HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/14/1988 (Cassette No.1) July 14, 1988 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning commission. CALL TO ORDER: 7:33 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren, and Wendler. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. smith Maureen Morton Daniel Christians Valerie Armento Robert Ewing Jake wittwer Ron Petrocchi Dave Parenti City Attorney Deputy city Attorney Building Division Police Department Fire Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES of June 9, 1988 Motion-Warren/Second Matteucci: To approve the Minutes of June 9, 1988, as presented. Approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Vice- Chairman Zellmer. CHAIR COMMENTS AGENDA CHANGES: Director smith informed the Commission and the public that Agenda Item No.5, F. J. Development, is being continued to August 11, 1988 at the request of staff and the applicant. AGENDA ITEMS: Pak'N Save. EIR-87-11. 2255 Gellert Boulevard Consideration of the request from the applicant to consider the document which has been prepared and circulated as the "Response to Comments" document for the DEIR, rather than a Revised DEIR. Chairman Terry explained to the Commission and the public the procedure which must be followed in order to amend or rescind the earlier Planning commission determination requiring a revised draft EIR. He then asked if a Commissioner wished to make a motion, and explained how discussion would be directed if such a motion were made and seconded. Motion-Mantegani/Second Zellmer: To review the Planning Commission's motion of March 31, 1988 requiring a Revised Draft PAGE 1 of 7 PAGES 7/15/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - continued EIR. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice- Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci and Warren. NOES: Chairman Terry, Commissioners Boblitt and Wendler. Speakers: William Falik, Esq. 3 Embarcadero Center San Francisco Wilson Wendt, Esq. 101 Ygnacio Valley Rd. Walnut Creek The Commission discussed the motion at length. There was discussion about the resultant scheduling and opportunity for public review, depending on the determination. Several Commissioners felt there were reasons justifying the document's being considered a "Response to Comments" as provided under CEQA. Other Commissioners felt that significant new information had been introduced and supported the previous vote requiring a revised draft EIR. Mr. Falik, attorney for Pak'N Save, stated he will abide by the outcome of the Planning commission's vote, whether "for" or "against" his request. Mr. Wendt argued that the new traffic analysis was extensive enough to warrant recirculation and new public review. Some commissioners felt the Commission should stand by its original intentions and give the public the opportunity to discuss concerns that were not previously reported in the Draft EIR. Other Commissioners felt sufficient information and public input had been received and the document should proceed according to the provisions of CEQA and that future discussion could then focus on the use permit. Chairman Terry questioned the legality of the motion since the March 31 public hearing had not been closed. City Attorney Armento advised that the Commission's actions were permissible and there were no legal prohibitions for either decision of the Commission on the EIR. Motion-Mantegani/Second Matteucci: To amend the March 31, 1988 motion to consider the July 1988 document as a Response to Comments and not as a draftEIR. AYES: Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci and Warren. NOES: Chairman Terry, Commissioners Boblitt and Wendler. PAGE 2 of 7 PAGES 7/15/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Rollins Leasinq Corporation CA. Tomlinson. owner). UP-88-831. Neqative Declaration No. 627. 266 Harbor Way Use Permit to allow establishment of a truck repair and maintenance facility as a continuation and minor expansion of a legal nonconforming use at 266 Harbor Way. July 14, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representatives: Randy Wood L. J. Hooker 101 California street San Francisco Karel Fisher L. J. Hooker 101 California street San Francisco Duane Butler Rollins Leasing 13700 Catalina San Leandro Property Owner: Alfred T. Tomlinson 90 Yerba Buena Avenue San Francisco Property Owner's Representative: Francis C. Keesling, Esq. 60 San Rafael Belvedere Speaking Against the Project: Louis Dell'Angela 400 Oyster Point Blvd. Mr. Wood felt the evidence he introduced established Rollins as a continuation of Laidlaw, proved that contact was made with the Planning Division within the six month timeline, and Rollins is a good corporate citizen. Mr. Dell 'Angela, representing Kathleen Castaglia (288-290 Harbor Way), submitted photographs and other documentation that, in his opinion, suggested that Rollins would have a negative impact on the surrounding businesses. (Cassette No.2) The Commission discussed the evidence presented by both Mr. Wood and Mr. Dell 'Angela. Commissioners questioned the initial contact date of February ~4, 1988, noting it was unsubstantiated. Mr. Fisher provided his daily calendar/notebook which documented PAGE 3 of 7 PAGES 7/15/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued February 24 as the date when he discussed the subject property with staff. The Commissioners regarded the proposed truck terminal as nonconforming and, therefore, not permitted in the planned industrial zone if not a continuing use. In response to comments made by Mr. Dell 'Angela, Mr. Keesling reported that Laidlaw had not vacated 266 Harbor Way until September and felt there was no need for anyone to question his veracity or that of the owner, Mr. Tomlinson. Mr. Butler explained the nature of Rollins' business and reiterated that Rollins keeps its premises clean and parking does not overflow onto public streets. Motion-Mantegani/Second Boblitt: To deny Negative Declaration No. 627 and UP-88-831 based on the finding as follows: "The proposed use cannot be considered a continuation of a nonconforming use. The February 24, 1988 date on which the applicants' representative spoke to Planning staff is not substantiated as the date the use was reestablished. Therefore, the use cannot be determined to be consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance." Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Terry, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. NOES: Vice-Chairman Zellmer. Roundtable Pizza (Caltex Equities. owners). UP-88-835. Neqative Declaration No. 632. 20 Chestnut Avenue Use Permit to allow a pizza restaurant with on-sale beer and wine and four video games in an existing retail shopping center at 20 Chestnut Avenue. July 14, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Bharat Behan 24650 Voorhees Drive Los Altos Hills Mr. Behan stated that he agrees to all conditions contained in the staff report. commissioner Warren was concerned with the traffic flow along Chestnut Avenue from Mission Road to Westborough Boulevard. Staff informed the Commission that the City Engineer is in the process of having the signalling timed to allow traffic to flow through the three signals consecutively. PAGE 4 of 7 PAGES 7/15/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Commissioner Matteucci felt that the video arcade should be monitored for potential problems. Motion-Wendler/Second Zellmer: To approve Negative Declaration No. 632 and UP-88-835 subject to all conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Croatian Association. UP-88-837. Neqative Declaration No. 630 417 Grand Avenue Use Permit of Croatian Association and environmental determination of same to allow expansion of an existing commercial recreation use at 417 Grand Avenue. July 14, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Milan cvitanovic 415 Grand Avenue Mr. cvitanovic stated he agrees to the conditions and recommendations contained in the staff report. commissioner Matteucci's concern regarded the parking congestion along Third Lane and felt it should be monitored when the expansion is concluded. Staff informed the Commission that the meeting room and banquet facility are to be used primarily the evening and on the weekends. Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To approve Negative Declaration No. 630 and UP-88-837 subject to all conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. F.J. Development. PUD-88-8. PM-88-254. Neqative Declaration No. 621 Planned Unit Development Permit and Tentative Parcel Map and environmental determination of same to allow the parcel division of a vacant lot and construction of two single family residences at 560 Avalon Drive. Chairman Terry opened the public hearing and continued PUD-88-8 and PM-88-254 to the August 11, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. City of South San Francisco. GP-88-33 Continued from the June 9, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. General Plan amendment to include "warehouse retail" as a use listed in the Planned Commercial and Planned Industrial designations in the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan. PAGE 5 of 7 PAGES 7/15/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS. - continued commissioner Mantegani gave a report on the subcommittee meeting with representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, held June 29, 1988. Speaking with concern: Frank Strazzarino 435 Grand Avenue Robert Kasper, Jr. 66 Bovet Road San Mateo Mr. Strazzarino thanked the Commission for the subcommittee meeting and felt it was productive. Mr. Kasper felt areas for warehouse retail should be defined first before going ahead with the general plan amendment. He, therefore, encouraged the Commission to delay approval of GP-88- 33 until the subcommittee met to discuss the zoning amendment. The Commission discussed Neighborhood Commercial Zones versus limiting warehouse retail to Planned Commercial and Planned Industrial Zone Districts. Commissioners Boblitt and Wendler felt a time limit should be involved since the amendments have been under discussion for many months. A consensus of the commission agreed to continue GP-88-33 off- calendar, allowing time for the subcommittee to meet with the Chamber of Commerce and to discuss the Zoning Amendment in conjunction with the General Plan Amendment. ITEMS FROM STAFF a.Zoning Amendment to Incorporate Warehouse Retail Uses (continued from the June 9, 1988 Planning Commission meeting). (Item was discussed under GP-88-33 and continued off-calendar.) Director smith informed the Commission that the appeal by Tom Saberi of UP-88-820 (James Elmore) and Rich Diodati's appeal regardinguP-84-705/Mod 2 are scheduled for the July 27 City Council meeting. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION commissioner Mantegani requested staff check the house at 118 Arroyo Drive that recently had an addition built without the added parking space. PAGE 6 of 7 PAGES 7/15/88 PC MTG. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION - continued The Commission requested that the Pak'N Save EIR certification be scheduled for the July 28 Planning Commission meeting and Pak'N Save's use permit modification (UP-77-392/Mod 3) be heard on August 11. Deputy City Attorney Ewing updated the Commission on the driveway between Gellert Square and the City Heights Shopping Center in Daly City. He explained there were complications because the property was held in trust. Further discussions are planned. Commissioner Matteucci reported an illegal business at 763 4th Lane (762 Grand Avenue) that appeared to be a nuisance and asked staff to investigate. Chairman Terry asked that Mr. Syufy be advised that the lot at Noor and El Camino is not to be used as a used car lot. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC Frank Strazzarino, Executive Director for the Chamber of Commerce, spoke regarding promoting business in the community and the Chamber's concern with economic development in South San Francisco. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Terry adjourned the meeting at 11:06 p.m. to July 28, 1988, 7:30 p.m. 'ean T. Smith, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco E. Paul Terry, Chairman "',J?J.anning Commission City of south' S'an Francisco EPT:JTS:sp PAGE 7 of 7 PAGES 7/15/88 PC MTG.