HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 358-1955 or~n a8 follo~
flECTXON Io Subsection ~.2 of Ordinnce ~o 353, entitled
"Zonin~ Ord~nco of tho C~ty of Bouth hR ~ancisco"s ~8sed and
adopted on A~ust 10, 19~, is broby aMnded ~ t~ the follo~nK
descried real pro~rty ~y bo re-~ned ~m ~ta present
of WR-I" (linfle F~ily Residential A~a) to a "U" claos~ficat~on
(Umclassified Area) ~
Ail that certain real pro~rty aitute iR the
City of ~uth 8an ~flcis~, County of hn
8tire of California, and ~rt~culxrly descri~
A 2al0 acre ~cel located at the ~rmer of
~msion P~ad and blly Avenue adjacomt to Block
omo of Wemtview Terrace.
~ION lie ~s ordnance shall ~ published once
required by lay nd shll t~e effect and ~ ia force thirty (M)
~ym from ~d after ~ta
Introduced this 15%hday of February, 1955.
Panned and adopted as an ordiaaaee of the
City of South ~&m Francisco at a regular
Bestial of the City ~meil of the ~lty of ~uth
~ ~A~ th~s 7they of ~ry, 1955, by
tho follo~af vote:
AT~, CouncilMn Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Telford S~ith,
~ Emilio Cortesi, Richard C~mlen
I, ~, ,, N~)ne
A ~T ~ " None