HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/10/1996 (2) MINUTES of Special Meeting SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION December 10, 1996 CALL TO ORDER: 6:45 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Romero, Commissioners Lucchesi, and Padreddii, Masuda. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Warren, Commissioners, and DeZordo. Commissioner Barnett - abstained from this meeting. ALSO PRESENT: Dir. of E&C D: Planning Division: Senior Planner Act. Secretary II City Attorney Engineering Div. : Marty Van Duyn Steve Carlson Rosa Perez Wayne Snodgrass Dennis Chuck CHAIRMAN COMMENTS: ORAL COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEM tm~gQt~~t:::i:~~:::mJ~tlg9.1~QP.ig@:::n~i:f~g9t~~4.:::t.~p~::::gtf::1ij~~:::ii.~t~p'g:~ 1000 - 1400 Grandview Drive, Genentech, Inc.lJames P. Paneck, applicant UP-85-734/Mod 5; Negative Declaration No. 96-071 Use Permit and Mitigated Negative Declaration to allow a 32,000 square foot of second floor addition for office and laboratory area to Building #20 which contains 63,000 square foot biotechnology laboratory and storage, to allow a parking rate of 1.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area instead of the required rate of 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area, to allow off-site parking at 1600 Grandview Drive, to allow the interim use of the vacant Building #21 with 24,900 square floor area for assembly uses for Genentech employees, to allow project phasing, and to allow on-site parking and landscape upgrades, situated at 1000 - 1400 Grandview Drive, in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.32 and 20.74 Vice-Chairman Romero opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Carlson presented staff report. He noted several changes including recalculated and reduced Oyster Point Interchange Impact Fee. Mr. Peter Yee, Representing Applicant, introduced Wayne Paulson, reviewed the project. Mr. Paulson, Project Manager for Genentech, explained the site plan as contained in the staffreport. Commissioner Lucchesi asked about the hazardous facility. Mr. Paulson noted there is a hazardous waste facility that is being redesigned to correct flooding. Commissioner Masuda asked about the bus system. Planner Carlson explained that the Genentech shuttle goes to Caltrain and connects with Samtrans bus system. Director Van Duyn notes that there are studies being done by city consultants to monitor traffic growth. The idea is to get the shuttle systems in the business areas to transport employees to public transportation. Mr. Peter Yee stated that the traffic is being circulated better now than a few years back. He noted that with employers allowing flex hours with adjustments in minutes makes a big difference. Director Van Duyn noted that with planned road improvements, PM traffic will be alleviated. Commissioner Padreddii asked if parking requirement can be reduced? Planner Carlson explained there is an allowance in the code to utilize the approach and it has been used with Genentech. Commissioner Romero was concerned about parking. Planner Carlson recommended an annual review. Mr. Peter Yee explained Genentech's commitment to these project, and noted that the City's Ordinance 1.5 parking requirement is well covered. Vice-Chairman Romero closed the public hearing. Motion-Padreddii/Second-Masuda: To Approve Negative Declaration No. 96-071. It was unanimously approved. Motion-PadreddiilSecond-Lucchesi: To Approve UP-85-734/Mod 5 based on the findings contained in the staff report as amended and the conditions of approval as revised. It was unanimously approved by voice vote. Adding Finding No.6. The proposedfacility complies with the City's adopted General Plan. And Planning Division requirements shall be revised as follows: A. 12. The building shall comply with City's noise ordinance. All new Ioof and gIound mounted equipment shall be enclosed on at least four sides with SCleens Inatching the height of the equiplnent. :Noise genelated by the building and faGilities shall be less than GO dDA in the ""lv"l~rind IIalp" City ralk. (Mitigation Measure) 13. Prior to the final inspection the applicant shall have a qualified professional conduct an Acoustic Study. of the building systenls including eUlergency generatoI, trash cOlnpactor and new II\TAC. The study shall include Ieconlmendations to cOlnpry with the City's Genelal rlan :Noise rolicies and the :Noise OIdinance and to mitigate acoustic ilnpacts on the "lvVind IIalp City ralk. The report and recommendations shall be subject to the review and approval of the City's Chief Planner and the City's Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services. (Mitigation Measure) 14. All roof mounted and ground mounted HV AC, trash facilities and emergency generators and storage facilities shall comply with the East of 101 Area Design Policies. and be enclosed in a attlactive enclosure. The design of the enclosures shall be subject to the review by the Design Review DoaId and the approval of the City's Chief Planner and the City's Director of rarks, ReCl eation and COllUllUnity Ser v ices. (Mitigation Measure) Page 2 of4 PC Mtg. 12/1 0/96 16. The project traffic shall be InolUtoled by the City as part of the City's project tracking system and the shall be Ieviewed by the rlanning Comnussion. Conversion of Building #21 to any other use than an intermittent assembly use, approved as a part of UP 85-734/MOD 5, will require approval by the Planning Commission and a traffic study. (Mitigation Measure) 17. Prior to final inspection the applicant shall provide evidence of compliance lvith the bicycle StOI age faGilities, locker sand sho wetS as r equir ed by East of 101 Area Plan Circulation Policy # 13. (Mitigation Measure) 19. Prior to the final inspection the applicant shall have a qualified professional tr affic engineer study and make recommendations to facilitate safe pedestrian crossing of Grandview Drive shall also include an analysis of the Genentech shuttle ploglanl stop along Grandview Drive. The study and recommendations shall be subject to the review and approval of the City's Engineer and Chief of Police. (Mitigation Measure) 21. Within twelve (12) months of the issuance of any permit, the applicant shall provide a plan of exterior amenities which serve the upper campus work force. The amenities shall include walkwa:yslinking the buildings and sites, seating aleas and passive and active Iecleation aleas. The plans should take ad~an:tage of the site topoglaphy and adjacency to the Vlind IIalp site. The plan shall expand on the facilities at Duilding #2 and Duilding,s #24 and #25. The plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the City's Planning Commission. (Mitigation Measure) 2G. "lvVithin twelve (12) nlonths of the issuance of any penn1t, the applicant shall pro~ide revised site plans and alnenities fOI the Upper Genentech Campus including Duilding #20, #21, #24, #25, and #2 and linking the UppeI Call1pns to the 1vIiddle and LoweI Campus. The plans shall incolpolate the design Plinciples contained in the East of 101 Area rlan and the Genentech Canlpus1vlaster rlan. The plans shall be subject to the Ieview and apploval by the City's rlanning Comtn1ssion. (1vIitigation 1v!eaStU e) Engineering Division requirements shall be revised as follows: B. 4. Prior to receiving a Building Permit for the Building 20 and 21 modifications, the applicant shall pay the Oyster Point Overpass Fee for the additional traffic generated by the proposed use, in excess of the original Use rermit use of 50,000 s.f. office and G4,841 s.f. warehouse previously paid 1,128 trips .for the entire site. Based upon the information included with the Use Permit application, the uses, upon the completion of the interior building modifications will be: 151,815 s.f. laboratories and offices 101,621 SF Laboratory/Offices, for Building 20 only. The estimated fee is calculated as follows: Page 3 of4 PC Mtg. 12/1 0/96 Prooosed Uses for Building 20 onlv: 1n'oposed []se. 101,621 s.f. Office/Labs @12.3 trips per 1,000 s.f. = 1,250 trips 151,815 s.f. office/labs @ 12.3 trips pet 1,000 s.f. 18G7 hips Credit: P, e l1ious [Jses. Credits for previous payments for B20 & B21 = 1,128 trips Less credits for Building 21 - - 190 trios 50,000 s.f. office @ 12.3 trips pel 1000 s.f. G 15 trips Total Current Credits to be applied to Building 20: = 938 trips G4,841 s.f. walehouse @ 4.5 per 1000 s.f. 292 Total existing hips 907 hips New Trips Total vehicle trips to be paid for the Building 20 expansion = 1,250 trips Less Building 20 credits -- 938 trios The applicant's proposed use will generate an additional 9GO new hips. Estimated Tee CLllculation. Total New Trips to be paid for Modification No. 5 312 trips 9GO hips x $154 x (G532.37/G552.1G) $147,393. Estinlated Fee Calculation: 312 trips x $154 x (6549. 61/5139. 61} = $ 48,029 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Items from Staff: None Items from Commission: None Items from the Public: None Adjournment: Motion-Padreddii/Second-Lucchesi: To adjourn meeting at 7:25 PM to January 2, 1997, Regular Planning Commission Meeting. Marty Van Duyn, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco William Romero, Vice-Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco MVD:rp Page 4 of 4 PC Mtg. 12/10/96