HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.07.96 Minutes
November 7, 1996
7:30 P.M.
Chairman Warren, Vice-Chairman Romero, Commissioners
Barnett, Lucchesi, Masuda, Padreddii, and Commissioner
Dir. OfE&C D:
Planning Division:
Chief Planner
Senior Planner
Senior Planner
Assist. Planner
Project Planner
Act. Secretary II
City Attorney:
City Engineer:
Senior Engineering Tech.
Police Department:
Marty Van Duyn
Steve Solomon
Steve Carlson
Susy Kalkin
Lawrence Kasparowitz
Lida Budko
Rosa Perez
Steve Mattas
Arthur Wong
Richard Harmon
S gt. Ron Petrocchi
CHAIRMAN COMMENTS: Chairman Warren announced the passing away of former Planning
Commissioner Lou Mattucci earlier in the week, who had served on the Commission for seven years.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 3, 1996 - Correction by Vice-Chairman Romero, who noted
his absence rather than abstention. Motion-Lucchesi/Second-Padreddii: To approved the October
3rd, 1996 minutes of the Planning Commission as corrected. Unanimously approved with Vice-
Chairman Romero abstaining.
753 Del Monte Avenue, CCBE/SSFUSD/ Bingo activities, UP-95-998 (REVIEW)
Review of compliance with Conditions of Approval.
Motion-DeZordoISecond-Barnett: Motion to approve Consent Calendar was unanimously approved
by voice vote.
475 Eccles Avenue, Pacific Bell Mobile Services, Applicant (Michael Halper, Owner)
UP-94-980/Mod 1; Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 96-067
Use Permit Modifications to allow a two 14 foot tall roof mounted antenna panels and appurtenant
facilities to an existing building containing warehouse, research and development uses, in a Planned
Industrial Zone (P-I) District in accordance with the provisions of SSFMC Chapter 20.32.
Chairman Warren opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Carlson presented staff report. Noted Planning Division's Conditions No.5 and 8.
Representing Applicant:
Heather Angelica
Pacific Bell Mobile Services
Ms. Angelica agreed with all the conditions
and had no further comments.
Chairman Warren closed the public hearing.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Barnett: To approve Negative Declaration No. 96-067. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Padreddii: To approve UP-94-980/Mod 1 based on the findings and subject
to the Conditions of Approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
409 South Spruce Avenue, Salvation Army, applicant/owner
UP-96-097, Categorical Exemption: Class 1 Section 15301 (a) and (e)
Use Permit to allow a portion of an existing office building to be used for religious assembly with a
portion of the required parking provided for off-site in the P-C Planned Commercial Zone in
accordance with SSFMC 20.24.030(b) and 20.74. 120(b).
Chairman Warren opened the public hearing.
Assistant Planner Kasparowitz presented the staff report and indicated that the use permit was for
office work, bible study, women's fellowship, music rehearsal, worship and prayer services; all
other services should come back as use permit modifications. He noted that when the site is used for
worship/Sunday service, needed extra parking will be obtained from Long's parking lot, as permitted
by property owners; and noted all improvements the applicant will do to the property .
Applicant had no further comments at this time.
Speaking with Concern:
Kathleen Mealing
141 Francisco Drive
South San Francisco
Ms. Mealing lives across the street. She stated that there are many
small children in the neighborhood, does not want traffic going
through Francisco Terrace; and wants the Salvation Army to get
permission one program at a time to determine the impact.
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Chairman Warren noted that each program other than those mentioned in the staff report, would have
to come back before the Commission for approval before they are implemented.
Speaking with Concern:
Laura Peradotto
137 Francisco Drive
South San Francisco
Ms. Peradotto lives directly across the street. She was also
concerned and wanted to know more details on the programs and the
impact they might have on the neighborhood.
Speaking with Concern:
Fred R. Strathdee, Architect
490 EI Camino Real, Ste.
Belmont, CA 94002
Mr. Strathdee explained that the programs would be what the
community needs, all persons in need in the community are
Commissioner Padreddii stated that clients should be given directions to the building to keep traffic
away from Francisco Terrace.
Chairman Warren closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Lucchesi asked about the parking circulation of the adjoining properties.
City Attorney Mattas recommended modification of Condition A.2. b. Last sentence should be
replaced with the following sentence: "Any other uses shall require a modification to the Use
Permit." The Commission and applicant agreed.
The uses shall be operated as outlined in the letter from Captain Brooks of the
Salvation Army to the Planning Division, dated October 4, 1996 to include
general daily office use, weekly worship and praise services, women's
fellowship, music rehearsals, and bible study meetings. Additions to the
intensity of use at this site Any other uses shall require a modification of this
Use Permit.
Motion- Romero/Second-Lucchesi: To approve UP-96-097 based on the [mdings and subject to the
Conditions of Approval as modified by City Attorney. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
988 EI Camino Real, South City Carwash, applicant/owner
UP-96-096, Categorical Exemption: Class 1 Section 15301
Use Permit to allow reconfiguration of site circulation and off-site parking for an existing
nonconforming full-service carwash in the C,,1 Retail Commercial Zone in accordance with SSFMC
20.74.120 .
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Chairman Warren opened the public hearing and noted that Commissioner Lucchesi would abstain
from this item.
Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. She noted some of the changes required on the
building to accommodate the BART project. Indications are that BART will return the site back to
its original state when they are through with improvements. To ensure that stacking of vehicles does
not occur onto EI Camino Real the proposed Traffic Management would require that when the queue
line reaches approximately 15 cars, that an employee would be designated to stand at the entrance
and direct vehicles to appropriate lines and waive overflow away so they do not back up onto the
highway. The applicant was encouraged to continue negotiations with the Water District to
reestablish a lease once the BART construction is complete.
The Applicant spoke from the audience stating he had no further comments.
Chairman Warren closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Padreddii commended staff for working with the applicant to make things work.
Commissioner Masuda asked about the driveway in front of the building? Would it stay there?
Senior Planner Kalkin stated that the BART would be working in that area and in order for the Car
Wash to have access around the building, it would need the modifications.
Chairman Warren called a 5 min. recess at 8:05 PM, and was called back to order at 8: 10 PM.
Chairman Warren asked about the parking spaces identified for detailing and questioned access.
Senior Planner Kalkin noted that the rear corner of the building is to be removed thereby allowing
vehicles to circulate around the site.
Motion-DeZordo/Second -Padreddii: To approve UP-96-096 based on the findings and subject to the
Conditions of Approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Commissioner Lucchesi returned to the dais.
AGENDA ITEM (Public Hearing Closed)
Hillside, Sister Cities and Bayshore Boulevards, Terrabay Specific Plan and
Development Agreement, SunChase G.A. CA, I, Inc., Owner/Applicant
SP-96-012, DA-96-012, and Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
A Resolution recommending a ten-year extension to the Specific Plan and Development Agreement
entitlements, which are due to expire on February 14, 1997; and consideration of a Final
Supplemental Environmental Impact Report.
Project Planner Lida Budko presented staff report. She noted that there were three separate questions
to be addressed before taking action at this time. 1) Is the environmental document accurate &
complete? 2) Is the project consistent with the City's General Plan, and 3) Is it in compliance with
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the San Bruno Mountain Habitat Conservation Plan agreement. She clarified SunChase's letter: Item
1 - Modifications of the exhibits within the Specific Plan; that the parking standards and parking
numbers were corrected in the Circulation and Parking Plan; those numbers would be adjusted to
reflect the City Council's amendment to the specific plan made in December 1982; for example,
"three visitor parking spaces are required per every four dwelling units". She stated that four
findings were added to page two of the Resolution for Planning Commission's review and action.
Commissioner Masuda asked for the time line of Phase II and III? Mr. Dennis Breen, Representing
Applicant, stated that they plan to start with the process for Phase II and III as soon as the time
extension is approved, about 15 to 18 months - Phase II and III would be built simultaneously.
Commissioner DeZordo noted he had comments but they were more appropriate for the precise
plans. He stated the items he liked of this project: for example, the houses being in clusters inside
swales and that the knolls are left alone; and the homes and streets should be integral and parallel to
the existing land contours. He spoke of usable open space "for each unit" for the condos and
townhouses; for example, open deck for a BBQ. He expressed concern for the Shell Mounds to be
protected. He suggested methods such as: to work around it or leave it alone with a nice access for
viewing. I-Ie stated that the planting in the linear park seemed to be dead or most of them were dying
and they should be replaced. He asked for clarification on the Specific Plan linear parks; will they
be maintained by homeowners association it does state that the City of South San Francisco will be
the property owner. The City Attorney explained that the homeowners association is required to
maintain the linear park under the CC&R's.
Vice-Chairman Romero asked for clarification on the actual number of units in Phase I. Project
Planner Budko noted that Council lowered the number of single family homes from 136 to 125 and
the townhomes from 181 to 168.
Vice-Chairman Romero also noted that the tennis courts and the children's play area were deleted
from the plans. City Attorney explained that that was the wording adopted by the City Council and
noted the actual design of the recreation center would need to be approved by the City, and this spot
is available for other amenities. Mr. Breen noted that what was removed was the specitlcness of the
site and the City has given a dollar value to build what they wish.
Chairman Warren asked for clarification of what was going on the child care facility site. Director
VanDuyn explained that the site value is set, how the development on the site will occur is still to be
determined. Chairman Warren asked the Commission if they would like a joint meeting with Parks
& Recreation Commission for the Design of the Recreation facility. Barnett, Padreddii, Masuda
noted Park & Recreation Commission to decide; DeZordo, Romero, Lucchesi and Chairman Warren
would like to see the design, layout and circulation plan of the site. It was concluded that they want
to be involved in the review of the Recreation Center plan when they are submitted to the City.
Vice-Chairman Romero asked if the Recreation Center would be owned by the City, if so why would
residents of Terrabay going to have priority in its use, and are there other city facilities where some
residents have priority over other residents? The City Attorney explained that the City Council
adopted that language and recommended the Commission address their concerns to City Council for
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their consideration to maintain, delete or revise the language. Chairman Warren explained that
Council may have given them priority because there were no common areas/meeting rooms being
designed as part of the development for the required homeowners association. Discussion continued
on how the Parks and Recreation Department manages the city owned facilities.
Vice-Chairman Romero referred to the summary section (yellow pages) of the SEIR under Mitigation
Measures for Roads and Gulley noted last paragraph, the removal of silt and debris from the V-
ditches and storm drains and asked for clarification of the responsible party for periodically inspect,
maintenance erosion and sedimentation control facilities. Director VanDuyn stated that the City is
not assuming responsibility other than to ensure the proper professional inspections and only in cases
of emergencies would the City step in and correct a problem; on a normal circumstances it would not
be the City's obligation.
Vice-Chairman Romero asked on the status of the Joint Powers Agreement? City Attorney explained
the City and County have detected that the JP A arrangement was not an efficient way to operate and
the County will take over the management responsibilities. Vice-Chairman Romero also, on storm
water regulations - mitigation measure 1, it states that applicant/property owners will comply with all
applicable provisions of the city's storm water management and discharge control program - would
that be the current owners of the property or will subsequent owners also be required to assume that
responsibility? Director VanDuyn stated that the property owners would be responsible in
perpetuity .
Vice-Chairman Romero asked the applicant if they agree to work with the School District to pay
fees/costs indicated and noted that they may increase when final calculations are submitted. Mr.
Breen stated that the School District calculations were higher than the applicants. The applicant
agreed to cover/supplement up to $28,000 which is what the School District predicted was the
shortfall. In response to Mr. Romero's question, the City Attorney explained that because this was a
legislative action, the Planning Commission had authority to require additional fees be paid should
the school district believe it was necessary.
Commissioner Padreddii stated his concerns had be answered through other's comments and agreed
with Vice-Chairman Romero on the concerns.
Commissioner Lucchesi stated he had similar concerns mainly that the Recreation Center have
appropriate parking and agreed with Vice-Chairman Romero that the adequate funds should be
provided to the School District by the applicant. He concurred with Commissioner DeZordo' s
comments on land contours, usable open space and his desire to work with preserving the Shell
City Attorney stated that City staff is reviewing the design of the location of the hook ramps relative
to the shell mound's site.
Chairman Warren asked about the linear park and how it could be upgraded. Mr. Breen noted that
they have replaced dead material and all of the linear park section near the school and Phase I has
been replanted. The applicant notes they will maintain it.
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Chairman Warren, with the concurrence of the Commission, allowed Ms. Moore to speak even
though this was not a public hearing. Charlene Moore, 901 Hillside Blvd., South San Francisco.
Ms, :Moore stated she was concerned with development/construction on the mountain and asked that
the Commission consider extension of less than 10 years.
Chairman Warren asked staff and the applicant why the request for 10 years of extension. The City
Attorney explained the applicant's has requested 10 years, and the City Zoning Ordinance allows the
extension of any period they deem appropriate for building. Mr. Breen noted that the City allows up
to 10 years maximum time period for development agreements, and that it is basically the amount of
time needed to complete the project.
Motion-Padreddii/Second-Bamett: To adopt Resolution recommending that the City Council (1)
Certify the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report; (2) Findings that the Specific Plan and
Development Agreement extension project is in conformance with the City's General Plan and the
San Bruno Mountain Habitat Conservation Plan Agreement; and (3) Recommending approval of a
ten year extension of the Terrabay Specific Plan and Development Agreement.
The recommendation was unanimously approved by the following Roll Call Vote:
AYES: Commissioners Padreddii, Barnett, DeZordo, Masuda,
Lucchesi, Vice-Chairman Romero and Chairman Warren.
Chairman Warren called a recess at 9: 10 PM for five minutes and meeting resumed at 9: 15 PM.
East of 101 Land Uses
Planner Solomon presented the staff report and reviewed a land use matrix summarizing the existing
zoning and staff's recommendations for land uses in each district. He noted three new districts (L-I,
C-C and A-R). He stated that if the use is not on the list it is not allowed in that district. He
explained the three levels of review (allowable uses, conditionally permitted and disallowed) and
different levels of review process. He circulated a graphic to give an idea of the scale of projects
subject to reviews either by the City or under CEQA. He also had a handout of comparative sizes
of East of 101 Development. Projects must pass the three levels of criteria for review. He asked for
the Commission's comments.
Commissioner Padreddii cited a case in which a restaurant already has a beer & wine license and
when requesting to add a liquor license in South San Francisco a use permit required. He would like
to see how many other cities require this and why.
Chairman Warren asked that the land use comparison be shown on the zoning map. Permitted uses;
if possible, a map showing existing and proposed to highlight the use and permitted use location.
Director Van Duyn explained the possibilities. She also asked about hospital uses: in patients, clinics
and university related uses (medical research). Planner Solomon explained and cited the Airport
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Agreement and UCSF proposals.
Commissioner DeZordo expressed that his desire to open new avenues in the new process.
Director Van Duyn explained that the commission does not need to come to a conclusion tonight,
but, in commenting, may wish to preserve their authority to restrict uses in districts.
Commissioner Lucchesi would continue this and would like to see the map along with the matrix.
Director VanDuyn noted that staff could bring this back with a land use exhibit.
Director VanDuyn explained that maybe the Commission does not need the land use exhibit but
instead, go through a summary to get a sense of the land use classifications in a plan. Then the
COIIL."tlission could get into the details on how to implement the zoning necessary to make the policies
and the plan consistent with each other.
The Planning Commission agreed to come back to this item after Item 7 & 8.
General Plan Status Report
Director V an Duyn introduced Jim Harnish, Consultant who prepared the scope of work for the
General Plan update. He asked the Commission to look at the entire General Plan Revision Work
Mr. Harnish, General Plan Consultant, presented a staff report and review of his work on the scope
of work for the General Plan update, stating that data collection will begin in January and be
complete in June 1997. The second phase of the project will be to develop a policy plan and the
environmental document. A staff steering committee has been included to make sure all information
is consistent and complete, and that all departments have the opportunity to review ideas. They plan
to have workshops with Planning Commission and City Council and reach out to the community and
interest groups for their review and ideas.
Commissioner Lucchesi asked how this work is interfacing with the East of 101. Mr. Harnish noted
the E. of 101 was just adopted two years ago, but they could look at some parts of the policies if the
Commission wishes.
Chairman Warren asked about the Redevelopment Plan and how this interfaces. Director VanDuyn
explained how the redevelopment plan proposed to fund the BART Station. N ow that BART is
going to pay for the project, the City needs to go back and look at the land use issues, such as the
density of these areas of the EI Camino Corridor.
Commissioner DeZordo commented that should the City looked into a Historical Element, the
Historical Commission should be part of the review. Director Van Duyn noted it could be
incorporated as part of a Preservation Element.
Discussion continued on addressing Air Quality issues in a health and safety element, quality of life
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Planner Solomon noted the existing P-C zone would become the F-C uFreeway Commercial" Zone;
C-C uCoastal Commercial" is also a new district and its restrictions; O-S IIOpen Space" proposed to
change to B-O-S IIBay Open Space" some uses here are indicated with a question mark for the
Commission's consideration/review. l~gippipg:::qt:::W:?p~:@:r
Discussion continued on the permitted and conditional uses such as Day Care Centers in Light
Industrial. Commissioner Barnett asked that all day cares centers be reviewed by the Planning
Commission. It was noted that this would not come before the Planning Commission unless it was a
conditional permit. Director V an Duyn advised that this would effect the future land use to adjacent
Discussion continued on the City's review of permitted and conditional use permits, what additional
data is required of the applicants with the conditional use permit. Staff explained that decisions are
made on the basis of staff's analysis of the site and surrounding existing business (such as, are there
hazardous uses next to a day care facility). Planner Solomon also noted that a day care facility with
less than 12 children are not required to come before commission or staff, but do have State and
County requirements.
The City Attorney explained that with the minor use permit staff will have the same authority to
impose the necessary conditions (which are based on the criteria or findings) equal to the council's or
the commission's. If the Commission feels that any day care under 60 and above 12 children would
be a minor use permit, this would create a minor use permit category. One difference is that it is a
quicker method of processing the application since staff handles the whole application process with
the Director/Chief Planner making the decision. The Councilor Commissions need to make the
policy decisions as to what types of decisions are delegated to that level.
Planner Solomon asked that the Commission review the submitted information and return comments
to him within the next week.
Items from Commission: Commissioner Masuda asked about the corner store at San Felipe
Avenue at Serra Drive U - Haul truck rental is starting. Staff noted that Code Enforcement was
currently working on this matter. Commissioner Padreddii reported a trench at Linden and Armour
needs to be fixed. Chairman Warren reported that diesel trucks are coming through Stonegate Drive
at 6 or 7 AM. - Staff will check on these items.
Commissioner Barnett noted he would be absent at the next meeting and would be abstaining from
Genentech items due to his wife now being employed by them. Commissioner DeZordo informed
the Commission he would not be available from December 1996 through January 1997, and since his
term is over December he would not be coming back.
Item.s from the Public: None
Motion-Barnett/Second-Masuda: To adjourn meeting at 11 :20 PM to November 21, 1996 Planning
Commission Meeting.
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Marty Van Duyn, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Margaret Warren, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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element, such as the one for the City of Davis. Mr. Harnish noted that specialized areas could be
addressed in separate element. Discussion continued of looking at a sample of specialized elements
and how they may relate to South San Francisco.
Commissioner Barnett asked that a comparison of an established community and a city with
expansion potential be included.
Commissioner Lucchesi discussed the neighborhood issues such as parking standards and how some
standards are the problems; what are some of the alternatives - public parking used in the evening for
those areas with little street parking.
Mr. Harnish noted they hope to have data collected in 6 months. The EIR and the policy issues
generally take about 15 months. Total of 18 months to 2 years is practical and the Housing Element
needs to be updated every 5 years.
Items from Staff:
BART Updated - Senior Planner Kalkin presented staff report. She noted that the Commission's
comments were forwarded to BART and apologized that some of the feed back from BART, which
had been discussed with the City Council, was not relayed back to the Commission. She explained
that two Community Workshops on the station design were held and the City Council had given
direction at the study session of November 6th. The Council had noted preference for an Hindustrial
building" inspired look, and Group 4 would proceed along that line.
Commissioner Lucchesi noted these are conceptual designs and explained how the architect presented
the concepts at the Community workshops. Commissioner Masuda noted the need for more weather
protection due to the prevailing winds.
Director VanDuyn discussed various design ideas including building materials and lighting within
the BART station. He mentioned that some stations utilize glass or other translucent materials to
allow natural light into the station, i.e. the proposed station at SF Int'I. Airport.
Commissioner Masuda explained how the water from the rain on BART trains is carried into the
tunnels and its impacts on operations.
Director Van Duyn explained that the Architect will be bringing this back to the Planning
Chairman Warren asked to go back to Item 6:
East of 101 Land Uses (Continued)
Director VanDuyn explained the Use Matrix; the first line is the existing conditions and second line
indicates staff's suggestion.
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