HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.18.92 MInutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting of June 18, 1992 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Matteucci, Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners Boblitt, DeZordo and Zellmer. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Mantegani and Wendler. (Commissioner DeZordo left at 10:00 P.M.) ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Steve Solomon Maureen K. Morton Steve Carlson Steve Padovan Dick Chiozza Mike Baird Ana Akin Ron Petrocchi Jim Fitzpatrick Barry Nagel Assistant City Attorney Building Division Engineering Division Police Department Fire Department Parks and Recreation CHAIRMAN COMMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS 467 So. Canal. Western TV Cable (Carlotta Scopesi. owner). V-92-318. Negative Declaration No. 734 Variance and design review approval to allow a 20" wide two-way driveway rather than the required 25" and environmental determination of same to facilitate the conversion of an existing warehouse building into offices and a fleet storage facility with related parking, landscaping and sign program in the P-C Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section 20.82.020. Page 1 of 9 Pages 6/18/92 PC Meeting Motion-Boblitt/Seconded- Warren: To accept the applicant's request to withdraw the proposed project. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 147 Hazelwood Drive. Brentwood Market (ArcolKenwood Co.. owner). UP-92-912 Use Permit and design review approval to allow the establishment of a neighborhood market with liquor sales in an existing retail building located within 200" of a residential zone district and related modifications to the sign program for Brentwood Center in the C-l Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.22.030. Assistant Planner Steve Padovan presented the June 18, 1992 staff report. Applicant: John Moo Yoo 154 Font Boulevard San Francisco Representing the applicant: Gary Yee 415 Reinhardt Dr. Oakland Mr. Yee, interpreting for Mr. Yoo, advised the Commission that Mr. Yoo was requesting that he be allowed to use the entire cooler for alcoholic beverages instead of only half of the cooler and to use the refrigerator just for soft drinks. Speaking in favor of the project: Larry Horn 409 Primrose Burlingame Mr. Horn, who is a partner in the Arco Construction Co., stated he was in favor of this project. Commissioner Boblitt objected to allowing the use of the entire cooler for wine and beer. She stated that half of the cooler would be ample. She did agree that a neighborhood store would be an asset but she preferred 20% instead of the 30% for sale of liquor. Commissioner Warren did not agree with the percentage of shelving for food and the percentage of shelving for liquor. She thought too much space was allocated for liquor. Commissioner Zellmer agreed with Commissioners Boblitt and Warren and stated that this was out of character for what was being proposed. He suggested eliminating the shelf that was allocated for beer and wine. Page 2 of 9 Pages 6/18/92 PC Meeting Commissioner Warren asked the applicant if he understood that the shelving in the middle of the store was strictly for food and only half the cooler for alcoholic beverages. Commissioner Zellmer stated that not more than 30% of this store should be dedicated to alcoholic beverages. The applicant, Mr. Moo Yoo, did not agree to this percentage. Staff was directed to prepare findings for denial for the next Planning Commission meeting. Motion-Boblitt/Seconded-Zellmer: Motion of intent to deny due to the applicant's refusal to conform to the conditions of approval. It was approved by voice vote. AYES: Chairman Matteucci, Vice-Chairman Warren, Commissioners Boblitt and Zellmer. NOES: Commissioner DeZordo. City of South San Francisco. Orange Memorial Park. Orange Avenue/Tennis Drive The Engineering Division of the City of South San Francisco has completed the preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Orange Memorial Park Improvement Project. Comments on the document may be made at the meeting or writing during the 45-day review period which is expected to end on July 13, 1992. Barry Nagel, Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services, in the absence of Ray VanDohren, briefly discussed the background of the project. He stated that three years ago the City retained Callan & Associates to prepare a city-wide park, recreation and open space master plan as well as an Orange Park site specific master plan. He further explained that this project with the EIR attached was in line with the master plan that was ultimately approved by the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council in July of 1990. Mr. Nagel did make a notation stating that when the Draft EIR was prepared, the City had anticipated lighting the two proposed midget pee wee ball fields. Since that time, the City has decided that it does not need to light those two ball fields (will not be lit for night play). This should change some of the impacts of the EIR. He further stated that another public hearing before the Planning Commission was scheduled for July 16, 1992 and that it would go before City Council for certification on September 23, 1992. Mr. Nagel then introduced Bill Harris, Callander Associates. Mr. Harris stated that they would go before the Planning Commission on August 6, 1992 not July 16, 1992. He further stated that no action was to be taken by the Commission but just direct staff to prepare the final EIR. At the August 6, 1992 Planning Commission meeting, the Commission would be asked to take action to finalize the EIR and to look at obtaining land use changes (zoning and general plan amendments) to allow the subdivision of the existing Mazzanti parcel from one Page 3 of 9 Pages 6/18/92 PC Meeting to two; one for the park and one for the existing residence. Mr. Harris then presented a brief orientation of the proposed changes and additions to the park. Mter his orientation, he introduced Mr. Gather Lowenstein, Martin Carpenter Associates. Mr. Harris stated the impacts and mitigation measures would be discussed and that comments would be recorded. The responses to the comments would be in the final EIR. Also written comments would be accepted. In answer to Commissioner DeZordo's question, Mr. Harris stated that the park was currently pursued in one phase which was improving the existing park but incorporating the two corp yards and the Mazzanti property but did not incorporate the Cal Water property. He further commented that grading and drainage would be upgraded throughout the park where needed. Mr. Lowenstein commented that the he would summarize the most significant environmental impacts associated with the park expansion and the mitigation measures proposed to address these impacts. He further stated that the EIR addressed impacts such as traffic and circulation, noise, natural resources, public safety, cultural and geographical resources and public health. He then discussed the mitigation measures for each impact. Mr. Harris then showed the Commission a drawing of the linear park (bicycle path) which would extend from Orange Avenue east to Spruce (South Canal right-of-way). He further stated that vehicle access would be controlled. Chief Planner Solomon clarified the purpose of the meeting which was that the Commission and the public was to raise questions that the EIR did not answer, point out errors or anything that needed to be clarified. The consultants would then go back and prepare responses which would be packaged in an addendum to the EIR. It would then be brought back to Commission to judge its adequacy. Commissioner DeZordo asked Mr. Harris who the primary author of the document was and who could he specifically contact. He also inquired about the consultant's fee. He questioned the need for an architectural evaluation and an archeological assessment. He also questioned the contamination of the soil. Commissioner Warren also had concerns about the number of trees being cut down. She was also concerned about an adequate assessment and Planner Carlson suggested that perhaps an archeologist could review the grading and construction plans and make recommendations. Commissioner Boblitt stated she had expected more changes to the park. She stated that the City should consider the Cal Water property in the traffic study. She questioned the lighting of the park at night and security. She also expressed her concern about the removal of trees. She then briefly discussed the log cabin. Page 4 of 9 Pages 6/18/92 PC Meeting Commissioner DeZordo commented that the improvements to the park would be a significant addition to the community just like Buri Buri Park. Chairman Matteucci stated that he would like to see more detail in the EIR; more information about the upgrading on the old part of the park such as the boccie ball section, etc. Motion- Warren/Seconded-Zellmer: Motion to direct staff to prepare the final EIR. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. 45 Chestnut Avenue. Acutech Autos (Niki Tom. owner). UP-92-911 Use Permit and design review approval to allow an addition to an existing gasoline service station with related modifications to the parking and landscaping and the addition of a canopy over the pump islands in the P-C Zone District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Section 20.24.030. Planner Morton presented the June 18, 1992 staff report. Applicant: Niki Tom Acu tech Autos 45 Chestnut Avenue So. San Francisco Mr. Tom advised the Commission that because of contamination the San Mateo County required him to remove the tanks and the pumps and to clean up the area. He stated that, due to inclament weather, the tanks had not been reinstalled. He also stated that he would like to sell more tires and more batteries on the site. Mr. Tom eXplained that the prior owner had left 6 cars on the site and that he had been trying to contact the owner. Representing the applicant: Mr. Lenin Lee, Architect Concept International Consulting Co., Inc. 1818 Gilbreth Burlingame Mr. Lee explained that most gas stations cannot survive with some other type of income. He stated that the applicant does not plan to install a hydraulic lift so he plans only minimal auto repair on the site. He stated that the owner could not meet the August 18, 1992 deadline to have the pumps and tanks installed. Mr. Lee explained that they have to first submit an application to the Air Quality Control and Hazardous Materials Department and requested an extension on the time. Page 5 of 9 Pages 6/18/92 PC Meeting Speaking for the applicant: Mr. Jim Rato Concept International Consulting Co., Inc. 1818 Gilbreth Burlingame Mr. Rato questioned Engineering's Condition IV, Site Plan Design Revisions. Planner Morton stated that because of the submittal of so many revised plans, that set of Engineering conditions did not latest submitted plans but that Richard Harmon had submitted a memo for the Commission's review which is attached to the staff report. Commissioner Boblitt questioned the applicant, Mr. Tom, about the purchase of the property. Mr. Tom stated that he bought the business as a car repair service because the pumps were not working at that time. Commissioner Boblitt stated she would have no problem with this project if it was primarily a gas station with a guarantee that the 3 bays would be for only minor auto repair services. She suggested that the applicant have the pumps and tanks installed, remodel it as a station and return to the Planning Commission with any other modifications. Commissioner Warren stated that she would not consider a third bay unless the applicant installed four pumps. She further reiterated that the land use does not permit auto repair businesses. Commissioner Warren commented that it was unfortunate that the applicant was not clear about the use of this property. She said this site had a history of problems and that City Council had also taken action against the previous owner for violation of the Use Permit. Commissioner Zellmer also agreed with the comments of the Commissioners. He stated that the owner was notified of the conditions of the Use Permit seven months ago and the pumps have not yet been installed. Commissioner Zellmer stated that this applicant needed a solid timetable. He stated that he would like the Commission to review this application after the August deadline. Both Commissioner DeZordo and Chairman Matteucci commented that they supported the other Commissioners' statements. Planner Morton suggested to the Commission that they might want to continue this project off-calendar to allow the applicant to show good faith by complying with the existing conditions. She further stated that if, at that time the pumps were in and the existing use permit conditions met, the Commission might entertain the idea of a third bay. Chief Planner suggested to the Commission that they review this case in six months and at that time the application would be withdrawn if the equipment was not in operation. Page 6 of 9 Pages 6/18/92 PC Meeting Commissioner Warren stated that if the pumps were not in operation in six months she would recommend that the Commission direct staff to proceed with revocation of the use permit. Chief Planner Solomon suggested that the applicant submit to the Planning Commission status reports and staff would schedule the Item in 3 months. Chairman Matteucci asked for a monthly status report. Motion-Zellmer/Seconded- Warren: To continue UP-92-911 off-calendar with a report back to the Planning Commission in 90 days. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Chairman Matteucci called for a ten-minute recess at 9:15 P.M. The meeting was readjourned at 9:30 P.M. 221 Spruce Avenue. Don Jesus (Bonanza Intern Development Co.. owner). UP-86-769/Mod 2. Negative Declaration No. 737 Use Permit and design review approval and environmental determination of same to allow an eating and drinking establishment with indoor entertainment (dance premise) in an existing building for which a minor addition is proposed in the P-C Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section 20.24.030 and Chapter 6.48. Planner Carlson presented the June 18, 1992 staff report. Representing the applicant: Richard Camponuevo 481 Baden Avenue So. San Francisco Mr. Camponuevo explained the project and what changes were being proposed. He disagreed with the percentage of the public area which staff reported to be 30%. He explained the kitchen equipment was exactly the same which was only moved to another room. Mr. Camponuevo stated that 6 prior restaurants at this site had not been successful, but because of the dancing the business was doing very well prior to it being closed. He said there would be at least one security guard at all times and at times 3 guards. He then showed the Commission the original approved plans and claimed that the public area was not 30% but only 22%. Mr. Camponuevo further explained that only the patrons who dined were allowed to use the dance floor. Planner Carlson disagreed with the calculations but said that in any event a Use Permit was required. Commissioner Warren question Sgt. Ron Petrocchi about several issues. Sgt. Petrocchi stated that the call for services was higher because for the last three years, the site was being use Page 7 of 9 Pages 6/18/92 PC Meeting more as a dance hall serving food and not as a restaurant. He further stated that the Police Department requirements in the staff report included the approval of a dance premise business license for this facility. Sgt. Petrocchi stated that at the present time this site had a ABC license Type 47 which requires the food be prepared on the site and that the primary business is a restaurant with 50% of their revenue derived from food sales. This food must be prepared on the site. Commissioner Warren questioned Mr. Camponuevo about the menu; how big was the menu; what foods are prepared on the site? Mr. Ontiveros, the business owner, stated that they had 17 items on the menu. Commissioner Warren stated that this was not a full-service restaurant. Commissioner Boblitt stated that the applicant was getting things up to code but that they continued as they were before -- a dance hall. She said that a Type 47 permit was approved for this site and that the kitchen needed to be brought up to code and that food was not to be brought in from his other store on EI Camino Real. Commissioner Boblitt commented she was not happy with this project at all. Commissioner Zellmer agreed with Commissioner Boblitt. He stated that he could approve the Use Permit modification with the Optional Conditions of Approval. Chairman Matteucci asked the applicant if there was to be any other type of entertainment. Mr. Camponuevo answered that they did not have any immediate plans but that it was a possibility in the future in order to attract more patrons. Commissioner Boblitt suggested revising the hours of operation from 2 A.M. to midnight. If the police service calls are reduced and the site is operating as a dinner hours, then the applicant could come back to the Commission and ask to extend the hours to 2 A.M. Planner Carlson also eXplained to the Commission that the building was not structurally safe. The applicant did not have a Certificate of Occupancy as yet. Motion- Warren/Seconded-Boblitt: To approve UP-86-769jMod 2 based on the findings and subject to modified conditions of approval (raising the public area from 30% to 34% and reducing the hours of operation from 2 A.M. to midnight). It was unanimously approved by voice. (Commissioner DeZordo left at 10:00 P.M. and was not present to vote on this project) Planner Morton stated that she would like to recommend to the Commission to reopen UP-92-912 (Brentwood Market) and to continue it to July 16, 1992. Motion- Warren/-Seconded-Zellmer: To continue UP-92-912 to July 16, 1992, Planning Commission meeting. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Page 8 of 9 Pages 6/18/92 PC Meeting Assistant City Attorney, Dick Chiozza, explained to the Commission that Acutech Autos (UP- 92-911), was in violation of the Zoning Ordinance because of the storage of vehicles on the site and the operation of an auto repair service without the sale of gasoline. He further stated that the City could move to legal action; civil abatement, revocation of the Use Permit or criminal prosecution. Mike Baird, Building, stated that the reason a letter from Code Enforcement had not been submitted to the City Attorney's office requesting prosecution was that the applicant had said that he was going to correct the violations. Mr. Baird said there was a timeframe. ITEMS FROM STAFF Chief Planner Solomon stated that Genentech was working on their master plan; that they have retained the services of a landscape architectural firm, Ken Kay Associates. He further eXplained that hopefully staff would be looking at a master plan in about 5 or 6 months. As far as St. Francis Heights was concerned, Chief Planner Solomon said that they had made application but that the Design Review Board did not liked what they saw. The Board questioned the initial application and asked for some moderate level of changes to the project to correct some of the problems they saw. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION In reply to a question from Chairman Matteucci regarding a City approved road at Oyster Point (Gull Road) which was to be paid by UPS, Planner Carlson stated that UPS has presently submitted the plans to BCDC and are under review. Motion-Zellmer/Seconded-Matteucci: To cancel the meeting of July 2, 1992. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Chairman Matteucci adjourned the meeting to July 16, 1992 at 7:30 P.M. ~JJ!uLr~ Steve Solomon, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco C? ~~~ Louis Matteucci, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco LM:SS:ab Page 9 of 9 Pages 6/18/92 PC Meeting