HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.07.91 Minutes January 17, 1991 regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning commission (Cassette No.1) CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Mantegani, Vice-Chairman DeZordo, Commissioners Boblitt, Matteucci, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Solomon Maureen K. Morton Steve Carlson Ken Cordes Arthur Wong Dennis Chuck Ron Petrocchi Jeff Baca Engineering Division Police Department Building Division CHAIRMAN COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES of December 20, 1991 Motion-Matteucci/Second-Warren: To approve the December 20, 1990 minutes as presented. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC ITEMS - CONSENT ITEMS Lawrence B.Calvi (Ciro Calvi. Owner). 345 Shaw Road. UP-89-850 One year time extension of an approved Use Permit to allow the construction of an operable vehicle storage facility and a caretaker's residence in the M-1 Industrial District, in accordance with the provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.30 and 20.81. Motion-Warren/-Second-Matteucci: To approve consent item as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Schenkers International Forwarders. 380 Littlefield Avenue. UP-83- 661/Mod 2. Neqative Declaration No. 708 Use Permit and environmental determination of same to allow the construction of a 36,500 square foot expansion of an.existing office and warehouse facility with related parking and landscaping, which will generate more than 100 daily vehicle trips, located in the P-I Planned Industrial District, in accordance with the provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.22. January 17, 1991 staff report presented. PAGE 1 OF 6 PAGES January 17, 1991 PC Mtg. AGENDA ITEMS - Cont. Applicant: Jim Mollison 130 Dundee So. San Francisco Mr. Mollison agreed with the staff report as presented and was available for questions. Motion-Warren/Second-DeZordo: To approve Negative Declaration No. 708 and UP-83-661/Mod 2. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Clarmil International Corp. (Goldilock's). 3565 Callan Boulevard. UP-87-804/Mod 1 Use Permit Modification to delete the removal of an existing driveway access adjacent to the northwest property line of an existing retail store at the corner of Callan and Westborough Boulevards, located. in the C-1 Retail Commercial District, in accordance with the provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.22. January 17, 1991 staff report presented. Representing the Applicant: Jun Soliven, Architect 2 Hardwood ct. Pleasant Hill Mr. Soliven asked the Commission to reverse the findings of staff, which was to deny this modification, since the driveway is already existing and the landscaping is not jeopardized. He stated that they still exceeded the 10% landscaping requirement. This project involved the addition of almost 7,000 sq. ft. of floor area and stated that traffic would be increased and egress from the side would be essential and would be provided for if the drivway was allowed to remain. Speaking in favor of the project: Jeff Fergot Project Architect Long's Drugs Walnut Creek Mr. Fergot was concerned about the traffic and visual impact their trucks would cause leaving the site if the driveway to Callan Boulevard was removed. Speaking against the project: A. Waters 2266 Shannon Drive So. San Francisco Mr. Waters was concerned about the amount of traffic. commissioner Boblitt stated her concerns about the steep grading of the driveway and also about the exit of cars and trucks onto Callan Boulevard. Motion-Boblitt/Second-Warren: To accept as adequate Negative Declaration No. 594 and deny UP-87-804/Mod 1. Approved by the following roll call vote. AYES: Chairman Mantegani, Vice-Chairman PAGE 2 OF 6 PAGES January 17, 1991 PC Mtg. AGENDA ITEMS - Cont. DeZordo and Commissioners Boblitt, Mattuecci, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. Diana BYers. GP-90-42 Proposed amendment to the City's General Plan to modify Land Use Policy Number 29 to allow the addition of drive-thru windows at fast food restaurants which existed prior to January 1, 1991, in accordance with the provisions of South San Francisco, Municipal Code Chapter 20.88. January 17, 1991 staff report presented. Applicant: Diana Byers 32248 Greenbrook Union City Mrs. Byers spoke at length about her McDonald's franchise. She stated that the reason for the General Plan amendment request was to do two things; 1) to open the door so that businesses, if modified, can remain competitive and, 2) develop the amendment language so that it would remain restrictive enough to maintain the character of the community. Mrs. Byers addressed staff's concerns on traffic, loitering, odors/air quality, litter and noise. Mrs. Byers addressed staff's concerns about the drive-thru window's intended exit through a right-of-way behind and west of Arco onto Westborough Boulevard with no provision for directional controls causing great traffic problems on Westborough. She stated that since their plan was to keep the drive-thru completely within the property boundaries and exiting through the existing directional-controlled Gellert entry this would not present a problem. She stated that drive-thru windows actually eliminate loitering by facilitating quicker service and decreasing the need for patrons to park their cars to make purchases. As for odors/air quality, Mrs. Byers advised the Commission that today's cars are equipped with catalytic converters which are the most efficient when they are hot. The applicant stated that at a cost of about $25.00 per week over the last four years McDonald's has regularly picked up all litter in every direction from their store. Since McDonald's is very close to Arco and Exxon and being under the flight path for the San Francisco International Airport they are subjected to tremendous noise at the present time. The volume for the orderboard speaker is set at 73 decibles 4 feet from the speaker and would not create any problems for neighborhood residences since they are hundreds of feet away. Mrs. Byers presented the Commission with a copy of a support letters from local community organizations and individuals. PAGE 3 OF 6 PAGES January 17, 1991 PC Mtg. AGENDA ITEMS - Cont. The following people spoke in favor of the project. Mrs. Byers is very well known and respected in the community. Gerald Simotas 2760 Tipperary So. San Francisco Westborough Homeowner's Ass. Carol Chin 154 Valleyview Way So. San Francisco (Cassette No.2) Jake Jones 12 EI Campo Drive So. San Francisco Park & Rec. Commissioner Anne Waters 2266 Shannon Drive So. San Francisco Albert Waters 2266 Shannon Drive So. San Francisco Barbara Battaya 665 Spruce Avenue So. San Francisco commissioner Warren expressed her concern about the issue of a ganeral plan amendment and what doors would be opened in regards to the other seven fast food restuarants; all would have the same privileges as sought by the applicant. commissioner Zellmer questioned staff whether restaurants on EI Camino Real had the right to have drive-thru windows. Planner Morton stated that she interpreted Policy 29 as meaning no drive-thru windows were allowed in the City. Chief Planner Solomon addressed Commissioner Warren's question as to whether this project could be approached without doing it city-wide. Chief Planner Solomon stated that they could define a set of criteria establishing the area where the policy would apply but the criteria must be objective reasons why the City would allow the use in one location and not the other. commissioner Boblitt stated that with Sharp Park opening soon and traffic increasing, an Environmental Impact Report would certainly be in order. commissioner Warren suggested a joint meeting with City Council for help in interpreting Policy 29. It was the consensus of the Commission to continue this application. Chairman Mantegani also suggested a joint workshop with the City Council to discuss the issue. Motion-Warren/Second-Boblitt: To continue off-calendar to allow a study session to consider the CEQA requirements and land use issues of drive-thru facilities for fast food restaurants. It was approved by voice vote. NOES: Commissioner Zellmer. At 9:05 P.M. Chairman Mantegani adjourned the meeting for a 10 minute recess. Chairman Mantegani readjourned the meeting at 9:18 P.M. PAGE 4 OF 6 PAGES January 17, 1991 PC Mtg. AGENDA ITEMS - Cont. city of South San Francisco. ZA-90-64 Zoning Amendment to Title 20 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to establish design and siting criteria for flag poles. January 17, 1991 staff report presented. A discussion ensued about this zoning amendment. The staff noted that it was Acting City Attorney Haile's opinion that State and national flags are covered under Freedom of Speech. A corporate flag is considered a sign and staff is proposing to limit the size of one flag to 35 square feet. Motion-Zellmer/Second-Warren: To adopt the resolution recommending that the City Council approve ZA-90-64. Approved by voice vote. AYES: Chairman Mantegani, Vice-Chairman DeZordo, commissioners Matteucci, Warren and Zellmer. NOES: Commissioners Boblitt and Wendler. Reorqanization of Planninq Commission Nominations for Chairman were opened. Motion-Mantegani/Second-Warren: To elect Vice-Chairman DeZordo for Chairman. Approved by voice vote. Nominations for Vice-Chairman were opened. Motion-Boblitt/Second-Zellmer: To elect Commissioner Matteucci for Vice-Chairman. Approved by voice vote. NOES: Commissioner Matteucci. Incoming Chairman DeZordo presented outgoing Chairman Mantegani with a plaque and thanked him for a job well done this past year. Chairman Mantegani stated that his year as Chairman had been very enjoyable and wished the new Chairman the very best. He then turned the meeting over to Chairman DeZordo. commissioner Wendler commented that Commissioner Mantegani has done an excellent job as Chairman being very fair and patient. Items from Staff Planner Morton advised the Commission that the Planning commission had sent the Parking Company of America (UP-88-828 and UP-88-828/Mod a) a letter outlining several ongoing violations at 160 Produce Avenue. Staff's concern is that almost three years have passed since the Use Permit was approved subject to certain conditions. The site has been used consistently during this time and there are related violations of the Building Code. Staff asked directtion from the Commission. Speaking for the Applicant: George Avanessian 400 Oyster Point Blvd. So. San Francisco PAGE 5 OF 6 PAGES January 17, 1991 PC Mtg. 'Mr. Avanessian stated that SamTrans has taken almost two years to clear the site which had contamination. He also stated that Mr. Chaves had had numerous problems with his contractor in completing the site work. Mr. Avanessian advised the Commission that work had been started in May but that it was taking longer than expected. He was hopeful that the work could be completed in 60 days. commissioner Zellmer in the past had abstained from discussion or vote on this issue because of the vendor relations with his prior employer. Since this is no longer an issue, unless directed otherwise, he saw no reason to abstain. Chairman DeZordo directed staff to establish a two-month extension to resolve the problems and to come into total complaince. If not, revocations proceedings will be started. Chief Planner Solomon briefly discussed the EI Camino study Area and the urgency ordiance which will be going before City Council. He also discussed the car rental agency ordinance which had gone to City Council. Chief Planner Solomon also advised the Commission that Pete Pederson had resigned from the Design Review Board. Chief Planner Solomon asked the Commission if they would be interested in meeting with the City Manager for a few minutes before the next regularly scheduled meeting to discuss concerns and feelings the Commission might want to discuss with Mr. Armas. Commissioner Wendler expressed her desire to meet the new Assistant City Manager. Items from Commission commissioner Warren stated that a trench on Airport Boulevard was causing traffic problems. commissioner Wendler had observed that the Price Club was violating one of their conditions by not clearing the parking lot of boxes. Commissioner Warren would like to have the recycling company pick up p~ior to the scavenger pickup. Chief Planner Solomon suggested having a study session on February 7, 19i91 to study the general plan amendment, the open space issue and to prepare an agenda for the study session with the City Council. Chairman DeZordo adjourned the 19191 at 7: 30 P. M. ~~!It ) Steve Solomon, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco meeting at 9:58 P.M. to February 7, f .~~~zhL, Ch Planning Commission City of South San Francisco MD': SS: ab PAGE 6 OF 6 PAGES January 17, 1991 PC Mtg.