HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.18.91 Minutes July 18, 1991 regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning commission (Cassette No.1) CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman DeZordo, Vice-Chairman Matteucci, Commissioners Mantegani, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. ABSENT: Commissioner Boblitt ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Solomon Steve Carlson Susy Kalkin Sandra Carl Michael O'Toole Elaine Costello Pat Martel Arthur Wong Ron Petrocchi Jim Fitzpatrick Jeff Baca Confer. Ctr. Director city Attorney Econ. & Comm. Dev. Assistant Manager Engineering Division Police Department Fire Department Building Division CHAIRMAN COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES of June 6, 1991 and June 20, 1991 Motion-Mantegani/Second-Wendler: To approve minutes dated June 6, 1991. Approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Commissioner Boblitt. ABSTAINED: Vice-Chairman Matteucci since he was not present at that meeting. Motion-Wendler/Second-Mantegani: To approve minutes dated June 20, 1991. Approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Commissioner Boblitt. ABSTAINED: Commissioners Warren and Zellmer since they were not present at that meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AGENDA ITEMS - CONSENT CALENDAR 221 Airport Boulevard, Unocal Corporation, UP-91-889 Use Permit and design review approval to allow expansion of a gasoline service station to provide for additional parking and landscaping and removal of an existing storage building in the D-C Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.26.030(c). Motion-Zellmer/Second-Warren: To continue UP-91-889 off-calendar. Approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Commissioner Boblitt. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS 451 Point San Bruno Boulevard, Genentech, Inc., UP-84-682/Mod 2, Neqative Declaration No. 720 PAGE 1 OF 10 PAGES PC Meeting of 7/18/91 AGENDA ITEMS - continued Use Permit MOdification, design review approval and environmental determination of same to allow a 23,884 square foot addition to an existing three-story research and development facility with related modifications to the parking and landscaping in the P-I Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.91. July 18, 1991 staff report presented. Applicant: Michael Edwards Genentech, Inc. 460 Pt. San Bruno Boulevard South San Francisco Mr. Edwards stated that the expansion was previously approved in 1987 but not constructed. He provided an overview of the current project. Representing the applicant: Lee Vanderkershove 246 First Street San Jose Mr. Vanderkershove explained the project drawings and explained the exterior colors and materials which will be used. He exhibited drawings and pictures of the project. He also stated that the Design Review Board comments will be incorporated into the project as mentioned in the staff report. Motion-Wendler/Second-Warren: To approve Negative Declaration No. 720 and UP-84-682/Mod 2 subject to the conditions and based on the findings in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman DeZordo, Vice-Chairman Matteucci and Commissioners Mantegani, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. ABSENT: Commissioner Boblitt. 149 South Linden Avenue, World Gym, UP-91-896, Neqative Declaration No. 722 Use Permit, design review approval and environmental determination of same to establish an indoor sports and recreation use (gym) in an existing industrial building in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code section 20.30.030(c). July 18, 1991 staff report presented. Representing the applicant: George Avanessian 400 Oyster Point Blvd., #207 South San Francisco Mr. Avanessian stated applicant agreed to all conditions. commissioner Wendler said she was glad to see this project in the industrial area. She did want to review the project again in one year in order to review the parking. Assistant Planner Kalkin explained the industrial parking standard PAGE 2 OF 10 PAGES PC Meeting of 7/18/91 AGENDA ITEMS - continued and staff's concern about the parking provided and the 76 workout stations and the potential for parking problems in the future. Planner Kalkin checked with other cities and their parking requirements were similar to South San Francisco's. Staff still had a concern even though this project exceeded the City's requirements. Motion-Warren/Second-Zellmer: To approve Negative Declaration No. 722 and UP-91-896 based on the findings and subject to the conditions as amended. Approved by the following roll call vote. Chairman DeZordo, Vice-Chairman Matteucci and Commissioners Mantegani, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. ABSENT: Commissioner Boblitt. 653 Ash Avenue. Vincent M. Jenninqs. V-91-315 Design Review and variance to allow a front yard less than the required 15 feet and a driveway apron less than the required 20 feet for a two-story addition to a single-family home in the R-1 Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.82. July 18, 1991 staff report presented. Chairman DeZordo read into record a petition against the approval of this variance signed by ten neighbors. Representing the applicant: Dan Christians 1621 River Lake Road Byron Mr. Christians stated that the applicant needed this variance due to the limitations of his handicapped wife. He also stated that there were special circumstances applicable to the property including the topography which deprives the property of privileges of other properties in the vicinity. He further stated that if granted it would not constitute a special privilege but would allow the applicant to develop the property in a similar manner with other surrounding properties. Representing the applicant: Philip Whitehead civil & Soil Engineer 4301 Hesperian Way Hayward Mr. Whitehead noted he had inspected the location and it was very stable. He explained the applicant wants to move the house horizontally and that would mean a four to five foot cut into the hillside. He stated that in 1981, '82 and '83 there were landslides but that he was confident he could design a retaining wall that would withstand the added pressure. commissioner Mantegani asked staff if the applicant did not move the existing structure would he still need a variance for an addition. Chief Planner Solomon answered the applicant would have to merge the lots. Commissioner Mantegani stated that if the Commission granted this variance they would be giving the applicant an extra lot. PAGE 3 OF 10 PAGES PC Meeting of 7/18/91 AGENDA ITEMS - continued commissioner Warren stated that the Commission would be setting a precedent if this variance was approved. Commissioner Wendler advised that this project could be done without a variance but at greater expense to the applicant. Motion-ManteganijSecond-Matteucci: To deny V-91-315 based on the findings in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair DeZordo, Vice-Chairman Matteucci, Commissioners Mantegani, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. ABSENT: Commissioner Boblitt. At this time the applicant requested to speak. Chairman DeZordo stated that the hearing was already closed. However, after consulting with the City Attorney, it was the consensus of the Commission to allow the applicant to speak even though the hearing would not be reopened or that the applicant's statements would affect the Commission's action. vincent M. Jennings 1375 21st Avenue San Francisco Mr. Jennings explained his reasons for the request of the variance and that he did not believe that this project would change the appearance of the neighborhood. Commissioner Mantegani stated that the applicant's comments would not have changed his vote. At 8:25 P.M. Chairman DeZordo adjourned the meeting for a ten-minute recess. Chairman DeZordo reopened the meeting at 8:35 P.M. 255 South Airport Boulevard, city of South San Francisco, UP-91-888, Neqative Declaration No. 716 Use Permit and environmental determination of same to establish a conference center as a major public service in an existing building with an addition, exterior modifications, parking, landscaping and signs, and to allow shared parking with two adjoining hotels and off- site parking in the P-C Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code section 20.24.030 and Chapter 20.74. July 18, 1991 staff report presented. Sandra Carl, Director of the Conference Center, introduced members of the Conference Center Board, Chairman Chris Hughes and Joe Ercoli, Management Consultant, Charles H. Johnson from KPMG Peat Marwick, Charles Hamm, Architect and Jeurgen Fehr, Traffic Consultant. Mrs. Carl reviewed the parking and traffic issue noting that the proposed additional 278 off,site parking spaces near the Travelodge would be adequate for the functional package to operate. She said PAGE 4 OF 10 PAGES PC Meeting of 7/18/91 AGENDA ITEMS - continued that the Holiday Inn and the Radisson Inn had committed to absorbing the cost of the off-site parking lot and had made the necessary arrangements with the Travelodge, the lease holder. Co-applicant: Jim Raine Holiday Inn 245 South Airport Boulevard South San Francisco Mr. Raine advised the Commission that the Holiday Inn joined wholeheartedly in this project. He stated the center would not only help the Holiday Inn but also the community. He noted that at this time hotels are struggling and the conference center is greatly needed. Co-applicant: Dave Connor Radisson Inn 275 South Airport Boulevard South San Francisco Mr. Connor agreed with Mr. Raine of the importance of the conference center at this time. He stated the occupancy rate has declined approximately 10% the first six months of 1991. Mr. Chris Hughes, Chairman of the Conference Center Board, stated the Board recognized the gravity of the. issues raised by the Commission and felt that the Board had taken the necessary steps to make sure these concerns had been addressed. with the information presented at this meeting and the supplemental studies he felt that this project would be successful. Mr. Joe Ercoli, owner of the Leaning Tower Restaurant and President of the Conference Center Board, reiterated that the community needs this conference center. Many people in the community expressed their desire for the conference center to him. Representing the Applicant: Charles Jones Parking Consultant, KPMG Mr. Jones commented on the parking issues. He stated that his evaluation concluded that the parking ration was sufficient for this project. Mr. Jones stated that the study included a review of other conference centers and the average range of parking spaces was between 1.8 and 1.3 per motel room and that this project was in that range; 1.7 spaces per hotel room with the satellite lot. He explained that the center would know well in advance when scheduling peak events and would have time to manage the parking resources. Representing the applicant: Jeurgen Fehr Fehr & Peers Assoc. 3685 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #301 Lafayette Mr. Fehr advised the Commission that he had prepared an addendum to the earlier traffic study which responded to the Commission's traffic PAGE 5 OF 10 PAGES PC Meeting of 7/18/91 AGENDA ITEMS - continued concerns; the study had analyzed two additional intersections and expanded the pedestrian circulation analysis. Mr. Fehr stated that the report dovetailed with the parking study. Senior Planner Carlson read into record a letter from Mr. Dell'Angela dated July 15, 1991 asking that this project be continued for two weeks. Speaking in favor of the project: Tina Derianto Comfort suites 121 Grand Avenue South San Francisco Ms. Derianto commented that the people of the Holiday Inn and Radisson Inn had worked many hours generously of their time and money and were a very committed group to their business and the community. Ms. Derianto asked the Commission for their support for this project. She stated the City did not need additional hotels but increased occupancy. Speaking in favor of the project: Robert Tschupp General Manager Crown Sterling suites 250 Gateway Boulevard South San Francisco Mr. Tschupp explained to the Commission that he had been out of town when the petition was circulated in favor of this project but that he would sign it now even though it was a little late. Speaking in favor of the project: Jim Claire Mr. Claire stated he was one of the 80% of the community voters that voted for this center. He commented that all the taxpayers knew we needed this conference center; it would generate greater income for the community. commissioner Zellmer stated that the Commission would have to continually review the parking situation. He asked if it would be possible to have an independent consultant review the parking on a yearly basis. He also commented that this was the first time in the last five years that staff packaged 3 projects into one as a "functional package." How will we be assured that it will not change down the road. Michael O'Toole, City Attorney, answered that the city could have a long-term lease or grant of parking easements. Chief Planner Solomon noted that the use permit that includes both of the hotels; if in the future the hotels no longer opted to be a part of the "functional package," the use permit would no longer be valid. Commissioner Wendler asked if the city could have something in writing to guarantee the hotels' participation. PAGE 6 OF 10 PAGES PC Meeting of 7/18/91 AGENDA ITEMS - Continued City Attorney O'Toole stated that a contract or recorded easement would be appropriate. Commissioner Zellmer stated that this should be a condition of the project. He also was concerned that the traffic study was being handled as a minor issue. Mr. Fehr, Traffic Consultant, responded to Commissioner Zellmer's and Commissioner Mantegani's questions. Planner Carlson explained condition #5 to the Commission. commissioner Warren stated she would like to see traffic information coming to the Commission about every six months either from the Engineering Division or as part of the conditions. This would be after the conference center opened. Commissioner Warren also indicated that she wanted a condition limiting the center's maximum occupancy to 1200 people. Planner Carlson explained to Commissioner Warren the parking requirements on page 6 of the staff report. He also explained the chart on page 8 on the parking ratio on different hotels that are near to conference centers in other cities. Representing the Applicant: Charles Hamm Group 4 301 Linden Avenue South San Francisco Mr. Hamm explained the design of the conference center; the colors that will be used and explained minor modifications. Commissioner Warren commented that, in general, she was pleased with the presentation of the project at this time. She remarked that the city and government agencies have a tendency to do what they please. She stated it was incumbent on this City to abide by the same rules and procedures imposed on private projects. commissioner Warren stated she was still uncomfortable with the parking situation and the traffic impact. She did state, however, that the satellite parking mitigated her concerns regarding a 1,200 person event. commissioner Mantegani stated he was concerned about the parking problems down the road; six months or a year from now when the facility is open to the public. commissioner Wendler stated that since the hotels are now co- applicants, the hotels are committed to make this project work but to her, the number one issue is the parking. She questioned the length of the PG&E agreement. Director Carl stated it was a long-term lease which has a 90-day cancellation clause. Planner Carlson explained to the Commission that the Commission had approved similar agreements for parking lots on PG&E lands. Commissioner Wendler questioned whether the 1,200 maximum occupancy policy could be change. Director Carl answered it would have to be PAGE 7 OF 10 PAGES PC Meeting of 7/18/91 AGENDA ITEMS - continued recommended by the Board and then approved by City Council. Commissioner Warren wanted to make sure that there was a condition limiting the maximum capacity to 1,200 persons. Commissioner Warren advised staff that she would like the parking and traffic elements reviewed as separate issues. Chief Planner Solomon advised that the Commission could direct Engineering or Planning or an outside consultant to undertake the annual review. commissioner Warren stated that she would like to see the Planning Division oversee the review to be performed by an outside consultant. commissioner Wendler cited a number of instances where the "shoulds" in the Police Department conditions be changed to "shalls." She noted that the other hotels in the City will benefit from this center; the City will benefit by tax monies and also businesses will share in the benefits. She commented on the hard work to try to address all the concerns of the Commission. Director Carl stated she had no problem with changing the "shoulds" to "shall" but after discussing Condition #2 of these conditions, asked for some latitude to study this further. Sgt. Petrocchi, Police Department, advised the Commission that both the Conference Center Director and himself had worked closely with each other since the inception of this project. They both had the same concerns about security. Sgt. Petrocchi had no problem with a looser requirement and was sure that they could work out a system. Director Carl addressed the issue of the shuttle service and stated that hotels will provide shuttle service but as yet had not worked on the wording. commissioner Matteucci stated that this project had come a very long way; most of his concerns had been addressed. His main concerns were parking and the traffic impact. commissioner Matteucci commented that the City needed this center and if everyone worked together he was sure that South San Francisco could be an even better City than it already is. Chairman DeZordo commented that he has heard various comments that this project is the Holiday InnjRadisson Inn Conference Center. Mr. Raine of the Holiday Inn advised the Commission that they had supported Measure A and had campaigned to have this issue on the ballot. Back in 1984 to 1986 there was not the hotel development that there is now. He believed that hotel supply in the market place had increased approximately 65%. Today, Mr. Raine continued, there is an oversupply of hotel rooms for the amount of people that come here. He said it was very important to increase the demand for hotel rooms. The hotel businesses needed to create a reason to come here. They believed the conference center would do this. Mr. Raine stated that he would have supported this project even if the Holiday was not a co-applicant because this project will help all hotels. Mr. Connors stated he felt the same was as Mr. Raine. The Radisson Inn would have supported this project regardless of the location of the conference center. He stated that they had sat down with all the PAGE 8 OF 10 PAGES PC Meeting of 7/18/91 AGENDA ITEMS - continued motels and hotels in the City and they all felt very strongly about the conference center. Hotels and motels work on an overflow system. Mr. Raine advised the Commission that the Travelodge had just renovated in the amount of $3,500,000.00 and that they were very excited about the conference center. commission and staff review the modified conditions: 1) change the "shoulds" to "shall" under the Police Department conditions as cited. 2) Add a condition for a maximum center occupancy of 1,200 people. 3) Condition #7 which would make the Planning Commission the reviewing body for the annual parking and traffic report to be prepared by an outside consultant. 4) An easement and/or contract to insure parking availability at the Holiday Inn and Radisson Inn in the future. City Attorney O'Toole commented that it would be preferable to have an easement and/or contract that is irrevocable. Motion-Commissioner Wendler/Seconded-Warren: To approve Negative Declaration No. 716 and UP-91-888 based on the findings in the staff report and subject to the modified conditions. It was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman DeZordo, Vice-Chairman Matteucci, Commissioners Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. NOES: Commissioner Mantegani. ABSENT: Commissioner Boblitt. ITEMS FROM STAFF Chief Planner spoke briefly about the interviews for the new Associate Planner. He also discussed briefly a conference he had attended in Long Beach and stated he would be sending out a newsletter with some good ideas. Planner Carlson talked briefly about the Santa Clara Development at 1400 El Camino Real and stated that staff was concerned about the findings for denial. This project had been forwarded to City Council but had been suggested that it come back to staff for more findings. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION commissioner Warren discussed briefly the Good Year Tire store on Grand Avenue and was advised that they had applied for new signs. She was also advised that the use permit runs with the land. commissioner Mantegani advised staff that there is a construction trailer on Randolph Street. city Engineer Art Wong explained that they were aware of this and would be looking into this further. Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Matteucci: To cancel the August 1, 1991 Planning commission meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Chairman DeZordo adjourned the meeting at 10:47 P.M. to August 15, 1991, 7:30 P.M. PAGE 9 OF 10 PAGES PC Meeting of 7/18/91 I:rv hIJLf;)lj\; steve Solomon, Secretary Planning commission City of South San Francisco o 0.r I~ 1 ~ ~ JJr fA; ]~ (1 :r<{ichael DeZordo, Ch Planning Commission City of South San Francisco , .1 WI! MD:SS:ab PAGE 10 OF 10 PAGES PC Meeting of 7/18/91