HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.04.94 Minutes
Regular Meeting of August 4, 1994
7:30 P.M.
Chairman Mantegani, Vice-Chairman Lucchesi,
Commissioners DeZordo, Padreddii, Romero and Zellmer.
Commissioner Warren
Building Division
Police Department
Fire Department
Steve Solomon
Steve Carlson
Susy Kalkin
Steve Padovan
Dick Chiozza
Dennis Chuck
Richard Harmon
Jeff Baca
Ron Petrocchi
Dave Parenti
Planning Division
Assistant City Attorney
Engineering Division
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of April 7, 1994 and April 21, 1994
The minutes of April 7, 1994 were not approved due to lack of quorum.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Zellmer: To approve the minutes of April 21, 1994 as presented.
They were unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Padreddii.
ABSENT: Commissioner Warren.
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PC Meeting of 8/4/94
726 Grand Avenue. A. Mora. V-94-322
Variance to allow a detached garage structure (already built) with less than the required 20
foot backup distance and which exceeds the maximum height and size requirements of the R-2
Medium Density Residential Zone District.
Motion-Zellmer/Second-DeZordo: To continue V-94-322 to August 18, 1994. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
149 So. Linden Avenue. Silvestri Corporation. UP-94-966
Use Permit for the outdoor storage of rock and sand in two 10x12 concrete block enclosures
at an existing manufacturing facility in the M-l Industrial Zone District in accordance with the
provisions of SSFMC Section 20.30.040(b).
Motion-Zellmer/Second-DeZordo: To continue Up-94-966 to August 18, 1994. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
2229 Gellert Boulevard. Three Bears Bakeshop (Manton Wong. owner). UP-93-939/Mod 2
Use Permit Modification to allow an existing restaurant to operate past 12:00 midnight in the
C-l Retail Commercial Zone District, in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Sections
20.22.070(a) and 20.91.
Motion-ZellmerjSecond-DeZordo: to approve UP-93-939/Mod 2 based on the findings and
subject to conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
116 Romney Avenue. Alta Loma Junior High School. PM-94-306. Negative Declaration No.
Parcel Map to subdivide one parcel into two on an 8.414 acre operating school site, one with
the school improvements and one vacant, and to merge the newly created vacant parcel with
an adjacent vacant lot at the terminus of Camaritas Avenue into one parcel in the R-l Single
Family Residential Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Title 19 and the
State Subdivision Map Act.
Motion-Zellmer/Second-DeZordo: To approve Negative Declaration No. 768 and PM-94-306
based on the findings and subject to conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by
voice vote.
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361 Alta Vista Drive. Alta Vista Church of Christ. UP-94-963
Use Permit to allow a 2,358 square foot two level addition to the rear portion of an existing
church, including landscaping improvements and a reciprocal parking arrangement with
adjacent property in the R-1-E Single Family Residential zone District in accordance with
provisions of SSFMC Sections 20.16.010 and 20.74.120(b). Continued from the Planning
Commission meeting of July 21, 1994.
Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report.
Steve Vettel
Attorney for the Church of
361 Alta Vista
Sou th San Francisco
Mr. Vettel stated that the staff report addressed all the concerns that had been raised and
noted that the architect and engineer were present for any questions.
Speaking against the project:
Joe Stamatis
269 Avalon Drive
Sou th San Francisco
Mr. Stamatis expressed his concern about the flooding in the area.
Richard Harmon, Engineering Division, discussed "Grasspave" and the overall drainage issues
in the area.
Theodore Tronoff, project engineer, discussed the proposed swale and various pavement
options for the parking lot.
Commissioner Lucchesi questioned whether there would be a fence separating the parking lot
from the property to the rear. Ms. Levy, project architect, Levy Design Partners, said there
would be a fence for security reasons. Commissioner Lucchesi asked that the design be
reviewed by City staff.
Motion-Zellmer/Second-Padreddii: To approve UP-94-963 based on the findings and subject
to amended conditions of approval. Add Planning condition No.8 to read: "Fence design
shall be submitted to staff for review prior to issuance of a building pelmit". Add Planning
condition No. 9 to read: "Porous paving area shall utilize concrete paving material planted with
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PC Meeting of 8/4/94
grass; wildflowers shall not be included in the mix. II It was unanimously approved by roll call
662 Grand Avenue. Montes Apartments (Jose Montes. owner). PUD-94-34
Planned Unit Development to allow the conversion of an existing medical office building to a
three-unit apartment building with related parking and landscaping improvements in the R-3
Multiple Family Residential Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section
Assistant Planner Padovan presented the staff report.
Augusto Navarrete
291 Lomita Avenue
San Bruno, CA 94066
Mr. Navarrete thanked staff for their help and agreed to all the conditions.
Commissioner Lucchesi asked that the deck be as solid as possible and asked that it be
reviewed by staff.
Motion-Zellmer/Second-DeZordo: To approve PUD-94-34 based on the findings and subject
to amended conditions of approval. Planning Condition No.5 amended and the following
sentence was deleted: IIMaintain thc cxisting brick facadc instcad of rcplacing \vith stucco and
clean the block '.valls." It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Chief Planner Solomon asked to change agenda item #8 to #7.
375 Dorado Way. Avalon Elementary School. PM-94-307. Negative Declaration No. 769
Parcel Map to resubdivide seven parcels into six on a 2.422 acre former school site in the R-l
Single Family Residential Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Title 19
and the State Subdivision Map Act.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Speaking with concern:
Richard Garbarino
400 Avalon Drive
South San Francisco
Mr. Garbarino, Avalon Homeowners Association, had several concerns: only single family
homes, no gated entrances, lawned areas and front yard landscaping.
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Speaking with concern:
Al Seubert
224 N orthwood Drive
South San Francisco
Mr. Seubert wanted the existing trees protected as much as feasible and stated that staff had
addressed his concerns.
Senior Planner Carlson stated that the SSFUSD (owner of the property) did not have any
intention of developing the land at the present time.
Motion-Zellmer/Second-Lucchesi: To approve Negative Declaration No. 769. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion-Zeller/Second-Lucchesi: To approve PM-94-307 based on the findings and subject to
conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Chairman Mantegani called a ten-minute recess at 8:35 P.M. He readjourned the meeting at
8:45 P.M.
800 Forbes Blvd.. Bldg. 4. Genentech Library Expansion. UP-94-968
Use Permit for the expansion of an existing library facility at Building No.4 including a 3,400
sq. ft. two-story addition on the south elevation, a new 3,465 sq. ft. mezzanine level inside the
building, renovation of the kitchen and cafeteria and related parking improvements at the
Genentech Campus in the P- I Planned Industrial Zone District in accordance with provisions
of SSFMC Chapter 20.74.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Peter Yee
Genentech, Inc.
451 Pt. San Bruno Blvd.
Sou th San Francisco
Mr. Yee briefly explained the project and said they were complying with the guidelines of the
master plan.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve UP-94-968 based on the findings and subject
to conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Items from Staff - Chief Planner Solomon announced that Associate Planner Kalkin was
promoted to Senior Planner.
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He also advised the Commission that the City Council had approved the East of 101 EIR, the
Housing Element of the General Plan and the Area Plan. He advised that an application had
been received for half of the Folger site as a warehouse freight fOlwarding operation.
Mr. Solomon stated that a Phoenix based land company in conjunction with W. W. Dean plan
to develop the Terrabay site.
Mr. Solomon said that the Council had approved the budget and had eliminated a position in
our office; also $25,000 to update the Housing Element. He further stated that there would
be a format change in our staff reports and our minutes.
He further stated that Council had directed staff to prepare an ordinance to limit the number
of institutional uses around County Club Park.
Mr. Solomon asked the Commission to look over the letter which he had drafted to the
Council and asked for their comments.
Items from Commission - Commissioner DeZordo asked about the second-unit ordinance.
Commissioner Mantegani asked for a study session to discuss the Design Review process and
to discuss the second-unit ordinance. Commissioner Romero said he received complaints
about the water being cloudy at the Magnolia Center and asked staff to check it out.
Motion-Zellmer/Second-DeZordo: To adjourn the meeting to August 18, 1994.
Chairman Mantegani adjourned the meeting at 9:15 P.M.
Steve Solomon, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
~ '
R Dert Mantegani;ehalmian
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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PC Meeting of 8/4/94