HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.20.95 Minutes
April 20, 1995
7:30 P.M.
Chairman Lucchesi, Vice-Chairman Warren, Cornmissioners
Barnett, DeZordo, Padreddii and Romero.
Commissioner Masuda
Planning Division
Steve Solomon
Susy Kalkin
Steve Carlson
Steve Padovan
Larry Kasparowitz
Steve Ma ttas
Dennis Chuck
Ron Petrocchi
City Attorney
Building Division
Engineering Division
Police Department
Presentation of Resolution to Robert Mantegani
Chairman Lucchesi presented the resolution to Robert Mantegani. The Commission thanked
him for all his support and guidance during his tenure as Commissioner.
The agenda was changed: Item #9 was moved up to Item #3.
74 Caluaritas Avenue~ Blockbuster Video (Bertha Donati~ owner)~ SC-95-27
Type "C" Sign Permit to reface an existing non-conforming pole sign and new signage awnings
for a video store in the C-1 Retail Commercial Zone District in accordance with the
provisions of SSFMC Table 20.76.130.
Motion- Warren/Second- Romero: To approve SC-95-27 based on the findings and subject to
the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
780 EI Canlino Real~ Daval Building (Jagdish Daval~ owner)~ PUD-95-40
Use Permit for the construction of a new small professional office building and associated
parking and landscaping in the C-l Retail COlnmercial Zone District in accordance with the
provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.84.
Chairman Lucchesi stepped down from the dais due to a conflict of interest.
Assistant Planner Padovan presented the staff report.
The applicant had no comments.
Commissioner Romero stated that most of the improvements were to the bank of the building
so perhaps some landscaping could be provided on the left side of the building's front
Staff explained that they encouraged less signage so that the building could be moved towards
the street.
Jagdish Dayal
783 EI Camino Real
The applicant discussed the landscaping on the property.
Commissioner Padreddii was concerned about the size of the driveway.
Representing the applicant:
Edward Muffeny
Iyer & Associates
25 Kearny St.
San Francisco
Mr. Muffeny walked the Commission through the design.
Commissioner DeZordo stated that the landscaping plan was not adequate and Commissioner
Warren thought that the color was a bit bright. Mr. Muffeny explained that the rendering was
not as close as the colorboard. It would be a more muted color.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve PUD-95-40 based on the findings and
subject to conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Commissioner Lucchesi returned to the dais.
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PC Meeting of 4/20/95
Update on UP-93-939/Mod 1 Ling Nanl Noodle House
Sgt. Petrocchi, Police Department, was present to answer any questions on the update of Ling
Nam Noodle. He gave a brief description and advised that the police will conduct inspections
on a regular basis which should discourage any problems.
1375 Lowrie Avenue~ PK Towing (Michael Scafani~ owner)~ UP-95-987
Use Permit to operate a towing selvice with autolTIobile storage in an existing industrial
building in the M-1 Light Industrial Zone District in accordance with the provisions of
SSFMC Section 20.30.030( c).
Motion- Warren/Second-Barnett: To continue UP-95-987 to the June 1, 1995 Planning
Commission meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
ZA-95-91 - Establishin2 reQuired findin2s of approval for Planned Unit DeveloPl1lcnt penllits.
An Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance Chapter 20.84 - "Planned Unit Development
Permit Procedure" adding a section establishing findings of approval which must be made by
the Planning Commission or City Council before granting a PUD permit.
Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report.
The Commission discussed the preliminary Planned Unit Development guidelines. Assistant
City Attorney Seto advised that the guidelines should be agendized for discussion at a future
Commissioner Romero thought that this amendment placed limitations on PUD's granted to
the applicant.
Commissioner DeZordo thought "F" (Site Amenities) should be expanded, under
"Landscaping Requirements" item A.I. should be ten percent not 15 percent minimum and
that the design standards should be extended.
Motion- Warren/Second-Romero: To approve the resolution to City Council recoll1mending
approval of ZA-95-91 with a minimum site area of 1/2 acre. It was denied by the following
roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Warren and Commissioner Romero. NOES:
Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners Barnett, DeZordo and Padreddii. ABSENT:
Commissioner Masuda.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-DeZordo: To approve the resolution to City Council recommending
approval of ZA-95-91 with no minimum site area. It was approved by the following roll call
vote: AYES: Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners Barnett, DeZordo and Padreddii. NOES:
Vice-Chairman Warren and Commissioner Romero. ABSENT: Commissioner Masuda.
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PC Meeting of 4/20/95
Chairman Lucchesi called for a ten minute recess at 9:10 P.M. He readjourned the meeting
at 9:17 P.M.
ZA-95-92 - Design review procedure for single fanlilv dwellings.
An Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance sections 20.85.050 and 20.85.060 to allow the Chief
Planner to review and approve additions to one-, two- and three-family dwellings without
requiring a hearing before the Design Review Board when the addition satisfies certain design
criteria - ZA-95-92.
Chief Planner Solomon presented the staff report.
No one in the audience wished to comment on the ordinance.
Commissioner Lucchesi asked about the mechanics. Chief Planner Solomon said he would
like to keep it as informal as possible; to deal with all applicant at the counter or when they
came in to discuss the project.
Commissioner Lucchesi stated that perhaps staff could set aside a couple of days a week when
you meet with the applicants. This would make it easier to schedule meetings.
Commissioner DeZordo stated that there should be a maximum time that the plans have to
be reviewed. Commissioner Warren suggested that a set of procedures be given to the
applicant when he first applies.
Chief Planner Solomon suggested that staff make a decision within one week and have a
Commissioner Warren thought it would be a good idea to try this procedure for six months
and bring it back to the Comlnission.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve a resolution recolnmending that City Council
approve ZA-95-92. It was unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES:
Chairman Lucchesi (with deep concern), Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners Barnett,
DeZordo, Padreddii and ROlnero. ABSENT: Commissioner Masuda.
Design review criteria for residential structures.
A resolution amending the criteria and standards for the physical design of residential
structures. This hearing is as required by Zoning Ordinance section 20.85.030(a).
Chief Planner Solomon presented the staff report.
No one in the audience wished to COlnment on the guidelines.
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PC Meeting of 4/20/95
Commissioner Warren suggested getting the word out to the community about the guidelines
on cable TV (Channel 3).
Motion-Warren/Second-Romero: To approve the resolution amending the criteria and
standards for the physical design of residential structures. It was unanimously approved by
voice vote.
Desien review criteria for The Genentech Overlav Zonine District.
A resolution adopting the criteria and standards for the physical design of buildings, grounds
and the urban design of the Genentech Research and Development facility. This hearing is as
required by Zoning Ordinance Section 20.85.030(a).
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Peter Yee
Genentech, Inc.
460 Pt. San Bruno Blvd.
Mr. Yee thanked the Commission for all their hard work.
Commissioner Warren thanked Genentech for their Master Plan and the guidelines. She also
thanked them for their cooperation and willingness.
Motion- Warren/Second-Barnett: To approve a resolution adopting the criteria and standards
for the physical design of buildings, grounds and the urban design of the Genentech Research
and Development facility.
ZA-95-93 - Extendine the abandonlnent period for nonconforrnine uses and structures.
An Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance section 20.97.070 by extending the time beyond the
current maximum six month period during which non-conforming uses and structures may be
re-established without being made to conform to Zoning Ordinance requirements. The
Commission may consider a period of one or more years and further consider allowing
additional extensions subject to approval of a use permit - ZA-95-93.
Chief Planner Solomon presented the staff report.
No one was present in the audience who wished to COlnment on the ordinance.
A discussion ensued regarding the sunset provision; whether it should be five or eight years.
Commissioner Padreddii thought that a one year period for the maximum period for non-
conforming uses was not long enough.
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PC Meeting of 4/20/95
Commissioner DeZordo said that he would like to see eighteen months.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve a resolution recommending City Council
approve ZA-95-93 with a two-year maXimUlTI period, eight-year sunset clause and no Use
Permit extension. It was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman
Lucchesi, Vice-Chairman Warren, Comnlissioners Barnett, DeZordo, Padreddii and Romero.
ABSENT: Commissioner Masuda.
ItelllS frOlll Staff
Senior Planner Carlson advised that Genentech Building 3D is experiencing some difficulty
with the design.
Itellls frOlll COlllluission
Chief Planner Solomon explained the policy on unreinforced masonry buildings upon
Commissioner Barnett's inquiry. He explained that owners have seven years to update or at
the time of sale of units the new owners must upgrade.
Commissioner ROlTIerO complained about the STOP sign located on the Basque Cultural
Center site. He said that the way it was positioned was confusing. He asked staff to advise
the Engineering Division.
Motion-Warren/Second-Romero: To adjourn the meeting to May 4, 1995. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
Ch irman Lucchesi adjourned the meeting at 10:27 P.M.
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Steve Solomon, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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PC Meeting of 4/20/95