HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.17.95 Minutes
August 17, 1995
7:30 P.M.
Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners Masuda, Barnett,
DeZordo, Padreddii and Romero.
Vice-Chairman Warren
Planning Division
Steve Solomon
Steve Carlson
Larry Kasparowitz
Larrisa Seto
"T.C. "Cayssials
Richard Harmon
Ron Petrocchi
Assistant City Attorney
Building Division
Engineering Division
Police Department
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of April 6, 1995.
Motion-Lucchesi/Second-Romero: To approve the April 6, 1995 minutes as presented. They were
unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Padreddii.
Chief Planner Solomon requested that Item #8 be heard first on the agenda.
Sgt. Petrocchi reported on problems at Ling Nam Noodle House, 2211 Gellert Blvd., and asked that
their Use Permit be brought back to the Planning Commission for review at their next meeting.
Commission agreed to agendize this use permit to the September 21, 1995 Planning Commission
meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
3906 Savannah Court, Rodolfo & Lourdes Julao, V -95-324;
Cat. Ex.: Class 1, Section 15301
Variance to allow legalization of an existing patio cover within the rear setback in accordance
with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.82.
Motion-Lucchesi/Second-Masuda: To continue V-95-324 as a PUD application to the September 21,
1995 Planning Commission meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
740 Del Monte Ave., Alta Lorna Preschool, UP-95-996
Use Permit to allow a preschool accommodating up to 36 children at 740 Del Monte Avenue,
situated in the Low Density Residential Zoning District (R-1-E) in accordance with SSFMC Section
20.16.030 (c).
Chairman opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Carlson presented staff report. A Use Permit was issued in 1979 for a maximum of
24 children which use ended in 1990. Mr. Kaplan now operates a day-care use there, they are
licensed for 36 children, but they operated with less children. He did not obtain a use permit when
they began in 1993, and are present to obtain the use permit.
Speaking as representative of the applicant:
Mr . Walter Hichkock
1777 Borel PI., San Mateo, CA 94402
Referred to the August 1, 1995 letter from the
adjoining resident and the court mediation of July
31, 1995. He said that a fence built was to keep
the children from hitting the existing fence as
requested by the court. The suggestion of
moving the playground to upper parking lot
would not be feasible and would create a hazard
due to the amount of steps that are necessary to
take to get there.
Mr. Michael Kaplan
Alta Loma Preschool
740 Del Monte Ave., SSF
He had two concerns: Planning Division Conditions # 4 and #5,
related to moving the existing playground to the back parking area
and providing eight on-site parking spaces. He noted that the area
mentioned in Condition #4 is not part of their lease with the
church, the State licensing, and there is an easement of the San
Francisco Water Department. Regarding Condition No.5 he had
contacted the school district about leasing parking spaces on EI
Rancho School site and he needs to notify them if signs are
required. He agrees to have another fence along the existing to
alleviate the noise.
Discussion ensued of how the Church services and the preschool operate at different times. The
Commission discussed the pros and cons of using the upper and lower areas as a playground vs.
Parking for the church.
In response to the Commission's question of why the use permit was not obtained before the
business was operating, Mr. Kaplan noted that he normally is advised by the licensing agency of
wether or not a use permit is required. He apologized for not knowing, but with the state licensing
board approving his location he thought this was all he needed.
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PC Meeting of 8/17/95
Speaking in favor of the application:
John Cantley, Minister
of Grace Covenant Church
740 Del Monte Ave., SSF
Speaking in favor of the application:
Marilyn Basques, Employee/resident
757 Del Monte Ave., SSF
Speaking in favor of the application:
Debbie Crisafi, parent
5 Los Flores, SSF
Speaking in favor of the application:
Raymond Chang, parent
178 Morningside Dr.
Daly City, CA 94015
Speaking in favor of the application:
Bill Gunn, parent
73 Duval Drive, SSF
Speaking in favor of the application:
Carolina Balladares, parent
425 Bacon Street, SF
Confirmed Mr. Kaplan's comments and concerns. He
read his letter to the Commission and noted that in the
35 years he has been there, there has never been any
problems with the neighbors, the preschool or the
church and described their services for the community.
Commissioner Romero advised Mr. Cantley that the
reasons this use is reviewed by the Commission is to
make sure that a business in a residential area is
considerate of the neighbors.
She felt taking the children to the upper level would not
be safe. Further, she believed that there are no parking
She spoke of the excellent child care available at Alta
Loma Preschool. She said that children's noises are
pleasant and that there are other schools i.e. junior high
school and another preschool across the street they also
contribute to any noise in the neighborhood. She not in
favor of the children using the upper playground.
He spoke of the excellent child care available at Alta
Loma Preschool and liking the multi-cultural
atmosphere. He said there is no parking problems,
most parents are there briefly dropping off children,
many times he is the only car there.
He sees having a preschool in the neighborhood as a
great service and saw no parking problems. He wants
to keep the play area safe and agrees with the large
fence. He spoke of the excellent child care and multi-
cultural atmosphere available.
She asked the Commission to consider what is the best
service to the community not just one neighbor. Her
main concern is safety for the children.
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PC Meeting of 8/17/95
Speaking in favor of the application:
David Basques, employee and neighbor
757 Del Monte Ave., SSF
Speaking against the application:
Duncan McNeill, Sugimoto's Counsel
375 So. Mayfair #205
Daly City, CA 94121
He lives right across the street from the preschool, he
feels the noise level discussed is exaggerated by the
neighbor and these children are entitle to make a
reasonable amount of noise.
He said they are not asking that the application be
denied, they ask for approval with the recommended
conditions of approval, which are reasonable and will
not cause a burden on the applicant. They have not
receive a response to their letter of concerns from the
Church or Preschool, they ended up in court and the
matter was still not resolved. He continued to discussed
his client's extreme concerns with noise levels coming
from the preschool and the sited areas of possible
Commissioner Padreddii stated that the applicant has complied with the court order. Mr. McNeill
explained that these measures are as a temporary restraining order, and seeks the Commission's
action with the conditions of approval.
Speaking against the application:
Robert Sugimoto
756 Del Monte Ave., SSF
He stated his comments on the conditions: Planning
Division Condition No.2 - would like a later time than
8:30 AM for early recess, suggests 11 :00 AM. Condition
No.4 - he asked that the play yard be located at the
southern end of the upper parking lot and not to extend to
far to the north. He also asked for alterations of the walk-
thru gate near the entrance of the property, and that the
lower parking lot where the play yard is currently located
be off limits to the preschool activities and only be used as
an entrance to the preschool. He asked how long would
applicant have to comply with conditions if approved. He
further read into the record reasons for his concerns on the
Chairman Lucchesi closed the public hearing.
The Commissioners and staff discussed Mr. Sugimoto's concerns with him. Discussion ensued on
the possible alternatives to move the playground, or build an acoustical six foot wall or fence to
alleviate the noise.
Assistant City Attorney Seto advised the Commission on their authority in placing conditions to the
use permit in conjunction with the temporary court order. Commissioner Romero summarized that
the design of the preschool needs to be reviewed and that he supports staff's conditions of approval.
In response to Chairman Lucchesi question if tests for sounds could be done in the lower and upper
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PC Meeting of 8/17/95
grounds, the Chief Planner recommended an acoustical study. The Commission concurred in having
the acoustical study done, with the applicant baring the cost.
Commissioner DeZordo commented on Planning Condition No. 5 that it be removed. Staff noted
that if condition 5 is removed a variance would then be required. Staff recommends the applicant
obtain permission to use the school district's lot for parking area. Chairman Lucchesi noted in
agreement with staff that this item be continued to next meeting to allow the applicant to work with
school district on parking and with staff on noise mitigation through an acoustical study. The
Commission and applicant concurred to continue.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To continue UP-95-996 to September 21, 1995, Planning
Commission meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Chairman Lucchesi called for a ten minute recess at 9:35 P.M. He readjourned the meeting at 9:45
128 Harbor Way, Bay Area/Diablo Petroleum Company
UP-95-994 & PM-95-314; Negative Declaration No. 797
Use Permit to allow cardlock diesel truck fueling with scale, automobile fueling with carwash and
convenience storelsandwich shop in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.32.010(c);
and Tentative Parcel Map to allow lot merger to accompany concurrent use permit application in
accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Title 19.
Chairman Lucchesi opened the public hearing.
Interim Planner Kasparowitz presented the staff report. He noted that the project has gone through
the Design Review Board, they extended the landscaping at the southern entry and at the rear of the
The project meets City parking standards. The circulation issue is the queuing for the vehicles and
the traffic study has recommended queuing 6 to 10 vehicles at the carwash, the site plan should be
revised. This project is consistent with City's General Plan and requirements of the Zoning
Interim Planner Kasparowitz stated changes in the Police Department's Conditions of Approval to
C.2.c.2 - "... This condition may be waived if the Planning Commission allows a 24 hour,
365 day operation. over Policc Dcpartmcnt objection. ..."
He also noted that under the Planning Division's Conditions of Approval No. ' s 6, 7 and 8 would
require modification to this use permit.
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PC Meeting of 8/17/95
Representing Applicant:
Jim McGraff, Architect
Robert H. Lee & Assoc.
1137 N. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94954
(707) 765-1660
Mr. McGraff mentioned that staff's evaluation
of the project is fair, but concerned with the
following Conditions of Approval:
· Planning Division's Condition No. A.11. "A six feet wide planting strip shall
be provided around the perimeter of the project", this was not an issue
discussed at DRB, and revisions have not been made to the site plan. He
noted that the 6' of landscaping around site would impede the truck
· Engineering Division's Condition No. B.2.d. "In order to physically prevent
left-turns into the north driveway from Harbor Way, the developer shall install
a decorative, raised solid concrete median island within the existing painted
island in Harbor Way, opposite the north driveway...." He asked to move the
existing driveway south to clear the existing median which would then allow
trucks to turn left into the site from Harbor before the median and he would
comply with the City's request to fill and raise concrete median island within
the existing painted island in Harbor Way.
· Engineering Division's Condition No.3. Oyster Point Interchange/Overpass
Fee. He felt they needed to be better informed since this fee is a large amount
of money, and wanted to know how these numbers were calculated.
Chief Planner Solomon asked if they would like a continuance until they discuss these items with
Engineering Division? Applicant said no.
Dennis O'Keefe, President
Bay Area/Diablo
1001 Galaxy Wy. Ste. 308
Concord, CA 94520
He said he appreciated city staff's efforts on this
project. He has one concern with Engineering's
Condition No. B.2.d and noted that most of the
vehicles using the site will be delivery vans, 20' vans
not the big 40' trailer trucks.
Commissioner Masuda asked how close the scale was to the driveway? He was concerned that if
there were two trucks waiting to use the scale, one would be blocking the left turn lane.
Commissioner Romero agreed it would be a hazard and noted how not only did Engineering make
reference to this, but also the Police traffic section reaffirms it. He does not see how they could
waive that.
Sr. Engineering Technician Richard Harmon, of Engineering Division advised that the Traffic
Engineer has recommended no left turn, however, if the driveway was relocated further south this
would be something that could be considered.
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PC Meeting of 8/17/95
Chairman Lucchesi asked Mr. Harmon to explain the Oyster Pt. Overpass calculations. Mr.
Harmon explained that the 1984 Council's Resolution specifies how to calculate the overpass fee.
The reason the fee was high is because the resolution does not take into account trips generated
within the industrial area. It is based on the numbers generated by each facility as determined by
traffic studies; they were given credit for existing uses, but the Council's resolution does not take
into account what is referred to as pass-py trips.
Chairman Lucchesi asked the applicant if they would like to continue this and come back after he
had reviewed it with staff.
Chief Planner Solomon advised that technically this was a matter that the Commission could delete
from the conditions since the fees are set up by resolution and if there are technical errors with the
calculations it would be taken care of by Engineering staff.
Commissioner Padreddii asked if the applicant would like to go back to staff and review the figures
of the Oyster Point Overpass fee? Mr. Harmon noted Engineering would go over the calculations
with the applicant and any errors would corrected.
Speaking with concern: Mr. Mulhall noted he was on the agenda and wanted to
Robert Mulhall address some issues of continuity with his project. He
Coast Gasoline reviewed conditions on his project with those comparable to
905 Linden Avenue, SSF this project.
There being no other speakers, Chairman Lucchesi, closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Padreddii asked the architect if they would agree to move the driveway? Architect
commented that they would consider moving the driveway southerly to clear the existing median and
that it would not be a problem. Interim Planner Kasparowitz noted that staff would look at all the
effects of moving the northerly driveway to the south, how it will effect the queuing of the trucks,
and how it would meet the current Engineering Division's requirements.
Chairman Lucchesi asked if Engineering feels comfortable with that option, to work with the
applicant. Mr. Harmon noted they would work with the applicant to redesign the driveway
entrance, but what effect it would have on the on-site traffic is not clear yet.
Chairman Lucchesi asked about the landscaping or fence at the end of the property along the railroad
tracks. The architect responded that there is an existing fence, they are not proposing a new fence at
the railroad tracks. Discussion continued on the percentage of proposed landscaping and required
percentage. Chief Planner Solomon noted the landscaping ordinance requirements.
Commissioner Masuda asked if they have checked the soil for contamination? Mr. O'Keefe reported
that they are working on a Phase 2 study now.
Commissioner Romero feels this item should come back to the Commission after driveway is moved
and they could see the site plans with new circulationspattems. Chairman Lucchesi noted that the
reconfiguration of the driveway is a minor alteration and that the major project would not be
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PC Meeting of 8/17/95
changed, if staff is not satisfied with the design, it will need to come back. Commissioner Padreddi
did not agree to continue this item.
Motion - DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve Negative Declaration No. 797. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion - DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve the Use Permit UP-95-994 and Parcel Map PM-
95-314 subject to the Findings and Revised Conditions of Approval, amending Engineering
Division's conditions to read as follows:
Condition B.2.d. "... Alternatively, should the applicant wish to move the driveway southerly
to allow left turns into the sitefrom Harbor Way, approval must be securedfrom the
Engineering Division and the Chief Planner as to its location and design. "
The Commission verified that appropriate on-site circulation would be provided and that the
applicant shall provide a new chain link fence. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Coast Gasoline (Jose Montes, owner), 905 Linden Avenue
UP-95-995; Cat. Ex.: Class 1, Section 15303
Use Permit to allow a convenience market and gasoline station in accordance to the provisions of
SSFMC Section 20.22.040(c).
Senior Planner Carlson presented staff report. He noted Homeowners and Renters Association were
to meet on August 14, but was canceled, however the notice of the public hearing was sent to them.
Robert Mulhall
Coast Gasoline
905 Linden Ave., SSF
He summarized the history of the site and feels they have improved it.
He mentioned he spoke with all departments to get feedback of what
the City and community wanted to see on this site; and thanked the
Planning staff for their assistance. He stated that in three years this
site would be due for a State mandated tank removal and underground
tank improvements, not including building structure improvements,
this anticipated cost needs to be considered in asking a small business
to make large improvements.
The applicant noted his concerns on conditions of approval. That
Engineering Division Condition No. B.I.B. requiring catch basins, be
deferred until he does the underground tank removal in three years;
also Condition No. B.I.D. not to include placing of wheelchair ramp
at comer or Armour and Linden since the Department of Public
Works would be doing this area under a City project. He asked that
the driveways along Hillside Blvd. be allowed to stay the same and
again asked that sidewalk improvements be done with the
improvements necessary in three years.
Commissioner Padreddi noted he has gone by the site and is pleased with the new business
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PC Meeting of 8/17/95
Speaking in favor of the application:
Mr. Jim Peters
227 Hillside Blvd., SSF
Senior Planner Carlson read Mr. Peters' statement
noting that a mini-mart on this site it would be an
improvement from a vehicle repair shop for the
neighborhood, commented on the improvements to the
Speaking against the application:
Ramona Malepeai and Laura Gomez
202 Juniper Avenue, SSF
They stated there is too much construction in this area
Mr. Mulhall presented a petition of 500 signatures supporting a the mini-mart in this area. The
petition was then given to staff.
Chairman Lucchesi closed the public hearing.
Senior Engineering Technician Harmon said that the applicant met with the Director of Public
Works who agreed to add the ramp at Armour and Linden to City's overlay project. Regarding the
3-compartment oil separator, the Director agreed to delay the condition only with a letter from the
County of San Mateo noting they required the underground improvements in three years with no
extension. Since the applicant had not presented the letter, Engineering Division could not waive
this condition at this time. He explained the improvements to the catch basins and drainage for the
property, and notes that the condition is not an unreasonable burden on the applicant. He noted that
the driveway approach is not correct in the drawings and the applicant agreed to align it with the
planter strip.
Discussion continued from Sgt. Petrocchi and Commissioner DeZordo clarifying Police Chief's
concerns and with the conditions as proposed Police Department can support the project.
Commissioner Padreddi asked the applicant if he agreed with the condition from Engineering
Division that extensions on the conditions for three years but no further extensions from the County.
The applicant agreed.
Property Owner
Jose Montes,
He noted that as property owner he complies with all City, County, State
and Federal regulations. He has a letter stating that the date of October
1999 to do underground improvements and will provide this documents.
Chief Planner stated that the condition should stipulate this document be received within thirty days.
Owner agrees with the sidewalks being redone.
Motion-Barnett/Second-Padreddii: To approve the Use Permit UP-95-995 subject to the Findings
and Revised Conditions of Approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Changes to read
as follows:
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PC Meeting of 8/17/95
Engineering Division's Condition No. B.I.D. ".. .at the comer of Hillside Boulevard and
Linden Avenue. and at Linden Aven.ue and Armour, alon.g the frontage of the site."
And Condition No. B.I1.B. add: "The oil separator may be installed no later than 1999
contingent on the submission of a document of the San Mateo County Environmental Health
Department requiring that the underground tanks be removed by 1999 and stating that no
fun her extensions will be permitted. The latter document shall be submitted to the City
Engineer by September 17, 1995. "
Study Session of a Shell Superstation situated at Hickey Boulevard and
EI Camino Real in the Retail Commercial Zone District (C-l)
Senior Planner Carlson summaries staff report noting the three concerns of the applicant.
Ted Simas
Extra Oil Company
He stated his proposed project and asked the Commission for
their input, the architect and landscape architect are also present
to answer any questions.
Chairman Lucchesi asked the architect to review the site plan as to building location; and pedestrian
and vehicle circulation. The architect reviewed the proposed site plan and on-site circulation
Discussion continued on the landscaping on corner of EI Camino and Hickey. Architect noted they
will be relandscaping, keeping existing large trees and adding shrubs and berms.
The Commission asked on the percentage of landscaping, the possible problems of queuing at car
wash and fast food due to the busy site, and the trash bin location. Mr. Simas noted that the site
would have 15% of landscaping, and the queuing at drive-up window has room for 10 cars, they
have worked with the Engineering Division to work within the area off of the easement. He noted
the trash bin area could be flip/flop with landscaping.
The Commission discussed their concerns of the circulation pattern with the fueling pumps, the fast-
food drive-thru and the car wash. Mr. Simas noted the 29 foot space from the pump and building to
allow more than a two way movement. The landscaping in front of building can be moved, location
front door is not set yet.
Senior Planner Carlson stated that due the site size, a traffic study will be done. Chief Planner
Solomon noted the importance of the location of this site together with the configuration make it a
difficult combination to work with, and the level of design should be upgraded given the location.
Senior Engineering Technician Harmon stated they have seen several site plans and this is the best
plan so far, but a traffic engineering still needs to review it.
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PC Meeting of 8/17/95
Discussion ensued on the materials and colors of the buildings. The architect noted they attempt to
keep this more of a residential than a commercial type look and the types of restaurant would be in
keeping with what it across the street. Mr. Simas noted the variety with deserts and fast foods.
Chairman Lucchessi noted that the back of the building needs to be soften since it is a blank wall.
The Commission thanked the applicant for his efforts.
Zoning Ordinance Amendment ZA-95-91
Amendment to South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.84, "Planned Unit Permit
Procedures", related to establishing of approval and to enable the Planning Commission to establish
design guidelines. Review and report to Council on proposed changes.
Chief Planner Solomon stated the changes and main concerns. He noted one significant change
which is a policy decision in the PUD ordinance in the basic "increasing or decreasing landscaping
requirements"; in the proposed findings it said that the landscaping shall not be reduced which
creates a conflict. He recommends that one or the other is done; staff is recommending that no
reduction of landscaping, but needs the Commissions' decision.
Commissioner Romero change in working: Section 2 "design or neighborhood". Commission
concurred to forward to Council.
Items from Staff
Chief Planner Solomon advised of a meeting with Heather Heights regarding design of the walls.
He also has talked to Kaiser on changes to the fifth floor window. On the 30 unit motel on Airport
Blvd. the Council continued item to a subcommittee to redesign project.
Items from Commission
Chairman Lucchessi discussed a letter from San Mateo County AlA they are available to provide
Motion-Lucchesi/Second-Romero: To adjourn the meeting to September 6, 1995. It was
una imously approved by voice vote. Chairman Lucchesi adjourned the meeting at 11:50 P.M.
Steve Solomon, Sec
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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PC Meeting of 8/17/95