HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.18.95 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION May 18, 1995 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners Barnett, DeZordo, Masuda and Padreddii. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Warren and Commissioner Romero ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Solomon Steve Carlson Susy Kalkin Steve Padovan Larissa Seto "T.C." Cayssials Richard Harmon Ron Petrocchi Jim Fitzpatrick City Attorney Building Division Engineering Division Police Department Fire Department CHAIRMAN COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES of December 1, 1994, February 2, 1995 and February 16, 1995. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve the December 1, 1994 minutes as presented. They were unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Commissioners Barnett and Masuda. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve the February 2, 1995 minutes as presented. They were unanimously approved by voice vote. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve the February 16, 1995 minutes as presented. They were unanimously approved by voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS One-year review of UP-92-917~ Stuart & Final (Brentwood Holdin2 Co.~ owner) Following Senior Planner Carlson's staff report, the Comlnission concurred that it was a good project and that there is no need for further review. Page 1 of 9 Pages PC Meeting of 5/18/95 Update on parking at the Genentech canlpus by the Genentech staff. Mr. Peter Yee, Genentech, introduced Tom Strehle from Genentech Security who gave a brief background on their security program. Mr. Yee stated that Genentech is taking steps to enforce regulations preventing people from parking in red zones. Commissioner DeZordo requested removal of items #2 and #3 from the consent calendar. PUBLIC HEARING - CONSENT CALENDAR 2236 Westborou2h Blvd.~ Edna's Ichiban (Robinson & Co.)~ UP-95-989 Use Permit to establish a restaurant within 200 feet of a residential zone district in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.22.030. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Barnett: To approve UP-95-989 based on the findings and subject to the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 1 Oyster Point Blvd.~ Public Stora2e (F. Prudhonllne)~ SC-95-30 Type "C" Sign Permit to install a new cabinet on a 25 foot high pole sign at an existing public storage facility in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.76, Section 20.76.170. This application has been withdrawn.) Motion-DeZordo/Second-Barnett: To accept withdrawal of this application. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 400 South Airport Boulevard~ See's Candies (M. Senaldi~ owner)~ SC-95-28 Type "C" Sign Permit to install a 50 foot flagpole on the east side of an existing commercial building along South Airport Boulevard in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.76. Commissioner DeZordo asked the Commission how they felt about 50" poles. Applicant: Richard McGregor See's Candies 210 EI Camino Real SSF Mr. McGregor talked about the flagpole that was being requested at 400 So. Airport Blvd. Page 2 of 9 Pages PC Meeting of 5/18/95 Commissioner Padreddii stated that if See's is putting up the A.1nerican flag he agreed with the size of the flagpole. Both Commissioners Barnett and Masuda agreed with Commissioner Padreddii and saw no problem with this application. It was the consensus of the Commission to condition the application so only the American flag is flown and not a corporate flag. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Barnett: To approve SC-95-28 based on the findings and subject to modified conditions of approval. Planning Condition #2 was modified to read: "2. Except as noted belov/, This flagpole may only be used to display the flags of the United States of America and the State of California. In the future, if the display of a corporate flag is requested, it shall be flovln subordinate to the state or federal flag and shall not exceed 35 sq. ft. in area (Type "L^~" Sign Permit required)." It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 210 El Canlino Real~ See's Candies~ SC-95-29 Type "C" Sign Permit to replace an existing 30 foot flagpole with a 50 foot pole located at the corner of South Spruce and El Camino Real in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.76. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve SC-95-29 based on the findings and subject to modified conditions of approval. Planning Condition #2 was lnodified to read: "2. Except as noted belo'.v, This flagpole may only be used to display the flags of the United States of America and the State of California. In the future, if the display of a corporate flag is requested, it shall be flown subordinate to the state or federal flag and shall not exceed 35 sq.ft. in area (Type "/\." Sign Permit required)." It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 451 Point San Bruno Blvd.~ Genentech~ Inc. - Bldg. 3D~ UP-84-682/Mod 5~ Ne2ative Declaration No. 793. Use Permit to allow the construction of a 41,700 s.f. 2-story addition to an existing 148,000 s.f. building, off-site parking for 85 parking spaces at Kaufmann Court and Forbes Blvd. and landscaping, situated at 451 Pt. San Bruno Blvd. in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Sections 20.32.060 and 20.32.070 and Chapter 20.40. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. Applican t: Hank Stern Genentech, Inc. 460 Pt. San Bruno Blvd. SSF Mr. Stern gave a brief ovelview of the Building 3D project. He then presented Lee Vanderkerchove, VDI( Architects, who explained the design of the building. Mr. Vanderkerchove briefly discussed the bridge between Buildings 3 and 5 and stated that Genentech would bring the design of the bridge before the Planning Commission on June 1, Page 3 of 9 Pages PC Meeting of 5/18/95 1995 as a study session item. It was the consensus of the Commission that it was a good project. Commissioner DeZordo asked Genentech if they had any photos of Buildings 10, 11 and 12 so that they may be submitted to the Park and Recreation Department to be entered in a contest for a beautification award. Richard Harmon, Engineering Division, stated that Engineering has a concern with the clearance of the bridge and that they would like to see it come back to the Planning Commission. A condition was added to reflect their concern. Motion-Barnett/Second-Padreddii: To approve Negative Declaration No. 793. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Motion- Barnett/Second- Padreddii: To approve UP-84-682/Mod 5 based on the findings and subject to modified conditions of approval. Planning Condition #8 was modified to read: "8. The bridge shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Conunission and the City Engineer." It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 307 Baden Avenue~ La Morena Taqueria (Salvador CanlPos~ owner)~ UP-94-977 Use Permit for the construction of a Mexican fast-food restaurant adjacent to an existing dwelling within 200 feet of a residential zone district in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Sections 20.26.025 and 20.26.050. Assistant Planner Padovan presented the staff report. Representing the applicant: Robert Swanson, Architect 51 Austin Avenue San Ansehno Mr. Swanson said that they would watch the parking so that customers would not park at the Shell Station. The owner of the business, Mr. Campos, agreed that he would do this. Commissioner Masuda stated that perhaps the City could paint the curb for pickup. Assistant Planner Padovan said staff could condition the use permit and then refer it to the Engineering Division. He also advised that they would have to get the Parking Place Commission permIsSIon. Commissioner Lucchesi suggested that the recessed arches should stop parallel with the tile squares. The applicant agreed. It was the Commission's consensus that it was a good project and there were good Page 4 of 9 Pages PC Meeting of 5/18/95 improvements. Motion-Padreddii/Second-DeZordo: To approve UP-94-977 based on the findings and subject to the modified conditions of approval. Planning Condition #7 was added: "7. The base of the recessed arch features on the side elevations shall be even with the base of the tiles." It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 250 Utah Avenue~ SiIneon Properties~ UP-94-972/Mod 1 Use Permit Modification for exterior facade improvements, new truck docks and related parking and landscaping improvements in an existing multi-tenant warehouse in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.91. Assistant Planner Padovan presented the staff report. Applicant: John Herr Simeon Properties 655 Montgomery Street San Francisco Mr. Herr explained the reason for the change and agreed with the revised condition. Commissioner DeZordo asked about the berm along Utah. Mr. Herr stated that it was going to be done; that they would conform to the plans. Chairman Lucchesi was concerned about changing the condition. Mr. Herr eXplained that they would utilize the same glass system as Nippon Express. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve UP-94-972/Mod 1 based on the findings and subject to modified conditions of approval: Planning Condition #3 was added to read: "3. Tenant entry facades shall utilize green glass in clear anodized alul1linul1l fralnes to match the Nippon Express ft'ontage. The existing tenant entry facade on the south elevation consisting of red panels and alul1linul1l ft'al1ling shall be retained and the panels painted (subject to COlnmission approval) to reselnble the new glass facades on the other tenant spaces. The wide aluminum fral1ling on both sides of the panel area be painted or recovered to I1latch the building wall color." It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Cassette No.2 City of South San Francisco~ East of 101 Open Space Policies~ GP-95-52~ Ne2ative Declaration No. 794 General Plan Amendment to policies in the East of 101 Area regarding development in Open Space areas and adjacent to sensitive resources. Page 5 of 9 Pages PC Meeting of 5/18/95 Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. Speaking with concern: George Avanessian 400 Oyster Point Boulevard SSF Mr. Avanessian stated that he would like to make a small amendment to Policy LV-IDA and that is to add "public parking" to the list of allowable uses. Speaking with concern: Ed Daly Fuller O'Brien Paints 395 Oyster Pt. Blvd., Ste. 350 SSF Mr. Daly stated that his attorney asked for a continuance so that he could review the proposal for thirty days. Speaking in favor: Lou Dell' Angela 460 Gardenside SSF Mr. Dell'Angela stated that he was in favor of this General Plan Amendment. He asked that it not be continued, and since it has to go to the City Council, any issues could be aired at that time. Chief Planner Solomon responded in reply to a question from Commissioner Barnett that this amendment did not allow any development on the wetlands. The proposal is intended to lessen restrictions and provide more flexibility within 100 feet of such sensitive resources. Commissioners DeZordo and Barnett thought the plan was too broad and Chairman Lucchesi agreed. A discussion ensued about the "blanket" feeling of the amendment. Chairman Lucchesi suggested finding out what other cities have done; more background information. It was the consensus of the Commission to continue the proposal so that additional information could be gathered and staff could try to arrange to have a biologist and/or a member of BCDC present. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Barnett: To continue GP-95-52 to the June 1, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Chairman Lucchesi called for a ten-minute recess at 9:45 P.M. Chairman Lucchesi readjourned the meeting at 9:55 P.M. Page 6 of 9 Pages PC Meeting of 5/18/95 410 So. Airport Blvd.~ C0l11fort Inn (Forsvth Livine Trust)~ PUD-95-4L Neeative Declaration No. 790 Planned Unit Development for the construction of a three-story, 45 unit motel with less than standard setbacks and parking in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.84. Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. Representing the applicant: Lou Dell' Angela 460 Gardenside SSF Mr. Dell' Angela introduced Mr. Patel, the developer. Mr. Dell' Angela said he would be glad to answer any questions about the motel. Mr. Dell'Angela gave a brief background of the project. Representing the applicant: Sharad I(. Lal SKL Architecture & Planning 3018 Willow Pass, Rd., Ste. 206 Concord Mr. Lal gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Dell' Angela discussed the following conditions: Planning condition #4, Engineering condition #7 and Building condition C.1.C and H. Speaking with concern: Robert Stern See's Candies 410 Allerton SSF Mr. Stern was concerned with the requested exceptions to both parking and setbacks and the impacts these would have on his business which abuts the site to the north. Senior Building Inspector Cayssials clarified Building condition 3.f and recommended it remain. She also stated that a condition should be added regarding a handicapped loading and unloading zone. Cassette #3 Chairman Lucchesi had questions about the traffic study. He asked the Commission if they wanted to continue this item. It was the consensus of the Commission not to continue this item but to have the traffic study reviewed by an independent traffic engineer. Page 7 of 9 Pages PC Meeting of 5/18/95 Commissioner DeZordo said he needed more verification and wanted to have a biologist check the sloughs. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Barnett: To continue PUD-95-41 to June 15, 1995 in order to prepare for a new parking demand analysis. It was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Lucchesi, Commissioners Barnett, DeZordo and Masuda. NOES: Commissioner Padreddii. ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Warren and Commissioner Romero. STUDY SESSION Planned Unit DeveloPlllent DeveloPI11ental Guidelines Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. Speaking with concern: Robert Mantegani 501 Woodside SSF Mr. Mantegani commented on the open space requirements for residential uses stating that if these guidelines become hard and fast rules no projects will be built. The Commission noted that the document should have a preamble that describes how the guidelines will be interpreted. The Commission discussed the open space standard for multiple family homes and suggested that staff consult the book, "Pattern Language" for minimum square footage. Commissioner Barnett suggested that we should eliminate the "in lieu" fee requirement for open space. This was discussed and suggested that it be rewritten so that the use of "in lieu" fees would be at the Commission's discretion. The Commission discussed the landscape requirements and the need for a standard for the provision of trees. Commissioner DeZordo thought there was a need for property line fencing between rear yards in adjoining lots. Chairman Lucchesi believed there should be some standards for buildings, for example, compatibility with neighborhood scale and design. The Commission deleted the standard on orientation of buildings. Due to the lateness of the hour, the Commission deferred discussion on commercial and industrial guidelines for a future hearing. Page 8 of 9 Pages PC Meeting of 5/18/95 Items from staff - none. Items from Commission - none. Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To adjourn the meeting to June 1, 1995. Chairman Lucchesi adjourned the meeting at 12:30 A.M. JL: SS: ab Page 9 of 9 Pages PC Meeting of 5/18/95