HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.12.94 Minutes
Regular Meeting of June 16, 1994
7:30 P.M.
Chainllan Mantegani, Vice-Chairnlan Lucchesi,
Conllnissioners DeZordo, Padreddii, ROlnero and Warren.
Conlnlissioner Zelllner (arrived at 7:43 P.M.)
Planning Division
Steve Solomon
Steve Carlson
Su sy I{alkin
Steve Padovan
Carl Cahill
Dick Chiozza
Dennis Chuck
Jeff Baca
Ron Petrocchi
Fred Lagolllarsino
Assistant City Attorney
Engineering Division
Building Division
Police Department
Fire Department
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of February 17, 1994
An interpretation of church parking standards.
Assistant Planner Padovan presented the interpretation and the Comnlission concurred with
the report. The COllllnission agreed that church parking should be based upon the function
with the greatest parking delnand for uses not operatil1g concurently.
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PC Meeting of 6/16/94
361 Aha Vista Drive. Aha Vista Church of Christ. UP-94-963
Use Pennit to allow a 2,358 sq. ft., two level addition to the rear portion of an existing church,
including landscaping inlprovenlents and a reciprocal parking arrangelnent with adjacent
property in the R-I-E Single Fanlily Residential Zone District in accordance with provisions of
SSFMC Sections 20.16.010 and 20.74.120(b).
Associate Planner Susy I{alkin presented the staff report.
Donald Major
803 Red Leaf Court
San Francisco
Mr. Major, the nlinister of Aha Vista Church of Christ, stated his eongregation had over 100
people and gave a brief background and explanation of the need for the project.
Raquel Major
803 Red Leaf Court
San Francisco
Mrs. Major, Superintendent of the Sunday school, diseussed their need for classroolns and
fellowship hall.
Toby Levy
Levy Design Partn ers
26 South Park
San Francisco
Ms. Levy showed a snlall nlodel of the proposed addition and discussed the design concept.
She requested that the COllllnission approve the barrel vault roof in place of the gable
recolllmended by the Design Review Board.
Steve Vettle
Attorney for the Church
177 Post St.
San Francisco
Mr. Vettle questioned several conditions and talked briefly about each issue.
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PC Meeting of 6/16/94
Speaking with concern:
Elaine Bill
297 Alta Vista Dr.
Sou th San Francisco
Speaking against the project:
Frank Adasiewicz
360 Alta Vista Drive
South San Francisco
Larry Colelllan
402 N orthwood Dr.
Sou th San Franeisco
Gary Barker
404 N orthwood Dr.
Sou th San Francisco
Frank Sander (represented by Gary Barker)
406 N orthwood Dr.
South San Franeisco
Mr. Adasiewicz was concerned about the proliferation of religious institutions in the area and
the resultant parking and traffic il11pacts.
Messrs. COlell1an, Barker and Sander stated that in the past drainage fronl the church has
overflowed onto their properties and were concerned that this project would increase this
COlllnlissioner Zelhner stated that he saw two issues; the drainage issue and condition relying
on the 1110sque for overflow traffie.
Dennis Chuck, Associate Engineer, explained the existing drainage problellls at the site. He
stated that the Engineering Division had looked at various drainage scenarios for the site.
However, due to the lack of stornl drain facilities in this area, the Engineering Division
supports a drainage systenl which will eontain the water on site and allow it to percolate onto
the ground.
COlllnlissioner Lucchesi asked about the "Grass-crete" and whether there would be an
irrigation systenl. The architect answered "that a irrigation systenl was not proposed."
A discussion ensued about the drainage problenl and nlaintenance problelns with the
proposed pavelllent systenl. The applicant was requested to go back to the landscape
architect and to retain a geotechnical engineer to conle up with a nlore definitive program.
Specifically they were asked for additional information on the pavel11ent options and to
investigate how the drainage on the site affects adjacent properties.
COllllllissioner Warren asked that the Use Permit for the adjoining property be looked at to
lnake sure they were complying with their conditions of approval.
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PC Meeting of 6/16/94
It was the Conlnlission's eonsensus not to create a precedent with regard to the proposed
parking and pavell1ent systenl but to be able to review each case separately.
Motion- Warren/Second-Zelhner: To continue UP-94-963 to the July 21, 1994 Planning
COlllmission 111eeting. It was unanilnously approved by voic.e vote.
Chairman Mantegani called for a 10-lninute recess at 8:55 P.M. The nleeting was reconvened
at 9:04 P.M.
2211 Gellert Boulevard, Ling Nam Noodle House (Manton Wong, owner). UP-93-939/Mod 1
Use Pernlit Modification to allow an existing restaurant to operate past 12:00 l11idnight in the
C-l Retail C0l11111ercial Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Sections
20.22.070( a) and 20.91.
Assistant Planner Carl Cahill presented the staff report.
Rosenberg Tan
80 Plynlouth Circ.le
Daly City
Mr. Tan explained his reason for applying for a 24-hour operation.
The owner of the property:
Manton Wong
1994 45th St.
San Franciseo
Mr. Wong stated that he believed all concerns had been addressed. He questioned condition
no. A. 4 which he thought was rather harsh.
Commissioner Zelhner questioned whether the original permit allowed after-lnidnight
operations. Staff answered, "No."
COllllllissioner Warren did not want to delete Planning condition no. 4.
Sgt. R. Petrocchi spoke briefly about the problenls at Ling Nanl Noodle. He stated that in
the last three 1110nths, there have been at least four calls for serviee.
The COlnnlission asked for a six-nlonth review to be added to the conditions.
Motion-Zellmer/Second-Rolnero: To approve UP-93-939/Mod 1 based on the findings and
subject to modified conditions of approval: Planning condition no. 6 to read:li::*!li::::M~i:::::~A~~J
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PC Meeting of 6/16/94
Maiiiegant'''Vice-Chainllan Lucchesi, COlnnlissioners DeZordo, Padreddii, Romero, Warren
and Zelhller.
325 South Maple Avenue, South Maple Business Park (Jon S. Legal1et, owner). UP-86-
760/Mod 2. Negative Dec.1aration No. 546 (approved 1986)
Modification of a Use Pennit for an existing industrial park to allow the replacement of
outdoor storage areas with two nllIlti-tenant industrial buildings totaling 39,500:!: with related
parking and landscaping ilnprovelnents, in the M-l Industrial Zone District in accordance with
provisions of SSFMC Section 20.91.
Associate Planner Kalkin presented the staff report.
John Legallet
1401 Griffith
San Francisco
Mr. Legallet questioned Planning eonditions #3 and #10 and asked if staff would allow
111anagement to conle up with a policing progranl where the trash gets picked up on a
scheduled basis. If this proves unsuccessful then he would be required to install a trash
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Warren: To approve UP-86-760/Mod 2 based on the findings and
subject to modified conditions of approval. Change Planning conditions as follows:
3. A1!f:{g~f::::t~::::gAq{~i?~!~;f;}~:::'f{!:~ff subject to the approval of the Chief Planner, the applicant shall
installihicc ti~ii'sh contalnll1ent areas, a 111ininlunl of six feet in height and constructed of solid
6.Prior to occupancy, a cOlllprehensive sign progra111 for the site shall be sublnitted to the
~~~ ~hiDf P]annc~ ~I~~:I~II~~~
10. Subject to the :.1ppro\'al of the Chief Planner, c.1ere story windows shall be added to
Bldg. B to better relate its architecture \\'ith the nlain structure.
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PC Meeting of 6/16/94
Commissioner Warren seeonded the nlotion and it was unanitllously approved by voice vote.
726 Grand Avenue. A. 1\IIora. V-94-322
Variances to allow an accessory structure (a detached garage structure) with less than the
required 20 foot baekup distance, exceed the 111axi111Unl height and exeeed the maximum size
requirelnents of the R-2 Mediunl Density Residential Zone District.
Assistant Planner Carl Cahill presented the staff report.
A. Mora
726 Grand Avenue
South San Franc.isco
Mr. Mora said he could nlininlize the size of the garage, if needed.
Speaking in favor of the project:
Martin Iniguez
521 Hillside Boulevard
South San Francisco
Mr. Iniguez stated that the new garage was safer than the old one which was ready to
Comlllissioner Warren stated that if the Comlnission granted these variances, they would be
creating a precendent for other property o\vners city-wide. She stated that the Conlnlission
must find something unique about the property and she did not feel cOlllfortable granting this
variance due to the circunlstances.
Motion- Warren/Seconded-Zelhner: To c.ontinue V-94-322 to the July 21, 1994 Planning
Comnlission 111eeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Draft East of 101 Area Plan
To review proposed revisions to the Draft East of 101 Area Plan and direct preparation of the
final docum en t.
Senior Planner Steve Carlson presented the staff report.
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PC Meeting of 6/16/94
Speaking with concerl1:
Isabel Sewell
Lithotype Co.
333 Pt. San Bruno Blvd.
South San Francisco
Ms. Sewell had questions about the 1(011 site and wondered if they would pay a fee to defray
costs of the Oyster Point Overpass. The also spoke with concern regarding several policies,
wastewater and supported shoreline recreational developnlents.
Speaking with concern:
Lou Dell'Angela
460 Gardenside
Sou th San Francisco
Mr. De11'Angela stated his coneern regarding Policy LU-4b.
Speaking with concern:
Bu d Mason
Diversified InvestInents
400 Oyster Point Blvd.
South San Francisco
Mr. Mason questioned the FAR's.
Speaking with eoncern:
Peter Yee
Genentech, Ine.
451 Pt. San Bruno Blvd.
Sou th San Francisco
Mr. Yee 111entioned certain eoncerns which won leI hinder their nlaster plan.
The Comlllission took a straw vote and reconlnlended staff to prepare the final doculnent.
Southeast corner of Sunset and Stonegate Avenues, Mark Robson/Santa Clara Development
(Ida CrosarioL owner), GP-93-48, RZ-93-94, SA-93-11L PUD-93-26
Consideration of the applic.ation of City policy regarding allowing private streets for a 34-unit,
single-falnily detached residential development on 4.26 ac.res in the R-1 Single-Family Zone
Assistant Planner Steve Padovan presented the staff report.
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PC Meeting of 6/16/94
In answer to COllllnissioner Warren's question regarding fire lines, Sgt. Petrocchi stated that
the Police Departnlent does enforee designated fire lanes, however, the proposed right-of-way
is wide enough to not require fire lane designation.
Mark Robson
Santa Clara Developlllent
1025 Lincoln Avenue
San Jose
Mr. Robson discussed the various changes that have been nlade during the subeolllmittee
meetings. He also discussed the future acquisition of SSFUSD surplus land along the
southerly P/L which would increase the private open space for each unit and reduce slopes
throughout the site.
Speaking against th e proj ect:
David Meyer
744 Stonegate Drive
South San Francisco
Staff stated that this applieation would be cOl1ling back to the Conll11ission in the near future.
The Commission asked what the Council's feeling are regarding this applieation.
Itenls frolll Staff - Chief Planner Solonlon stated that Genentech would like to COl1le back to
the Comlllission with their nlaster plan.
Itellls frOlll Conlnlission - C0l11111ission requested postponing the discussion of Commissioner
ROlllero's letter regarding BART to the next lneeting.
Conlmissioner Mantegani said he received a letter about a violation at 510 Miller Avenue and
gave said letter to Chief Planner Solonlon.
Motion-Zelhller/Seeonded- Warren: To adjourn the lneeting to Ju ly 7, 1994.
Steve SOIOll1 on, Secretal
Planning COllllllission
City of South San Francisco
'\'/ '
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t)'t ert-MaIHegani, Chainllan"--
Plaqni!1g COl1lnlission
City of South San Francisco
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PC Meeting of 6/16/94