HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.01.94 Minutes
Regular Meeting of Septelllber 1, 1994
7:30 P.M.
Vice-Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners DeZordo,
Padreddii, Romero, Warren and Zellmer.
Chairman Mantegani
Planning Division
Steve Solomon
Steve Padovan
Dick Chiozza
Dennis Chuck
Jeff Baca
Ron Petrocchi
Fred Lagomarsino
Assistant City Attorney
Engineering Division
Building Division
Police Department
Fire Department
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of April 7, 1994
Motion-Warren/Second-Zellmer: To approve April 7, 1994 minutes as presented. They were
unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Commissioners Padreddii and Romero.
726 Grand Avenue. A. Mora. V-94-322
Variance to allow a detached garage structure (construction almost complete) with less than
the required 20 foot driveway apron, encroachments into the side and rear setbacks and
exceeding the maximum height and size requirements for an accessory structure in the R-2
Medium Density Residential Zone District at 726 Grand Avenue in accordance with
provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.82. Continued from the August 18, 1994 Planning
Commission meeting.
Assistant Planner Padovan presented the staff report.
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PC Meeting of 9/1/94
Adolfo Mora
726 Grand Avenue
So. San Francisco
Mr. Mora stated that at the last Planning Commission meeting, they had asked him to change
the garage doors so that they face the side property line. He asked the Commission for help
in legalizing this structure. He stated that staff had requested him to lower the height of the
structure two feet. Mr. Mora advised that his neighbors had no problem with the structure as
shown by the petition attached to the staff report. He further stated that he could not move
the garage back 20 feet because he would then have to cut down a 50-year old tree.
Speaking for the applicant:
Martin Yniguez
521 Hillside Avenue
So. San Francisco
Mr. Yniguez said he had drawn up the blueprints for the structure. He stated that the
foundation was very sound.
Commissioner Padreddii said he had visited the site and that the structure improved the area.
Commissioner Romero stated that even though it was an improvement to the neighborhood,
he did not like to grant this type of variance and agreed with staff.
Commissioner Warren sympathized with the applicant but said that there are no legitimate
grounds for granting a variance; she did not want to set a precedence.
Commissioner Zellmer said he did not they could find findings for approval of this variance
and he also did not want to set a precedence.
Assistant City Attorney Chiozza stated that under the State Planning and Zoning law,
financial hardship cannot be used as a finding to approve a variance.
Commissioner DeZordo said Mr. Mora has a unique piece of property in the alley and he
supported the variance especially since there were no complaints from the neighbors. He also
asked staff if this issue could be resolved through a PUD.
Commissioner Lucchesi asked about the findings for approval of this variance. He,
unfortunately, did not see a way to support this variance.
Commissioner Zellmer stated that he had a real problem with legalizing something that was
built illegally in the first place. He wanted staff and the applicant to come up with some sort
of agreement.
Mr. Yniguez said this was a very simple issue. It was now 100% sounder than it was before.
Also, he stated the City had approached Mr. Mora about making his home a historical site so
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PC Meeting of 9/1/94
this site is definitely unique. In answer to Commissioner Lucchesi's question about when he
first did the original drawings, he answered it was after Mr. Mora was red tagged.
Assistant City Attorney Chiozza stated that there might be room to pursue this matter with a
PUD so the matter could be continued so that staff can look at it and come back to the
Commission with more information.
Commissioner Warren stated that applying for a PUD did not necessarily guarantee the
Commission would approve it. She wanted the applicant to be aware of this.
Chief Planner Solomon advised that staff and the applicant had discussed the possibility of
making the structure smaller but that it is financially unfeasible.
Mr. Mora asked the Commission why this structure was such a big problem. He said he
started building the structure 9 months ago and he wanted to finish it.
Staff advised the applicant to move two walls and change the doors.
Motion-Warren/Second-DeZordo: Direct staff to research facts presented and make a
determination whether or not there is a possibility for a variance as to setbacks and to prepare
findings for approval. This motion was withdrawn.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: Direct staff to prepare findings for approval through a
Planned Unit Development application. Roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners DeZordo,
Padreddii and Romero. NOES: Vice-Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners Warren and
Zellmer. (Motion did not pass.)
Motion-Zellmer/Second- Warren: Continue this application to October 6, 1994 and direct staff
to work with the applicant to meet required setbacks and for staff to prepare findings of
approval for a height variance. Roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Lucchesi,
Commissioners Warren and Zellmer. NOES: Commissioners DeZordo, Padreddii and
Romero. (Motion did not pass.)
Motion- Warren/Second-Zellmer: To deny V-94-322. Roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman
Lucchesi, Commissioners Zellmer and Warren. NOES: Commissioners DeZordo, Padreddii
and Romero. (Motion did not pass.)
Motion-Romero/Second-DeZordo: To approve V-94-322. Roll call vote: AYES:
Commissioners DeZordo, Padreddii and Romero. NOES: Vice-Chairman Lucchesi, Warren
and Zellmer. (Motion did not pass.)
The applicant was advised that he could appeal the denial to the City Council.
Vice-Chairman Lucchesi called for a ten-minute recess at 9:10 P.M. He readjourned the
meeting at 9:20 P.M.
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PC Meeting of 9/1/94
245 So. Airport. Ramada Inn - UAL Housing (Evergreen Associates. owner). UP-94-970
Use Permit to allow 148 rooms in an existing 323 room hotel to be set aside as layover
accommodations for airline flight attendants, including the construction of a registration lobby
and resident manager's unit with related landscaping and site improvements at 245 South
Airport Boulevard, in the P-C Planned Commercial Zone District.
Chief Planner Solomon presented the staff report.
Dave Connors
Ramada Inn
245 So. Airport Blvd.
Sou th San Francisco
Mr. Connors agreed with all the conditions and advised that the architect, James Linebarger,
was present if the Commission had any questions.
Motion-Padreddii/Second-DeZordo: To approve UP-94-970 based on the findings and subject
to conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Items from staff - Chief Planner Solomon advised that a study session to discuss the Design
Review process and to discuss the second-unit ordinance would be rescheduled when all
Commission members were present.
Items from Commission - none.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Zellmer: To adjourn the meeting to September 15, 1994.
~hairmtnl:;,CCheSi adjourned the meeting at 9:40 P.M.
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Steve Solomon, Secretary ---- J olin uccli'esi~ Vic - hairman
Planning Commission Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco City of South San Francisco
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PC Meeting of 9/1/94