HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.05.96 Minutes
September 5, 1996
7:35 P.M.
Chairman Warren and Vice-Chairman Romero, Commissioners
Barnett, DeZordo, Masuda, and Padreddii
Commissioner Lucchesi
E. & C. D. Director: Marty Van Duyn
Planning Division:
Chief Planner
Senior Planner
Act. Secretary II
Assist. City Attorney:
City Engineer:
Dev. Review Specialist:
Police Department:
Steve Solomon
Steve Carlson
Rosa Perez
Larissa Seto
Arthur Wong
Richard Harmon
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi
Motion-PadreddiilSecond-Masuda: To approve the August 15, 1996 minutes as presented. They were
unanimously approved by voice vote. December 7, 1995, and January 25, 1996 Continued.
Chairman Warren asked that Item 1 "Dr. John's Towing" be pulled off the consent Agenda since the
applicant had concerns on the conditions.
Gellert & Appian, WestborOu2h Hi2h1and, SC-94-019
Two year Review for compliance with Conditions of Approval.
Motion-Romero/Second-Masuda: To approve Consent Calendar Item SC-94-019. It was unanimously
approved by voice vote.
218 Ryan Way, Dr. John's Towing, UP-95-999/Mod 1
Cate~orical Exemption: Class 1, Section 15301
Use Permit Modification to allow auto sales as an accessory use within an existing indoor operable
vehicle storage facility in the M-l Light Industrial zone in accordance with SSFMC 20.30 and 20.91.
Chairman Warren opened the public hearing.
Director Van Duyn presented staff report.
ADolicant: Mr. Arata stated that the conditions for the catch basin and stop sign
John Arata seems to be too costly and did not feel he would be able to meet them.
218 Ryan Way, SSF
Richard Harmon, Development Review Specialist for Engineering Division, explained that these are
standard conditions (for a stop sign and the storm drains) which are required under municipal code and
Federal EP A mandate. Commissioner DeZordo asked why was this not required on the original use
permit? Mr. Harmon explained that under the original use permit this business would not be open to the
public, this modification brought the need to staff's attention to require the installation of a stop sign
and catch basin.
The Commission discussed the pros and cons of requiring these types of improvements for small
businesses. The Commission was concerned that the sale of two cars at a time could develop into 100
or more cars per year. Mr. Harmon further explained that federal mandates on catch basins came into
affect a year ago and required cities to take a reasonable steps to meet their guidelines. Assistant City
Attorney described the Clean Water Act. She advised that these types of regulations are put in so that
Cities do not violate their NPEDS permit and that there is a $10,000 a day fine.
Mr. Arata noted he did make the necessary indoor changes should cars leak oil. Discussion continued
on the type of parking in the storage area and required drainage improvements in the driveway area.
Chairman Warren asked when Federal actions had become effective and when the City adopted these
Municipal code changes? Director Van Duyn noted that at the time the original use permit only new
projects/uses were being required to make these improvements, although in all cases the City tries to
comply with all obligated federal regulations. In response, Assistant City Attorney Seto stated that our
Storm Water Management and Discharge control provisions appear to have been adopted in 1994. Ms.
Seto concurred with the Director that the City is aware that larger projects need more aggressive storm
water management; and as a consequence, realized that it has not been sufficient to meet federal
regulations, therefore, the City has had to move more aggressively on smaller projects.
Masuda asked if other tenants conform to these requirements and should they be enforced on the whole
property? Mr. Harmon noted the City's intent to mitigate any drainage problems off the driveway of
the current application with minor improvements. Director Van Duyn advised that the City could
enforce any discharge violations under the code on the property, but does not recommend that the
Commission waive the condition permanently because the City Engineer's office may find discharge
violations in the future. Assistant City Attorney Seto read the following code section, II shall under take
all practicable measures to reduce such pollutants", the Commission could find that the mitigation
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measures are not practicable, or that there are other methods that could address this problem. Mr.
Harmon stated that what he proposed is the bare bones system.
Chairman Warren closed the public hearing.
Motion-DeZordo/Second-Romero: To approve UP-95-999/Mod 1 [as submitted by stafl] based on the
findings and conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Chairman Warren, Vice-Chairman Romero, Commissioners Barnett, DeZordo, Padreddii, and
Masuda. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Lucchesi.
Hillside/Sister Cities BIvds. & So. San Francisco Dr., Sun Chase G.A. Calif. 1, Inc.
SP-96-083 & DA-96-083; Addendum to 1982 Terrabay Specific Plan EIR
Amendments to Terrabay Specific Plan and Development Agreement regarding the recreation and child
care facilities and timing of issuance of building permits.
Chairman Warren opened the public hearing.
Lida Budko, Terrabay Project Planner, summarized the staff report and presented exhibits of site plans
showing three development phases, the recreation and child care facilities which are located in Phase I
of the project. Ms. Budko explained that in 1982 the City & the County of San Mateo adopted a
Specific Plan for the Terrabay Project; and, in 1998 the City and property owner entered into a
Development Agreement. Since that time, the City re-evaluated the need of a pool in the recreation
facility and determined that a gymnasium would better serve the community needs. The staff also re-
evaluated the child care facility and was concerned about the site's location and circulation constraints;
they prefer accepting an in-lieu fee and having the flexibility of using the funds as needed for child care
and/or library services. The redesign of the recreation center and payment of an in-lieu fee for the child
care center were requested by the City since staff believed that such changes serve the City's interests.
To accomplish these changes, amendments to the Specific Plan and Development Agreement are
proposed and are recommended to the Planning Commission.
Speakin2 a2ainst
Sandra Firpo
809 Hemlock Ave.
Ms. Firpo stated that a child care facility would provide a service to the
community and expressed concern that additional townhomes would
only add to the congestion. She did not agree that the child care facility
is not needed and that it should be built. She understood the gym was
selected instead of a pool, but noted that the pool would serve a wider
range of city residents (from babies to senior) and should be
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Soeakin2 a2ainst Ms. Pont also felt that the pool would serve a wider group of residents. She
application: agreed with Ms. Firpo that the child care facility is a less dense use than the
Jan Pont townhomes which produce more congestion. She wa~ concerned about soil
III Belmont Ave. being moved in other parts of the project, and wants to make sure all
SSF residents are noticed of public hearings.
There being no other speakers - Chairman Warren closed the public hearing.
Vice-Chairman Romero stated that a swimming pool is needed since children can not get into classes
one day after registration notices are sent out. He was also of the opinion that the child care facility
should be built.
Chairman Warren noted that information from the Parks & Recreation Commission was not included in
the staff report and no staff member of the Parks & Recreation Department was present to answer
questions. Director Van Duyn apologized for not including the information, and explained that since
the change from a pool to a gymnasium was not of a land use nature, that the Parks and Recreation staff
had sent out a survey.to all households in the City that meetings had been held to determine public
opinion, the Parks and Recreation Commission had recommended the gymnasium to the City Council
and that the Council unanimously approved the change, staff had felt it was not necessary to include this
backup information. The majority of the Commission then expressed the need to see the backup
Commissioner Padreddii noted that this item was noticed for City Council's next regular meeting, and
that there are deadlines to meet. Director Van Duyn advised that the Commission was not on a
deadline; the item had been noticed for Council's meeting of September 11 tho The applicant has stated
an urgency to act on this item as soon as possible.
Commissioner Barnett stated that a child care facility is needed and asked how the City is benefiting by
accepting the in-lieu fees. Planner Budko explained that the in-lieu fee alternative would give the City
more flexibility in meeting city-wide priorities for child care or library services and/or facilities. Dennis
Breen, Attorney representing SunChase, noted that they conducted a marketing survey, and the results
showed a child care facility was not a significant need on the Terrabay site. Mr. Breen further explained
that the child care facility was a private facility for residents of the Terrabay area, not a public facility.
The City staffhad approached them with a suggestion that funds be submitted in-lieu of building on the
Terrabay site, so that child care assistance would be provided where it was most needed. Chairman
Warren clarified that the child care facility would be privately owned but it would be serving the needs
of the whole City, not just Terrabay residents. Mr. Breen clarified that the specific plan's language and
in the development agreement stated "a private facility" in a way that allows the facility owner to do
whatever they want.
Commissioner DeZordo asked if public hearings were held on the child care facility issue and how did
the number of six townhouses come about? Mr. Breen tried to recall the meetings with City staff and
explained the circumstance of other child care facilities in the city being closed, he did not recall any
public hearings. Mr. Breen explained that the applicant received approval to build a total of 168
townhomes and there are 161 presently designed, if the child care facility is not built, the 6 townhomes
could be added, for a total of 167.
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Discussion continued on the cost differences between building the gym and the pool, Mr. Breen noted
$130,000 as a possible difference. Chairman Warren asked why the figure was not included in the
attachments. Director Van Duyn noted the City staff and applicant have come up with different cost
estimates, and hope to have the value of the figure complete next week for Council's meeting. Mr.
Breen explained the urgency in that Centex Homes is almost ready to apply for the 81 st building permit,
and if the City does not approve this request the project stops. Commissioner DeZordo asked about the
soil that is being moved. Mr. Breen noted they were moving earth to Phase II from Phase I and have
received all required permits.
Commissioner Masuda felt that as long as the City would build a child care center in the area or
somewhere else, he would agree.
Director Van Duyn explained that the in-lieu funds may be used to create new or expand existing child
care facilities, or for library facilities or programs. Chairman Warren noted if the Commission continued
the item the Council would have to. continue it also. Vice-Chairman Romero noted that the pool! gym
issue should have come before the Commission before it went to the Council. Chairman Warren would
liked to have seen the survey responses to the pool/gym issue; the child care issue was not public
noticed and this is a higWy needed service; she recognized that needs have changed but felt that infusing
funds in a system is not lasting, but physical structures are lasting. She felt that the Commission should
have been informed of the pool/gym issue since information was available since Council's February
action. She inquired about the value established for the in-lieu fee. Ms. Budko explained that the in-
lieu fee amount was based on the current value of the child care site in Terrabay plus its projected
Commissioner DeZordo asked Chairman Warren to tell the Mayor of the Commission's concerns on
this item and the lack of adequate information in this report; The Parks & Recreation Director and City
Manager should have been here to explain the negotiations on the child care facility, and changes to the
recreation center complex. Commissioners Barnett and Romero agreed with DeZordo. Commissioner
Romero noted that for an issue of this importance a survey may not be adequate and the decision should
go on the ballot.
Motion-PadreddiilSecond-Masuda: To recommend to the City Council approval of the proposed
amendments to Terrabay Specific Plan and Development Agreement regarding the recreation and child
care facilities and timing of issuance of building permits for SP-96-083 and DA-96-083. Motion failed
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Padreddii and Masuda.
NOES: Chairman Warren, Vice-Chairman Romero, Commissioners Barnett, and DeZordo.
ABSENT: Commissioner Lucchesi.
Chairman Warren clarified that the lack of adequate information has caused this decision, the majority
of City staff is aware of the importance and the concerns this item caused over ten years ago.
Commissioners DeZordo and Romero agreed. Again, Director Van Duyn, apologized and noted that
they will be including all pertinent information to the Commission.
Assistant City Attorney Seto explained that the applicant does have the appeal period of 15 days.
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Break at 9: 10 meeting called to order 9:25 pm
Chairman Warren moved Item 5. Conference Center UP-98-888 report to be heard first under
Administrative Business.
Senior Planner Carlson presented staffreport. Sandra O'Toole, Conference Center Director, stated she
was available to answer any questions.
In response to Commissioner Masuda's question, Ms. O'Toole confirmed that the catering use was in
the Conference Center Contract. Mr. Carlson explained that the catering was in their contract, but the
proposed concept of outside service was not clearly permitted in the Use Permit. Staff is asking that
the Commission make the determination whether the catering operation, which is conducted at the
Conference Center in support of the events, may expand operations to allow outside services pursuant
to the Use Permit. Chairman Warren stated that the outside catering should not become a problem
during the normal conference center operation. Director Van Duyn explained he did not foresee any
problems since it would not be in the Conference Center Authority best interest and they would
continue to govern the operations as well as they have in the past.
The Commission concurred with staff and determined that outside services were consistent with the Use
Permit UP-98-888.
Chief Planner Solomon briefed the Commission on the General Work Program. The East of 101 zoning
implementation, which is the rezoning to make the area consistent with the General Plan Amendments.
He noted that 1) Zoning District Regulation texts are drafted; 2) The Zoning Map is amended to reflect
new zoning; 3) Overlay zones will be developed, due to some districts having mixed land uses.
Minimizing the review process was discussed in more detail, such as: flexibility (Nonconforming
development standards, parking policy, landscaping policies and standards) Review process
minimization, (district permitted and conditional uses, and special operations) Planning standards
incorporating General Plan standards into the zoning. Design guidelines and Floor Area Ratio standards
and exceptions.
Commissioner DeZordo and Barnett agreed with items under minimizing review process. Chairman
Warren congratulated him on a report well done. The Commission thanked him for all his hard work.
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City Engineer Wong described the City's Maintenance Department's effoIis in putting together and
obtaining a site for the corporation yard for Public Works, City Garage, Parks and Building
Maintenance Departments. The problems encountered in the present corporation yard are being
addressed on the new site (mitigating debris bulk storage, supplies, and weather protection of
equipment and vehicles). In addition, screening and security for supplies, equipment and vehicles has
been addressed. He indicated the location of the building and the storage facilities, and noted the set
back requirements and landscaping (10% is required, but could only do 8%). The Parks Maintenance
Department requested to assist in the design of low maintenance landscaping. They plan to open bids
October 1996.
Vice-Chairman Romero asked if any recycling is done? Mr. Wong noted that it is currently being done
with metals, cuttings, tires and other items which are separated before dumping. Commissioner Masuda
asked if all the city property is being used? Mr. Wong responded, yes; including the Magnolia Right-of-
way as an emergency exit through the Basque Cultural Center. Commissioner DeZordo advised that
the Basque Cultural Center should see the plans. Chairman'Warren asked that they meet with them, not
just sent a letter. Discussion continued on mitigated measures.
Director Van Duyn presented staff report and stated that, at the request of the Police Department, the
Commission is being asked to stress the importance of the lighting of the parking lot. Reports show
that the restaurant's operation has improved, security guards are working, but there are concerns with
the entire center and staffhas received a letter from the property owner dated Sept. 4, 1996.
Sgt. Petrocchi distributed a memorandum from the Police Department dated Sept. 5th, 1996, and
presented background information of previous conditions. The property owner informed the Police
Department that they have improvement plans on the lighting, but they have not submitted them. The
Police Department could not measure improvements without the plans. The Police Department
recommends setting dates for the applicant and owner to meet the conditions of approval.
The applicant stated she did not know that the property owners had not submitted plans, she has
received quotes for the improvements of the three light poles next to her restaurant. Chairman Warren
asked the Assistant City Attorney Seto for clarification if conditions apply to the applicant only or also
the property owner? Ms. Seto advised that the Use Permit and it's conditions apply to the applicant.
Mr. Art Ballira, who is helping Ling Nam to obtain an electrical contractor and measure lighting, stated
he has been working with them since February, he spoke with property owner but they denied to have
any responsibility on this. Mr. Ballira stated he spoke with Sgt. Petrocchi in May, the electrical
contractor is scheduled to do the work August 15th, and he does feel the work could be done by Oct.
The Commission discussed how it is the applicant's responsibility to get these items done. Chairman
Warren clarified that requirements should be complete by October 11 tho The Commission agreed to
follow Police Department's recommendation and schedule the revocation hearing for Use Permit UP-
93-939/MODl for 2211 Gellert Blvd. for the Planning Commission meeting of October 17, 1996.
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Items from Staff - None
Items from Commission
Commissioner Padreddii asked if staff had received an application for the Shearwater site? Director
Van Duyn explained no application has been submitted but some pending ideas are retail, office,
Chairman Warren stated that at the NIB corner of Stonegate/Sunset, there has been a four foot steel
plate for two to three weeks, and asked staff to look into this. City Engineer Wong stated he would
look into this, and noted that CalWater could have been working there.
Items from the Public - None
Motion-Padreddii/Second-Masuda. To adjourn meeting at 10:30 PM to September 19, 1996 Regular
Planning Commission Meeting.
Marty Van Duyn, Se r ary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
'IJ(~ /if
~~n, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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