HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.07.91 Minutes CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 7. 1991 REGULAR MEETING (Cassette No.1) CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Members Present: Vice-Chairman Matteucci, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Wendler and Zellmer. ABSENT: Chairman DeZordo and Commissioner Warren. Staff Present: Steve Carlson, Senior Planner Dick Chiozza, Assistance city Attorney Dave Parenti, Fire Department Jeffery Baca, Building Division APPROVAL OF MINUTES of October 17, 1991 with reference to Page 6, Paragraph 2, Commissioner Wendler stated she was unable to recall making a statement about discussing the 900 angle and amending the code at a later date. She asked staff to verify it's accuracy. Motion-Boblitt/Second Mantegani: To approve the minutes of October 17, 1991, with verification of the paragraph indicated above. Approved by voice vote. ABSTAIN: Vice-Chairman Matteucci. CHAIRMAN COMMENTS AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARING 26 Estate Court. Ronald and Lilia Herrera. UP-91-902. Use Permit and design review approval to allow the addition of a patio enclosure which exceeds standards to an existing single- family home in the R-1 Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.71.030(m). November 7, 1991 staff report presented. Applicant' representative: David Rosa California Patio Builders 22962 Clawiter Road Hayward Page 1 of 3 Pages 11/7/91 PC Mtg. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARING - continued Speaking Against the Project: Leo P. Dalisay 25 Estate Court Mr. Rosa indicated that the applicants agree to the conditions and stated he will be available to answer or clarify any concerns the Commission may have. Mr. Dalisay voiced his concern about the addition and mentioned that the applicants have numerous cars parked in front of their house. He feels the patio enclosure will be converted into a sleeping area. In response to the Commission's questions, Mr. Rosa described the materials used for constructing the patio enclosure and stated that the structure is not suitable for year-round sleeping because it lacks insulation. Acknowledging Mr. Dalisay's concern, the Commission emphasized that the patio enclosure is intended for recreational use only and that Special Condition No. 5 of the use permit addresses this issue. The Commission further advised Mr. Dalisay that if he observed that this condition was being violated he should report it to Code Enforcement or the Planning commission. Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: To approve UP-91-902, subject to the conditions (with emphasis on Special Condition NO.5) and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS Appointment of Esta Gallant Kornfield to the Desiqn Review Board. November 7, 1991 staff report presented. Ms. Kornfield summarized her education and work experience for the Commission. She stated her approach to landscaping and recognized that wind is a major consideration for South San Francisco. Motion-Wendler/Second Boblitt: To appoint Esta Gallant Kornfield to the vacant position on the Design Review Board. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ITEMS FROM STAFF Staff responded to concerns voiced by the Commission at the October 17 meeting: 1. The PG&E meter box rattle was inspected by staff who reported it secure. Page 2 of 3 Pages 11/7/91 PC Mtg. ITEMS FROM STAFF - continued 2. A letter was sent to the Westborough Produce Market informing the owners of a violation of their use permit. Staff reminded the Commission that the next Planning commission meeting will be November 21. Staff advised the Commission that Design Review Boardmembers Lucchesi and Kostriken's terms have expired and require commission action to either reappoint or direct staff to readvertise. commissioner Wendler requested that staff reaffirm with Boardmember Kostriken his interest in serving another four years. The Commission felt that it was desirable to do extensive advertising and to interview applicants before the selection process. It was noted that Ms. Kornfield was the only applicant for the landscape architect vacancy. Motion-Mantegani/Second Boblitt: To reappoint Boardmembers Lucchesi and Kostriken to the Design Review Board and to verify Boardmember Kostriken's interest in serving another four years. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC Ms. Eloise Kee, 2342 Greendale Drive, reflected on her campaign and the educational experience gained while running for a seat on the City Council. ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Matteucci adjourned the meeting at 8:04 p.m. to :30 p.m. Steve Solomon, I Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco /eucci, Vice-Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco LM:SS:sp Page 3 of 3 Pages 11/7/91 PC Mtg.