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Tb C~ty ~unc~ of tho C~ty o~ South S~ Francisco
f~IOI 1. DIFIIITIOHS. UnXoms tho contoxt s~ctftctl~y tndtcatos
ot~tmo, the Martials of tos umod tn thZm ordZn~co m~XX ~
~ t~ qu~tlty of ozy~n uttXtsod tn tho btoc~mtctl oztdatton
orlttic nttor undsr standard 1a~ratory proceduro Zn fZvo (5)
at twnty dofroos (20') ~nttfra~; and shall ~ oxprommod tn ~rtm
~r mZXXZon by wtfht.
~.2 ~Ctty* sha11 soan tb City of 8outh hn FrancZsco.
1.3 *kpirtMnt of hbllc btlth** shll aoan t~ bpar~ont
of hbltc bslth o~ Ctty.
1.4 WDZroetor' s,1l Man tho DZrector of hbltc Iorks
Ctty, or ~m authort~d ~puty, tfont~ or ropromontat1ve.
1.5 *h~1y* s~1l Man any nu~r o~ ~rmon8 1tvtnf to-
pt,r u a fmtly unit.
1.6 '~rb~' ~11 Man mol~d mtos fr~ t~
~~, and d~s~nf of f~, ~d fr~ t~ ~ndl~nK, mtor~, tad
oalo of produco, uPro~rly Ground hrbqo' ~11 M~ t~ w~tom fr~
~ p~rat~on, cookinK, and d~o~nm~nf of foods t~t ~ve ~n
Kr~ad to much a dofroe t~t all ~rt~clo8 ~y bo carr~od froely
u~r t~ flor cond~t~o~ noilly prova~l~nf ~n public soworg.
1.7 '~e' s~ll Man fre~o, o~1, fat, or othor ethor-
oolublo ~ttor; ~d ~11 ~ exp~msod ~n parts ~r a~ll~on by w~fht.
n. "~is~r~ed ~z~e" sh~ll m~an g~ ~hich is not
fi.stable groa~e.
b. "Floatabl~ ~re~e= e~l mean g~ v~eh float~
to tb surface of quiescent sowqo, utor, or et~r l~quid, or which
floats u~n dilution of tb liquid with water.
1.8 "Natural ~tlet" shll ~ any .utlot Jato a water-
courmop ~nd, ditch, l~o, ~y, oce~, or ot~r ~dy of surface water;
or outlet into the ~r~ad water.
1.9 "~roon" I~ll ~ any individual, fi~, cmp~y,
association, soaiety, cor~ratton, er ~p.
1.10 "p~ l~ll Ham tb lo~ith of tb rec~p~cal ef t~
wight of hydregon ion in ~rm ~r liter of solution.
1.11 "bsideatial Preaisel" ~11 sen premises u,d u a
1.12 "lew~" ~11 Mu water-carried wutes frs ~si~n~s,
~sinoos buildin~, lntitutie~, ~d lnhmtr~al eatablis~nts, to-
~otbr with such ~r~nd, surfak, and mte~ waters as may ~ present,
or ~y e~bintion of ouch w~toa ~d waters, and ~11 include:
a. "Industrial l~tom", w~ch ~11 ~oan tb wastes from
pr~ueiq, mufacturia~, a~ pr~eooi~ o~ratiens of every kind or
b. "lto~ la~r", w~oh ~11 Man t~ flow in sewrs
rooultia~ fr~ rainfall.
c. "~itary ~o", whieh ~11 moan t~t ~lon of
so~ oxeluoivo of industr~al m~a ~d mto~ uter.
1.13 "bule Truant Pint" ~11 ~ any armMat of
devi~ ~d st~cturos used for tmtiq sewage.
1.14 ~bw~e Works" s~ll Man all se~rs and faeilitios
ouod er ~Fat~ by City for oarryinl, collecting, pup~, t~attng,
and dio~~ of se~lo.
1.15 "bwr' shall M~ a pi~ or conduit for carrying
a. "~bl~c ~r" .~11 ~aa a .e~r which ~s
by City.
b. 'Sanitary Sewer' shall mean a sewer to which storm,
surfaco, and ground waters ar® not int®ntiomally a4mittmd.
c. UStorm Seweru or 'Storm Drain' shall moan a sewer
which carrion storm and surfaco waters but from which sewage and
polluted industrial wastes are excluded.
d. 'Juilding Soweru shall moan tho sower connecting
tho house or structure on tho property to tho public sower.
1.16 "Shall' is nandatory; 'lay" is permissive.
1.17 ~Suporintondontu shall mean tho Supurtntondont of
Sanitation of C~ty, or his authorisod deputy, agent, or representatives
1.18 'Suopond, d Sol~da' shall moan solids that either float
on the surfa~o of, or are in suspunsion tn, water, sewage, or other
liquids, and which are removable by labora$ory filtering; and shall ho
expressed in parts pur million by weights
1.19 'Watercourse' shall moan a ohaanol tn which a flow of
water occurs, o~thor continuously or ~ntormittently.
3.1 All sewage shall bo d~zoharfod to public sanitary sowers
exoept as hereinafter provided.
2.2 It shall bo unlawful for any purson to place, deposit,
or purmit to bo deposited in an insanitary manner upon public or pri-
vate prepurty within the City of South San Francisco, or in any area
under tho Jurl]dictton of said City,' any human or an4mal excrement,
garbage, or other objectionable .waste.
3.3 It shall be unlawful to discharge to any storm sewer or
to any natural outlet within tho City of South San Francisco, or within
any area under tho Jurisdiction of said City, any sanitary sewage,
industrial waste, or other polluted wator~ except in aocordanoo wtth~
and la strict conformity to, tho provisions of this ordinances
2.4 It shall bo unlawful to oonstruct, Baintain, or use
within tho C~ty of South San Francisco any privy, privy vault, septic
tank, cesspool, or other fac414ty demtwncd, or intended to bo
ut41Zsod, for tho disposal of mowafm, ex.opt Zn theme ommem Zn
which a special perm4t is wr~ntod therefor by the Department of
Public Health, and then only for tho duration of, in accordance
with tbs terms of, and in strict conformity to the provimionm of,
such permit.
2.5 The ernst of every house, buildinf, or property used
for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or cthmr purposo~
situated vithin tho C~ty of South San Francisco and abutting on any
street, alloy, or rtfht-of-way in which there is now lo~tod or may
in tho future be located, a public suitary mower of City, is hereby
required to install, at him own expemmo and ~m soon am practi~bls,
suitahls toilet facilities therein or thorsen, and to connect, vith-
out amy undue delay, and, in mo event, at a (t~to later tb~n armory
(90) days following official notice from tbs Department of Public
Health, much facilities directly with tho proper public mover in
accordanme vith the provimiomm of this stalin&use, provided that said
public seller im within a roimommbXe d~mtamCOo
3.6 Dimoh&rf® of industrial vute to a storm sower or to a
ntmrnl outlet shall be permitted only upon written approval of the
Smperintemdomt and thom only if tho permom cauminw mush discharge
shell at all tenso fully comply with all applicable statutes of
Chapter 7 of the Water Code of tho State of California and vith all
reqmiromemts of tbs bp~rtmont of Public Health.
3.1 Mo unauthorimod person shall uncover, re&ko amy ~on-
noctiomm to, or mmJie amy opemimf into, any public mower or appurtemoo
thereof, or in &my manner or to &my extent ume; alter, or disturb tho
3.3 ?berm are hereby established tvs clams®m of mower
serve.co: (1) Mtdoutial and Ordinry Mrci&l MoFVi~O; and (2) In-
· I
duatr~al aerv~e -- sever service to all eetahl~slueents
~n produc~ng~ manufactur~ng~ or pro~~ on~o~r~aoa~
other omtablZm~ontm engaged tn any acttvZty ~multtng tn tho pro-
ductZon o~ Zndutrtal w~tos. Application for conootton to
publZ~ mower m~XX, Zn either ouo, M mdc by
mupploMntod by such pl~m, m~oZfZcattou, analyses, flow ~ta, or
ot~r Znfo~tZom ~ m~XI, tn t~ Jud~mt of tb fu~rtntondont,
~ ~nstdorod ~rtZnont. In t~ o~o of every
oonootZom, trros~ottvo of v~t~r a iff pkyst~l oonootZon Zm to
~ u~, a ~v or ~ndod applicator s~ll bo filed vtth Ctty (1) upon
o~fo of ouorsktp of t~ pro.ray mo~. (3) m~m o~qo of
occupancy, or (3) m~n o~go tn uy activity multtaf tn t~strtal
mae. i ~Zt ud ~mmttem f~ -- Am t~ Mat of ~ ~d
~/l~t~ ~ll~a (82.M) ~or ~oh mt~atttl or o~t~
se~r ~nmoet~on ~d ~n t~ ~mt of Ytu bXXarm (tS.00)
ZndustrZaX sorvZeo eonnoctZon -- s~11 b ~td to tb Ctty ~ork of
moctZom, howvor, m~ll not apply to mower commoctZo~ made durZnw
eommt~ctZon of an approved rom~dontZal mu~ZvZmZom.
Tb holders of all ~mZts Zssuod broundor s~ll ~ subJ~t
at all t~s to all applZcablo state ~d lo~1 laws and roplattons,
and at mm tZM, ~d ZR mo way, m~ll tho holder of any ~Zt aoquZro;
or ~ Fowled ~ ~vZnf acquZrod, a vomtod or contZ~Z~ rZfht to
MZntaZn, or to ~vo ~mtZnuod, ~y eonoctZom to tho ~blZc mower.
~.3 ~ r~Zrod by tho Ou~rZmtondont, t~ ouor of any
p~rty mo~od by a hZldZnf m~or or mo~ ~ryZnf ZndumtrZ8l
mt~ m~ll, at hZs ox~o. Z~tall ~d MZntaZm muZtablo control
m~loo' Zn oseh much htldtaf Sowr to faoZlttato obmo~atZon;
sHplZq, ~d M~mnt of t~ w~tom, heh man.lo, w~n roquZrod;
s~ll ~ ao~ostbly ~ nroly lout~, ~11 ~ ~ut~od
ao~or~oo wAth pl~ approved by t~ Ou~rZmtomdont, ~d m~ll
matntaisod by the ova®r os as to he safe and aooooe~ble at all t~meo.
3.4 Tho connection to tho public sever, iaelud~ug tho piping
within any public street or right-of-way, shall bo installed at the
eels expense of the owner of tho propurty oervod, lush ~oaueet~on
shall net bo made w4thout an approved pormit issued by the Suporin-
4.1 lo person ekall d~meharfo, or cause to bo dAooharfod~
&ny storm stet, surfaco stet, ground mater, roof runoff, or subsur-
face drainage into any sanitary sever.
4.3 Io pur~on shall dAeebar~o, or cane to bo d~obargod,
any unpolluted oeolia~ water or unpolluted industrial proeoeo water
into a sanitary sewer whore a storm sever or suitable natural outlet
ts avaAlableo In no event whatever shall any mush water bo die-
charged into a sanitary sever wltheut prior vrAtton approval of the
4.3 No person shall dieeharse~ deposit, threw, or cause,
allow, or permit to bo discharged, deposited; or throve, into any
public sever or into any plubinf fixture~ manhole, or private sever
or drain connected to a public oovor~ any substance of any kind what-
ever tending to obstruct or injure the sewage works, or to cause a
nuisance or hanard, or which will in any manner interfere with the
proper operation or maintenance of the sewage works.
4.4 Zxcept aa hereinafter provided, no person shall die-
charge, or cause to bo discharged, any of the following .waters or
wastes into any public sewer:
a. Any liquid or vapor having a temperature detrimental
to tho sower system.
b. Any gasoline, bemne; naptha, fuel oil, or other
flanable or explosive li~id; selid~ or gas.
c. Any water or vamte which contains excessive amounts
of grease, oil, or fats.
d. Any f~rb~fo exempt properly framed fmrbm~o frmm
itdivi#al dwlliuf uuits, ts boroim~fter specified.
o. Auy a&ud, sanest, ~iadors, a~bo8, mot&l, floss, or
otbr heavy solids; any stray, shiviup, ~m~uml hair, fo&there, p~uaeh
umuro, or other fibrous utter; any tar, asphalt, rosin, pla]ties,
or otbr viseomm substanoo; or any other matter of mush a m~tmre u to
obstl~tSt tho flew ia mowers or as to o~uo otker iutorforoue~' with tho
proper ®poratioa of tho aevafo works.
f. Any water er mae ~oatLtatnf exemesive mute of
mead, alkali, or d~mmolved sulfide, or h~viq ny other oorromtve pre-
party o~peblo of ~umtuf dmfe er h&mard to strueturea, oquipmt,
or permeaael of ~
W. Any uUro er mm emma&iRaq a mae or petmomm
auhotaneo ia self latent qummttty to is:Jure er taterS®re w~tk
mowm~o tmtmoat pr~ommm, to emmmtitute a hmBfteql tm Inmmmm or animals,
or to ox~tm a haw~rd ia tho utorm rmooiv~q of Simmer f/ tho mmw~fo
trmmmat pleat.
h. Amy waters or maes ooatalainf suepem~md moXids or
dimlvod matter of mush ehtro~2tor amd qmtity that uaumuX attentioa
or elpehq is roqmired to handle such uterials at tho mow~fe tat-
moat plant.
i. Amy maximas or uXoderomm film or mml~mtaneo e~ptblo
J. Any radiometers mama, exempt an horotnftor pro-
Fmomwvor md mamr~ by tho ~uperiatomdout, tho oar
shall, at Itts own oxpem, provide suek treatment or take mush other
moamuroe an alutlX ho required in ardor to redeem tho obJootiomablo
eliaraeter:tmttmm, ooateata, or rate of d~aoharWe of waters er mamtom
boise deposited ia tho sewer, mo that tko mm my bo roemtvod thoreau
witlimmt amy dmmafo to tho sewafe works or amy udue iaterforouem w~tk
4ts oporattoa and vithomt amy has&rd of &my kiad to hm or animals.
4. l Tho MImlms~®n lmSe tho pmbl~e memmrm of stay mitorm or
wm~tom imv~uW &u ave~ ~ly fl~ fm~r t~ tw ~at
tho tvorqo dally fXow at tb s~ t~a~nt pl~t, ~ ~vtnf
(1M®) h~~t (ap~o~toly e~zty-f~vo ~d a~z-~at~
(lS.6®) ~mtl~).
b. ~aded IOl~dl, oF Mt~F v~eh u~n dllut~en v~th
uter er ~ ~lts in t~ femt~, d m~ded ~1~,
(~) ~o ~r
d. fl~table ~ of u~ ~ ~b
slz h~ (600) ~ ~r mtllto~.
o, A pi or loao ~ ftu ~d rl~-t~t~ (S.O) or
f. Dloaolvod sul~t~ tn ~~ o~ oho (1)
b ~vlato~ o~ ~m p~ph ~d ~ ~lu~ ~1~
mlmZmt~ttem of t~m oHtmu for tko ~~ of ~temt~q,
u~ or mt~ to mt tb ~u~mtm er t~m or. mu,
4.7 6roaoo~ oil, and sand !mifF·opt·rs ah·ils st tho
of tho ouor or tomt~ bo prov4dod ~u all plumbtq
nov or ozlsttq; for th·o· ootsbllom~ts produoiq liquid vast· non-
talalq~ or l~koly to nontaln~ any flmablo substance or sand or
quautltloo of froamo In ozooos of tho amounts sot forth in
4. S boroof. Inter·opt·r· shall ·our·tm with ill roquiremouts of tho
Plublq Oodo of Ct~7 ia··far as tho sm sro &pplteablo~ shall bo of
a type amd eapaelt7 approvod by tko Superintendent, amd shall bo
lee·tod u to bo readily and oamily ao~eoeiblo for oloanimf amd
ope·ti·ri. Whore tarot·Il·d, all freamo, oil, amd md tmtoreoptora
4.8 ~arbafe, fruit, veso~able, aBAmsX, or other solid ]LttObO~
preparation of amy food er drank, Bay bo admA,tod late tho sanitary
sever i! first passed threufh · moebamAeally ope·tod rrimimr se
domifmod that:
a. It shall ·per·to with cold wator floTA·l iai· tho
amd aerate tho oo!id amd liquid groom within tho friudiq
b. It ab&Il d~obarfo waeteo at a reuoambly uLtferm
rate in fluid foru~ which shall flow z~&dily threufh am approved trip,
mtoppm~pm of tbo drf~tn line;
e. It mhall bo of mmoh eemmtrmetien amd Mve mmok
eperst~mf eharaoter~mtiem that not mots than five pereost (5~) by
weight of all material dimeharfod fm tt ah&Il have amy dAmon·imm
larsor tm eno-quarter (1/4) iamb, amd no particle aha11 have amy
dimension fa~ater than eno-half (1/3) ln~h. Weifhtm shall bo
deto~uimod on · dr7
d. It obmXI bo amlf-meem~im~, with ne foulimf mmrfaeom
to oammo okJoetiomabXe odors;
· ~rat ion;
f. It m~l ~ ~~mtly ~et~ ~ t~ ~lm la
e~plin~ with t~ Plubtmg ~ of City ~d m~ll ~ f~ f~
o~mm-~~tAom to ~y w~r pt~j ~d
~. b omtt~ t~t~lattom m~l reply ~m all ~-
tt~~ with t~ ~vtmton of tb PI~bZmf nd II~trt~ ~ of
~A~mtm m~11 r~t ~tk t.
b. T~ ~n dtse~rwinW t~ ~~ettve mm
$b ~ w~ t~t My rewult f~ mh
4.10 Amy ~n ~mo~gtng a ~,;,U,e,I ttt~ m~ to a ~blte
mr tm ~r~ vttk tb pmtstou of t~ ~tq ~pk
m~XX mm~t to tb Ju~rtmtom~mt mmmh ~rts u tb )~t~ ny
M m~, la tb ovemt er ~ aootdmmtal spilling or do~mtttq
of amy ~mtivo M~r~ into a mutt~ or mto~ ~Mr, t~ ~rmen
~ ~M milk ~~~, or w~ ~ ~ntble tb~fer,
(X) ~a~ly Mttfy tb Ou~rim~m~mt, ~ (3) ~m~r ~
~tul er et~ m~tM to t~ b~~at er hbXte We~ u
~ . ~~ ~ tutti uy ~d fa t. rdtmttvtty.
4.11 ~m md ~~ ~ t~ ~rtmMm~mt for ~
&.X In the event that my tmtezmmted er affeetm4 permem
sbaX1 feeX alwrteved because el, er be d~mmatlmfte~ wtth, amy aettem
or ~eterttnation or the Imperimtemdemt or tko ltre~ter, meek l~r~em
mbalX be omtttled te take an appea! ZI wrtttq, the order or ebaZn or
appeal beiq U follolm:
&. To tbe )treetor, tr dtmnttmrted w~tb amy settee ez
detenLtamtAem or the SuperZmtendout;
b. To the ~tty Mlmqer, tr d~mm~tAmf~ed wttb amy &orion
er dotez---Aamttmu er the DZreoter; amd, rtm&Xly,
~. To the Ctty Oemme4l, Zr d~mm&t~mr&ed with amy &etton
Ir tiLtrty (~O) d~ym or mere nbllX o~&ime rolXewtmg tbe ~etten
er doterttamttom ef may eno er the errtot&lm tm the &beve-domtgmated
elm.tm er &ppe~X without am mppetX being t&ken therefrom, tben the '
&etAem er dotezutamtt®m or wueb elf total or errtot&lm mlutll become
eel ~be ~treetor, Imperlmte~l~mt; e_~l etker ~ly
~ploy~8 ~d ~ents of Clty ~arlag o~eatl~18 ~d %~ntlf~oatlon
s.ll, ~n ~11 moa affoetod b7 th~ ord~m~, ~ ~t~d to enter
u~a all pro~rttea ~or t~ pur~ of (1) dotomtataf tb size, depth;
lo.itoh, ~d ~adltton or ~y oo~r or o~ dra~n eomot~on, (2)
dete~tntng t~ l~atten or dtoo~rlo eeameetteu e~ ~f ~d .urra~
dr~ ~d plubtng ~tztu~o, tod (~) ~u~ottq, observi~, meuurtmg,
mplimg, and temtiml t~ ~amtity, ~im~y, ~d e~terimtios
o~ me~ ~imf dimo~rpd tote amy ~blto mewr or Mtm~X ~tXet.
~I~ T. ~I~ ~ ~.
7.1 Io tot.rim ma s~x ~tetmly, ~lhXly, or
ny stmtu~, tp~m, ~ ~AMt ~eh tm a ~t er t~
mN ~. ,y ~~, rim, or ~t~ vt~ttq tk~ ~-
vtmtom sMXX ~ ptXty of a mtl~z, ud u~m ~mvtetton
m~l ~ mmbJ~t to I ~1~ or met MFo t~ ~1~ boded ~ll~
(~.~), or by hprtsommt tn t~ ~umty Jail for a ~rt~ of ut
moro t~ m~ (6) mootS, or by ~tk muoh ~lmo and ~prtmonont. Mo
~tM or ~mtom~ ~mod b~mm~r ny ~ mum~m~do
8.1 ~y ~om ~md to ~ vtoXattnf amy p~vtmtom of this
ordtm~, ~~ ~tton 7.1, s~11 b s~ ~ ~ty with ~ttton
mott~ ~ s~11 state t~ ntu~ of tb violation amd m~XX p~vtdo
a ~uonbXo t~ X~lt ~or t~ nttsfaeto~ ~rmt&om t~mf, tko
rueful ~t&om ~ m~d t~ l~t to .~md, ts ~y ~rttnXar eue,
m~m aXX t~ fmetm ~d mmr~umdlmf el~mtim~mo b o~em~r o~XX,
wit~m t~ ~rt., of t~ m~tfi~ tm mueh noti~, ~m~mtly
tk mttmm, of tb vloXatiom.
~.~ &my ~om w~ m~XX ~mtlmu ~y vteXmtlem ~~ tb
tim 1~ prated for in bittern 8.1, s~ll ~ ptlty of t rolm-
demeamer, amd ,pea oomvietiem thereof mhaXl be mmb~oet tm I rime ef
not mere than Three lundred Dollm ($300.00), er by tmprtmemmeat tm
tho Comity Jiil for a period of not mere thom throe (O) mOmtbe, er by
both mmoh rime and imprimemmomt for each vieXatiem. Bamh day tm whioh
any meek violitiem shall oomtimue shall be deemed i moparite effenme.
1.3 Amy person vielitinl Ily of tko prov&miomm of this
ordimem shall boom liable to City for any sad ill oxpemmo, lemm,
er damafe eeemmiemod City. by re,moa of muoh violation.
1.1 All erdimameom er p~rtm ef e~dAmmmeom tu ommfltet bere-
vtth m hereby repealed.
1.2 Xf lay meetiea, mm~mmetiom, mom~omeo, elmmmo, or phl~tmo
of this ordimee to, for lay roammm, bold to bo iIvaXAd er um-
eemmtitutiemal ky tho domimiom of amy ommrt of eompetmut Jm~imdiettem,
mueh dooimiom mhaXX not iffeet tbe vllidity of theme rmm~tmtq pim~tte
of thio erdimanoe whioh mai be fivmm offoe~ FAthmmt tbe pm~t er parts
mo bold te be imvilid er uaoemmtituttemal. In tkis oommootiem, tbe
City (~mmmoiX of tho City of Sooth Sat l~rinoimeo bereby declares that
it womld have p~mmod this ordimom amd otok seettom, subeeetien,
mentomeo, clause, smd phramo hereof, irrespective of tho flor that lay
earn or mere other Seetionm, oubmeetiomm, montenegro, olmumom, or phrases
be doo~ imvaltd er umeenotitmtiemal.
10.1 ThOm erdAmamoe mhall take of feet &md bo
mediately upon tim adoptt®a am am u~jmmey moammre, & mtatmmont of tho
urWonoy below am follow: lm erdmr to avoid pollution of tbe uteri
of' tbe Bay of Sam I~ueimee, ia oomfermity to the provimieum of eertain
Ipplieable law of the Irate of ~liferuil, maay imdmmtriil oom~mrnm
situto witkia tbe City of Sooth Baa l~rtmeioeo ire mow dmpomittnl, er
ire pFmpm~lmf to emmmmmeo immediately to dmpmmit, tote tho pmblio
sewer of City mommfo amd mm]tom from tbetr omtabXimhmomtm. Boeaumo of
.f certain sf said iadmstriaX ®stabXishmoats it ts remmmmably tm ko
anticipated that soue of said s®vaWo amd mtos may bo of such
charec~or; ~onsistonoy; or tn such Xarfo qmtttiam as to ~mo
eonsldorebXo damagu to, or to lmtorfore sortmly vtth tko preeoesos
of, tko sowawo works of City uX®ao the d®posittaf of said
ad mt®s vithin said public sewer is ooatrellod by proper
regulatory mouurem. :~ Cons®qmomtly, it hems imperttlvs to pl&oo
this ordimam~e Imam offset A~mmdiatmly.
m~TXOM 1l.
11.1 This er~lmee shall ko FmbXtm~e~ mmem am rm~m~ ~y
Introduced thAm lad day of. ?~J~J~, 1988.
Pam~od and a~~ ~ ~ ~m~ of t~ ~Y of ~h
aaa ~aets~ at a A~r~ ~lar
sting of t~ City of Snth ~ ~otm~ t~s Jth day of
, ~955p by t~ fell~nf u~:
A~, ~C~ An~ew ~cca, Richard ~len, Frails Lucchio,
hilio Cortemi, and Telford hZth
~ ~ ~ Mo ne
-~ ~r ex t~ ~ o~ b~ta aaa