HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.16.95 Minutes
Regular Meeting of March 16, 1995
7:30 P.M.
Chairman Lucchesi, Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners
Barnett, DeZordo, Masuda, Padreddii and Romero.
Planning Division
Steve Solomon
Steve Carlson
Steve Padovan
Steve Ma ttas
Theresa "T.C." Cayssials
Dennis Chuck
Ron Petrocchi
J. Fitzpatrick
City Attorney
Building Division
Engineering Division
Police Department
Fire Department
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of January 5, 1995
Motion-Warren/Second-Romero: To approve the minutes as presented. 'ABSTAINED:
Commissioners Barnett, DeZordo, Masuda and Padreddii.
Cort Furniture, Item #6, was taken off the consent calendar in order to allow the applicant to
speak. ,I
360 Swift Avenue. Bakers of Paris (E. A. Davidovits & Co.. Inc.. owner). UP-95-982
Use Permit for the construction of a new exterior 6,000 gallon liquid nitrogen tank and screen
wall in front of an existing office/warehouse building with related parking and landscaping
changes in the P- I Planned Industrial Zone District in accordance with the provisions of
SSFMC Chapter 20.32.070( a). (To be continued off-calendar.)
Motion-Warren/Second-Padreddii: To continue UP-95-982 off-calendar. It was unanimously
approved by voice vote.
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PC Meeting of 3/16/95
410 South Airport Boulevard. Comfort Inn (Forsyth Living Trust). PUD-95-41. Negative
Declaration No. 790
Planned Unit Development for the construction of a three-story, 45 unit motel and related
parking and landscaping improvements in the P-C-L Planned Commercial Zone District in
accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.84. (To be continued off-calendar.)
Motion-Warren/Second-DeZordo: To continue PUD-95-41 and Negative Declaration No. 790
off-calendar. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
South City Ford (Dave Gonzalez. Owner). RZ-94-86. PUD-94-35. UP-94-969. SC-94-20. Neg.
Dec. 773
Negative Declaration No. 773 to assess the environmental impact.
(To be continued to the meeting of April 6, 1995.)
A. RZ-94-86
Reclassifying assessors parcels 012-317-100 and 012-317-110,411 and 401 Airport Boulevard,
respectively, to extend the Planned Commercial District to Miller Avenue and to allow
consideration of the UP-95-969. SSFMC Chapter 20.87
B. PUD-94-35
The Planned Unit Development Permit will consider off-site landscape to satisfy partial
fulfillment of the City minimum on-site landscape requirements. SSFMC 20.84.050( a).
C. UP-94-969
A Use Permit to allow the reuse of a former gasoline station for auto sales and indoor
detailing, situated at north westerly corner of Airport Boulevard and Miller Avenue. The
proposed use is auxiliary to the main Ford auto sales showroom situated across Miller Avenue
at Airport Boulevard. SSFMC 20.24.030
D. SC-94-20
A Type C Sign Program to allow signs exceeding the standards enumerated in the South San
Francisco municipal code. Parking waiver of on-site required parking to be provided off-site
at city owned parking lots within the downtown parking district. SSFMC 2.64
Motion-Warren/Second-DeZordo: To continue RZ-94-86, PUD-94-35, lJP..94-969, SC-94-20
and Negative Declaration No. 773 off-calendar. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
660-664 Forbes Boulevard. Genentech. Inc. (James Panek. Applicant)" PM-95-313
Tentative Parcel Map to merge three parcels into one parcel in the P- f Planned Industrial
Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Title 19.
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Motion-Warren/Second-DeZordo: To approve PM-95-313 based on the findings and subject
to conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
1500-1600 Grandview Drive. Genentech. Inc.(James Panek. Applicant). PM-95-312
Tentative Parcel Map to merge two parcels into a single parcel in the P- I Planned Industrial
Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Title 19.
Motion-Warren/Second-DeZordo: To approve PM-95-312 based on the findings and subject
to the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
The following item was taken off the consent calendar.
600 Dubuque Avenue. Cort Furniture (Bressie & Co.). UP-95-985
Use Permit to allow the conversion of a 5,200 square foot freight fOlwarding area to retail
furniture showrooln generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trip. ends, situated at 600
Dubuque Avenue in the Planned Comnlercial (P-C) Zoning District, in accordance with
SSFMC 20.24.050 and 20.24.060.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Shaford Bowman
600 Dubuque Avenue
Mr. Bowman asked the COlnmission to reconsider the 3'X 6' window. Staff did not
recommend approval of the window because of its inconsistency with the architectural
character of the building. The Commission agreed that the window should be redesigned and
returned to the Comlnission for approval.
Motion-DeZordo/Second- Warren: To approve UP-95-985 based on the findings and subject
to the modified conditions of approval. Planning condition #3 was changed to read: "The
window proposed over the door shall be redesigned and subject to the review and approval of the
Planning Commission." It was unaniInously approved by voice vote.
6 Viewmont Terrace. Jean Tony Velazco, PUD-94-39
Planned Unit Development Permit to allow for a 284 s.f. bedroom addition onto an existing
three bedroom residence in the Viewmont Terrace Planned Unit Development according to
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PC Meeting of 3/16/95
the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.84.030. Continued from the FeblualY 16, 1995 Planning
Commission meeting.
Assistant Planner Padovan presented the staff report.
Representing the applicant:
Frank Prendergast
1124 Summer Avenue
Mr. Prendergast exhibited various photographs to show the Commission the degree of view
obstruction which would be caused by the addition.
Speaking against the application:
Joshua Wong
#9 Viewmont Terrace
So. San Francisco
Paul Hong
# 10 Viewmont Terrace
So. San Francisco, CA 94080
Anthony San Jose
#7 Viewmont Terrace
So. San Francisco, CA 94080
Eduardo San Jose
#11 Viewmont Terrace
So. San Francisco, CA 94080
All the above residents complained about the blockage of their views.
A discussion ensued regarding the lowering of the structure to the same level as the master
bedroom. Chairman Lucchesi raised the issue of the proposed exterior stahway on the east
side of the addition. It was concluded that since you did have access to the deck from the
inside, the stailWay on the outside was not necessary.
Motion-Warren/Second-Padreddii: To approve PUD-94-39 based on the findings and subject
to the modified conditions of approval. Planning conditions #3 was added which reads:
"Remove the proposed exterior stailway on the east side of the addition." Planning condition #4
was added which reads: "Lower the floor of the proposed addition to the same level as the
master bedroom." It was unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES:
Chairman Lucchesi, Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners DeZordo, Padreddii and
Romero. ABSTAINED: Commissioners Barnett and Masuda.
Chairman Lucchesi called for a ten-minute recess at 8:40 P.M. The meeting was readjourned
at 8:50 P.M.
307 Baden Avenue. La Morena Taqueria (Salvador Campos. owner). UP-94-977
Assistant Planner Padovan presented the staff report.
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Representing the applicant:
Robert Swanson
51 Austin Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960
Mr. Swanson gave a brief description of the project.
The Commission was very concerned about the close proximity to a residence. Also the
Commission was not impressed with the design of the restaurant. Various issues which were
discussed were the useable open space for the adjoining residence, the location of the garbage
cans, front and side elevations and the compatibility of the architectural character to the
surrounding buildings.
It was the Commission's consensus to have staff work with the applicant on the design and to
return the application to the Commission at a future date.
Motion-DeZordo/Second- Warren: To continue UP-94-977 off-calendar. It was unanimously
approved by voice vote.
475 Eccles Avenue. A.T.e. Associates. UP-94-980. Negative Declaration No. 784
Use Permit to convert an existing 152,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building to multi-tenant uses
and expand the parking lot from 81 spaces to 199 parking spaces on a 6.2 acre site in the P-I
Planned Industrial Zone District.
Michael Halper
1160 Battery Street, #200
San Francisco
Mr. Halper gave a brief description of the project.
It was the Commission's consensus that this was a good project and has no questions.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Warren: To approve Negative Declaration No. 784. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve UP-94-980 based on the findings and subject
to the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Items from Staff - Chief Planner Solomon gave a brief update on UP-93-946, the New
Learning Center. He stated there were no significant problems. Sgt. Petrocchi, P.D.,
explained the various calls that have been received by the Police Department.
Chief Planner Solomon stated that the BART EIR comments had been submitted to BART.
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He talked briefly about sitting in on intelViews by Genentech with three firms to review design
concepts for the central spine.
Items from Commission - Commissioner Warren asked about the future construction of a
road from Forbes to Eccles. Senior Planner Carlson stated that this road would be
constructed sometime this year.
Commissioner Padreddii asked if the City had any jurisdiction over whether the City wants a
station in South San Francisco or not. Chief Planner Solomon answered that it did not.
Commissioner Warren then discussed briefly the advantages of paying Boards and
Commissions twice a year vs bi-monthly.
Motion-Warren/Second-DeZordo: To adjourn the meeting to April 6, 1995. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
Chairman Lucchesi adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.M.
Steve Solomon, Secretary -
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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PC Meeting of 3/16/95