HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 369-1955[Mun. File Mo. 509] CENTF~AL ~EcoRDS OB,DXJLI,B'C~ JOe .... ~ FILE NO: ..... ::'. .................. The City Council of tho City of South S~n Frueiseo ordain u follows: beaten 1. For the purpose of thls etd/ri&nee, tho following dofiaitions shall bo applieabXo: (a) "Auto Wroekor~ shall moan evory porson, firm, or esr- permalon that buys, 8®118, stores, oxehaAfos, otherwise doala in, or ia any other manner eases into pemmemmtea of motor vehieXem, am that tefra is defined in the VohieXo Omdm of the State of ~alif&raia, far t~//purpeme of selling, storing, dismamtlimf, er disabling the sm, or that stereo, moXXs, dismantles, or disamsombXom amy sueh motor vohisXoa, whether for the purpom® of utiliaiag, mmlliag, storing, or otherwise disposing of the ~empmnoat parts or materials of such vehicles, taeludins the diupomal thereof am Jumk. (h) #Person# shall bo deemed to refer to partaerskips, firmm, amd corporatiemm, am well am to individuals. (e) "Wro~ed antomoblXo# shall moan any motor vehicle vhieh ia damaged, dims&naiad, or disassembled, or which is intended for dis- mantling or disansemhling, or amy substantial portion er pa~t thereof, that is md, ew~od, or possessed for the purpose of Jumktng the same or saXvafimf pa~ts therefrom. ketieu 3. It shall be uaXawful for an~ person to or carry om, or ~oaduet, or in amy way participate in, the business of auto wrecker ta the City of South San Franeis~o, without having pre- vioumly obtained from said City a permit to do so. Applieatiomm for all such permits shall he made to the city ©ouacil upon blanks to be ohtaimod from tho eity oXork for that purpose. The applicamt shaXl give all the following information: (1) his true and correct name and that of any and all partners or associates; (2) the place or places at which such business is, or is to.,. b~, conducted or main- tained; (3) the name or names under which such business shall be conducted; (4) all residence addresses of the applicant, and likewise of any and all partners or associates, during the three (3)-year period immediately preceding the filing of the application; (5) if previously engaged in such business, all names under which the same was conducted and the full and complete address or addresses thereof; and (6) such other or additional information as may, from time to time, be required by the city council. Kach application shall be accompanied by a fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), ne part of which shall be refunded. Upon receipt of amy such application, the city clerk shall rigor ,ti to ~ , , departments of tbs elt: :that m~eh lavo~tifattons, lath of said dopaztmoa~'~' ah&Il, from b date of referzaX, file its written ,~eeomuoadatiemm wiSh"the city el.k, vbo shall t~'t.r, without Undue delay, forward tho applAe~tion, tone'her v~th all "such' writt®n re~mmmmndatiomm, city council. Said slay e~unst! shall tbon grant or deny tho applieat~on, and if the smme ho granted it shall append thereto such reasonmble conditions ns tt shall deem advisable. Following favor- able action by the city council,' tho city el®rk shall issue the permit. No permit granted hereunder shall be assignable or transferable in any way, amd if there be any change whatsoever in the ownership or opera- tion of an auto wrecking business, a new permit shall ho required, after tho making of an application therefor, as herein specified. Ail persons presently engaged in the bus,ness of auto wrecker shall have fifteen (15) days from the applicable date of this ordinance to obtain from said city a permit to continue to carry on, mnlntalm, and ~onduet sueh bunlnoss. 8oetion 3. It shall be unlawful for any pe~son to on; ml~mtt~n; oF o~t~ ~n, tho b~lno~ ~ mu~o ~or unless sueh ~slness Is e~lod on, mtlntltnod; or conducted tn full with the follovtnK re~latien: (a) Such ~siness shall b c~ried on, maintai~d, er eon- duet~ on, t~ly vtthtn tn onel~ed ~tldtnf, or ~tldt~, unlans the p~alses on vhteh su~h hstness ts o~Ftod on, maintained, or eon- dueted s~11 ~ earthly enclosed by t solid fen~ or vnll not less th~ o~fht (O) ~eet ~n hetfht ~d eonst~etod of brt~ eon~to, or wood. (b) Sueh ~en~ or wall shall, at all alms, ~ naint~nod ~ t na~, suMtntill, safe, nd ou~t~ oendtt~on. All weeder fea~s shall b painted at le~t on~ ~a ou~ two (J)-~ar ~od. (e) lo advert~inf: of u7 kind vhata~ver (~m, a~, p~etu~s., ~ters, pl&ear~, uehanleal devlu8, ~r~pa~nOt~, o~her tdver~isinf ~odim) shall b plaid, or tamed ~e , er to b maintai~d, er caused to ~ Iill~lilOd, u~n ~ outward faee of neh force or wall, ez~pt ~ say b ~mi~od by other lIw. (d) ~ttes for recess to ~b prenlses shall svtnf inwardly, ~d such fates shs11 b kept tightly closed when ~b p~m~nes a~ no~ e~n ~or M~ness. (e) Io n~eaebile ~dles, salved p~ts, ne~ala, i~OftOI shill b piled, or ~i~ed ~o be piled, to a heifh~ ez~ss of six (6) ~eet, ~d in no event ~gher thin ~b onel~ing ~en~ or va11 or Hirer t~ tvs (~.) feet thefts. All sueh automobile h~os, or stlvqod p~tn, ~aln, ti~s, or aeuneries shall b piled nt~lf ~n reu htvtaf a width not ~tter tm eifht (8) feet, ~d there shall b it bu* ~we (~) ree~ o~ f~e pusqev,y tntervenlnf ~,veen oueh ~w. briber, tb entire ~et se used for the storing o~ tu~uob~lo ~dlen ~d parts shall it tll times ~ kept free from o gra~s, weed~, rnhh~sh, or otllor accumulations vhish ~n ~ v~ co~t~tute a f~re h~ard or a ~m~ng or b~ed~ng pla~ for rats, mZce, ~d other rodents. (f) T~ prmmZmem, and every p~t t~rmof, u~n whZch such auto wre~Zmg Zm conductsd shall, at all ~onable tZ~m, be open to Z~etZon by f~rm, health, polZ~, ~ZldZng aut~rZtZmm, or other authmr~zed public offZc~alm. (g) No ~Zt for much bum~nmmm shall hereafter ~ Zmmumd umlmmm amd until the fZrm department of maid cZty shall have ~ported to the eZty c~mcil that tho prmvAmZo~ of thZm ordZn~ have ~en fully and ~mplmtmly e~pl~ed wZth. ~ectZon 4. gvery auto m~mr, or garage o~ratmr w~ Zn any way deals ~n w~md ~t~obAlmm, shall keep a full, tm, ~d mplmte report with rmm~et to each ~e~md automobtXm mmttZ~ forth all tho f~llowZng Znf~rmat~on: (a) t~ nme ~d add.mm of t~ ~on, or ~rmo~, fr~ wh~ the mm w~ ~rch~md or rm~tvmd; (b) the m~o, l~e n~r ~d state of ~g~mtrat~on, motor nu~r, aer~al nu~r, style, and seating capacity; ~d (e) tb date on which the sm v~ ~rch~od or acquired. The report of all purch~es, ~s~- ~nts, sales, or exchanges of such vre~od automobiles shall at all t~Mm ~ o~n to tb ~ct~on of the chief of pol~ or any other ~1~ off~r of the c~ty. bet~on 5. ~o ~rson engaged tn conducting or carrying on the M~ of auto vro~er shall fa~l, refuse, or neglect to keep ~y record or f~le any report ~n the t~me, fo~, ~d manner ~qu~red by this ord~n~, or fa~l, rogue, or neglect, upon dem~d b~nf ~, to exhibit for ~c~on ~y such record or report to the chief of ~1~ or to any ~l~ce off~r of the c~ty. bet~on 6. Ivery ~on conducting an auto v~nf bus~- ~oa o~ll, ~md~atoly upon receipt of a v~ed or d~afod automobile to ~ d~omantled or stored, empty the er~ c~e ~d gmltne t~ ~mpletoly of their contoRtS aS ~ tO avoid d~fer of f~re or explosion. e m Section 7. Because of the danger of firm ~md in order to eliminate nssttng and brooding pl~ees for rats, mice, and other rodents, it shall bo unlawful for any auto wrecker or garage to store or allow to remain standing upon his premises any wrecked automobile for a period exceeding ninety (90) days from the date on vhieh any such wrecked aut~mobile is received, unless the same shall bm completely dismantled or disamsembled. Upon good cause being shown therefor, the police department may gramt reamonable ex- tensions in said time limit. Section O. The failure of any person to carry on, maintain, and conduct the business of auto wrecker according to the re~ulatiomm herein provided, after a permit has been issued therefor, shall be good and sufficient cause for the revocation of the permit. In the event that it shall appear te the city council that any permittee ham failed te comply with the previsi®mm of this ordim~mce, maid ~e~y shall fix a date for hearing the charge of violation and shall give to s~eh permittee, at lea~t five (5) days in advance of mmeh hearin,, written notice thereof by mailing or delivering the same te him. If, ul~on s~eh hearing, the city council finds that said permtttee ham failed to comply with tho provisions of this ordinance, said permit shall be rmveked. ~ ~ection 9. If any section, suheection, subdivision, sentence, cl&~se or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to he un~mmtitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining pertioam of this ordinance. The city council here- by declares that it weu.ld have passed this ordinance, and each section, m~bmection, subdivision, sentence, cla~mo, and phrase there- of, irx~m.peetive of the fact that any one or more sectionm, sub- sectio~m, subdivisions, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared un- cemmtttutio~al. Beetien 10. Ail ordinamems and parts of ordinances of said city in cenflict with this ordtmanee, to the extent of much conflict · . I and no further, are hereby repealed. Section 11. Any permon, pore®ns, er corporation who mhall violate any provision of thim ordinance mhall be ~uilty of a mim- demeanor, and, upon conviction there®f, shall be punished by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars '($50.09)'nor sore than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.09), or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three (3) months, or by beth such fine and imprisonment. No sentence imposed hereunder shall be suspended. Section 12. This ordinance shall be published once as quirod by law and shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the dat· of its adoption. ***** Introduced this llth day of July, 1955. Panmod and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South san francisco at a meeting of tho City t~uaeXl ~Aty o! ,such -U ~,,',T exits held this 18th day of July, 10SS, by tbs fellowil~ vote: AYK~, COU~IL~M Andrew Rocca. Francis Lucchio, Emilio Cortesi, Richsrd Gam!en I~S, ,, None A~$B~T, " Telford Smith FransJ]eo ATTIJT: ·