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Regular Meeting of November 19, 1992
7:34 P.M.
Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners Boblitt, DeZordo,
and Zellmer.
Chairman Matteucci arrived at 8:28 P.M.
Commissioner Wendler arrived at 9:25 P.M.
Commissioner Mantegani
Planning Division
Steve Solomon
Steve Carlson
Steve Padovan
Dick Chiozza
Mike Baird
Dennis Chuck
Ron Petrocchi
Jim Fitzpatrick
Assistant City Attorney
Building Division
Engineering Division
Police Department
Fire Department
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of September 17, 1992, October 15, 1992 and October 22, 1992
Motion-BoblittjSeconded-Zellmer: To approve the minutes of September 17, 1992 as
presented. They were unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Chairman
Matteucci. ABSENT: Commissioner Mantegani and Wendler.
1200 EI Camino Real. Kaiser Foundation Hospital. UP-92-922
Use Permit to allow the installation of a 35" high tower and two dish antennas on the roof of
an existing hospital in the P-C Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section
Planner Padovan presented the November 19, 1992 staff report.
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Steve Parmelee
Proj. Manager
South San Francisco
Mr. Parmelee explained the project to the Commission including why Kaiser was seeking the new
antenna tower and the location of the improvements on the roof of the hospital. He further
explained that the thirty-five foot tower and antenna was for reception improvement. He advised
the Commission that Mr. Henry Darby was available to explain the technical aspects of the
project, if they so desired.
Speaking against the project:
Eugene Mullin
229 Alta Loma Drive
South San Francisco
Mr. Mullin questioned the reasoning for the tower and the camouflage painting techniques. He
also wanted additional information on the mesh-type antenna dishes that were suggested by staff.
Speaking for the applicant:
Henry J. Darby
1510 Tamarack
Mr. Darby explained the mesh-type antennas would not work for this type of use. He also stated
that the paint color applied by the manufacturer matched extremely well with the sky and that
they would not repaint it.
Planner Padovan stated that the dimension of the dish was 10 feet in diameter in answer to Mr.
Mullin's inquiry. Mr. Parmelee then eXplained the type of medical data which would be
transmitted and how critical the information is.
Mr. Mullin stated that presently Kaiser is a massive structure; much larger than is allowed in the
Corridor. There would certainly be a visual al1d aesthetic impact if this antenna was allowed.
He also questioned the application for a Use Permit and not a Variance. He asked staff to
address these issues.
Planner Padovan responded to Mr. Mullin's concerns. He explained why staff considered this a
mechanical structure and that it could be approved with a Use Permit.
Commissioner Boblitt stated that she would not be very pleased to have this tower in her
neighborhood. She wondered if there were other options. She did not think it was fair to the
neighborhood and hoped they could use another system. Commissioner Boblitt asked that this
project return to the Planning Commission after other possibilities had been explored.
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Commissioner DeZordo agreed with Commissioner Boblitt about the visual impact of this
Commissioner Zellmer stated he understood the Commission's concerns, however, he felt that
the City had to strike a balance between the needs of Kaiser and the needs of the neighborhood.
He said he leaned towards supporting the application.
Vice-Chairman Warren asked the applicant if it was possible to have a retractable antenna.
The applicant stated that it would be very expensive. He showed a picture to the Commission
showing exactly how this antenna would look on the building.
Mr. Darby, the technical advisor, stated that during a catastrophe, this tower becomes a main
source of communication with various enforcement agencies. He further explained why the
antenna needs to be a solid structure.
Motion-DeZordo/Seconded-Boblitt: To deny UP-92-922.
Chief Planner Solomon asked the Commission to propose a finding for denial or continue to the
next meeting and direct staff to prepare findings for denial.
The motion from Commissioner Zellmer to approve UP-92-922 died for a lack of a second.
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-DeZordo: To continue UP-92-922 to December 17, 1992. It was
approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners
DeZordo and Zellmer. NOES: Commissioner Boblitt. ABSENT: Chairman Matteucci and
Commissioner Wendler.
Commissioner Boblitt suggested that the Commission visit the neighborhood and see the visual
impact that this antenna would have.
147 Hazelwood Drive. Winner's Circle (ArcolKenwood Properties. owner). UP-92-921
Use Permit to allow the establishment of an indoor entertainment use (slot car race track) with
related retail sales in an existing commercial shopping center within 200 feet of a residential zone
district in the C-l Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section 20.22.040( c).
Planner Padovan presented the November 19, 1992 staff report.
The applicant did not wish to make a presentation. Commissioners Boblitt and DeZordo stated
that they thought this was a great project and that they had no problem with this application.
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Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Boblitt: To approve UP-92-921 based on the findings and subject to
the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES:
Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners Boblitt, DeZordo and Zellmer. ABSENT: Chairman
Matteucci, Commissioners Mantegani and Wendler.
Vice-Chairman Warren requested that Item 4 be heard before Item 3.
City of South San Francisco. Orange Memorial Park. Orange Avenue/Tennis Drive
City of South San Francisco Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Orange
Memorial Park Improvement Project.
Vice-Chairman Warren asked staff to brief the public on the status of this project. Planner
Solomon stated that this item was taken off the agenda and was to be continued to the meeting
of December 17, 1992. Assistant City Attorney Chiozza suggested that we take comments from
the public but to hold the comments from the Commission.
Chairman Matteucci arrived at 8:28 P.M.
Commissioner Zellmer stated that the environmental document probably would be changing so
the public should be aware of that.
Vice-Chairman Warren asked interested parties to get a revised copy of the EIR and make their
comments then.
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded- Boblitt: To continue this application to the December 17, 1992
meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Commissioners Mantegani and
249 Kenwood Way. Smart & Final (Brentwood Holding Co.. owner). UP-92-917. Negative
Declaration No. 739
Use Permit and environmental determination of same to allow the establishment of a
wholesale/retail grocery warehouse with related signs in an existing retail building in the C-l Zone
District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section 20.22.030.
Planner Carlson presented the November 19, 1992 staff report.
Representing the applicant:
Matthew Haslin
4800 Boyle Street
Los Angeles
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Mr. Haslin gave a brief presentation. He stated that the staff report was accurate and agreed
with all the conditions and would abide by these conditions. He said that Smart and Final
would be a tax revenue source and would serve the community. Mr. Haslin said he has
worked closely with City staff, business owners and the neighborhood. He then showed a
short video to the Commission regarding this project.
Speaking against the project:
. Tony Khorozian
116 Aptos Way
Sou th San Francisco
Mr. Khorozian stated he has a business on Hazelwood Drive and EI Camino Real. He
questioned the adequacy of parking at the Brentwood Center and showed the Commission
pictures regarding traffic on Hazelwood Drive. He felt the proposed use should not be
located in the Center. Mr. Khorozian received a letter against the project from Henry
Domeniconi, a future Center resident.
Commissioners Zellmer and Boblitt stated that they needed more information and primarily
were concerned with the traffic impact and the nature of the use.
Commissioner Wendler asked the applicant to provide information to the City that Smart and
Final is a retail operation with wholesale as an accessory use.
Mr. Haslin answered that the only evidence he could think of at the present time would be
the tax figures. He said that Smart and Final did not charge sales tax to businesses.
Commissioner DeZordo asked the applicant if they had attended any homeowners association
meetings. Mr. Haslin said they had conducted and/or attended three meetings in the area and
were favorably accepted.
Planner Carlson advised that the Commission could direct staff to check with other cities
regarding Smart and Final.
Representing the Applicant:
John Wilson
Wilson Engineering
70 Zoe Street, Ste. 200
San Francisco
Commissioner Zellmer asked Mr. Wilson to explain tables #1 and #2 of the parking survey.
Commissioner Wendler arrived at 9:25 P.M.
A discussion ensued regarding the number of customers and the parking demand and supply.
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Chairman Matteucci asked Mr. Pena about the loading time and he replied that this would be
done on Hazelwood Drive in the early morning.
Commissioner Wendler asked Assistant City Attorney Chiozza if, because she came in late,
she could comment on the project and vote on it. He answered that since she had not been
present for the applicant's presentation, she could make comments but should abstain from
. voting.
Commissioner Wendler talked about the parking issue, truck delivery loading area and the
need for parking along Hazelwood Drive.
Sgt. Petrocchi stated that the Police Department conditions included a condition regarding the
delivery of products.
The Commission asked that the revised parking study include:
1) Bay Area Smart and Final locations.
2) A daily parking truck delivery survey for one full week of the Brentwood Center and
two other Smart and Final stores.
3) Provide a copy of the report to the homeowners association.
The Commission asked staff to look at the viability of making changes in the parking lot and
at the possibility of a loading zone in the parking lot.
Commissioner Wendler asked staff to revise Planning Condition 5 to "collect baskets every
Vice-Chairman Warren asked if the applicant could hire someone to check the other stores
since the planners do not have the time.
Motion-BoblittjSeconded-Matteucci: To continue UP-92-917 off calendar. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Wendler. ABSENT:
Commissioner Mantegani.
Chairman Matteucci adjourned the meeting for a 5-minute recess at 10:10 P.M. He
readjourned the meeting at 10: 15 P.M.
Items from Staff
Planner Padovan discussed the interpretation regarding additional curb cuts in residential
districts. It was the consensus of the Commission to direct staff to allow driveway cuts only
when access to required parking spaces.
Chief Planner Solomon advised the Planning Commission that John Luchessi and Leo
Padreddi would be the two new incoming Commissioners.
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Chief Planner Solomon discussed 45 Chestnut Ave. He stated that the applicant will be moving
to a new property site in San Bruno but would like to retain ownership of this site. The applicant
expressed his desire to sell cars on this property.
Chief Planner Solomon discussed the current draft of the Housing Element to ensure that the
changes made at the public hearing were incorporated into the public document.
Commissioner Wendler discussed the issue of second units. She also requested that a change be
made on Page 71; changing the wording from cncouragc to iippeit in regards to "granny units."
Due to the fact that both Chairman Matteucci and Commissioner Wendler were not present at
the beginning of this meeting, two sets of minutes were not approved for lack of quorum. These
minutes were then approved at the end of the meeting.
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Matteucci: To approve the minutes of October 15, 1992 as presented.
They were unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Boblitt.
ABSENT: Commissioner Mantegani.
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Matteucci: To approve the minutes of October 22, 1992 as presented.
They were unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Commissioners Boblitt and
DeZordo. ABSENT: Commissioner Mantegani.
Motion- Wendler/Seconded-Boblitt: To cancel the Planning Commission meeting of December
3, 1992. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion-Zellmer/Seconded- Wendler: To adjourn the meeting to December 17, 1992 at 7:30 P.M.
It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Chairman Matteucci adjourned the meeting at 10:40 P.
Maureen K. Morton, Senior Planner
Acting Secretary, Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Louis Matteucci, Chairman
City of Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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