HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.15.95 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION June 15, 1995 CALL TO ORDER: 7:32 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lucchesi, Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners Barnett and Romero. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners DeZordo, Masuda and Padreddii ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Solomon Steve Carlson Steve Padovan Larissa Seto "T.C." Cayssials Richard Harmon Ron Petrocchi Jim Fitzpatrick City Attorney Building Division Engineering Division Police Department Fire Department CHAIRMAN COMMENTS PUBLIC HEARING - CONSENT CALENDAR 410 S. Airport Boulevard. Comfort Inn (Forsyth Living Trust). PUD-95-4L Negative Declaration No. 790 Planned Unit Development for the construction of a three-story, 45 unit motel and related parking and landscaping improvements in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.84. Motion- Warren/Second-Romero: To continue Negative Declaration No. 790 and PUD-95-41 to July 6, 1995. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 360 Swift Avenue. Suite #38. Bakers of Paris (E. A. Davidovits & Co.. Inc.. Owner). UP-95- 982 Use Permit for the construction of a new exterior 6,000 gallon liquid nitrogen tank and screen wall in front of an existing office/warehouse building with related parking and landscaping changes in the P- I Planned Industrial Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.32.070( a). Motion- Warren/Second-Romero: To deny without prejudice UP-95-982. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS - AGENDA ITEMS 415 Browning Way, Marcel & Henri (Marcel et Henri, owners), PUD-95-44 Planned Unit Development for a 5,736 sq. ft. expansion to an existing industrial building with related landscaping and parking improvements in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.84. Assistant Planner Padovan presented the staff report. Representing the applicant: Tony Brandi Avanessian Associates 400 Oyster Pt. Blvd. SSF Mr. Brandi agreed with all the conditions of approval. He briefly discussed the location of the fence and said he was available for any questions the Commission might have. Commission Warren stated that she was glad this area was getting developed. Chairman Lucchesi said he would not like to see a cyclone fence at all and perhaps the security gate to be moved to the rear of the property. He discussed the parking spaces and stated he was concerned about the backup space on 5 of the parking spaces where the back-up was reduced from 25" to 24". Mr. Brandi said he could extend the space to 25". Chairman Lucchesi was also concerned with the entry stairs on the north side of the building. He said he would like to see some landscaping. Mr. Brandi was agreeable. Motion- Warren/Second-Barnett: To approve PUD-95-44 based on the findings and subject to modified conditions of approval. Add the following to Planning Condition #4: "Provide a landscape triangle between the staiTwell and the building adjacent to the loading drive." Add Planning Condition #9 to read: "Provide a 25 foot backup distance for the five parking spaces at the south end of the lot." It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Southeast corner of Sunset and Stonegate Avenues, Mark Robson/Santa Clara Development (Ida Crosariol, owner), SA-93-11L PUD-93-26, Negative Declaration No. 767 Considering the applicant request to eliminate Planning Condition No.6 of Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map SA-93-111 and Planned Unit Developlnent permit PUD-93-26 requiring the recordation of the Final Map prior to grading in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Page 2 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 6/15/95 20.84. This project was approved by the City Council on December 14, 1994. Assistant Planner Padovan presented the staff report. Applicant: Mark Robson Santa Clara Development 1978 The Alameda San Jose Mr. Robson said that they would like to start grading as soon as possible before school starts so that there is less of an impact. Speaking with concern: Jeannine Alt 770 Stonegate Drive SSF Ms. Alt was concerned with dust control and cleanup. Assistant Planner Padovan read the approved conditions which pertained to dust control.\ Richard Harmon, Engineering Division, stated that the standard city grading permit conditions are similar to the conditions of approval; requiring 24 hour dust control; providing $50,000 bond to ensure dust control. Larissa Seto, Assistant City Attorney, advised that if there is damage to the property the residents can bring an action against the developer. Mark Robson said staff had his telephone nUlnber and that a supervisor would be at the site at all times. Commissioner Warren asked why it took so long to approve the final map. Assistant Planner Padovan explained that it is a long process because State boards have to review the map. Commissioner Romero was concerned that the property had not yet been bought but he was assured that before the grading process began the sale of the property would be concluded. Richard Harmon, Engineering, advised that all grading permits must be signed by the owner before they are issued. He also stated, in answer to Commissioner Barnett's inquiry, that the final map has to be recorded before any developer can get a building permit to build the homes. Chairman Lucchesi suggested eliminating the words, "grading or" in the condition. The condition was modified to read: "No building pern1its shall be issued on this site until the Final Page 3 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 6/15/95 Map is recorded. In addition, grading of the northerly portion of the Parkway Junior High School property shall not be permitted until that portion of property is acquired." Motion- Warren/Second- Romero: To approve a resolution recommending to City Council the modification of Planning Condition #6. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 1375 Lowrie Avenue. P&S Towing (Michael Scafani. owner). UP-95-987 Use Permit to operate a towing service with automobile storage in an existing industrial building in the M-1 Light Industrial Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.30.030( c). Assistant Planner Padovan presented the staff report. Applican t: Peter I(ohler 1375 Lowrie SSF Mr. Kohler stated he did not have any problems with any condition except the one from the Police Department. He said the Police Department made it very clear that they would not issue him a tow permit so why go on with the application. He asked that it be denied so that he could then seek legal action. He said he wanted to know what the Police Department was going to do and wanted it in writing. Sgt. Petrocchi, P.D., wanted to make sure that the only issue this night was the land use. He said that the Police Department had not indicated whether or not they would issue a tow permit. Mr. Kohler talked abo~t Police Department condition #4 regarding lighting. He said he would like to have Condition 4.a.6 clarified. He also stated that 1070 San Mateo, which is part of the application, is exempt since it is Federal land. Larissa Seto, Assistant City Attorney, asked for a five-minute recess to talk to Sgt. Petrocchi. Chairman Lucchesi tabled this item and continued with Item #6. 410-470 Noor Avenue. Century Plaza (Syufy Enterprises and Alioto Fish Co.. owners) PUD-95-42. Negative Declaration No. 792 Planned Unit Development to allow modifications to a retail and theater complex located in the P-C Planned Commercial Zone District including: 1) a 300 seat, two theater expansion to the cinema; 2) removal of an existing condition restricting hours of operation for the existing Page 4 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 6/15/95 50,000:!:: sq. ft. retail building; 3) a new 13,000 sq. ft. commercial building pad; and, 4) a reduction in the standard number of parking spaces, together with landscaping and parking improvements, in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.84. Chief Planner Solomon advised that staff is requesting that this application be continued to either June 26th or 29th so that it could be on the July 12th City Council agenda. Motion- Warren/Second-Barnett: To continue Negative Declaration No. 792 and PUD-95-42 to June 27, 1995. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Chailman Lucchesi adjourned for a ten-minute recess at 8:26 P.M. He readjourned the meeting at 8:36 P.M. At this time Item #5, P & S Towing, was recalled. Larissa Seto, Assistant City Attorney, clarified the connection between 1070 San Mateo and 1375 Lowrie. She stated that they are separate towing companies and that the lighting requirements are standard. Mr. Kohler disagreed and said that he does have 1070 San Mateo Avenue on his tow permit. Commissioner Warren stated that this application was only for 1375 Lowrie. Sgt. Petrocchi added that 1375-1385 Lowrie are the only addresses on the permit. He further advised that at 1070 San Mateo Avenue, the only company operating out of that address is South City Ford. Mr. Kohler said he would accept all conditions as long as they pertained to only 1375 Lowrie Avenue. Chairman Lucchesi suggested adding a one-year review period condition. He also asked for a time limit for compliance with all conditions of approval. Commissioner Warren suggested three months to comply with all the conditions of approval on this application, after the issuance of the tow permit, and a one-year review. Sgt. Petrocchi stated that after the appeal period, it would be up to the Chief of Police to lnake the decision whether or not to issue the tow permit. Sgt. Petrocchi said he would recommend the issuance of the pennit. Motion- Warren/Second- Romero: To approve UP-95-987 based on the findings and subject to modified conditions of approval, including Planning condition #6: "These conditions of approval shall be completed ninety (90) days from. the issuance of a City of South San Francisco tow permit. ", and Planning condition #7: "This use permit shall be reviewed one year from the date of the issuance of the City of South San Francisco tow permit." Page 5 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 6/15/95 Items from Staff Chief Planner Solomon advised the Commission that at last night's City Council meeting, they took action to put the issue of the casino at the Shealwater site on the ballot for a special election September 12, 1995. He talked briefly about Terrabay regarding the specific plan and the EIR. He also related that staff had had discussions with the owner of the Ramada Inn regarding a food court with drive through service. Chief Planner Solomon advised that Assistant Planner Padovan had accepted a position with the City of San Bruno and that this would be his last meeting. The Commission wished him well. Items from Commission - none. Motion- Warren/Second-Barnett: To adjourn the meeting to June 27, 1995. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Chairman Lucchesi adjourned the meeting at 9:00 P.M. ~ ~~4/ Steve Solomon; Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco JL:SS:ab Page 6 of 6 Pages PC Meeting of 6/15/95