HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.21.96 Minutes
November 21, 1996
7:30 P.M.
Vice-Chairman Romero, Commissioners Lucchesi, Masuda, and
Chairman Warren, Commissioners Barnett and DeZordo.
Planning Division:
Chief Planner
Senior Planner
Assist. Planner
Act. Secretary II
City Attorney:
City Engineer:
Senior Engineering Tech.
Police Department:
Steve Solomon
Susy Kalkin
Lawrence Kasparowitz
Rosa Perez
Wayne Snodgrass
Arthur Wong
Richard Harmon
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion- Padreddii/Second-Lucchesi: To approve the October 17, 1996
lninutes of the Planning Commission. They were unanimously approved with Vice-Chairman Romero
ab staining.
320 Shaw Road, Spumoni Sportswear / Magaline, Owners;
Sprint Spectrum/Communication Systems Development, Applicant;
UP-96-064; Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 96-064
Use Permit to allow installation of a ground mounted mono pole for wireless communication antenna
and ground based equipment cabinet in an Industrial (M-l) Zone District in accordance with the
provisions of SSFMC 20.30.040 and 20.83.030. (Continuance requested by applicant to December 5,
Motion-Padreddii/Second-Masuda: To continue UP-96-064 and ND96-064 to December 5, 1996. It
was unanimously approved.
2211-2239 Gellert Blvd., Gellert Square/Manton Wong, applicant/owner
UP-93-939/Mod 3, Cate20rical Exemption: Class 1 Section 15301(a)
Use Permit modification to allow an additional 800 square feet of customer eating area at an existing
multi-tenant retail shopping center in the C-I Retail Commercial Zone District in accordance with
SSFMC 20.91.
Assistant Planner Kasparowitz presented staff report noting debris problem and that conditions have
been placed for additional enclosed trash containers.
Representing the Applicant/Owner:
Doug Cain, Architect
1472 Jackson St., San Francisco, CA 94109
Mr. Cain stated that they are willing to meet all the
conditions stated in the staff report.
Commissioner Masuda asked about the debris problem. Assistant Planner Kasparowitz noted that there
were several problems, but they should improve with enclosed debris area.
Commissioner Lucchesi asked about the hours of operation. Mr. Cain noted that the proposed
restaurant owner does not wish to have late hours.
Motion-MasudalSecond-Padreddii: To approve UP-93-939/Mod 3 based on the findings contained in
the staff report and subject to the Conditions of Approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
BART Station Desi2n Guidelines
Senior Planner Kalkin presented staff report.
City's Architect Consultant: Mr. Chiang discussed the input received at the 2 previous
Robin Chiang Community workshops, reviewed the preferred landscaping on EI
Group 4/ Architecture Camino Real indicating large & medium size trees for this street and
301 Linden Avenue, S SF medium size trees only for Mission Road. He showed numerous
sketches presented to the Community and Council; several variations
on barrel vault roofs which was Council's preference for the BART
station, the alternate approaches for the parking structure and the arches at the plaza entrance. Mr.
Chiang suggested that art work inside the station could be used to show case the history of South San
Francisco, and discussed the possibility of ornamental historic lighting only in the plaza, with basic
lighting in other places. He continued with variations of the parking structure with arches or arches with
landscaping, also a simpler/standard look of the parking structure with large landscaping used along EI
Camino Real to obscure the parking structure. He spoke of the possibility of stepping back the second
and third floors of the parking structure to reduce the mass.
Commissioner Masuda asked about the cost differences in the station and parking structure designs.
Planning Commission Mtg. 11/21/96
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parking structure arches are more important than natural lighting. Commissioner Lucchesi suggested
that the plaza design incorporate a passageway/gateway (not necessary a tunnel) that would identify the
station from El Camino Real, with a walkway or entry that you go through to get to the station from El
Camino, so you don't have just a parking structure, gateway and a station.
East of 101 Land Uses - Study Session continued from November 7, 1996
Chief Planner Solomon presented staff report and the requested map showing the land uses to be
allowed in each of the areas. He noted that currently the Commission reviews projects that generate
more than 100 auto trips daily, but there are other criterias that would bring items before the
COlnmission and he would like the Commission's views before the documents are drawn up for public
review. The Zoning Map will show the existing Oyster Point Specific Plan, Genentech Overlay District
and the Gateway District and those other Districts with new names.
Vice-Chairman Romero asked if the new 50,000 sq. ft. standard refers to new construction or additions
only? Planner Solomon responded this would be for both new construction or additions, but they could
identify a separate size for either. Commissioner Padreddii noted he preferred to give his comments at
the public hearing level. Commissioner Lucchesi asked about the Bayside Open Space and minor retail
sales. Planner Solomon referred to page 6 of the matrix and noted retail uses associated with the marina
such as ship chandlery
or visitors center which sells items; this would be more of a small scale sales. Commissioner Lucchesi
notes his concern would be boat sales in the bayside open space areas or large scale sales. Planner
Solomon stated that where the Commission sees a "?" it indicates that the definition should be analyzed.
Commissioner Lucchesi asked about "Second hand sales". Planner Solomon reads the definition (i.e.
pawnshops and thrifts stores) and there is a distinction for Antique shops which are not considered
second hand sales.
Discussion continued on uses preferred under the electrical utility lines and what commercial use along
the bayfront would be preferred. Commissioner Lucchesi would like the Coastal Commercial areas kept
clean and as a higher quality. Planner Solomon noted that these uses are conditional even under the
high tension wire areas. Vice-Chairman Romero agreed with removing storage of inoperable vehicles
from the Coastal Commercial area, but would not want to eliminate commercial parking and would not
like to eliminate that from coming before the Commission. Vice-Chairman Romero understood that
parking structures would not be allowed, but parking lots would be. Planner Solomon noted that
parking structures are conditional use in the L- I and Airport Zone.
Commissioner Lucchesi asked the Commission to consider: 1) Quick lubs/gas stations in the RD Zones
or keep in Freeway Commercial (FC) Zone; and 2) Drive-thru windows for fast food require use permit
so they come before the Commission.
Items from Staff: None
Items from Commission:
Planning Commission Mtg. 11/21/96
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