HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.01.95 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION June 1, 1995 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lucchesi, Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners Barnett, DeZordo, Masuda, Padreddii and Romero. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Solomon Steve Carlson Susy I{alkin Larissa Seto "T.C." Cayssials Dennis Chuck Ron Petrocchi JilnFitzpatrick City Attorney Building Division Engineering Division Police Department Fire Department CHAIRMAN COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES of February 23, 1995 and March 16, 1995 Motion-Romero/Second-DeZordo: To approve the FebrualY 23, 1995 minutes as presented. They were unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Vice-Chairman Warren and Commissioners Barnett, Masuda and Padreddii. Motion-Romero/Second-DeZordo: To approve the March 16, 1995 minutes with two changes. They were unanimously approved by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 1375 Lowrie Avenue. PK Towing (Michael Scafani. owner). UP-95-987 Use Permit to operate a towing service with automobile storage in an existing industrial building in the M-1 Light Industrial Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.30.030( c). Motion- Warren/Second-Barnett: To continue UP-95-987 to the June 15, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 410-470 Noor Avenue. CentuIY Plaza (Syufy Enterprises and Alioto Fish Co.. owners). PUD- 95-42. Negative Declaration No. 792 Planned Unit Development to allow modifications to a retail and theater complex located in the P-C Planned Commercial Zone District including: 1) a 300 seat, two theater expansion to the cinema; 2) removal of an existing condition restricting hours of operation for the existing 50,000:t: sq. ft. retail building; 3) a new 13,000 sq. ft. commercial building pad; and, 4) a reduction in the standard number of parking spaces, together with landscaping and parking improvements, in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.84. Motion- Warren/Second-Barnett: To continue Negative Declaration No. 792 and PUD-95-42 to the June 15, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. City of South San Francisco. East of 101 Open Space Policies. GP-95-52. Negative Declaration No. 794 General Plan Amendment to policies in the East of 101 Area regarding development in Open Space areas and adjacent to sensitive i-esources. (Continued fro111 the May 18, 1995 meeting.) Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. Commissioner Masuda asked if an applicant would go to BCDC first. Senior Planner Kalkin advised that they go before the Commission first, but that they are then required to get a BCDC permit. Commissioncr Romcro commcntcd that Policy Con 7 should bc changcd to rcad: H....shall be ~ Commissioner Padreddii disagreed saying the change would not allow any leeway. Commissioner DeZordo thought the resolution was still a little too broad, he would be more comfortable with the existing development conditions and perhaps focusing on the slough areas. He said there were a lot of endangered species in the area and that they should be preserved. Chairman Lucchesi stated that with the proposed Policy Con-7 we could still retain some control. In answer to Commissioner Barnett's concern about the benefit of adopting this resolution, Senior Planner Kalkin stated that this amendment provides additional flexibility. At the present time there is no way to allow development in either the 100 foot shoreline band or within 100 feet of a sensitive resource. Parks and fishing pier type of developments are the only uses allowed. Chief Planner Solomon said there were two objectives: 1) to reflect what staff thought was BCDC's areas of interest and jurisdiction within the 100 foot shoreline band and, 2) address Page 2 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 6/1/95 biologic impacts which could be mitigated adequately so that it might be reasonable to allow development to encroach closer than 100 feet. Commissioner Romero thought that there were two issues which should be separated; inlets to the Bay and the Bay itself. He said he could support allowing develoPlnents closer than 100 feet on the inland sloughs but was more concerned with encroachments upon the bay front itself. Commissioner Barnett thought this proposal was too broad and said he had a problem with it. He thought it lent itself to oversight by the permitting body. Commissioner Lucchesi eXplained that many issues were documented in the East of 101 Area Plan; what elements are at the site and what should be preserved. He said that at the present time there is not enough flexibility and the Commission Inight consider some flexibility only in areas other than the bay coast itself, contingent upon evaluation and approval by the Commission or whomever. Speaking in favor of the amendment: Bill Poland 600 Townsend St. San Francisco Mr. Poland said he agreed with the language. He talked about the Shealwater property and discussed the toxics on the site. Chairman Lucchesi stated that perhaps in order to get the Commission's consensus, Policy CON-7 could be changed to read that the buffer areas "shall be a minimum of 100 feet unless othelwise approved by a permitting body". Commissioner Masuda stated that the bay needs to be repaired and corrected in our area and used for public use and public access but not for a parking lot. He felt that the City should not give blanket approvals into that 100" encroachlnent. Commissioner DeZordo discussed why he was against approving these policies. He stated that the City Council is the body who will make the decision and via capable people will be more aware of what is going on. Motion-Padreddii/Second-Masuda: To approve the resolution recommending City Council approve Negative Declaration No. 794 and GP-95-52. The motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Masuda and Padreddii. NOES: Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners Barnett, DeZordo and Romero. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Warren. Page 3 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 6/1/95 Motion-DeZordo/Second-Romero: To approve a resolution denying Negative Declaration No. 794 and GP-95-52. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners Barnett, DeZordo and Romero. NOES: Masuda and Padreddii. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Warren. Chairman Lucchesi called for a ten minute recess at 8:17 P.M. He readjourned the meeting at 8:27 P.M. STUDY SESSION Study session for an 80 unit, single-family detached residential subdivision on the approximately 10 acre Silver Terrace Nursery property along the westerly side of Chestnut Avenue, north of Miller Avenue in the R-2-G-P Medium Density Residential Zone District; Standard Builders, Applicant; (Gemignani, Nicolini & Reggeri, Owners). Applicant: Robert Kent President, Standard Builders 2222 19th Avenue San Francisco Mr. Kent stated that Standard Builders had many developments in this area. He went on to explain the retaining walls and an option to fill the "bowl" with 250 thousand cubic yards of fill. Mr. Kent talked about the pros and cons to the "fill-in of the bowl"; the design of the homes; square footage of the homes; number of rooms; lot widths and garage sizes. He said he would be available for any questions the Commission might have. Chief Planner Solomon advised the Commission that this study session was to raise questions, issues, concerns and Inake suggestions to make this a better project. Commissioner Warren discussed preinstalled irrigation system in the crib walls; street widths and said she was concerned about on-street parking. Chairman Lucchesi expressed his concern about the on-street parking. Commissioner Barnett asked about the entrance and exit to this subdivision. Mr. Robert Mantegani, Standard Builders, discussed the fences and the type of what that would be used. He said that they wanted them to blend with the other neighborhoods. Chairman Lucchesi opened the session to the public for anyone speaking with concern. Speaking with concern: Paul Terry 1036 Crestwood SSF Page 4 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 6/1/95 Mr. Terry said he was concerned about his view corridor and about the noise with 15 ~ walls. Pat Novis 125 Alden Glen SSF Mr. Novis had concerns with the 6 ~ fences and with the property in back of Alden Glen. He said that the site had become a dumping ground and that the students from Parkway Middle School jumped the fence and used his property for a shortcut. Mr. Novis suggested a 10 ~ to 12 ~ fence with planted trees. Mr. Novis did say that he was very happy with the developer because they do wonderful work. Ruth Miller 1032 Crestwood SSF Ms. Miller said her neighbor had the same problem as Mr. Novis. She said she did not want the fences to be taller than 6 ~; she wanted to retain her view. Laura Zapa Gemignani Nursery SSF Ms. Zapa said there are problems with students and the litter of garbage. She said that this project would certainly enhance the surrounding properties. Commissioner Romero suggested incorporating a security system in the units (home security systems) . Commissioner Warren stated that she would like to have some sort of creative approach to the garages; perhaps staggering the double doors and the single doors. Commissioner DeZordo discussed the landscaping on Chestnut and on each lot. He thought that there should be more landscaping in the small back yards; some trees and a deck perhaps. Chairman Lucchesi agreed that it was a good project and hoped that there would be some variety to the dwellings and to explore model designs that are more place specific. Chairman Lucchesi also suggested making the street a little bit more friendly and to look for any kind of amenities beyond the minimum. Commissioner Warren said she would like to see 3 or 4 less houses and separate the other houses a little bit lllore; also to find a way to get to the top of the crib walls; find other colors Page 5 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 6/1/95 beside salmon pink and red tile roofs. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Genentech. Inc.. Building 3D. UP-84-682/Mod 5. Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 793 Design Review of a bridge connecting Buildings #3 and #5, in the Planned IndustriallGenentech Research and Development Overlay District (P-I1G R&D). Chief Planner Solomon explained staff's and Design Review Board's concerns regarding the placement of the bridge as it pertains to the spine. Representing the applicant: Lee Vanderkerchove VDI( Architects 246 First St. San Francisco Mr. Vanderkerchove explained that two weeks prior Building 3D was approved by the Commission and that they were now presenting the bridge design for their review. He explained the reason for the bridge and the design. Senior Planner Carlson explained the concerns of the Design Review Board. A discussion ensued about the gateway. Michael Edwards, Genentech, said that they would certainly address that and bring it back to the Planning Commission. Motion- Warren/Second-Masuda: To approve the design as submitted and to have staff approve the color/materials and not return the project to the Design Review Board. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Gellert Blvd. and Appian Way. Westborough Highlands (fonnerly "Sunrise"). PUD-88-9 Landscape modification - special entry paving. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. The Commissioners agreed with the installation of exposed aggregate walkways in the front of the dwelling in lieu of providing special entIy pavement. Motion-DeZordo/Second- Warren: To allow the modification contingent that all the dwelling entries are aggregate. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Page 6 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 6/1/95 250 Utah Avenue. Simeon Properties. UP-94-972/Mod 1 Use Permit Modification for exterior facade improvements, new truck docks and related parking and landscaping improvements in an existing multi-tenant warehouse in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.91. (Approval of project colors.) It was the consensus of the Commission to approve the darkest blue color. Itellls Crolll Staff Chief Planner Solomon talked briefly abou t the Terrabay site and the Shealwater site. He advised that Kaiser was still debating internally about the Atkinson site and looking at market demand. Commissioner Masuda asked about South City Ford and Senior Planner Carlson advised that it would be going fOlward to City Council this June or July. A discussion ensued regarding the Design Review Board; the pros and cons. Commissioner DeZordo suggested that perhaps the new Commissioners could attend a Design Review Board meeting. Commissioner Warren left at 10:50 P.M. Chief Planner Solomon suggested a joint lneeting with the Design Review Board. Items Crolll COllullission - none. Motion-Barnett/Second-Masuda: To adjourn the meeting to June 15, 1995. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Chairman Lucchesi adjourned the meeting at 11:00 P.M. Planning Commission City of South San Francisco JL:SS:ab Page 7 of 7 Pages PC Meeting of 6/1/95