HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.20.93 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting of May 20, 1993 7:00 P.M. - INTERVIEW OF APPLICANTS FOR THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 7:06 P.M. to 7:15 P.M. - 7:15 P.M. to 7:25 P.M. - The Plannirtg Conlnlission interviewed John Murphy. The Planning Commission interviewed Michael Slnith. Chairman Warren called for a 5-nlinute recess. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Warren, Vice-Chairnlan Mantegani, COlnnlissioners Lucchesi, Padreddii and Zellmer. (Colnmissioner Zellmer arrived at 7:15 P.M.) MEMBERS ABSENT: Conlmissioner DeZordo Assistant City Attorney Building Division Police Departnlent Fire DepartInent Steve Solonlon Steve Carlson Lany I(asparowitz Dick Chiozza Jeff Baca Ron Petrocchi Dave Parenti ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division CHAIRMAN COMMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Chainnan Warren presented Louis Matteucci with a conlnlendation for his selvice to the City of South San Francisco as a Planning Comlnissioner. CONSENT ITEM 3759 Cork Place. Edlnond S. Chun. PUD-93-24 Planned Unit Development Pernlit and Design Review for a second-stoIY addition and exterior modifications to the front of an existing twO-stOIY townhouse in the Westborough area in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.84. Page 1 of 5 Pages PC Meeting of 5/20/93 Note: Address within the Special Study Zone. Adequate setbacks and no special building code required. Chairman Warren asked that this iteln be taken off the consent calendar. Chairman Warren asked staff if their honleowner's association had given their approval to exterior modifications. Planner Carlson stated that staff did not normally request that type of information. Chairman Warren stated that she had a problem approving projects with C.C.&R.'s without association approval. Planner Carlson stated that staff usually sends a notice of the hearing to the association. It is a legal matter and we could not ultimately deny a permit. Chairman Warren stated that this issue should be researched. Assistant City Attorney Chiozza stated that they could review the C.C.&R.'s. Commissioner Mantegani asked if a condition could be added stating that this project is approved as long as it is consistent with the C.C.&R.'s. Chief Planner Solomon answered that this could be done. Speaking in favor of Applicant: Tel Fullatn 3762 Cork Place SSF Mr. Fullam stated that the association had been defunct for over 10 years ever since the treasurer ran away with their nlonies and since then no action had been taken. As far as he was concerned there was 110 association. Chairman Warren advised that in the future staff should request a letter of approval froln the association where the association has the sole authority to request for a change in the building. It was the consensus of the Comlnission to ascertain whether this association is truly defunct and to continue this application to the June 3, 1993 Planning C0I111nissiol1lneeting. Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Lucchesi: To continue PUD-93-24 to June 3, 1993. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS 415-417 Grand Avenue. Church of Christ (M. & D. Cvitanovic. owners). UP-93-934 Use Permit to allow church selvices in an existing assenlbly hall in the D-C Zone District in accordance with provisions of SSFMC Section 20.26.030(b). Senior Planner Carlson presented the May 20, 1993 staff report. Page 2 of 5 Pages PC Meeting of 5/20/93 Representing the applicant: M. Cvitanovic 415 Grand Avenue SSF Mr. Cvitanovic stated that they have been renting spaces at the Croation Building for 14 years and he saw no problem with the Church of Christ as a tenant. He further stated that not many businesses were open on Sunday mornings and that he received only one letter of objection. Commissioner Mantegani wondered if the downtown area had reached its peak where the City should consider creating parking lots. He stated his concern was traffic. Senior Planner Carlsol1 said that the parking exception was approved in 1988. COln111issioner Lucchesi asked staff if the City was running into a probleln downtown. He stated that a parking study was needed to mitigate that problenl. He further stated that his other concern was the need to clarify the applicant's conditions for the use of the parking space (Parking Place Conlnlission). Sgt. Petrocchi, P. D., stated that the probleln downtown has nothing to do with this application. He stated that the street is so wide that people lnake U turns in the middle of the block. Officers will be working diligently in that area because of this application. Comlnissioner Zellmer asked for a six-Inonth review. COlll111issioner Padreddii stated he had talked to various business that are open on Sunday and that they all complained about the parking. He further stated that ever since the services started, there is a serious problem and hurting businesses because people cannot find a place to park. COll1111issioner Padreddii said that this location is in a business district and that businesses have a priority. Comnlissioner Zellll1er advised that the Parking Place Conl1nission had not reviewed this project since 1988. Senior Planner Carlson stated that an exception was approved for assenlbly and that this application is covered under that exception. Chief Planner Solomon suggested that perhaps the Conlmission would like to return this application to the Parking Place COlll111ission. Assistant City Attorney Chiozza cautioned that the COnl111ission was dealing with a religious activity which are protected under the First Amendlnent. Commissioner Zelhner asked for feedback fronl the Parking Place Conl111ission as to how they feel about this Use Pernlit and the parking ilnpacts. It was the consensus of the COlnnlission that the only issue is the parking and that this application should be returned to the Parking Place COlnlllission for their input. Page 3 of 5 Pages PC Meeting of 5/20/93 Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Lucchesi: To continue PUD-93-24 to the June 3, 1993 Planning Commission nleeting. It was unanilnously approved by voice vote. 900 Dubuque Avenue. Levitz Furniture Corporation (Corporate Property Investors). UP-92- 918D. Negative Declaration No. 740 Use Permit, Design Review and Negative Declaration to allow a Type "C" Sign Permit to allow relocation of a pole sign and total sign area of six hundred and sixty-two (662) square feet, minor modifications to the on-site parking, circulation and landscaping at 900 Dubuque Avenue, in the P-C-L (Planned Conll11ercial) Zone District, in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.76.120,20.76.130 and 20.76.170. Senior Planner Carlson stated that staff had received a letter froln the applicant agreeing to place the sign in the approved location and no action was required by the Comnlission No action was taken. IteIns from Staff Chief Planner Sololnon stated that staff had sublnitted a docunlentalY to the State for review under the State Preservation Prograln and that it was chosen to receive the 1993 Governor's Preselvation Award. Congratulations to the Historic Preselvation Conllnission and their staff. He further stated that staff has been looking at an ordinance which would allow the sale of individual ul1its on R-2 (duplex) lots. Chief Planner Sololl1on nlentioned the Commission that the City Council will hear the General Plan Anlendlnent, EIR and Redevelopment Plan for the EI Camino Corridor next week. He went on to say that he and Susal1 McCue Inet with the BART people to discuss the agreeIllent for the financing of the undergrounding of BART. BART advised that they nlay be considering a new route out of Chestnut Avenue but that staff would be receiving 1110re infonnation in a couple of weeks. Chief Planner Solonlon stated that the Planning Conl1nission was appointed by the City Council to the Appeals Board for the El Canlino Corridor Redeveloplnent District. He advised that the Appeals Board is a requirenlent of the State Redeveloplnent Law. But it was unlikely that the Conl1nission's selvice would be used. Regarding the East of 101 Area Plan, Chief Planner Solonlon stated that staff had received the background study reports and expected thelll to go to the press next week and released to the public. IteIns froln COll1nlission Chairnlan Warren asked if anybody had looked into the pothole at the intersection of South San Francisco Drive and Sister City Boulevard. Chief Planner SOl01110n advised that he had given Engineering the Inessage. Page 4 of 5 Pages PC Meeting of 5/20/93 A discussion ensued regarding Terrabay and the Assistant City Attorney Dick Chiozza advised that RTC had sold a "note" secured by the property to another institution not the right to develop. Study Session Genentech. Inc.. Proposed Master Plal1 Study session to review the progress of the Genentech Master Plal1 and to introduce the regulatolY plan implelnentation Ineasures. Motion-Mantegani/Seconded-Zelhner: To adjourn the 111eeting to June 3, 1993. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Chairman Warren adjourned the 111eeting at 10:26 P.M. ~~~ Steve Solomon, Secretary Planning Comlnission City of Sou th San Francisco Margaret Wairen, Chairnlan Planning Conlnlission City of Sou th San Francisco MW:SS:ab Page 5 of 5 Pages PC Meeting of 5/20/93