HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.21.94 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting of April 21, 1994 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chainllan Mantegani, Vice-Chainllan Lucchesi, Comnlissioners DeZordo, ROlllero and Zellmer. MEMBERS ABSENT: COlll111issioners Padreddii and Warren ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Sololl1on Steve Carlson Su sy K~alkin Dick Chiozza Dennis Chuck Jeff Baca Ron Petrocchi Fred Lagolllarsino Assistant City Attorney Engineering Division Building Division Police Department Fire Departnlent CHAIRMAN COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES of January 6, 1994 Motion-Lucchesi/Seconded-Zellmer: To approve the January 6, 1994 111inutes as presented. They were approved by voice vote. ABSENT: COl11nlissioners Padreddii and Warren. ABSTAINED: Commissioners DeZordo and Ronlero. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS 2525 Wexford Avenue (Foxridge School). Friends to Parents. UP-94-960 Use Permit to establish a Day Care facility for 154 children up to 5 years of age at the vacant Foxridge School site and related signage in the R-l Single Family Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.16.030(b). Assistant Planner Cahill presented the staff report. Page 1 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 4/21/94 Applicant: Bernice Perrazzo Friends to Parents 375 Dorado Way SSF Ms. Perrazzo briefly explained their operation and stated they had been in operation ahl10st twenty years. She said that the school district would nlaintain the grounds. Comlllissioner Lucchesi questioned the 111ail received against the project. Assistant Planner Cahill stated that a neighborhood 111eeting had been held on April 19th and that the applicant had not received any negative COl11111ents. Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Ronlero: To approve Up-94-960 based on the findings and subject to the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 375 So. Spruce Avenue. Clean Machine (Rose Bertucei. owner). UP-94-957. Negative Declaration No. 761 Associate Planner I(alkin presented the staff report. Applican t: David Galli 336 El Canlino Real San Carlos Mr. Galli eXplained the project briefly and showed the COllllllission pictures of their other two car washes located in San Carlos and Belmont. He also questioned various conditions contained in the staff report. Mike Yantos, the architect on the project, explained the design and the workability of the project. He stated that this project will have 1110re landscaping than the other two car washes. Speaking against the project: Laura Perodotto 137 Francisco Drive SSF Miss Perodotto expressed her concern about a traffic inlpact and the noise level since the car wash is to stay open 24 hours. Comlllissioner DeZordo stated he thought Clean Machine was an excellent project but he had a concern about queuing the cars. Richard Hanllon, Engineering Division, eXplained that there was "no parking" on Spruce Avenue so there would be no problenl. Conllllissioner Page 2 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 4/21/94 DeZordo also asked that the berm on Spruce and Huntington be increased in height to three feet. Mr. Yantos stated that that would be no proble111. The COll1mission discussed the conditions which Mr. Galli had questioned and to possible limitation of business hours to reduce the potential noise illlpacts. Motion-DeZordo/Seconded-Rolllero: To approve Negative Declaration No. 761. It was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chainllan Mantegani, Vice-Chairman Lucchesi, Comll1issioners DeZordo, Ronlero and Zellmer. ABSENT: Commissioners Padreddii and Warren. Motion-DeZordo/Seconded-Ronlero: To approve UP-94-957 based on the findings and subject to the modified conditions of approval. Add to Planning conditions: "6. Subject to the review and approval of the Chief Planner, the applicant shall revise the plans of the carwash building to break up the long roof plane. The roofs over the two wash bays abutting the equiplnent rOOln shall be "stepped up" and the roof over the equipl1lent r00l11 shall be raised further. Rain gutters shall be included on the roof over the equipl1lent 1'00111; 10. The site shall be cleared of litter on a daily basis; 11. The hours of operation shall be li111ited to 6:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. daily; 12. Signs shall be posted on the site to prohibit excessive noise and loitering. 13. The landscape berms proposed along the South Spruce frontage shall be at least three feet in height. Benns shall also be installed along Huntington Avenue to the lnaxil111l1ll practical height, as detennined by the City's Landscape Specialist. Regarding Building condition l.d. and Police Departlllent condition 3.a.3 The Planning COl1l1nission clarified that an access to the site will be lilnited to single driveway from South Spruce Avenue. The applicant will work with City staff to detennine the best location and the appropriate width. Fire Department condition 2.f. "Requirel11ent for fire sprinkler plans deleted." It was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chainllan Lucchesi, COlllmissioners DeZordo and ROlllero. NOES: Chairman Mantegani and COll1nlissioner Zellmer. ABSENT: Comlllissioners Padreddii and Warren. 320 Corey Way. U-Freight Anlerica (V-Freight Anlerica. Inc.. owners). PUD-94-32/UP-94-955 Use Pernlit to allow the addition of 8,100 sq. ft. of office space which will generate 1110re than 100 average daily vehicle trips per day and a Planned Unit Developnlent pennit to allow minor variations in setback, landscape and aisle width standards in the P- I Planned Industrial Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.84.010. Planner Carl Cahill presented the staff report. Applicant: Gene Boyer U-Freight Alllerica 320 Corey Way SSF Page 3 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 4/21194 Mr. Boyer stated that the project will itllprove the working environment for the employees; a c.leaner and updated image for the company. Speaking for Applicant: I(urt Hereld Hereld & Ayres Architects 39572 Stevenson PI., # 128 Fremont Mr. Hereld explained the fundalnental ideas of the project. Commissioner DeZordo stated that this project was an asset to the comll1unity. Motion-DeZordo/Seconded-Zellnler: To approve PUD-94-32/UP-94-955 based on the findings and subject to the c.onditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 851 Baden Avenue. Richard Miske. UP-94-959 Use Pennit to allow a 1,430 sq. ft. expansion of an existing residential care facility for the elderly from six (6) beds to eleven (11) in the R-2 Medium Density Residential Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Sections 20.18.030(a) and 20.18.040( c). Associate Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. Applicant: Willialll W. Randolph Alta California Associates P. O. Box 912 Ukiah Mr. Randolph agreed with all the conditions. Owner: Eugene Gonzalez 1726 Manor Drive Hillsborough In response to questions frOln the COlllmission, Mr. Gonzalez stated that the monthly fee is approximately $1300-$1800 a 1110nth; residents are anlbulatory and are over 62 years of age. Representing the applicant: Harold Bexton, Architect 640 Santana Road N ova to Page 4 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 4/21/94 Mr. Bexton stated that at the present tillle there is no connection between the first and second floor but that they will be installing a lift on the stairs. COl11111issioner DeZordo suggested including screening on the west side of the deck to provide protection from the strong winds. Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Lucchesi: To approve UP-94-959 based on the findings and subject to the conditions of approval. It was unaninlously approved by voice vote. 451 Point San Bruno Blvd.. Genentech. Building #3. UP-84-682/Mod 4. Negative Declaration No. 763 Use Permit Modification to allow the expansion of an existing warehouse/manufacturing facility for a truck loading dock, exterior generators and a gowning facility in the P-I (Planned Industrial) Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.32.030. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. He stated that Genentech wanted to give a brief presentation but that they had requested continuing this application to the May 7, 1994 Planning Commission nleeting. Applicant: Michael Edwards Genentech, Inc. 460 Pt. San Bruno Blvd. SSF Mr. Edwards gave a brief overview of the project. Representing the applicant: Lee Vanderkerchove Project Architect 246 First St., Suite 203 Berkeley Mr. Vanderkerchove gave a brief description of the design of the building. Motion-Zelhller/Seconded-Lucchesi: To continue UP-84-682/Mod 4 to May 5, 1994. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Items from Staff Chief Planner SOl01110n said the 111assage ordinance would be on the agenda for the May 5, 1994 Planning Comlllission lneeting. He further eonllnented that there was a subcommittee working with staff and developers on the Robson project on Stonegate. Page 5 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 4/21/94 Chief Planner Sololl1on discussed briefly the progress on the Area Plan and EIR on the East of 101. In answer to COllllllissioner DeZordo's question about BHP International, he stated that it went before the Council and several Engineering conditions were changed. Items from COlnmission COlnmissioner DeZordo stated that he will not be available for the May 19th 111eeting. Motion-Zelhl1er/Seconded-DeZordo: To adjourn the llleeting to May 5, 1994. Commissioner Mantegani adjourned the nleeting at 9:10 P.M. !i~L Steve S0101110n, Sec.retalY Planning COlllnlission City of South San Francisc.o Robert Mantegani, Chainllan Planning Conlmission City of South San Francisco RM:SS:ab Page 6 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 4/21/94