HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.20.95 Minutes
July 20, 1995
7:30 P.M.
Vice-Chainnan Warren, COInInissioners Masuda, Padreddii,
and ROInero.
Chainnan Lucchesi, COInInissioners Barnett and DeZordo
(DeZordo arrived at 7: 45 PM).
Planning Division
Steve SoloInon
Steve Carlson
Susy Kalkin
Larissa Seto
"T. C. " Cayssials
Richard Hannon
Mike Dickson
JiIn Fitzpatrick
Assistant City Attorney
Building Division
Engineering Division
Police DepartInent
Fire DepartInent
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of April 6, 1995
Minutes were not considered due to a lack of quoruln. COInInissioner Padreddii was abstaining and
ComInissioner DeZordo was not present at the tiIne the Ininutes were presented for approval.
Vice-Chairman Warren bid farewell to long-tiIne Planning Division Secretary Alicia Barragan who
is retiring from her position. Vice-Chainnan Warren presented her with a gift froIn the Planning
Commission to thank her for the 5 years of service.
Report from Conference Center Director on the status of the Center's parking.
Conference Center:
Sandra O'Toole
Executive Director of
Conference Center
255 South Airport Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Mrs. O'Toole presented Jake Jones, Chainnan of the Conference Center Authority. Mrs. O'Toole
reported on traffic and parking since the opening of the Conference Center in April 1993. The
Center has had 645 events with an attendance liInit of 1,200. In the past two years, the average
attendance has been 50 to 500 people in general attendance of sessions, conferences and banquets.
She also reported on requireInents set for the events to guide attendees in advertising their events and
describing parking availability. The sharing of parking availability with hotels, off-site lots, and
having security personnel have worked well together. Officer Mike Dickson agreed.
Commissioner DeZordo arrived at 7: 45 PM.
751 Airport Boulevard, Patel Motel (Raj Patel, owner), PUD-95-43, and Negative Declaration
No. 795
Planned Unit Developlnent for the construction of a 30 unit Inotel plus Inanager's unit with less than
standard setbacks and parking located in the P-C Planned COInInercial Zone District, in accordance
with SSFMC Section 20.84.
Vice-Chainnan Warren opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. She noted that the applicant, the Historical Old
Town HOIne Owners and Renters Association, and the neighborhood held a Ineeting on July 18th.
Recommendation was to liInit access to the parking lot froIn Cypress Avenue.
Police DepartInent condition No. C.4.e.(2) was Inodified as follows:
A closed circuit television CaInera shall be elnployed to Inonitor the parking areas and front
desk office area in case of robbery or other serious felony and for surveillance of secluded
areas of the site. The caIn era will act as both a criIninal deterrent and tool for later
identification of criIninal suspects. The CaInera shall be equipped with a recording device.
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PC Meeting of 7/20/95
Planning Division condition No.4 was aInended as follows:
- Subject to the approval of the Chief Planner, the westerly and northerly elevations shall be
modified by installing security fencing or solid wall material to block access to and from the
garage onto Cypress and Armour Avenues.
Representing the applicant:
JaInes Leong, Architect
WilliaIn Patel, Owner
751 Airport Blvd., SSF
Mr. Leong and Mr. Patel agreed with all the conditions of approval. They briefly discussed the
neighborhood meeting and how productive it was and said they were available for any questions the
COlnmission might have.
Speaking in favor:
George Bugnatto
Historic Old Town HO&RA
216 Juniper Avenue, SSF
Mr. Bugnatto said he was pleased with the COlnInission and Patel faInily for all their efforts in
making this a good project for the neighborhood. One concern was with the notification of property
owners, Inost of which were out of town and what can be done about notifying residents.
Commissioner Masuda noted that the HOIne Owners and Renters Association Secretary will be
notified of neighborhood changes as the City is aware of theine
Vice-Chairman Warren closed the public hearing.
Commissioner ROInero asked about the type of fence around the building and if it would block the
landscaping. Mr. Leong had suggested wrought-iron would be better than a solid wall. Senior
Planner Kalkin noted that landscaping would be flush with the building wall. Vice-Chainnan
Warren clarified that staff and applicant would work out the developInents of the added condition of
approval from the Planning Division.
Motion-Romero/Second-Masuda: To approve Resolution recoInlnending that the City Council
approve Negative Declaration No. 795 and PUD-95-43 based on the findings and subject to the
revised conditions of approval. It was unaniInously approved by voice vote. Vice-Chairman Warren
abstained since she was not at the July 6, public hearing of this iteIn.
373 Alta Vista Drive, Fiji Jamaat UL Islam Mosque (Dean Moidin), UP-95-992
Use Penn it to add a roof over a 940 sq. ft. courtyard located at the rear of an existing religious
institution in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Sections 20.16.030 and 20.91.020.
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PC Meeting of 7/20/95
Vice-Chairman Warren opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report.
Representing the applicant:
HashiIn Al- Y assin, Architect
1818 Gilbreth Rd. #248
BurlingaIne, CA 94010
Mr. Al- Y assin said the staff report accurately described their proposed project and he was available
for any questions the COInInission Inight have. Discussion followed on the design and sYlnbolisIn of
the building.
Vice-Chairman Warren closed the public hearing.
Commissioner ROInero discussed his concern with the absence of landscaping along the rear of the
building and should be reworked with the City Landscape Architect.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve UP-95-992 based on the findings and subject to the
conditions of approval. It was unaniInously approved by voice vote.
2201 Downey Court, Gee Residence (G. & M. Gee, owners), PUD-95-45
Planned Unit DevelopInent pennit for an 80 sq. ft. patio enclosure facing the street in an existing
planned residential developlnent in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.84.
Vice-Chairman Warren opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. A HOlneowner's Association had not been
located, but the rest of the neighborhood was notified as required within a 300 foot radius.
Representing the applicant:
David Rosa, Manager
Calif. Patio Builders
22962 Clawiter Rd.
Hayward, CA 94545
Mr. Rosa discussed the work proposed and noted the repairs include an existing leak condition.
Vice-Chairman Warren closed the public hearing. The COlnlnission asked Mr. Rosa on the type of
patio enclosure being constructed.
Motion-Rolnero/Second-Padreddii: To approve PUD-95-45 based on the findings and subject to the
conditions of approval. It was unaniInously approved by voice vote.
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PC Meeting of 7/20/95
Vice-Chainnan Warren called a 5 Ininute recess at 8: 15 PM. Planning COInInission Meeting
resumed at 8: 20 PM.
Zoning Amendment (ZA-95-93); Abandonment provisions of the "Non-conforming uses and
structures regulations" Section 20.97.070. Review and report to Council the Commission's
observations regarding technical changes to this section.
Chief Planner Solomon reported on City Attorney's technical changes for the Planning
Commission's consideration. Vice-Chainnan Warren asked Assistant City Attorney Seto to explain
the technical changes. Assistant City Attorney Seto explained that to assure that when there is an
abandonment there is a clearly defined affinnative action actually abandoning the use. Previously,
one of the options was for the lease to be sold and often leased back by the saIne occupant; so the
intention is to have the occupant give up the use in the case where the lease is tenninated. They
want to modify the language of "a lease is sold". Vice-Chainnan Warren explained that the original
intent was to place a siX-Inonth vacancy liInit to non-confonning uses, and with the econoInic
conditions as they have been in California and the City, there was a recognition that six Inonths was
not a reasonable turn-over tiIne so now the recOlnInendation is a one year liInit with a one year
COlnlnissioner ROInero asked about econoInic conditions warranting additional tilne. Assistant City
Attorney Seto noted this is done on a factual detennination on a case by case bases of what the
special hardship is. Discussion continued on special hardship as it Inay apply to Applicant's or
City's econoInic conditions.
Motion-Padreddii/Second-Masuda: Approving the language change for ZA-95-93:
Approving Resolution recoInInending that the City Council adopt an ordinance
amending Section 20.97.070 - Abandomnent - of the South San Francisco Municipal
Code related to extending the tiIne period after a nonconfonning use has ceased use of
a building before it is considered abandoned fro In six Inonths to one year and
providing for one additional year, if approved by the Planning COInInission, before
abandonInent occurs.
It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
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PC Meeting of 7/20/95
General Plan Amendment (GP-95-52) to policies in East of 101 Plan regarding development in
open space and adjacent to sensitive resources. To respond to Council inquiries.
Chief Planner SoloInon presented the staff report. The City Council's issues of concern were: 1)
a recommendation whether parking should be a principal use in the open space zone. 2) They wish
the Commission to elaborate on their denial of the proposed changes to East of 101 open space
policies; and 3) They would like a representative froIn the COffiInission to appear before Council
and give the majority opinion.
Vice-Chairman Warren indicated the subcoInInittee had discussed parking and how would it be
allowed as an accessory use vs. principal use. Chief Planner noted that cOInInercial parking is
allowed in the light-industrial area, but specifically refers to parking structures in that zone. The
rest of the area, parking is specifically prohibited with the exception of Inajor utility lines.
Commissioner DeZordo discussed Council's concerns with City's policies being Inore restrictive
than BCDC requirelnents. Chief Planner notes that BCDC allows parking but does not specify
whether it is an accessory or principal use. Discussion followed on what would be allowed to
encroach into the 100 foot strip (parking structures, parking lots and landscaping); BCDC' s priority
is to provide public access to the waterfront. Vice-Chainnan Warren explained the actions of the
East of 101 Open Space SubcOlnInittee. COlnInissioner Padreddii observed that the Council's
direction is changing and staff wants to give projects a little leeway to accoInInodate business in that
area; for eXaInple, restaurants putting in landscaping and walkways with picnic tables in the 100 foot
strip or when the business is in need of only a few parking spaces to Ineet the requireInents.
COInInissioner ROInero discussed how exception to the parking requireInent would be allowed
instead of allowing encroachlnent into the 100 foot strip. COInInissioner ROInero explained how the
100 foot strip is Ineasured froIn the InediuIn of the high and the low tide, not from the high tide line;
and Council needs to be aware of that. COInInissioner Masuda wanted to Inake sure there is public
Chief Planner Solomon advised that Council wants to understand why the proposed aInendInent had
been rejected. Vice-Chainnan Warren said she wants to preserve what little space there is at the bay
edge and open space. She would concur with a discretionary use as parking, excluding structured
parking, as a possibility. COInInissioner Padreddii noted that Council wanted to know why denial
had been recoInmended over staff's recoInInendation. Discussion followed and the COInmission
concurred that a Special Joint Meeting with Council to discuss this policy issue would be best.
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PC Meeting of 7/20/95
Itellts froln Staff
Chief Planner Solomon reported on the status of the Terrabay and Shealwater Projects. He
informed the Commission on Kaiser looking at the old Guy F. Atkinson's site. A future
project is a Food Court at Ramada Inn. Richard Harmon of Engineering reported on the
Heather Heights project, at Stonegate and Sunset. He stated that the owner wants to start
working on cleaning up the soil.
Itellts froln COllllnission
Commissioner Masuda asked about the See's Candies trees. Staff noted this was at Council's
Itelns frollt the Public
Adjournment Vice-Chairman Warren adjourned meeting at 9:30 p.m. to August 3rd, 1995.
kjJ0 MLw&A)
Steve Solomon, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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PC Meeting of 7/20/95