HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.02.95 Minutes
Regular Meeting of February 2, 1995
7:30 P.M.
Chairman Mantegani, Vice-Chairman Lucchesi,
Commissioners DeZordo, Padreddii, Romero, Warren and
Planning Division
Steve Solomon
Steve Carlson
Steve Padovan
Steve Mattas
Dennis Chuck
Ron Petrocchi
F. Lagomarsino
City Attorney
Engineering Division
Police Department
Fire Department
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of November 3, 1995 and November 17, 1995
No action was taken on the minutes of November 3, 1995 due to a lack of quorum.
Motion-Warren/Second-DeZordo: To approve the minutes of November 17, 1995 as
presented. They were unanimously approved by voice vote.
344 Commercial Avenue. Navarro Residence (R.I. & June Navarro). V-94-323
Variance from SSFMC Section 20.74.120(c) to allow two parking spaces in the required
frontyard setback in the R-3 Zone District.
Steve Padovan presented the staff report.
Chief Planner Solomon advised the Commission that while Commissioner Romero had not
been present at the January 19, 1995 meeting when this case was presented~ he had listened to
the tape of the meeting and was now eligible to vote on this matter.
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PC Meeting of 2/2/95
R. Navarro
344 Com:rrlercial Avenue
Mr. Navarro stated that it would be a financial hardship to change the storage room at the
rear of his lot back to a garage. He asked the Commission to help him in this situation and
to help the handicapped.
Commissioner Warren stated that under the current conditions, there was nothing they could
do. She asked Steve Mattas, City Attorney, if they were in conflict with ADA. Steve Mattas
answered, "No." Commissioner Warren than asked staff if the Commission denied this
application they would like to direct staff to take a look at the mechanism whereby a person
with a legitimate disability, confirmed by a physician and an agency like the Motor Vehicle
Department, could apply for this type of variance and it could be granted as long as the
disabled person lived on the property and when this was no longer the case the property
would be restored to its original condition.
Chief Planner Solomon advised that it could be done as a special permit or code provision.
Commissioner Padreddii asked to make it a special permit for handicapped parking, however,
the applicant must have a handicap sticker and the Commission could approve it under
handicap regulations.
Chairman Lucchesi asked about the current handicap striping. Richard Harmon, Engineering
Division, stated that in 1991 the Engineering Division received a request from Councilman
Drago to look into the matter. It was decided that it was justifiable to paint the curb. The
decision was made by the City Engineer.
Steve Mattas said that everyone must abide by the Zoning Ordinance but if staff could make
findings for approval then the Commission could approve it. He then asked the Commission
that if a change was made to the Zoning Ordinance did the Commission want to review each
case or could it be an administrative decision. It was the Commission's consensus that it did
not need to come back to the Commission as long as the application met all the criteria.
Commissioner Warren asked if this variance was approved and a zoning amendment was
adopted at a later date, could this variance be invalidated at that time and require the
applicant to come back to the Commission. Chief Planner Solomon advised that staff could
condition the variance stating that once the ordinance is changed the applicant must return to
the Commission.
Commissioner DeZordo stated that this was not a typical planning area in South San
Francisco and that the Commission needed to be flexible. Commissioner Romero agreed and
said that the Commission needs to be flexible and have a reasonable attitude towards this kind
of application.
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Commissioner Lucchesi also agreed about being flexible but said that he thought the findings
of approval were skimpy and that he would like to see the policy makers make the policy and
that the Commission was not in a position to do this.
Chief Planner Solomon said it would take approximately 6 weeks to come back to the
Commission with a code amendment.
Richard Harmon, Engineering Division, stated that it would cost approximately $2,000.00 to
put the driveway in. He was concerned that if the current resident vacated the property what
mechanism could the City use to force the new owners to take the driveway out at a cost of
about $1,500.00. Mr. Mattas stated that perhaps a lien could be put on the property. Mr.
Harmon thought that for all practical purposes the driveway would be in for good. Instead,
the applicant could install a handicap ramp where the sidewalk is painted.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve V-94-323 based on the findings and subject
to conditions of approval. Conditions are as follows: "1. The curb cut shall not exceed 20
feet in width. 2. This application shall be reviewed five (5) years from the date of approval
(February 2, 2000). 3. Should Mr. and Mrs. Navarro no longer reside at 344 Commercial
Avenue, then the curb and sidewalk shall be reconstructed to its original form." It was
approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners DeZordo, Romero and
Padreddii: NOES: Chairman Lucchesi and Vice-Chairman Warren. ABSENT:
Commissioner Mantegani.
Chief Planner Solomon advised that he would put the zoning amendment on the work
program and present it to the City Council. The Commission agreed.
Review of the Draft EIR for the BART -SFO Extension
Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report.
A brief discussion followed regarding the easement for the Boy's Club on Orange Avenue.
In answer to Commissioner DeZordo's question about the comments on the station design,
Susy Kalkin stated that Larry Kasparowitz' (City's Landscape Architect) comments would be
going to the City Council.
Steve Mattas discussed the legality of condemning easements or the temporary use of
easements (construction easements). In regards to the Commission's concerns regarding the
residents whose homes might be in jeopardy, he stated that whatever BART would take from
you they would pay the actual market value.
Regarding the financing of BART; Susy Kalkin said it was very tentative at this point.
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It was the Commission's consensus that BART be built underground. The Commission then
directed staff to notify the property owners of the residences that will be impacted by the
construction easements. Mr. Solomon advised that staff could notify,the churches, schools,
and other institutions in the Sunshine Gardens area.
Commissioner Lucchesi stated that he would submit his written comments on the EIR to staff.
Chief Planner Solomon advised that BART had to receive all comments' by March 13, 1995.
A concern of the Commission was the parking of non-BART riders in the BART parking lots.
Items from Staff-
Chief Planner Solomon advised the Commission that BART will be holding a public hearing
at the South San Francisco Conference Center on February 15, 1995. fIe then gave an update
on the following projects: Kaiser, Sheal'Water and Terrabay. He went on to state that Avis is
ready to submit for a use permit, an application for a hotel at Oyster Point might be
submitted at a future date and that Genentech has another building coming up which is a
40,000 sq. ft. addition to Building 3. He also said McDonald is looking at a new restaurant
east of 101 sometime in the future.
Chief Planner Solomon asked the Commission if they were available for a study session with
the Kaiser people on February 23, 1995. Both Commissioners Padreddiiand Warren said
they would be unable to attend.
Commissioner Warren advised Ron Petrocchi, Police Department, that the gate to Terrabay
had been cut and was open. Sgt. Petrocchi stated that Engineering could take care of that.
Commissioner Warren said she would not be present at the March 2, 1995 Commission
Commissioner DeZordo stated he had gotten a complaint from a homeowner who had
appeared before the Design Review Board. A discussion ensured on the merits of the Design
Review Board. The Commission thought that there could be a better way to process the
applications perhaps meeting on a one-to-one basis instead of an applicant facing five
The Commission directed staff to try to change the way the Design Review Board met with
the homeowners with perhaps two DRB members meeting with the hnmeowner. Also it was
suggested the DRB members introduce themselves to the homeowner and to advise them
what the appeal period is and to try a more friendly approach. It was also suggested that
perhaps a sUlVey could be given to the applicant asking them to answer questions regarding
how they were treated. Senior Planner Kalkin stated that they had done a sUlVey about two
years ago. Chief Planner Solomon said he would get a summary of that sUlVey to the
Commission. Chief Planner Solomon suggested bringing the Design Review Board guidelines
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to the Commission. Then if staff found that the homeowner conformed with these guidelines
staff could approve the application, if not, the applicant could go to the DRB.
Motion-Warren/Second-Romero: To adjourn the meeting to February 16, 1995. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
Chairman Lucchesi adjourned the meeting at 9:35 P.M.
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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PC Meeting of 2/2/95