HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.06.92 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting of August 6, 1992 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Matteucci, Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners DeZordo, Mantegani and Zellmer. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Boblitt and Wendler ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Solomon Maureen K. Morton Steve Carlson Dick Chiozza Dennis Chuck Jeff Baca Assistant City Attorney Engineering Division Building Division CHAIRMAN COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES of June 18, 1992 Motion- Warren/Seconded-DeZordo: To approve the June 18, 1992 Planning Commission minutes as presented. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Commissioner Mantegani abstained since he was not present at the June 18, 1992 meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS The following was continued from the July 16, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. 147 Hazelwood Drive. Brentwood Market (ArcolKenwood Co.. owner). UP-92-912 Use Permit and design review approval to allow the establishment of a neighborhood market with liquor sales in an existing retail building located within 200 feet of a residential zone district and related modifications to the sign program for Brentwood Center in the C-l Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.22.030. Motion- Warren/Seconded-Zellmer: To deny Use Permit UP-92-912 based on the findings contained in the staff report. It was approved by voice vote. AYES: Chairman Matteucci, Vice-Chairman Warren and Commissioner Zellmer. NOES: Commissioner DeZordo. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Mantegani. Page 1 of 6 Pages 8/6/92 PC Meeting 1368 Lowrie Ave./1387-1399 San Mateo Avenue. Larry Calvi (Joseph and Leslie Bronzini. owners). UP-92-915 Use Permit to allow establishment of two open storage areas within an existing parking area with related screening and landscaping modifications at an existing industrial building in the M-l Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section 20.30.040(a). August 6, 1992 staff report presented. Applicant: Larry Calvi 1368 Lowrie Sou th San Francisco Mr. Calvi discussed the conditions and questioned the landscaping required behind the building along the Lowrie Avenue frontage. He stated he would prefer to maintain this area himself. He also asked that the requirement for an eighteen (18) month executed landscape maintenance contract be deleted. Mr. Calvi asked that the fencing directly surrounding the storage yards be a maximum of ten (10) feet instead of eight (8) feet suggested by staff. He agreed with the remainder of the conditions. Commissioner Mantegani asked staff if it was required to have a maintenance contract. Chief Planner Solomon stated that this was a standard condition but that it could be changed. Commissioner Mantegani questioned staff as to their feelings about the ten (10) foot fence. Planner Padovan felt that a ten-foot fence was too high and thought that the type of equipment and materials used by Mr. Calvi's business could be stored behind an eight-foot fence. Vice-Chairman Warren asked the applicant what type of equipment would be stored behind this fence. The applicant answered that they would be storing welding equipment, supplies and machines that his business was repairing such as excavators, backhoes, etc. He further stated that this fence would be almost right next to the building which is twenty-one (21) feet in height. Chief Planner Solomon advised the Commission that staff did not have a problem with that particular section. Commissioner DeZordo stated he had no problem with this application. Vice-Chairman Warren recommended that the applicant be given eight months to upgrade the landscaping (or whatever time staff deemed appropriate) and if it was not done, then Mr. Calvi would be required to have a maintenance contract. Chief Planner Solomon stated that if any of the landscaping had died or needed replacement then it would be replaced as a condition of approval. Vice-Chairman Warren asked Mr. Calvi if this was alright with him. The applicant answered that he had no problem with this. Page 2 of 6 Pages 8/6/92 PC Meeting Planner Padovan advised the Commission that if there was a problem in the future that it could be referred to Code Enforcement. Motion-Zellmer/Seconded- Warren: To approve UP-92-915 based on the findings and subject to modified conditions. Planning Condition #4 to read as follows: "All landscaping along the entire Lowrie Avenue frontage of the property shall be upgraded and replanted as necessary. Staff shall conduct an inspection of the landscaping eight months from the date of approval. If it is determined that the landscaping has not been well maintained, than an eighteen (18) months executed landscape maintenance contract is required to ensure that the plants are adequately maintained." Planning Condition #6 to read as follows: "The fencing directly surrounding the 1728 sq. ft. southern storage yard shall be a maximum height of eight (8) feet and the smaller northerly yard shall have a maximum fence height of ten (10) feet. The fencing around the yards shall consist of a cyclone type wire mesh with screening consisting of redwood slats. All other-fencing shall be a maximum height of six (6) feet and shall consist of cyclone type wire mesh with no screening." It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 444 Mariposa Drive. Kamal Tabib (Mr. & Mrs. Giacomo Ciotola. owners). DR-92-894 Appeal of a design review decision regarding a second-story addition to an existing residence in the R-l Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.90.010(b). August 6, 1992 staff report presented. Applicant: Kamal Tabib Dynamics Designs 912 15th Avenue Redwood City Mr.Tabib stated that the concern that he had was that the Design Review Board advised him that the design did not comply with the guidelines. He explained that he had made an initial phone call to the Planning Division to ask about setback requirements and the maximum height allowed and was given the information. Mr. Tabib said he had no way of knowing that he had to set the second story addition further back than the setback line. He then presented full construction drawings to the Building Department who checked the plans and told Mr. Tabib that he did not have all the required information and needed Design Review approval. He then presented his project to the Design Review Board who turned the design down. He later was mailed a copy of the design guidelines. Mr. Tabib stated that there is nothing in the State law or the Uniform Building Code that prohibits him from building the addition he designed. He further stated that he had met with Mr. Solomon and another staff member who suggested he redo the design which would cost him approximately $3600. He said he was never advised of the guidelines prior to the Design Review Board meeting. He took pictures of all the additions in the neighborhood and said they all looked alike. Mr. Tabib asked the Commission to meet him halfway and said he was willing to set the room six feet back from the first floor. Page 3 of 6 Pages 8/6/92 PC Meeting Speaking against the applicant: Ted Wright 461 Valverde South San Francisco Mr. Wright advised the Commission that after inquiring to see how the addition would look, he found that it was totally inconsistent with the neighborhood. He further stated that there was only one house with an addition in the last 14 years and that this addition blended in with very well with the neighborhood. He explained that he felt that the addition would stick out like a "sore thumb." Mr. Wright concurred with the Planning Commission to deny the application. Mr. Tabib asked how much of a view he was blocking? Vice-Chairman Warren explained to Mr. Tabib that he could only respond to the comments made by Mr. Wright. Mr. Tabib disagreed with Mr. Wright and said he believed that this addition was not inconsistent with the neighborhood. Commissioner Zellmer said that there were two very separate issues; one was a procedural issue and the second was a design issue. This design does not meet the City's design guidelines and, therefore, he found it difficult to support this design. Commissioner Zellmer stated the Commission had to separate these two issues. Vice-Chairman Warren asked Mr. Tabib if he had done designs on the peninsula to which Mr. Tabib answered in the affirmative. Vice-Chairman Warren stated that it was the responsibility of the professional architect to asked the right questions and Mr. Tabib failed to do so. She agreed with Commissioner Zellmer that the design did not fit because it did not meet the criteria. Commissioner Mantegani stated he had also visited the Building Division and that there was a rack that held various pamphlets that advises applicants of the different departments to call for information. He did not find the design acceptable and felt the procedural issue was dead. Commissioner DeZordo stated he was building his own home and that he had met with his architect and that part of the contract relates to design review. Motion- Warren/Seconded-Zellmer: To deny the appeal of a design review decision (DR-92- 894). It was unanimously denied by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Matteucci, Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners DeZordo, Mantegani and Zellmer. ITEMS FROM STAFF Chief Planner Solomon advised the Commission that on the following Monday staff would be mailing out a Request for Proposal for the Area Plan East of 101 and hoped to have a contract with a consultant by the end of September. Page 4 of 6 Pages 8/6/92 PC Meeting In regards to the EI Camino Corridor, Chief Planner Solomon explained that the thrust of work has changed. The Council's negotiations with BART wound up at the point where the City would help finance putting the BART line in a subway. The City will be establishing a redevelopment district to help finance this to the tune of $23,000,000. He further explained that there would be an environmental document Request for Proposal out in about a month to look at all the following issues; annexation of the McLellan property, redevelopment district and the area plan. He explained that in addition two major land owners would be presenting master plans; McLellan and Genentech. Chief Planner Solomon advised that this work will be done by the Planning staff and the redevelopment specialist. A formal work program for the Planning Division will be presented to the Planning Commission at a later date. Chief Planner recommended to the Planning Commission that the meeting of August 20, 1992 be cancelled. Commissioner DeZordo stated that he thought a precise plan would be the appropriate way to go with the McLellan property. Chief Planner Solomon stated that this could be a possibility. Commissioner DeZordo asked what kind of consultants was the RFP for the East of 101 Area being sent to and Chief Planner Solomon answered that they were generally land use planners; about 20 firms. He further stated that the document that would be produced would be an area plan and an EIR and a number of General Plan amendments, modifications of the housing element and circulation element. Vice-Chairman Warren asked about the status of Terrabay. Chief Planner Solomon said this changed from day to day. He stated that staff had been contacted by a number of buyers interested in obtaining parcels from the Resolution Trust Corporation which includes Terrabay and a much larger package in Southern California. Motion- Warren/Seconded-Mantegani: To cancel the August 20, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Chairman Matteucci called for a five-minute recess at 8:22 P.M. in order to give Genentech, Inc. time to set up for their informal presentation of their master plan. Chairman Matteucci readjourned the meeting at 8:30 P.M. At that time Mr. J. Panek, Genentech, Inc. introduced Ken Kay Associates, their consultants for their master plan. Ken Kay Associates gave a brief presentation including their background and their expectations for Genentech, Inc. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. to September 17, 1992. Page 5 of 6 Pages 8/6/92 PC Meeting &~ Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Louis Matteucci, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco LM:SS:ab Page 6 of 6 Pages 8/6/92 PC Meeting