HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.19.94 Minutes
Regular Meeting of May 19, 1994
7:30 P.M.
Chairman Mantegani, Vice-Chairman Lucchesi,
Commissioners Padreddii, Romero and Zellmer.
Commissioner Giusti (Parking Place Commission)
Commissioners DeZordo and Warren
Commissioner Ziegler (Parking Place Commission)
Finance Director
Assistant City Attorney
Engineering Division
Building Division
Police Department
Fire Department
Steve Solomon
Steve Padovan
Carl Cahill
Amy Margolis
Dick Chiozza
Richard Harmon
Jeff Baca
Ron Petrocchi
Fred Lagomarsino
Planning Division
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of February 3, 1994
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-LucchesI: To approve the February 3, 1994 Planning Commission
minutes as presented. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Romero. ABSENT: Commissioner
Joint study session with the Parking Place Commission - to discuss the role of parking districts
in the City's development strategies.
Commissioner Lucchesi stepped down from the dais due to a conflict of interest.
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PC Meeting of 5/19/94
Chief Planner Solomon asked that the item on the "massage ordinance" be heard first in order
to give Commissioner Ziegler time to arrive.
Commissioner Lucchesi returned to the dais.
Massage Ordinance - Discussion of possible amendments to the Zoning Ordinance's Adult
Entertainment Overlay District regulations and revisions to the Police Department's massage
Chief Planner Solomon represented the staff report.
Chief Planner Solomon advised that the City could remove the provisions in the Zoning
Ordinance that control "massage" because the Police Department ordinance will be dealing
with the essential issue of the legality of the operation and it will be controlling it and
permitting it through an adnlinistrative permit.
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi, Police Department, who gave a brief history of the ordinance. He stated
that the main points which differ between the old and new ordinance are 1) it opens up
"massage" to more districts; and 2) eliminates use permit requirement. He asked the
Commission to determine whether or not to keep the Zoning Ordinance as is which limits
"massage" to the Adult Entertainment district or whether to have a Use Permit connected with
"massage" activity.
Chief Planner Solomon advised the Commission that Chairman Ziegler (Parking Place
Commission) was sick and would not be attending the meeting. Commissioner Giusti stepped
down from the dais. Chief Planner Solomon stated a later date would be scheduled for the
joint meeting.
Commissioner Romero questioned item #4 on page 9 of the "Regulations for Massage
Establishments" regarding Penal Code Section 290 which deals with sex violations. Assistant
City Attorney Chiozza advised that you can only retrieve records for five years under the law.
Commissioner Romero suggested extending the five years.
In answer to Commissioner Lucchesi's concern about limiting legitimate uses to just industrial
and warehouse districts, Chief Planner Solomon suggested treating it s a personal seIVice
which would allow the use in industrial and commercial districts.
Assistant City Attorney advised the Commission that they might want to include "At the
discretion of the applicant, to appeal to the City Council."
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PC Meeting of 5/19/94
It was the consensus of the Commission to allow massages in all districts but residential.
Items from Staff - Chief Planner Solomon updated the East of 101 project and discussed
briefly the F AR;s. He advised that they would not be able to change the FAR in the
document without recirculating the Environmental Impact Report. He further advised that
the City has asked the Airport for an extension from April 27, 1994 to June 27, 1994. The
subcommittee has asked that it be done by July 25, 1994 with no further changes.
Chief Planner Solomon discussed the Syufy problem with the parking lot; the Croation Hall
and the new application for another church; various projects that might be coming to the City.
He further advised that Sunrise has been bought by Haseiko Properties and they have
expressed and interest in Terrabay.
Items from Commission - none.
Chairman Mantegani called for a ten-minute recess at 8:15 P.M. Chairman Mantegani
readjourned the meeting at 8:25 P.M.
Chief Planner Solomon changed Item #1 to Item #2.
300 South Airport Blvd.. Chevron Station. UP-90-879/Mod 2
Use Permit Modification to allow installation of new pump islands, canopy, outdoor storage
enclosure, sign age and interior and exterior renovations for a gasoline service station in the
P-C Planned Commercial Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section
Assistant Planner Cahill presented the staff report.
Bob Corley
Robert Lee & Associates
1137 North McDowell
Mr. Corley stated he had no problem with the conditions and thanked staff for their help.
Commissioner Lucchesi suggested adding a condition prohibiting the sale of alcohol on the
site. Assistant Cahill stated that if at a future date the dealer decided to sell alcohol on the
premises they would have to apply for another Use Permit for that activity.
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PC Meeting of 5/19/94
Commissioner Lucchesi asked to move the doors to the trash enclosure.
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Padreddii: To approve UP-90-879/Mod 2 based on the findings
and subject to modified conditions of approval. Add to the Planning conditions: " 7.
The sale of alcoholic beverages at this location is not permitted unless a modification to this Use
Permit is first obtained from the Planning Commission and 8. The trash enclosure gates shall
be shifted closer to the main building and away froln the parking area. It was unanimously
approved by voice vote.
451 Point San Bruno Blvd.. Genentech - Building 3. UP-84-682/Mod 4. Negative Declaration
No. 763
Use Permit Modification to allow the expansion of an existing warehouse/manufacturing
facility for a truck loading dock, exterior generators and a gowning facility in the P- I Planned
Industrial Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.32.030.
Continued from the Planning Commission meeting of May 5, 1994.
Chief Planner Solomon presented the staff report.
It was regarding technical issues. Regarding generators adjacent to the building and whether
they affected fire regulations.
Commissioner Padreddii listened to the tape prior to the hearing and may participate in the
discu ssi on.
Michael Edwards
Genentech, Inc.
451 Pt. San Bruno Blvd.
Mr. Edwards discussed briefly the expansion to existing Bldg. #3. Also adding additional
generators. He also stated that Genentech had a problem with Condition #8. Requested that
an acoustical study be required at the time of last generator. He explained that all they
wanted was to change the sequence of the condition. Mr. Edwards stated that he also wanted
to incorporate the final landscape plans into the Spine package (or a later phase) deferring it
for 6 or 7 months.
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Lucchesi: To approve Negative Declaration No. 763. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Romero: To approve UP-84-682/Mod 4 and the Design Review
based on the findings and subject to modified conditions. Planning Condition #4 changed to
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PC Meeting of 5/19/94
read: "The final landscape plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the City's
Landscape Architect, shall be consistent with the Genentech Master Plan Central Spine
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pro;;;fding score lines on painting the exterior vlhite and coordinating the ribbon mullions ~yyith
the expansion joints. The exterior treatment shall closely match the appearance of neighboring
buildings. The final design shall also incorporate and shall be subject to the review and
approval of the Chief Planner," Planning Condition #8 is changed to read: "An acoustical
study shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical consultant prior to issuance of any Building
Permitlq[j~lY,~jg;t~4l<<ti. The acoustical consultant shall review the proposed plans and
construc1IoiioodraWlIi"gs"and make written recommendations to attenuate sound levels from the
proposed power generators. The consultant shall also prepare a program to minimize human
exposure to sound levels above 65 dB. The sound attenuation program and written
recommendations shall be subject to the review and approval of the Chief Planner. Prior to
the Final Building Inspection of the generators, the consultant shall measure the actual sound
levels including measurements at the Building #7 courtyard and the assembly area at the
terminus of Kaufmann Court and provide a final report with recommendations to the City.
The final report and the adequacy of the sound attenuation program shall be subject to the
review and approval of the City's Chief Planner." Building Condition #4 is deleted and
Building Condition #7 is changed to read as follows: tIn accordance with Uniform Building
Code Section 705, separate men's and women's restrooms shall be provided on each floor
within of the building if the number of employees exceeds four." It was unanimously
approved by voice vote.
20 Linden Avenue4 Heat Transfer Equipment PUD-94-31/UP-94-964
Use Permit and Planned Unit Development to allow an 862 square foot office and storage
expansion of an existing commercial business which includes parking and building
encroachments into the required setbacks in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Sections
20.20.030(c) and 20.84.
Andrew Chiari
2408 Easton Drive
Mr. Chiari stated that what they were doing was not detrimental to anything but only an
Commissioner Lucchesi stated he had a concern with the massiveness of the building. He also
stated his concern with PUD's being used where commercial buildings have 0 setbacks.
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PC Meeting of 5/19/94.
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Padreddii: To approve PUD-94-31/UP-94-964 based on the
findings and subject to conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by the following
roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Mantegani, Vice-Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners
Padreddii, Romero and Zellmer. ABSENT: Commissioners DeZordo and Warren.
2200 Westborough Blvd.. Westborough Square Shopping Center. Espresso Express. UP-94-958
Use Permit to establish a 116 sq. ft. drive-thru coffee kiosk in the central portion of the
parking lot at the Westborough Square Shopping Center within 200 feet of a residential zone
. in the C-1 Retail Commercial Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC
Sections 20.22.030 and 20.22.070(a).
Assistant Planner Steve Padovan presented the staff report.
Representing Caffino:
(formerly Espresso Express)
Brenda Gillarde
Project Coordinator
. 1358 Walden Road
Walnut Creek
Ms. Gillarde introduced Robert V ogt, Vice President of EXS, Inc., and stated that this project
was unique and innovative. She then presented a letter to the Commission with requested
changes to the conditions of approval.
Commissioner Zellmer agreed with Police condition 3.e.2. which required closed circuit.
Jeff Baca, Chief Building Inspector, stated that in regards to condition #5 prefabricated
structures fall under the regulations of the Department of Housing Regulations.
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Romero: To approve UP-94-958 based on the findings and subject
to modified conditions of approval. Planning condition No. 7 changed to read: "The roof
screening shall be replaced with a solid parapet \yall with the signage placed on all four sides
installed as per the drawings displayed at the Planning Commission meeting; sign panels and corner
pieces shall be of matching materials with green pipe trim at the top edge". Police Department
conditions No. 3.c.2. and 3.f.3 changed to read: "All exterior doors and service windows shaJ..I
be provided ~tVith their ovm light source and shall be adequately illuminated at all hours to
make clearly visible the presence of any person on or about the premises and provide
adequate illumination for persons exiting the building." and "Window areas shall be kept
reasonably free of signage, displays, equipment, etc. to allow maximum visibility into the
business by passersby. Building conditions No.4 and 5 to read: "In accordance with Uniform
Building Code Section 705. One unisex restroom shall be provided in the an adjacent
building, within approximately 300 feet of the Espresso Express facility. and "The proposed facility
shall be designed to provide access to the physically disabled in accordance with the
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PC Meeting of 5/19/94-
requirements of Title-24, California Code of Regulations; i.e., one disabled access parking
stall, path of travel to the building, primary entrance into the building. interior floor layout
and a unisex restroom. The plans as submitted do not comply." Commissioner Romero
seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by voice vote.
140 Produce Avenue. Shell Service Station.UP-93-935/Mod 1 and SC-94-18. Negative
Declaration No. 764 .
Use Permit Modification and a Type "C" Sign Permit to reconstruct an existing gasoline
service station with a new 24 hour 2,840 sq. ft. foot mart, 900 sq. ft. self-operating car wash,
six pump islands, a new canopy and a new 20 ~ high pole sign along the Produce Avenue right-
of-way, including related parking and landscaping improvements in the P- I Planned Industrial
Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Sections 20.32.030( c), 20.32.070( a)
and 20.76.170(f).
Assistant Planner Steve Padovan presented the staff report.
Richard Blankenfeld
Shell Oil Company
1150 Bayhill, #200
San Bruno
Mr. Blankenfeld stated he accepted all the conditions but Planning condition #6 pertaining to
sign age.
Commissioners Padreddii and Zellmer had no problem with changing condition #6.
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Romero: To approve Negative Declaration No. 764. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion- Romero: To approve UP-93-935/Mod 1 and SC-94-18 based on the findings and
subject to modified ~onditions ~f approval. . Plann~.~.?.~.?.~.?.~.~~?~.....~..6......~?..~...~~.~.~'~~~""~'~""!.~'~'~'~"H...::.!he
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letterIii'iHon the storefront shall be remoY/ed." It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Jeff Baca, Chief Building Inspector, briefed the Commission on a meeting held with the
Genentech people to try and establish coordination with their staff. He further explained the
new Disabled Access Regulations which contain two major components in regards to non-
residential facilities and multi-family residential facilities.
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PC Meeting of 5/19/94
The Commission briefly discussed PUD projects. Chief Planner Steve Solomon explained that
studying PUD's are on the Planning Division's work program.
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Lucchesi: To adjourn the meeting to June 2,--1994.
Steve Solomon, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Robert Mantegani, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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PC Meeting of 5/19/94