HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.15.93 Minutes
Regular Meeting of April 15, 1993
(Cassette 1)
7:31 P.M.
Chairman Warren, Vice-Chairman Mantegani,
Commissioners DeZordo, Lucchesi and Padreddii
Commissioner Zelhner
Planning Division
Steve Solomon
Maureen K. Morton
Susy Kalkin
Steve Padovan
Dick Chiozza
Dennis Chuck
Jeff Baca
Ron Petrocchi
Jim Fitzpatrick
Assistant City Attorney
Engineering Division
Building Division
Police Department
Fire DepartInent
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of March 4, 1993
Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Padreddii: To approve the minutes as presented. They were
unanimously approved by voice vote.
1384-1396 San Mateo Avenue. Mancini-Mills Inc. (H. F. Mills. owner). PM-93-299
Tentative Parcel Map to combine two adjoining parcels into one parcel containing 2 acres in
the M-l Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Title 19 and the State Map
Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Padreddii: To approve PM-93-299 based on the findings and
subject to the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
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1200 EI Camino Real. Kaiser Foundation Hospital. UP-92-922
Use Permit to allow the installation of a 35" high tower and two dish antennas on the roof of
an existing hospital in the P-C Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section
Assistant Planner Padovan presented the April 15, 1993 staff report.
Steve Parmelee
Kaiser Foundation Hospital
1950 Franklin
Mr. Parmelee stated that Kaiser has been velY sensitive to choosing the least obvious location
for the tower and dish antennae and explained some of the technical limitations and why the
proposed tower and the antennae were necessalY.
Representing the applicant:
Jim Harvey
Medical Division
Kaiser Foundation Hospital
1950 Franklin
Mr. Harvey eXplained the technical shortcomings of the present dish and why they need the
proposed dish. Mr. Harvey explained how microwave signals work and what type of system
was needed to get a reliable communications link with the hospital. This is best accomplished
with a second dish mounted 30" above the existing dish.
Mr. Parmelee explained that because of data loss (medical data) it is necessalY to have this
second antenna.
Speaking in favor of the applicant:
Marvin Tarbox
326 Aha Loma Drive
Mr. Tarbox advised the Commission that he had attended the meeting on March 9, 1993
sponsored by Kaiser and that they had addressed all his concerns.
Speaking with concern:
Gene Mullin
229 Aha Loma Drive
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Mr. Mullin stated that Kaiser's presentation at the March 9th meeting built a strong case for
this antenna. He stated that he would like to see a written agreement with the Police
Department and Kaiser that the City will have access to this antenna in case of an emergency
or natural disaster; a guaranteed access to this system.
Chief Planner Solomon asked Mr. Harvey if Kaiser would enter into such an agreement. Mr.
Halvey stated that he did not see a problem with this agreement.
Commissioner Padreddii said he had visited the area and did not think there was a problem
with this project and he supported it.
Vice-Chairman Mantegani stated that the agreement between Kaiser and the City should be
made a condition of approval.
Chief Planner Solomon stated that the agreement would have to be signed before the building
permit is issued. Mr. Parmelee stated that this would be no problem with Kaiser.
Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Padreddii: To approve UP-92-922 based on the findings and
subject to the modified conditions of approval. Planning Condition #2 will read: "A fOlmal
written agreem.ent shall be entered into between Kaiser and the City of South San Francisco
Emergency Services to allow South San Francisco access to the system in the case of an
emelgency. This agreem.ent shall be signed before the issuance of a building pelmit for the
antenna." It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
45 Chestnut Avenue. Acutech Autos (Niki Tam. owner). UP-93-930
Use Permit and design review to establish an automobile sales facility in an existing building
including outdoor vehicle display, landscaping and sign program in the P-C Zone District in
accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section 20.24.030( c).
Associate Planner Kalkin presented the April 15, 1993 staff report. She asked that staff would
like to add two additional conditions of approval; 1) no auto repair on the site; and 2) limit
hours of operation to 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. seven days a week.
Neal Martin
Planning Consultant for
Niki Tam
1640 Laurel Street
San Carlos
Mr. Martin said he agreed with the staff report and that the applicant wanted to upgrade the
site with landscaping and by repaving the area. He agreed with the added conditions and with
the conditions in the staff report with one exception and that is Planning Condition #3 which
states that the striped areas located adjacent to the northerly driveway shall be curbed and
landscaped. Mr. Martin explained that cars would be delivered in transporter vehicles using
this area and would prefer striping it to prevent damage to adjacent curbing and landscaping.
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Speaking with concern:
James Geniali
226 Hamilton Street
San Francisco
Mr. Geniali stated that he wanted to make sure that the drive that lllns along the southerly
portion of the site would always be open.
Planner Kalkin stated that this is a required access easement which should provide for no
Commissioner DeZordo asked for the removal of the auto lifts that are currently in the
building as a condition of approval. Mr. Martin said he did not object to this added
Commissioner Lucchesi discussed the entrance canopy and wanted to make sure that the
support beams would look substantial enough for the building.
Chairman Warren discussed condition #3 and stated there is only enough space for 18
vehicles and expressed her concern about the vehicle carriers.
Sgt. Petrocchi, P.D., stated that if there is a legal parking zone in front of the site they could
park the vehicle carrier there.
It was the consensus of the Commission to leave condition #3 as is.
Chairman Warren was concerned about the sale of "consignment" vehicles. Mr. Tam assured
the Commission that he would sell top quality vehicles.
Motion-DeZordo/Seconded-Mantegani: To approve UP-93-930 based on the findings and
subject to the modified conditions of approval. Condition #10: "No auto repairs shall be
permitted on the site. "; Condition #11: "Prior to occupancy, the existing auto lifts shall be
permanently removed. Condition # 12: "The hours of operation shall be limited to 8:00 A.M to
9:00 P.M. seven days a week." It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
203-217 E. Grand and 317-333 Roebling. Shaman Pharmaceuticals (Mattison + Shidler.
owner). PUD-93-23. Negative Declaration No. 751
Planned Unit Development Permit and environlnental determination of same to phase
improvements of the three-lot site, including upgrading an existing industrial building to
laboratory space in the P- I Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Chapters
20.78 and 20.84. Proposal includes request for reduced parking requirement pursuant to
SSFMC Section 20.74.070(c).
Senior Planner Morton presented the April 15, 1993 staff report.
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Representing the applicant:
Robin Chang
Group 4
301 Linden Avenue
Mr. Chang introduced Rozanne Rapozo of Shalnan Phannaceuticals and advised the
Commission that if they had any technical questions consultants, in the audience, could answer
their questions.
Rozanne Rapozo
Shaman Pharmaceuticals
213 E. Grand Avenue
Ms. Rapozo gave a brief background of the company. She stated that the firm concentrates
on both botany and anthropology; that is creating drugs from plants concentrating on the
tropical rain forest. She went on to explain two drugs which the company is now working on.
Robin Chang stated that the applicant would comply with all of the conditions and he hoped
that the Commission would approve this project.
Commissioner Mantegani asked staff about timeframes. Planner Morton stated the Phase 4
probably would not start for at least two years.
Commissioner DeZordo questioned the storage of hazardous materials and Ms. Rapozo
answered that they would have a hazardous material storage area. Planner Morton advised
the Commission that the Fire Department already had a list of the hazardous materials.
Commissioner Lucchesi discussed the design and the use of materials. He said he preferred
the screening material to be corrugated like on the original plans and it was the consensus of
the Commission to return to the corrugated metal.
Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-DeZordo: To approve Negative Declaration No. 751. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-DeZordo: To approve PUD-93-23 based on the findings and
subject to the modified conditions; the removal of Planning Condition #6. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
I tems from Staff
Assistant Planner Padovan gave an update on Project 90, UP-88-824/Mod 1.
Senior Planner Morton gave an update on the two major land use studies; East of 101 and EI
Camino Corridor. She stated that the Final EIR on the EI Camino Corridor will be formally
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transmitted to the Commission the following week and that the next subcommittee meeting
will be Friday, April 23, 1993.
Chief Planner Solomon stated that the East of 101 subcommittee meeting was cancelled
because and wanted to reschedule the following week, Tuesday, April 20, 1993 at 11:00 A.M.
and hoped all members would be able to attend.
Secondly, Chief Planner Solomon stated that he had concerns about the source of planning
studies. He said that the City has a history of letting applicants prepare planning studies and
perhaps these are tainted. He asked the Commission if they would like staff to have a bigger
role and perhaps hire outside consultants and charge the applicants.
Commissioner DeZordo stated that perhaps the City could have a contract consultant to
either prepare a study or review a study done by an applicant.
Commissioner Mantegani said that this was "getting out of hand" and that he was concerned
when reputable people are questioned about their numbers; why would people lie.
Commissioner Lucchesi stated that he would like to have several consultants and charge the
applicant for the consultant services.
Senior Planner Morton stated that we have a list of about six traffic consultants and staff does
tell the applicants that these six are very reputable and we would gladly accept their work.
(Cassette 2)
Commissioner DeZordo said he did not think the City should allow applicants to apply for a
zoning amendment. A discussion ensued regarding zoning amendments on a single property.
Chief Planner Solomon suggested a study session to discuss this further.
Assistant City Attorney stated that in a study session no action is taken and the discussion is
in generality, generic terms. He said that if an application is continued off-calendar for a
study session, the particular merits of that certain application cannot be discussed at that study
Chief Planner Solomon said he would like to discuss this with Assistant City Attorney Chiozza
and City Attorney O'Toole.
Items from Commission
Staff was asked about the Design Review Board applications and Associate Planner Kalkin
advised the Commission that staff had received two applications.
Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-DeZordo: To adjourn the meeting to May 6, 1993. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
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Chairman Warren adjourned the meeting at 9:30 P.M.
Steve So oman, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Marga et Warren, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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