HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.19.91 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting of September 19, 1991 CALL TO ORDER: 7:34 P,M, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman DeZordo, Vice-Chairman Matteucci, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani and Zellmer, ABSENT: Commissioners Warren and Wendler. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Solomon Maureen K. Morton Art Wong Jeff Baca Ron Petrocchi Fred Lagomarsino Engineering Division Building Division Police Department Fire Department CHAIRMAN COMMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AGENDA ITEMS - CONSENT ITEMS EASTSIDE OF GATEWAY BOULEVARD. HOMART DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. PM-91- 288 Tentative Parcel to subdivide a 12.85 acre parcel into two parcels, Parcel B being 7.85 acres and Parcel C being 5.00 acres, along the eastside of Gateway Blvd. in the Gateway Specific Plan District. Motion-Zellmer/Second-Mantegani: To approve PM-91-288 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Commissioners Warren and Wendler. 430-436 NORTH CANAL STREET. SPRUCE BUSINESS PARK (OWNER. DIODATI DEVELOPMENT. PM-91-287 Tentative Parcel Map to establish a one lot industrial condominium subdivision at 430-436 North Canal Street accommodating an 86 unit office/warehouse condominium in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC and the State Map Act. Page 1 of 10 Pages PC Meeting of 9/19/91 September 19, 1991 staff report presented. Representing the applicant: Bill Cinquini Brian Kangas Foulk 540 Price Avenue Redwood City Mr. Cinquini stated that the applicant wanted to be in compliance with City ordinances and the State Map Act. He was there to answer any questions the Commission might have. Representing the Occupants: Joe Cambra Community Assoc. Cons. 6379 Clark Avenue, #200 Dublin Mr. Cambra, representing the occupants, stated he appreciated the project. He had been advised that staff wanted the CC&R's changed. He said this would be a hardship and a high cost to the occupants. He also stated that parking is not a problem at this site, He asked the Planning Commission to approve the map without changing the CC&R's. Speaking for the Project: Charles Flannery, Architect 423 No. Canal Sou th San Francisco Mr, Flannery said he was not open to any changes in the CC&R's, He stated that there was no problems on the site. Planner Carlson advised the Commission that what staff was looking for was an Architectural Review Committee. He further advised that one of the City's major difficulties was keeping track of changes of ownership and uses with the increasing number of condominiums. Staff was asking that the condominium association assume part of the responsibility to manage the type of activities and related parking. Planner Carlson further stated that the approved floor area devoted to office is 30% and storage 70%. Interior modifications could have a direct impact on this ratio. Staff supports this project as submitted with modifications to the CC&R's. Commissioner Boblitt asked how many compact and regular parking spaces were available, She was advised the Commission had approved a maximum of 35 % of the stall spaces (92) to be compact spaces. Representing the Applicant: David Vanatta, Attorney # 1 Maritime Plaza San Francisco Page 2 of 10 Pages PC Meeting of 9/19/91 Mr. Vanatta stated that the CC&R's prepared and recorded were almost identical to those 338 N. Canal which was approved by the City Attorney's office about three years ago. He advised the Commission that there is a Board of Directors of the Association which is like an architectural committee. He advised that owners cannot change the exterior of the unit and if they do it has to be approved by the Board of Directors. He explained flexibility of the parking spaces and he felt that there was an abundance of parking spaces. He asked the Commission to approve this project with the conditions and so delete those involving modifications to the CC&R's. Commissioner Zellmer expressed his concern about setting a precedence if the CC&R was accepted, but was advised by City Attorney O'Toole that the Commission must consider every project on its own merits. Motion-BoblittjSecond-Zellmer: To approve PM-91-287 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Commissioners Warren and Wendler. 710 EI Camino Real. Shell Oil Company. UP-91-900 Use Permit and design review approval to allow an expansion and remodel of an existing gasoline service station in the C-l Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section 20.22.040( c). Representing the Applicant: Lenin Lee Concept International 1818 Gilbreth Burlingame Mr. Lee questioned condition A of the Engineering Division regarding the oil separator and asked the Commission to reconsider the requirement as it would necessitate regrading the entire site. He stated that most gas stations did not have an oil separator. City Engineer VanDohren explained that an oil separator was necessary and did not believe regrading was necessary. He stated petroleum products should be collected and not allowed in the drain system. Planner Solomon advised that typically, to mitigate adverse environmental effects, gas stations and large parking lots are required to have oil separators. Commissioner Matteucci asked staff if the County would supervise the changing of the gas tanks. Planner Kalkin confirmed that it would be supervised by the County. Motion-Matteucci/Second-Zellmer: To approve UP-91-900 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Commissioners Warren and Wendler. Page 3 of 10 Pages PC Meeting of 9/19/91 599 Railroad Avenue. Basque Cultural Center. PM-91-285 and UP-91-901 September 19, 1991 staff report presented. Representing the Applicant: Jean Gorostiague Basque Cultural Center 599 Railroad Avenue South San Francisco Mr. Gorostiague agreed with the conditions but was concerned about the height of the fence. He felt the 6 ~ high fence was necessary for security reasons. The 6 ~ high fence is proposed to be set back 5 ~ from the front property line. Since the driveway will be offset, Mr. Gorostiague did not think there would be a problem with people speeding onto the street from the parking lot. He also advised the Commission that the Center had been using the Magnolia right-of-way for parking for quite some time. They would like to continue to do so, Speaking against the Project: Jack Gray 554 Railroad Avenue Sou th San Francisco Mr. Gray explained that there always has been a parking problem in this neighborhood. The Center has many events which include approximately 500 people. He explained that the neighborhood was tired of having people park in their driveways and speeding on Railroad Avenue. Speaking against the Project: George Bernal 550 Railroad Avenue South San Francisco Mr. Bernal stated that there was so much traffic on Railroad Avenue that the average speed was 55 miles per hour. He further stated that this was not a good site for a restaurant. City Engineer Ray VanDohren stated that the City was not opposed to a 6 ~ fence but that the fence should be angled so that the line of sight from the driveway is not obstracted, Angling the fence would reduce the number of parking spaces. Planner Morton advised the Commission that at the present time the Basque Cultural Center did not have permission to use the Magnolia right-of-way. Sgt. Petrocchi advised the Commission that he knew of no major traffic or accident problems other than that radar has been used in the area. He stated that, if the Commission wished, he would check to see if the Police Department had received any complaints about parking and speeding in the area. Page 4 of 10 Pages PC Meeting of 9/19/91 Commissioner Boblitt questioned the use of the Magnolia right-of-way for parking. She asked staff about the parking requirement for 300 patrons. Planner Morton answered that the original Use Permit called for 87 spaces and that the number of required parking spaces is determined by the square footage, Commissioner Mantegani stated that if the Center had more parking spaces it would alleviate the parking on the street. If the City is not increasing the occupancy number then the extra parking should help the parking situation. Mr. Gray spoke again about the parking and the problems which the Center has caused. He stated that numerous complaints had been made by the residents of Railroad Avenue. Mr. Bernal again spoke against the project. Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Boblitt: To approve PM-91-285 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman DeZordo, Vice-Chairman Matteucci, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani and Zellmer. ABSENT: Commissioners Warren and Wendler. Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Boblitt: To approve UP-91-901 based on the findings and subject to the conditions as contained in the staff report with the clarification that, if the Cultural Center enters into an agreement with the City for the use of the Magnolia right-of-way, it need not be made inaccessible. Unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman DeZordo, Vice-Chairman Matteucci, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani and Zellmer. ABSENT: Commissioners Warren and Wendler. 326 South Airport Boulevard. International House of Pancakes and Travelodge (Ken Royce. Inc.. Owner). UP-91-898 Use Permit and design review approval to allow a restaurant remodel and to modify the parking lot at an existing hotel in the P-C Zone District subject to the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.24.030( c). I September 19, 1991 staff report presented. Applicant: James Heilbronner Architectural Dimensions 1600 S. Main St. Walnut Creek Mr. Heilbronner stated that IHOP had no general problem with the conditions attached to the staff report but did want to discuss several items for clarification. He questioned Engineering Division's condition 111(a) pertaining to a ten-year flood criteria. City Engineer VanDohren Page 5 of 10 Pages PC Meeting of 9/19/91 addressed his concern and advised the Planning Commission that the Engineering Division did not want to change this condition. Mr. Heilbronner then explained the "facelift" to the site to the Planning Commission with an exhibit. Motion-BoblittfSecond-Matteucci: To approve UP-91-898 based on the findings and subject to the conditions as contained in the staff report. It was unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman DeZordo, Vice-Chairman Matteucci, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani and Zellmer. ABSENT: Commissioners Warren and Wendler. Chairman DeZordo called for a ten-minute recess at 9:05 P,M. Chairman DeZordo called the meeting to order at 9:22 P.M. 326 South Airport Boulevard, Travelodge and International House of Pancakes, (Ken RoyceJnc., Owner), SC-91-12 Type "C" Sign application to establish a sign program for an existing hotel and restaurant in the P-C Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Sections 20.76.140 and 20.76.170, Applicant: Phil Stockstill P. O. Box 29018 Glendale Mr, Stockstill stated that the IHOP building was tucked in behind the Travelodge lobby and that they needed the signs, including the pylon sign, for identification. He stated that they would be at a loss for visual recognition if the pylon sign was removed, Commissioner Boblitt asked if there was some place else the sign could be moved to, Planner Carlson stated that it would be relocated on site, He also stated that at the present time, the City did not have any plans to widen Airport Boulevard, He further stated that the sign age on the building face was substantial enough to present identification for the building. Commissioner Matteucci asked if the sign was interfering with any traffic. Planner Carlson answered not to his knowledge. Commissioner Matteucci agreed with the applicant that IHOP was in an odd location and needed a pylon sign to identify its location, Commissioner Zellmer explained that the Sign Ordinance recognizes an unusual situation and he thought this was an unusual location and that it was visually handicapped to Airport Boulevard, He did state that he did not believe this sign was a major issue. Planner Carlson stated that three years prior the Engineering Division required that Wells Fargo remove their pylon sign and push it back and that there is precedence for removing signs in the public right-of-way. Alternatively, he suggested that the Commission could opt to phase out the Page 6 of 10 Pages PC Meeting of 9/19/91 sign in a number of years. Motion-Zellmer/Second-Matteucci: To approve SC-91-12 based on findings Option #2 and subject to the conditions with the following modifications: remove Planning Commission condition #5. The motion was denied by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Matteucci and Commissioner Zellmer. NOES: Chairman DeZordo and Commissioner Boblitt and Mantegani. Because the motion failed, a second motion was called. Motion-Matteucci/Second-Mantegani: To approve SC-91-12 based on findings Option #2 and subject to the conditions with the following modifications: remove Planning Commission condition #5 and add the following conditions: 5) Prior to the issuance of any Permit the owner shall remove the Chevron pylon sign located on the Travelodge site and, 6) The pylon sign situated in the public right-of-way along South Airport Boulevard shall be removed no later than five (5) years from the effective date of the Planning Commission's approval. It was unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman DeZordo, Vice-Chairman Matteucci, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani and Zellmer. Westborough/GellertGeneral Plan Amendment. City of South San Francisco. GP-91-43. Negative Declaration No. 723 General Plan Amendment and environmental determination of same to amend the Land Use Element to provide for medium-density residential and mixed uses at the northwest corner of Westborough Boulevard and Gellert Boulevard and to include, by reference, the Westborough/Gellert Urban Design Plan. September 19, 1991 staff report presented. Planner Morton explained that this was a project originated by the City of South San Francisco, Chairman DeZordo gave a brief history of the project explaining that the City had originally hired a consultant to prepare a Specific Plan for this area but that was not successful. A subcommittee was formed consisting of Chairman DeZordo, Commission Boblitt, Mayor Drago and Vice-Mayor Nicolopulos, The subcommittee decided to get the community involved in the formulation of an urban design plan, The committee interviewed several consultants and decided on David Gates as the consultant. A series of design schemes were explored; the neighborhood and the committee wanted to create a people place with restaurants, businesses and cafes. Speaking with concern for the project: Charles Theiss 2601 Donegal Avenue SSF Mr. Theiss said he had been involved in some of the study sessions for this development. He Page 7 of 10 Pages PC Meeting of 9/19/91 acknowledged that the subcommittee did try to involve the community but he wanted to discuss why the project was medium density. Planner Morton addressed his concerns and stated that the committee and neighborhood agreed that, in order to get the high quality and types of uses desired for the commercial areas, the developer had to be assured of a residential density to support what was desired. Medium density is defined in the General Plan as 8-15 units per acre. She further stated that the Planning Commission or Council may decide if the density of an actual proposed project is appropriate after the environmental analysis is done. Speaking in favor of the project: Mark Callan 2790 Junipero Serra Blvd. Daly City Mr. Callan stated that through the meetings, a lot of useful concerns were brought out, He also believed that the process for such a project should be streamlined in the future. Mr. Callan explained there were three issues dealing with the Design Guidelines which he had concerns about, Nos. 11, 14 and 17. Item #11 dealt with front setback requirements; item #14 concerned the useable open space and item # 17 dealt with the responsibility for providing special intersection treatment such as paving, landscaping and such. Mr, Callan also discussed the Consensus Plan prepared by David Gates and wanted the Commission to understand that this plan is how only one person views the property developed. He further stated that they looked at a small section of this plan to see if it could be built as shown and their findings were that a lot of the elements were not workable and provided a pretty stiff burden on the developer. Representing the Owner: Leonard Michaels, Architect 1015 East Hillsdale Blvd. Foster City Mr. Michaels further discussed the setback issue and the effects it would have on retaining walls. Speaking against the project: Shirley Chang 2406 Almond Court Sou th San Francisco Ms. Chang expressed her concern about the traffic. She was also concerned about carving into the hill like what was proposed with Orchard Supply. She wanted to make sure that the retaining walls were properly designed to avoid a cave-in in case of an earthquake since she lived above the site. Speaking for the project: Philip Bernheim 3606 Bassett Court Sou th San Francisco Page 8 of 10 Pages PC Meeting of 9/19/91 Mr. Bernheim stated he had attend the meetings and that this was a valuable addition to the Westborough area and to the City of South San Francisco. He asked the Commission to expedite the process with community input. Commissioner Boblitt expressed her concern about medium density. Planner Morton discussed the list of 17 proposed word changes for the Urban Design Plan from the owner's architect. The Commission agreed to 14 of the 17 proposed changes. Planner Morton explained the seven Commission-suggested changes to the Design Guidelines. Item #7 which deals with "affordable housing" was discussed at length. Commissioner Boblitt asked if at the time of development the Commission could incorporate 10 to 15% for affordable housing. Chief Planner suggested the wording be changed and not use the word "attempt". The Commission agreed on the other six items. Mr. Callan also spoke on "affordable housing" and explained that the City needs to really understand what their targets are; what is the inclusionary housing policy of the City? Planner Morton then walked the Commission through the developer's comments and the staff responses. Sgt. Petrocchi expressed his concern about item #5 of the Guidelines. He stated that the Police Department had bad experiences with pedestrian pathways and staiIways that connect two neighborhoods; such areas ending up as "dead zones". Chief Planner Solomon discussed the concept of the Consensus Plan and explained that this was only an illustration and not binding guidelines. Motion-Mantegani/Second-Matteucci: To approve the resolution recommending that the City Council approve Negative Declaration No. 723 and adopt General Plan Amendment GP-91-43. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Commissioners Warren and Wendler. Items from Staff Chief Planner Solomon discussed the selection of a possible BART station site at Chestnut Avenue or Hickey Boulevard. He stated that City Council preferred the Hickey site and would be fOlWarding a request to the BART Policy Committee to request that site be studied in the future. He advised that the Planning Commission meeting of October 17, 1991 would start at 7:00 P.M. to see a presentation from the BART staff. Sgt. Petrocchi gave an update on security for the Syufy Theatre. He stated that one of their conditions for their Use Permit was to have a second guard on the site at all times. He eXplained that Syufy has their oWn guards since they changed their on-site management. Syufy now has a Page 9 of 10 Pages PC Meeting of 9/19/91 district representative. Sgt. Petrocchi reported that in reviewing the P.D.'s daily logs they now get few if any calls about the Syufy site. Car robberies have also declined. Items from Commission There were none at this time. ;P1JJ Steve Solomon, Secretary .. Michael DeZordo, Chairman Planning Commission Planning Commission City of South San Francisco City of South San Francisco SS:ab Page 10 of 10 Pages PC Meeting of 9/19/91