .\I......----;:--=....f--~ ,1,,"",------1 '" . (d.--"_ 1~ -;1' .. ]r~u,.::Vf.~=~ F~- . !nl" E4a';l1 Terr; ~ C1;airman.' Plannlng CommlSSlon City of South San Francisco EPT:JTS:sp PAGE 4 OF 4 PAGES 9/8/88 PC MTG.