HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.16.91 Minutes
Regular Meeting of May 16, 1991
(Cassette No.1)
Vice-Chairman Matteucci, Commissioners Boblitt,
Mantegani and Zellmer. ABSENT: Chairman DeZordo
and Commissioner Wendler.
*commissioner Zellmer arrived at 7:39 P.M.
Planning Division
Steve Solomon
Maureen K. Morton
Susy Kalkin
Of cr. M. Dickson
Mike Baird
Police Department
Building Division
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of April 18, 1991
Due to a lack of quorum, the minutes were/not approved until the end
of the meeting.
710 Airport Boulevard, Sierra Inn Motel Partners, UP-91-892
Use Permit and design review approval to allow construction of an
additional unit, a new laundry and storage space and to eliminate two
parking spaces at an existing motel in the P-C Zone District in
accordance with provisions of SSFMC section 20.24.030(c).
May 16, 1991 staff report presented.
commissioner Boblitt asked staff if the parking spaces were standard
size or compact. Planner Kalkin answered they were standard.
Motion-Boblitt/Second-Warren: To approve UP-91-892 subject to the
conditions and based on the findings in the staff report. Approved
by the following roll call vote. AYES: Vice-Chairman Matteucci,
Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani and Warren. ABSENT: Chairman
DeZordo and Commissioner Wendler. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Zellmer
who arrived too late to vote on this project.
PC Meeting of 5/16/91
221 Airport Boulevard. Unocal Corporation (D. W. Ratto. owner). UP-
May 16, 1991 staff report presented.
Representing the applicant:
John Knott
Robert Lee & Assoc.
1137 No. McDowell
Mr. Knott stated the station has been there for over 50 years. The
reason for additional parking was to make the site "user-friendly."
They were willing to close the driveway (driveway #2 in the study)
and landscape it. The applicant proposed landscaping a four-foot
strip along the westerly property line (the Zoning Ordinance requires
6' minimum width landscape strip) but to extend that strip would
eliminate two of the eight parking spaces proposed there. Mr. Knott
asked the Commission for a compromise.
commissioner Warren asked staff the width of the tandem parking
spaces. Senior Planner Morton answered 8~ feet wide. Commissioner
Warren stated she preferred the parking spaces to the landscaping.
commissioner Mantegani stated that he did not like the present state
of the service station and was concerned with the possibility that
Unocal would never make improvements to this site. Planner Morton
did advise the Commission that this site was in the Downtown
Redevelopment Area. Commissioner Mantegani inquired as to the
possibility of having a "state-of-the-art" Unocal station now.
Chief Planner Solomon stated that the City would like a visually
pleasing entry to the downtown area and would like to see an office
building or some other strong architectural feature.
Commissioner Boblitt stated that since this station is an entrance to
the city, it should be "state-of-the-art."
commissioner Zellmer stated that this station would probably be
around for the next ten years. The precedent that this commission
has taken is to require "state-of-the-art" for gas stations.
commissioner Mantegani questioned the percentage of the landscaping.
Planner Morton stated it would be over 8%. Commissioner Manteg'ani
stated that the Commission had this opportunity to request a "state-
of-the-art" gas station and should.
commissioner Zellmer agreed and asked the Commission to ask for the
best possible plan for this site and request site improvements with
Vice-Chairman Matteucci expressed his concern about traffic problems
and with the design and agreed with the Commissioners about it being
an entrance to the City and an important site.
PC Meeting of 5/16/91
Commissioner Warren asked Mr. Knott what would be involved in
upgrading the station?
Mr. Knott stated there were many degrees of upgrading. He felt
Unocal was in a vulnerable position because of the redevelopment
potential and the station being a non-conforming use. Mr. Knott
stated that more landscaping was being added to beautify this site.
He understood the concerns of, the Commission but felt Unocal was
caught in the middle.
commissioner Mantegani asked about the redevelopment program; what
are the guidelines and when can we expect to see changes.
Chief Planner Solomon stated redevelopment could come in five years
but the Department was in the process of bringing in new staff and no
plan was currently available. He advised the Commission if they so
desired they could continue the matter and have the applicant go
before the Design Review Board.
A concern of the Commission was that ifUnocal made major
improvements to this site and then down the road the City wanted
something else in that site, we would be "cutting our own throats."
commissioner Zellmer agreed with Commissioner Boblitt that this was
their opportunity to ask for the upgrade. 'He believed it would be
ten years before there was any redevelopment in the downtown area and
that any improvements made would be amortized.
The Commission discussed the possibility of continuing the case if
the applicant was willing to bring back a proposed upgrade plan. Mr.
Knott explained that his client did not want to put millions of
dollars to upgrade this station, if in the near future, the City
wanted something else on that site. He stated that it had been
modernized about ten years ago and that the tanks had been replaced
about three years ago. This station is not on the docket for major
construction in the near future.
Commissioner Warren stated that she could see the predicament the
applicant was in because of the uncertainty of the future of this
site but she did want to see this area significantly upgraded.
Motion-Warren/no second: To approve UP-91-881 subject to the
conditions and based on the findings with the elimination of
conditlon #4.
For lack of a second the motion died.
Representing the applicant:
Natalie Mead
Union oil
Ms. Mead advised the Commission that Union oil is proposing to open a
service station with a minimart in another community, which is what
would be proposed with an upgrade at this location. She stated that
they had received quite a bit of opposition from other cities about
PC Meeting of 5/16/91
having a minimart on the site and wasn't sure how South San Francisco
felt about it.
Motion-Boblitt/Second-Mantegani: To continue this application with
direction to upgrade the station, refer the application to the Design
Review Board and return to the Planning Commission on July 18, 1991.
At this time commissioner Warren moved to table the motion in order
to reopen to public hearing for the purpose of giving the applicant
two minutes to speak. Commissioner Zellmer seconded the motion.
Approved by voice vote.
Mr. Knott did not believe the applicant would proceed with an
upgrade, other than that which is reflected in the application,
including removal of the driveway and the landscaping. He asked for
the Commission's leniency. The hearing was closed again.
The tabled motion was approved by the following roll call vote.
AYES: Commissioner Boblitt, Mantegani and Zellmer. NOES: Vice~
Chairman Matteucci and Warren. ABSENT: Chairman DeZordo and
Commissioner Wendler.
900 Linden Avenue. Robert Orr (Marv Lonati. owner). UP-91-890)
Use Permit to allow establishment of a produce market with outdoor
display racks in an existing building within 200 feet of a
residential zone in the C-1 Zone District in accordance with
provisions of SSFMC Sections 20.22.030 and 20.22.070(c).
Vice-Chairman Matteucci removed himself from the dais. because of
conflict of interest. He turned the meeting over to commissioner
May 16, 1991 staff report presented.
Robert Orr
600 Keoncrest
Mr. Orr stated that he thought this would be very beneficial to the
commissioner Warren was concerned about the hours of operation. She
asked about the trucks delivering the produce. Planner Morton stated
that the applicant himself would go to the produce terminal and
deliver the produce to the site in a pickup truck.
Mr. Orr explained to the Commission that everything would be done
inside of the building before the store opened.
Commissioner Boblitt had two concerns; she wanted to have a six and
twelve month review; and she wanted to have the portable display
cases taken in at night (make this condition #10).
PC Meeting of 5/16/91
commissioner Zellmer was concerned about condition #5 regarding
parking. Planner Morton assured the Commission that the applicant
had enough parking spaces to satisfy the Zoning Ordinance.
Motion-Warren/Second~Boblitt: To approve UP-91-890 subject to the
revised conditions and based on the findings in the staff report..
Approved by the following roll call vote. AYES: Vice-Chairman
Matteucci, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Warren and Zellmer.
ABSENT: Chairman DeZordo and Commissioner Wendler.
Vice-Chairman Matteucci returned to the dais.
650 Dubuque Avenue. Cal Billv's (Elbert Bressie. Owner) .UP-91-891
Use Permit to establish an indoor driving range with accessory retai1
activity within an existing building in the P-C Zone District in
accordance with provisions of SSFMC section 20.24.030(c). The staff
requested a continuance to allow the applicant to submit more
Motion-Boblitt/Second-Warren: To continue UP-91-891 to June 6, 1991.
Approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Chairman DeZordo and Commissioner
Items from Staff
Chief Planner Solomon requested that the Commission set a special
meeting in late June or early July dealing with the Conference
Center. He also advised the Commission that the traffic study would
not be available until June 18, 1991. Since the July 4th meeting
will be cancelled, Chief Planner Solomon ~sked the Commission for
another convenient date.
1991. Approved by voice vote.
Commissioner Wendler.
'To hold a special meeting on July 11,
ABSENT: Chairman DeZordo and
Items from Commission
Commissioner Boblitt expressed her concern about the project at
Appian Way and Gellert (Sunrise). She stated that the applicant was
in litigation but she wanted staff to keep a close eye on this
project. She also stated that the lot next to the Sunrise project
had a wall with the outside frames removed. She recalled that when
the property was sold the Commission advised the new owner to remove
this wall but did not stipulate this as a condition on the use
permit. At the present time, this owner has stopped building and the
use permit has almost expired. Commissioner Boblitt asked staff if
it was possible for the City to/take the wall down and put a lien on
the property. Chief Planner Solomon stated that if the wall was
declared a nuisance it could probably be removed but it would be a
question for the Council. Commissioner Boblitt also expressed her
concern about the danger on this lot with half-built houses and no
PC Meeting of 5/16/91
guard to protect the'children who will be playing,there during the
Chief Planner Solomon reiterated the Commission's concerns which were
to have staff explore, with the City Attorney, the ability of the
city to pursue a nuisance abatement regarding the wall and providing
security on the st. Francis Heights project and the need for a
security guard on the Sunrise project.
commissioner Mantegani asked staff where he should direct questions
about the maintenance of landscaping projects (private projects where
the City took over the landscaping strips). Chief Planner Solomon
stated that he thought he should direct questions to Park and
Recreation but would check and get back to him.
Chief Planner Solomon advised the Commission that our new City
Attorney is Michael O'Toole from Gardenia who will be joining the
City on June 15, 1991. A decision on whether the City will have a
Deputy City Attorney will be made at a later date.
At this time the minutes of April 18, 1991 were approved.
Motion-Boblitt/Second-Zellmer: To approve the April 18, 1991 minutes
as presented. Approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Chairman DeZordo and
Commissioner Wendler. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Warren who was not
present at the April 18, 1991 meeting.
vice-Chairman Matteucci adjourned
1991 at 7:30 P.M.
Stev 'Solomon, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
the meeting at 8:50 P.M. to June 6,
euc i, vice~Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
PC Meeting of 5/16/91