HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/11/1988 (Cassette NO.1) August 11, 1988 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning commission. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry*, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. sm:ith Philip Gorny Maureen Morton Robert Yee Robert Ewing Ron Petrocchi DCM/City Engineer Deputy city Attorney Police Department *Chairman Terry arrived at 7:40 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of July 14, 1988 and July 28, 1988 Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To approve the Minutes of the July 14, 1988 Planning Commission meeting as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Motion-Warren/Second Matteucci: To approve the Minutes of the July 28, 1988 Planning Commission meeting as presented. Approved by voice vote. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Wendler. CHAIR COMMENTS PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTION TO CITY MANAGER MARK LEWIS Vice-Chairman Zellmer read Resolution No. 2397 and staff accepted it on behalf of Mr. Lewis who was unable to attend the ceremony. Motion-Boblitt/Second Wendler: To approve Resolution No. 2397 commending Mark Lewis for his services as City Manager to the City of South San Francisco. Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, UP-78-471/Mod 2, Negative Declaration No. 634, 1200 EI Camino Real Use Permit Modification to allow a new entrance driveway and modify the landscaping at the existing parking garage at Kaiser Hospital located at 1200 EI Camino Real. PAGE 1 OF 8 PAGES 8/11/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued August 11, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: James Milward 245 Ygnacio Valley Road Walnut Creek Cyrus Nassiry 1200 EI Camino Real Mr. Milward described the proposed changes to the Kaiser Hospital site and indicated the applicant agrees to all conditions and recommendations. Mr. Nassiry distributed to the Commission copies of an administrative procedure memorandum regarding the parking policy at 1200 EI Camino Real. The Commission's concern regarded future growth at the site and the number of San Francisco residents using the facility. Chairman Terry requested a master plan be submitted for the Commission's review prior to any other modification at this facility. Motion-Warren/Second Matteucci: To approve UP-78-471/Mod 2 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Swinerton & Walberq, UP-88-821/Mod 1, 91 South Spruce Avenue Use Permit Modification to alter the site plan for 91 South Spruce Avenue so that the easterly portion of the property is developed as a mirror image of the approved plan. commissioner Boblitt asked to be excused from participating in Agenda Item No. 2 due to a professional association with Swinerton and Walberg. August 11, 1988 Staff Report presented. Staff requested Special Condition No. 6 be added as follows: "6. Final landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. II Applicant's representative: Don Dommer 580 Second Street Oakland Mr. Dommer stated the applicant agrees to the conditions presented in the staff report. PAGE 2 OF 8 PAGES 8/11/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: To approve UP-88-821/Mod 1 subject to all conditions, including Special Condition No.5, and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Boblitt. commissioner Boblitt returned to the Commissioner's table. Simeon Properties, UP-88-834, Neqative Declaration No. 631, 1600 Grandview Drive Use Permit to allow conversion of a single-tenant office/warehouse building into a multi-tenant building at 1600 Grandview Drive exceeding 100 vehicle trips per day. August 11, 1988 Staff Report presented. Staff asked that Special Condition No. 5 be added as follows: "5. Final landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. II Staff informed the Commission of a letter received from Isabel Sewell, owner of the adjacent property at 333 Point San Bruno Boulevard. She is concerned with an increase in traffic and grading of the hillside. Applicant's representatives: Russell pitto 250 Executive Park Blvd. San Francisco Paul Hockett, Architect 399 Bradford Street Redwood City Mr. pitto discussed what the facility will be used for (research and development) and stated the applicant agrees to the conditions. The Commission was concerned that a loading dock was not included in the plans and felt an area should be designated at the entrance to the main corridor. Staff proposed amending Special Condition No. 1 as follows: "1. The project shall be built substantially as indicated on the revised plans prepared by DES Architects dated July 1, 1988, deleting six (6) parking spaces at the southeast corner of the building to create one parallel loading dock." PAGE 3 OF 8 PAGES 8/11/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Motion-Warren/Second Zellmer: To approve Negative Declaration No. 631 and UP-88-834 subject to all conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. F.J. Development Corp., PUD-88-8, PM-88-254, Neqative Declaration No. 621, located between 524 and 538 Avalon Drive. Planned unit Development Permit and Tentative Parcel Map to allow the parcel division of a vacant lot and construction of two single-family residences at 530 Avalon Drive. August 11, 1988 Staff Report presented. Staff asked that Special Condition No. 5 be added as follows: "9. Final landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. II Applicant's representatives: H. Lynn Harrison, Architect 1944 Fillmore Street San Francisco Philip Burkland, CEG 1900 Embarcadero Rd, #200 Palo Alto Greg Hanson 1900 Embarcadero Rd, #200 Palo Alto City's consultant: William Cotton, CEG 330 Village Lane Los Gatos, CA 95030 Mr. Harrison stated that Mr. Santiago agrees to all recommendations and conditions. He introduced the consultants who were available to answer the Commission's concerns. (Cassette NO.2) The Commission discussed the drainage gallery with Mr. Harrison and Mr. Burkland. The Commission's concerns related to the drainage gallery maintenance procedures and the possibility of future owners becoming lax in adhering to them. In response, Mr. Hanson stated that a problem would only occur if maintenance was neglected for a period of years, and that a series of storms would have no effect. PAGE 4 OF 8 PAGES 8/11/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued The Commission's dilemma was further complicated when Deputy City Attorney Ewing reported that the City was potentially liable if the applicant was not allowed to develop his piece of property, unless the Commission found there was a legitimate public health and safety issue. Mr. Cotton informed the Commission that developing the site would bring more slope stability than would result if the site were left unimproved. Mr. Harrison disclosed that the house at 538 Avalon Drive also has a drainage system which is not being maintained. He further explained that developing the lot would provide each house with its own drainage system which would be an improvement over the present situation. Mr. Cotton reported the force of water going through the drainage system would not be of any magnitude and, in his opinion, if the houses were built on properly placed foundations, destruction would be unlikely. Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: To approve Negative Declaration No. 621 and PUD-88-8 subject to all conditions, including additional Special Condition No.9, and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, and Warren. NOES: Chairman Terry, Commissioners Boblitt and Wendler. Motion-Warren/Second Zellmer: To approve PM-88-254 subject to all conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice- Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. NOES: Chairman Terry and Commissioner Boblitt. Pak'N Save, UP-77-392/Mod 3, 2255 Gellert Boulevard Use Permit Modification to allow a multi-tenant facility, including a 24-hour warehouse grocery store and other office/retail space in an existing vacant retail building, including the modification of loading facilities, sign program, and landscaping at 2255 Gellert Boulevard. August 11, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representatives: Anna Shimko, Esq. 3 Embarcadero Center San Francisco Robert Johnson, President Pak'N Save 47320 Auburn Street Fremont PAGE 5 OF 8 PAGES 8/11/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Speaking in favor of the project: Philip Bernheim 3606 Bassett Court Jane Porcelli 6 Hampshire Daly City Genie Lutticken 254 Shipley Avenue Daly City Speaking against the project: Charles Theiss 2601 Donegal Avenue Albert Waters 2266 Shannon Drive D. Moorehouse 2224 Westborough Jose Minguela 2230 Westborough Sq. Len Robinson 2084 Avy Avenue Menlo Park Alice Bulos 2444 Liberty Court Barbara Sperring 2264 Greendale Drive Ms Shimko stated the applicant agrees to the conditions contained in the staff report and further discussed several issues that had been addressed in the EIR, including customer radius, traffic accidents, parking and the city's tax base. Mr. Johnson explained the stores current operation and stated it is no longer considered a warehouse store but rather a conventional supermarket. Mr. Bernheim felt shopping availability in the Westborough area is limited and Pak'N Save was needed. He felt the City should take measures to stop Westborough Boulevard from being used as a major thoroughfare. Mr. Theiss spoke in opposition to the project citing existing businesses will be hurt by Pak'N Save and there will be an increase in traffic and accidents. PAGE 6 OF 8 PAGES 8/11/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Mr. Waters felt Pak'N Save would be inconsistent with General Plan Policy 32 which limits convenience stores within a given radius. Ms Moorehouse expressed oppostion to the project. Mr. Minguela felt a majority of customers would be coming from out of town, adding more traffic to the neighborhood. Mr. RObinson, property manager for Westborough Square, stated that the Safeway store may not close if the Pak'N Save project is approved. He agreed with previous speakers that Pak'N Save was not a benefit to the neighborhood. Mrs. Bulos' concern was traffic and potential crime connected with a 24-hour operation. (Cassette NO.3) Ms Sperring compared Pak'N Save to the Redwood city Price Club which she mentioned had traffic backed up for several blocks on the weekends. Ms Porcelli felt the existing Safeway store in Westborough Square was inconveniently located and the Pak'N Save store would be better situated to handle traffic. Ms Lutticken spoke briefly in favor of the application, stating she had often shopped at the store in Colma and anticipated its opening in Westborough. In response to Commissioner Mantegani's question, Sergeant Petrocchi reported there had not been an increase in crime at any 24-hour store in South San Francisco. Commissioner Mantegani also asked the applicant's representatives if Pak'N Save would consider changing delivery hours to after 6:00 a.m. Ms Shimko responded with a "yes". commissioner Wendler spoke at length regarding the use permit approved for K-Mart and stated the Commission never intended to have the building occupied by a regional-type use such as pak'N Save. She also felt the use would erode the single-family neighborhood-type shopping center. Commissioner Boblitt felt Pak'N Save would be too successful in its operation and too intense for the Westborough neighborhood; she recommended it be located in another area of South San Francisco. PAGE 7 OF 8 PAGES 8/11/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Vice-Chairman Zellmer felt designating Pak'N Save as a regional use was a moot issue since the EIR stated that a majority of customers would draw from a radius of two miles. The Commission discussed with Ms Shimko the type of uses that would be occupying the tenant spaces and agreed on the following modification to Special Condition No.2: "2. Approval of this Use Permit Modification is expressly limited to the 24-hour warehouse grocery store and creation of the tenant spaces. Tenants of the tenant spaces shall be limited to office and retail uses with hours from 6:00 a.m. to midnight.1I The Commission also requested a condition be included regulating the hours for truck deliveries, as follows: "12. All truck deliveries shall be limited to between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m." Chairman Terry, concerned that customers might block the front of the building, requested a condition be added designating the area "no parking". Ms Shimko agreed to the following special condition: "13. 'No parking' signs shall be installed in front of the store and at the ends of the parking rows closest to the building." Motion-Zellmer/Second Matteucci: To approve UP-77-392/Mod 3 subject to all conditions, including modification to Special Condition No. 2 and additional Special Conditions Nos. 12 and 13 and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci and Warren. NOES: Commissioners Boblitt and Wendler. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Terry adjourned the meeting at 12:30 p.m. to August 25, 1988, 7:30 p.m. E. Paul Terry, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco ean T. Smith, Secretary lanning commission City of South San Francisco EPT:JTS:sp NEXT MEETING: August 25, 1988 PAGE 8 OF 8 PAGES 8/11/88 PC MTG.