HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.17.97 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION July 17, 1997 CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 7:30 P.M. CHAIRMAN COMMENTS MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Romero, Commissioners Barnett, Baldocchi, Masuda, Sim, and Teglia. MEMBERS ABSENT: None (No replacement for Vice-Chairman Padreddii) ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division: Chief Planner Senior Planner Act. Secretary II City Attorney Engineer Division: Police Department: Jim Harnish Susy Kalkin Rosa Perez Wayne Snodgrass Richard Harmon Sgt. Ron Petrocchi Sgt. Mike Massoni Jim Kirkman Building Division: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 19, and July 3, 1997 Motion- T eglia/Second- Barnett: To approve Planning Commission Minutes of the June 19th meeting. Commissioner Teglia stated corrections were satisfactory. The Minutes were unanimously approved as corrected. Motion-Sim/Second-Teglia: To approve Planning Commission Minutes of the July 3rd meeting. Commissioner Teglia noted corrections on Page 4, last paragraph, second line, "He suggested asked that the applicant use the Terrabay excavated dirt as fill." On Page 7, sixth paragraph, "Commissioner Teglia asked that PG&E add a hedge along the bare parts of the fence at their property at Gateway Blvd and East Grand A venue next to Drago Park. The Minutes were unanimously approved as corrected. CONSENT CALENDAR - AGENDA ITEMS Downtown Flexibility Ordinance, City of South San Francisco, Applicant, ZA-96-014; Negative Declaration No. ND-96-014 (Continued/rom June 19, 1997) Zoning Text Amendments which: Rezone certain properties to and establish regulations for the Downtown Residential Overlay District; amend the setback requirements of garages and carports built on lanes (920.71.040); allow wheelchair access structures in the front yards of residential properties (920.71.050); allow fences up to eight feet in height in the rear yard subject to the approval of a minor use permit (920.73.020(D)); allow the City Engineer to approve or recommend approval of driveway widths less than standard (920. 74. 150(C)); allow private residential handicap parking spaces be placed in required yards where there is not an alternative space available, subject to the approval of a minor use permit (920.74.125); modify the definitions of Family Day Care Homes and Large Family Day Care by increasing the number of children from 12 to 14 to conform with changes in State Law (920.06.100(F)); and a Negative Declaration of environmental impact regarding the amendment. (Staff recommends continuance to August 21, 1997) Motion-Teglia/Second-Barnett: Motion to continue ZA-96-014 to August 21, 1997 Planning Commission meeting. The Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEM At the request of the Commission, Chief Planner Harnish reported on the results of the Wireless Communication Subcommittee meeting held on July 9th. He stated that discussion focused on history of the approved facilities, concerns with city wide policy, and possible city owned locations for wireless communication facilities. In conclusion, a joint workshop would be scheduled with the Planning Commission and City Council to review the draft wireless communication ordinance, discuss other issues such as regulating facilities, and concerns on related issues. The workshop would be scheduled in September in conjunction with the general plan. The draft ordinance would come back to the Commission in October. Chief Planner Harnish stated that in the interim, staffwould not process any more applications for wireless facilities until the policy is in place. Staff will inform the applicants of the workshop and time line. Chairman Romero recommends that applicants for Item 1 and 2 present their application at this time and be heard by the Commission. Commissioner Teglia indicated that the Mayor and Vice-Mayor were impressed with the proposal at the Subcommittee meeting. He noted that several of the sites that have been approved have not been constructed and would like those applicants, as well as the applicants for Item 1 and 2, to be aware of the concerns and voluntarily comply with proposed policies. 480 Grandview Drive, Rooftop Management Systems/Alan Wingate, Applicant (LBC Mabuhay Corp., Owner) UP-97-032, and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ND-97-032, (Continued from June 19, 1997) Use Permit to allow a wireless communication facility comprised of a roof mounted antenna and a ground mounted equipment building in the Planned Industrial (P-I) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.77 and 20.83. Chairman Romero opened the public hearing. Chief Planner Harnish presented staff report noting the project is adjacent to the Windharp. Recommendations include landscaping to be consistent with the area. The project had been reviewed by Design Review Board with a color modification as shown on the plans. A Mitigated Negative Declaration had been prepared with mitigation measures included in the conditions of approval. Staff recommends approval with conditions and findings. Reoresentine the Aoolicant: Mr. Wingate stated this facility was for a paging network and that Mr. Allan Wingate they would only need this site in South San Francisco. He described Rooftop Management Systems the site and stated that the antenna was consistent with others in the area. He indicated that any further delays would be costly. He indicated that he agrees with staff recommendations. PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 2 of 14 Commissioner T eglia questioned whether if the site was for a paging system, would it not be as large as a cell system site? Mr. Wingate responded in the affirmative and described the antenna as somewhat like a broomstick, about two inches in diameter and ten feet in height. Commissioner Barnett asked what was the area of service. Mr. Wingate described the limits as San Bruno Mountain/Sierra Point to SFO Airport. Commissioner Sim asked if they would consider more landscaping. Mr. Wingate indicated they agree with staffs recommendation for more landscaping and screening. Chairman Romero expressed concern with the visual impact the three 18 foot poles would have to the Windharp and asked if the antennas could be placed at the rear of the building instead of the front. Mr. Wingate stated it was possible with a longer cable but a loss of signal may occur. He indicated that although they applied for three 12 foot antennas, they would actually be placing 4~ foot antennas with the option to increase the height. He explained that the base is 6 foot and the antenna is 4~ foot for a total height of 10~ feet. Commissioner Baldocchi asked if there was any other place or way to camouflage the antenna. Her concern was the visibility from the public park. Mr. Wingate explained that this type of antenna needs a 360 degree view and cannot be placed along the side of a building. Commissioner Masuda agreed with staff that the antennas be in front of the building so they are not seen from the park or the Windharp area. Chairman Romero closed the public hearing. Discussion continued on the pros and cons of the various locations and size for the antennas. Some Commissioners were concern that the policy issue was not in place and needed to be studied further. In conclusion, the Commission agreed to move the antenna to the middle of the building, the center of the building being 5&- 100 feet from the front and 50 feet from the side; and the total height of 11 feet (6 foot pole and 5 foot antenna). Motion -Masuda/Second- Teglia: Motion to approve UP-97-032, and Mitigated Negative Declaration ND-97 -032 based on the findings contained in the staff report and amended conditions of approval. On the motion Commissioner Teglia clarified that the motion included the location of the antenna at the center of the fi ant of the building and a limit of 11 feet total height. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. 320 Shaw Road, Nextel/Joe Wyman, Applicant (Todd & Rebecca Magaline, Owner) UP-97-033, and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ND-96-064 Previously Certified (Continued from June 19, 1997) Use Permit to allow wireless cOllUllunication facility comprised of a 65 foot talllllono-pole and ground mounted equiplllent building in the Industrial (M-l) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.77 and 20.83. Chairman Romero opened the public hearing. ChiefPlannerHarnish presented staffreport noting this project would be one monopole and there had PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 3 of 14 been one other monopole accepted in the city. He indicated that there was a previously certified negative declaration. He noted the mitigation measures due the underground fuel line. Staff recommends that the project be approved at a 45 feet height limit and the number of antennas be reduced from 18 to 12 to minimize the visual impact. Reoresentine the Aoolicant: Mr. Wyman expressed understanding in the goals and objectives of Joe Wyman the City in limiting the height and locations. He noted other Nextel Nextel locations such as Grandview near the Windharp, Oyster Pt. Blvd., Elks Club and at a previous Planning Commission meeting N extel presented their master plan in South San Francisco. Mr. Wyman explained their technology and service. He indicated that to limit the height of antennas would result in the need for an additional site south of this one to service the total planned area. He explained their idea of stealthing, to use cones or cylinders similar to a light on the freeway. He presented photos showing the equipment box on the building, the landscaping intergrated with the building and property, and mentioned the possibility of putting a company's logo on the top. Chairman Romero asked the applicant if a continuance would create a hardship. Mr. Wyman responded that they would look for an alternate site to meet the desired coverage area. Commissioner Barnett asked the applicant why they had not considered a city site since they wish the City's emergency services to use their equipment as an alternate power source. He expressed concern with the different types and heights of antennas, and looks forward to the Subcommittee's results. Commissioner Baldocchi asked for a clearer description of what the applicant would build at this location. Mr. Wyman explained they proposed a candelabra effect, much like the Caltrans' light poles, matching the concrete tilt up wall, and possibly incorporate the business' logo if the Commission desired. He noted that the poles could be used as a co-locations. He suggested that the co-locations be discussed further in the draft ordinance process. Commissioner Barnett asked if several carriers used one location, whether they would need several boxes for each carrier. Mr. Wyman responded in the affirmative, that each carrier would require separate service equipment and the pole would be larger. He noted that some poles require five feet between them to eliminate interference. Commissioner Masuda noted that the Commission limits the height of signs and buildings and the proposed idea of adding logos to a 60 foot pole was not acceptable. He recommended that the pole be lowered to 15 feet in height. Mr. Wyman stated that if the height is lowered, they would need to look for another location. Mr. Wyman explained that they have two designs: First, the original design of a candelabra, which looks like a highway light, these are the plans before the Commission; and Second, is an aluminum frame structure with a stucco facade on the exterior. He would be willing to go to the Design Review Board and bring it back to the Commission. Mr. Wyman noted that other Cities have approved 60 foot poles and some are located near Highway 101. Chairman Romero closed the public hearing. Commissioner Sim recommends continuance in order to see the options Mr. Wyman has discussed. PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 4 of 14 Commissioner Teglia expressed the desire of team work between other communications companies, and the City. He indicated the variety of antenna possibilities and asked that the Commission consider the type of service necessary for South San Francisco residents. He encourages co-locations and looks forward to the review of a City wide policy by the Subcommittee. Therefore, he would consider a continuance on this item. Commissioner Barnett agrees in considering a continuance for three or four months. He expressed concern of not having all the information available to consider the variety of possibilities. He would like to encourage companies to consider use of police, fire and public works facilities as possible locations. Commissioner Masuda recommended a continuance for 120 days. Discussion continued on issues to be considered with City Council such as heights, locations, and possible policies that need to be established to determine how the City will proceed for future applications. Motion-Teglia/Second-Masuda: Motion to continue UP-97-033 for 120 days. On the motion, Chairman Romero asked if this would need to be re-noticed. Assistant City Attorney Snodgrass explained the State Streamlining Act and the Mitigated Negative Declaration may need to be acted upon close to the 120 days and suggested a 90 day continuance. Chief Planner Harnish suggested that this item, together with other carriers, go before the Design Review Board to see a variety of designs during this period and bring to the workshop. Mr. Wyman agreed he would bring it through Design Review Board. On the motion: Amended Motion-Barnett/Second-Sim: Amended Motion to continue UP-97-033 for 90 days. The Amended Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. 1450 EI Camino Real (McLellan Nursery), Greystone Homes, Applicant; McLellan, Owner GP-96-116, RZ-96-116, SA-96-116, PUD-96-116, Mitigated Negative Declaration ND96-116 General Plan Amendment, change in prezoning, Tentative Subdivision Map, Planned Unit Development application, and Mitigated Negative Declaration to allow construction of a 1 79 single family dwellings (Promenade) and 33 below market rate rental units, plus a resident manager's unit (Greenridge), on the 31 acre McLellan Nursery property in accordance with SSFMC Sections 20.84, 20.87 and 20.100, Title 19 (Subdivision Ordinance) and the California Subdivision Map Act. The property is located within unincorporated San Mateo County but is proposed to be annexed into the City through subsequent action by LAFCO. The project also envisions the construction of a city park on vacant city-owned land adjacent to the site (the 10.8 acre Alta Lorna triangle parcel between Alta Lorna Middle School and Camaritas Avenue), in accordance with SSFMC Section 20. 16.030(c) and 20.34.020. Chairman Romero opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report noting, upon city approval, the property would be PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 5 of 14 annexed to the city. lJ.~g!ijij~ig[i~Qflt"p.,[~~I.[~~: She explained that the developer is proposing to construct the Alta Lorna park in its entirety in lieu of paying separate park fees, and as a "project enhancement" to offset requested setback and lot size exceptions. She further noted that since the site is located within a redevelopment area, there is a requirement that 15% of the units be provided as affordable housing. Greystone Homes has partnered with Mid-Peninsula Housing Coalition to provide the affordable units. The units would be townhomes with small fenced patios, a meeting room, laundry room, office space and manager's unit. The open parking allows for better management. She stated the significant grade separation from both developments necessitates a stairway access. Planner Kalkin summarized the issues raised at a neighborhood meeting held in early June: Installation of a pedestrian bridge over EI Camino Real to improve pedestrian safety; the school district's ability to accommodate new students; and the proposed park amenities. Planner Kalkin also explained that a Negative Declaration was prepared and mitigation measures have been included in the project to reduce impacts to a level of insignificance. Planner Kalkin then outlined some minor revisions to the proposed conditions of approval, as noted below: Planning Division Conditions: #A.4.c.l) The applicant shall complete the design and construction of the Alta Lorna Park, as shown on the "Alta Lorna Landscape Plan" (Concept Plan Two-Revised), prepared by Callander Associates, dated December 18, 1996, as may be amended by final approval of the plan by the City Council. If the City elects to approve an anlended "Alta Lonla Landscape Plan ", the applicant shall be obligated to construct the park pursuant to the anlended plan at a cost not to exceed $ , which is based on a City approved estinlate of construction costs plus soft costs. Said anlount sltall not be less titan tlte anlount that would have been due as park in lieu fees. #A.4.c.3) The applicant shall complete construction of the Alta Lorna Park, to the satisfaction of the City, prior to issuance of the 50th occupancy permit or witltin 12 nlontlts offinal approval of tlte Park plans by tlte City, whiclt ever occurs later. Engineering Division Conditions: #B. 1. d) & 3. c) The Developers [SubdivIder] shall const1uct new rnonolithic curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavenlent structural section for a 12' \.VIde shoulder/acceleration/deceleration lane and shall replace the existing "no parking" sIgns along the entire EI Camino Real fiolltage of the subdivision, including along the entire fiontage ofPalcel D (as designated on the Tentative 1-1ap). Tlte Subdivider sltall construct new nlonolitltic curb, gutter and sidewalk along tlte entire El Canlino Real frontage. A new shoulder/acceleration/deceleration lane within El Canlino Real at McLellan Drive shall be constructed as required by tlte project's Traffic Inlpact Report (Crane Transportation Group, June 1997). The developer shall replace tlte existing"no parking" signs that nlay be knocked down during construction along tlte entire El Canlino Real frontage of the subdivision. #B. 1. e) & 3. d) The real property designated on the Tentative Map as Parcels A, Band C shall PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 6 of 14 not be dedicated to the City for ownership or maintenance. This property shall be owned and maintained by a Homeowner's Association or similar entity. Drainage or sewer easements for underground utilities within these parcels, proposed to be dedicated to the City, shall be a minimum of 10' in width. Utilities located along slopes shall be installed under level access benches, a minimum of 15' wide, including bench suiface drains, and which are structurally capable of supporting heavy maintenance trucks. Bench surface drains, whether earth swales or concrete ditches, shall be the responsibility of the property owner to maintain and shall not be dedicated to the City. #B. 1. h) & 3. g) The Subdivider shall be responsible for all costs associated with the construction of all public improvements, required by the development of this subdivision, to be located within El Camino Real as required by CalTrans. This work shall indude, but not be linuted to, the construction of a ne~ traffic signal and appurtenances at the intersection of McLellan Drive and Dl Camino Real, 111edian island and loadway Inodifkations and utility cr osslngs. Fire Department Conditions: #D. 1. In order to conlply with the provisions of Section 902.21 of the Unifornl Fire code, the developer of the Greenridge pro.iect shall provide fire sprinklers throughout the structures. 1. POI the 1-fid-Peninsula site, it appears that access from DI Calnino Real will be extrelnely difficult, if not impossible due to the distance fr om the Stl eet to the str uctur es and because of the grade difference. Also, It appealS that access fioln the rear parking lot will not be possible unless an apploved turn alound fur fire appalatus is provided. In addition, if the rear palking lot is to be used for access, the turn appears to be too sharp. (Noted on plan} The Ininillluln inside turning ladiusrequired is 34 feet. Vn1ele any pOltion ofa building or any pOltion of an extelior wall of the filSt StOly of a building is in excess of 150 feet (measured around the outside of the stluctule) (UnifuI111 Pire Code Section 902.2.1), provide the full 0 wing. -Provide fire depalttllent access by an approved access way 01 stleet. -Pire sp1inklers tllioughout the structures where access cannot feasibly be obtained. 2. Por the park area. Plovide a dliveable, 14 foot ~ide (all-weather) sUlface fire access load, accessible fr 0111 the str eet (01 the U -shaped pal king lot) fOI fil e depal tment access. If this access load is in excess of 150 feet, it Inust lead to an area that islalge enough for the appar atus to tUln ar ound. (This ar ea Inay be a volley ball or basketball COUl t, etc. it does not have to be dedicated, also, if the desired appearance is grass, tulfblock rnay be used for the d1iving sUlface. (tulfblock provides a driveable surface while letting grass grow through it to give it a gleen appearance). On the other end of the park, ~hele there is a circular drive, the sanIe type access load described above shall be provided. If there ale structures within the circular drive, the lninin1Unl Inside tur !ling radius shall be 34 feet. PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 7 of 14 These requirelnents represent rllillirllunl protection for the subject aieas. This is rny recornmendation based on general good practice, the requirernents of the Unifornl Pire Code and practices of other fire departrllents ~ithin California. IIowever, as directed by Pire 1-farshal Pred Lagomarsino, he should be contacted for final authoriL.ation. Staff recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution recommending City Council approval ofGP-96-116, RZ-96-116, SA-96-116, PUD-96-116, and Mitigated Negative Declaration ND96-116 based on the findings contained therein and subject to the amended conditions of approval. Reoresentine AooIicant: Steve Delva, Vice-President Greystone Homes Mr. Delva briefly described the history of the development noting that the density had been reduced significantly from the number of units originally envisioned by the Council. In designing this project, Greystone has tried to work with the contours of the land by gently stepping the building pads. In response to City concerns, they have widened the entry way to four lanes. He further noted that the exception to the front yard setback would relate to only one of the six models they are proposing. He addressed the issue of school impacts, noting the development would generate sufficient school impact fees. He stated they agree with staffs recommendations and are available to answer questions. He introduced Ms. Wagstaff of Mid-Peninsula Housing Coalition, developer of the proposed Greenridge project. Reoresentine Aoolicant: Ms. Wagstaff Mid-Peninsula Housing Coalition Reoresentine Aoolicant: Mr. Matt Schwartz Mid-Peninsula Housing Coalition Ms. Wagstaff outlined Mid-Peninsula's experience in developing successful affordable housing projects. She stated they not only develop housing, but also manage the housing units. They have a vigorous screening process and require all tenants to agree to follow established rules. Mr. Schwartz described the development. He noted that residents of this development would work and live in South San Francisco. This project is intended to target families with an annual income of20,000 to $50,000. There would be 33 units plus one manager's unit. He mentioned that Sgt. Petrocchi had visited some of their existing sites and had reviewed and been impressed with their management program. Soeakine with concern: Leona Gee Crown Circle Homeowners Association 102 Crown Circle, S SF Ms. Gee, speaking on behalf of the Crown Circle Homeowners Association, noted concern with the increase in traffic coming from Del Monte onto Camaritas Avenue and Hickey Blvd. She asked that the Commission consider the signalization of this intersection. Soeakine with concern: Ms. Quijada was also concerned with the traffic congestion on Camaritas Elizabeth Quijada Avenue which when combined with the existing aircraft noise pollution, 819 Camaritas Circle would create an unbearable situation. She noted her primary concern was SSF with the proximity of the below market rate units to her neighborhood. that property values in the neighborhood would go down. She indicated that she had called some of the PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 8 of 14 existing Mid-Peninsula sites and was not pleased. She recommended that the affordable housing be "for sale" units with resale controls to ensure affordability. Soeakine with concern: Mr. Rael stated he is the President of the South San Francisco Baseball Woodrow Rael Association and encouraged the City to approve the Alta Lorna Park 2920 Oakmont Avenue project. He believes with more parks they could spread the games' times SSF apart which would help manage parking and traffic concerns. Chairman Romero closed the public hearing. Commissioner Masuda asked about the lighting in the park. Planner Kalkin noted there would be security lighting, but no lighting for sports activities. Commissioner Barnett asked for clarification on the Alta Lorna Park. Staff noted that the park plan would be further refined by the Parks and Recreation Commission but that the park would also require a use permit. Consequently, the park project would be coming back to the Commission. Chairman Romero indicated that the parking provided within the park is insufficient and on-street parking on Del Monte and Romney is already congested. He noted the need for the City and the School District to work together to allow overflow parking at Alta Lorna School. He was additionally concerned that the only access to the Promenade Development would be through McLellan Drive, with one emergency access at the Alta Lorna Park area. He questioned whether Alta Lorna Drive could be opened up to allow existing residents in Sterling Manor/Buri Buri easier access to El Camino Real. In response to Chairman Romero's access concerns, Mr. Delva explained that the original proposal included an access at Alta Lorna Drive which was not received well by the Police Department. Commissioner Masuda stated that such an access would bring unwanted traffic into the existing neighborhoods. Commissioner Barnett was very concerned that the intersection of McLellan Drive and EI Camino Real would remain unsignalized until the BART station was constructed, and that left turns into and out of the site would be precluded. The Commission strongly suggested that the developer work with BART and CalTrans to put the signal in now. Mr. Delva stated that the applicant would be willing to work with CalTrans on this issue, but would not want the project predicated upon this condition. Commissioner Sim was concerned about the interface between the park and the residential project. He thought consideration should be given to providing two way traffic between the two park parking lots. He suggested that Units 101, 102, 103, and 104, could be moved a bit to provide a wider right-of-way and enhance landscaping. With regards to the Greenridge Project, Commissioner Sim noted that fire truck access was a major concern. He also commented on the adequacy of visitor parking in the project. Mr. Schwartz explained they have provided the turning radius for a standard fire truck and that the buildings at the end of the parking area would be fully sprinklered as required by the Fire Department. He also noted that visitor parking would be provided. PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 9 of 14 Commissioner Sim suggested, with regards to the noise issues related to the park, that a concrete masonry wall might provide more noise reduction and might be lower maintenance. Discussion continued on the pros and cons of concrete masonry wall vs. a "no gap" wood fence. Commissioner Teglia was concerned with the overall density of the Promenade project, i.e. Units #154 & 155, and 132 & 133 are "flag lots", with shared driveways, creating the sense of houses tucked behind houses. If those homes were eliminated it would improve lot size, and increase setbacks. He noted that house #27 could be shifted over or eliminated to allow a roadway access between the "Meadows" and the park. With regard to the Greenridge development, Commissioner T eglia was concerned that the parking was all located at the back of the site. He recommended the project be redesigned to provide parking in the middle with units on either side. He was also concerned with the size of the units. He favored 2 and 3 bedroom units over 4 bedroom units. In conclusion, he asked for clarification of "affordable housing" and of the requirements as they relate to the Mid-Peninsula site. In response to Commissioner Teglia concerns, Planner Kalkin explained the State Redevelopment Law requirements that 15% of the units privately developed within a redevelopment area be "affordable", defined as individuals or households earning up to 120% of median income. She indicated that of these 15%, 6% of the units must be affordable to very low income individuals or households earning less than 50% of median income. Mr. Schwartz stated that as a requirement to obtain Low Income Tax Credit Housing funding, the units would need to be three bedroom units, and the demand for three and four bedroom housing is highest. The project consists of 18 two bedroom, 12 three bedroom, and 4 four bedroom units.. Commissioner Teglia asked if Promenade would have a Homeowners Association. Mr. Delva stated there would be a Homeowners Association and CC&R's would be filed with the City. Commissioner Baldocchi informed the Commission of other Greystone Homes sites she had visited. She noted that, although the sites were very beautiful, they also looked very dense and lvould like this project to be opened nlore. Mr. Delva indicated that the South San Francisco site is different than those Commissioner Baldocchi visited in that this site has more interesting topography, allowing the developer to step the homes to the contour of the land and this site will have standard rather than private streets as in the other developments. His suggestion in recommending that the Commission visit the other sites was to see colors, type and quality of materials. D~g!nn!ijg~~[Qi[wim~[i~il[ Commissioner Baldocchi felt it would be appropriate to see the McLellan site with a more memorable project name, street names and enhanced landscaping at the project entry. Mr. Delva stated they would be trying to transplant some existing plant materials (e.g. spikal eucalyptus) to use at the entrance and are looking to incorporate orchid or other flowers into the street names. Chairman Romero asked for a summary of concerns: Commissioner Teglia asked that consideration be given to density, of losing a few houses for larger lot sizes or setbacks. Commissioner Baldocchi was concerned with the front setback and wanted assurance that the models would be staggered to create interest. Commissioner Sim reiterated concern for the connection between the Camaritas Avenue parking area and McLellan Drive, and allowing a two-way traffic pattern by pushing the units to the north. PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 10 of 14 Commissioner Barnett clarified that the front yard exceptions are going to apply to one model - Plan 3, The Meadows. This would affect a maximum of 21 units. Front yards would be a minimum of 10 feet, and 15 feet minimum of level usable space would be provided in the rear yards. Commissioner Barnett restated his strong suggestion that the applicant work with Caltrans to signalize the main entrance in advance of the BART project. Commissioner Teglia suggested, with regard to noise mitigation at the park, that consideration be given to an 8 foot fence rather than 6 foot fence. Chairman Romero again asked that the city and school district work together on the park issues. Motion-Barnett/Second-Masuda: Motion to adopt Resolution recommending approval to the City Council of Negative Declaration ND-96-116, General Plan GP-96-116, Rezoning RZ-96-116, Subdivision Amendment SA-96-116, and Planned Unit Development PUD-96-116 based on the findings contained in the resolution, the expressed concerns by the Planning Conlnlission and subject to the Amended Conditions of Approval. The Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. Chairman Romero called a recess at 10:55 PM. The meeting was called back to order at 11 :05 PM. 336-340 Oyster Point Boulevard, Iron Mountain Records Management, Applicant; Kessen2er Hunter & Co., Owner; UP-97-046; Cate20rical Exemption: Class 1, Section 15301 Use Permit to allow conversion of a single tenant building to a multi-tenant building and to allow off site parking for property situated in the Planned Industrial (P-I) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Sections 20.32.070(h). Chairman Romero opened the public hearing. Chief Planner Harnish presented staff report noting that the multi-tenant use would be for three years and Iron Mountain plans to take over the entire building at the end of the period. He summarized four issues identified as fire access, parking, road dedication, and the removal of the old railroad tracks. 1) The Fire Department has required fire lanes of20 feet around the entire building which affects the adjacent owner. The adjacent building is owned by SANRIO. After discussions with the applicant, the revised parking restriping plan was submitted allowing for the 20 feet fire lanes and the conditions of approval require written authorization for the use of the fire lane access from the adjacent property owner. 2) The multi- tenant use increases the parking requirements, but evidence of Iron Mountain's previous site parking needs, together with the shared parking, and the re-stripping, staff feels this would suffice for parking. A six month review of the parking will be required to determine if there is adequate parking. If there is inadequate parking, then the remainder of the area would be developed which would meet the required parking. He noted that portion of the parking area is owned by the City and leased by the Harbor District and is not usable for any other use other than landscaping or parking. 3) The Engineering Division Conditions indicate dedication of a small part of the frontage area for the widening of Oyster Point Boulevard. 4) The old railroad spurs not in use shall be removed by the applicant. Reoresentine AooIicant: Mr. Pichovich stated that the applicant has been in business in Mr. Don Pichovich, Iron Mountain South San Francisco for 20 years. He noted that the records 336-340 Oyster Pt. Blvd. retention/storage business has very little vehicle traffic and feels South San Francisco they would not have a parking problem. Mr. Pichovich indicated the applicant disagreed with several conditions of approval. In reference to the landscaping they would prefer to wait and share the expense of the landscaping with the proposed hotel. They do not foresee any problems with the drainage and would like to have the on-site requirement waived to hire a consultant to PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 11 of14 investigate the drainage. He asked that they be allowed to leave the spur as it is partially covered with cement already and when the widening of Oyster Point Boulevard is started, then they would remove it. They normally exceed requirements for security and do meet all of the Police Departments conditions. They do not employ armed guards but they do have smoke, motion, and glass breaking detectors. He noted that the Engineering condition B.2.a) is not an issue, Gull Drive has been widened and the spurs had been paved over already. In conclusion, he stated that they are vacating a building in San Francisco and they are anxious and ready to move into the South San Francisco site. Commissioners Barnett and Baldocchi concurred with the landscaping issue. Mr. Pichovich agreed to do the landscaping on their property and would participate with the landscaping together with the hotel in the future. Chairman Romero closed the public hearing. Commissioner Teglia asked for a clarification about the landscaping. Chief Planner Harnish noted that it would be to the applicant's advantage to participate in the landscaping of the shared area between the hotel and applicant. Chief Planner Harnish clarified that in an attempt to expedite the application because the applicant had some time constraint, the details on the landscaping need to be reviewed further and recommends this item be continued if the applicant has concerns with the conditions of approval. Chairman Romero asked the applicant if he could accept the conditions of approval as stated. Mr. Pichovich stated they agreed with the conditions of approval, but would like to negotiate some items of concern; i.e., regarding the railroad spurs in that they would remove what is on the street but would like to leave the ones on their property; and regarding the shared landscaping, the applicant would landscape and the hotel or city could maintain it. Mr. Pichovich agreed to clean the area and remove the fence now as conditioned. Chief Planner Harnish agreed they could work with staff on the items of concern. Assistant City Attorney Snodgrass suggested in regards to the railroad spurs, if the Commission wished to take action, to add a phrase to Conditions of Approval Page 2.b. asfollows: "..subject to future negotiations between the applicant and City stl![f. " Chairman Romero wanted this item to come back to the Commission after negotiations with staff Chief Planner Harnish indicated to anlend to the condition for the six nlonth review, that the application shall have a 45 day review to report back to the Conlnlission with any nlodifications to the conditions. Engineering Development Review Specialist, Richard Harmon, stated that the City needs to have the railroad spurs removed by the building property owners, as the adjacent owner did, so that the City can later widen the road. Mr. Harmon noted that the dedication shown on the map is not what the Engineering Division is referring to in the conditions of approval. They refer to a dedication along the front of Oyster Point Boulevard to acquire a right-of-way to allow for the straightening of Oyster Point Boulevard. Discussion continued on the concerns with Gull Road and how the widening for two lanes would improve the Gull Road and Marina Way area. Commissioner Masuda asked when the City plans to widen Oyster Point Boulevard. Mr. Harmon noted that it may take one year and if the applicant is willing to put up a bond for the work on the spurs in the street to be done at a later date, that could be a possibility. They are not concerned with the spurs on PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 12 of 14 private property. Mr. Harmon stated that the drainage condition is a standard condition for older project review. They have found that most older systems have poor maintenance and the purpose is to make sure the system functions properly. The inspection of the system and the report to the City can be done by their contractor, not necessarily a civil engineer. Motion-Masuda/Second-Teglia: Motion to approved UP-97-046 based on the findings attached to the staff report and subject to the Amended Conditions of Approval. The Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. Motion-Romero/Second-Sim: Motion to continue Items 6 and 7 due to the late hour to the Planning Commission meeting of August 7, 1997. The Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. 6. 230 East Grand Avenue/Pte. Grand Business Park, Britannia Pt. Grand Ltd., Owner/ApI. PUD-87-7/MOD 2; Negative Declaration No. ND-97-049 Modification of a Planned Unit Development permit, in accordance with SSFMC 20.91, to construct a single 100,000 sq. ft. two-story R & D biotech building in lieu of two single story R & D buildings totaling 71,000 sq. ft. included in the original PUD approval for a property located in the Planned Industrial (P- I) Zone District. 7. Cultural Arts Ordinance City Wide ZA-97-014 Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco (Chapter 20 of the Municipal Ordinance) to allow for up to a five percent reduction in the landscaping requirements in the commercial, industrial and multi-family residential zoning districts provided that certain findings are made, and to establish an in-lieu fee for the cultural arts in the City of South San Francisco. The reduction in no cases shall permit the on-site landscaping to drop below 10%, as required by the South San Francisco General Plan. The in-lieu fee is based on the average cost of installing and maintaining landscaping on a square foot basis. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Items from Staff: Chief Planner Harnish informed that the City Council will appoint from the existing Commissions list to replace Vice-Chairman Padreddii at the July 23 City Council meeting. Sgt. Ron Petrocchi - introduced Mike Massoni who would be starting at the end of this month as Planning Commission Liaison. Sgt. Petrocchi will continue as a consultant and come to those Planning Commission meetings which require his presence. If the Commission needs to contact Sgt. Petrocchi they can go through Sgt. Massoni. Engineering Development Review Specialist, Richard Harmon informed that as of Friday, July 18, the City Engineer Arthur Wong has resigned and accepted a position with the City of San Francisco Muni. The City Engineer's position in the interim will be filled by Dennis Chuck. PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 13 of 14 Items from Commission: Chairman Romero reported in regards to Heather Heights that the decorative rod iron fence has been replaced by a freeway type guardrail at the corner of Stonegate Drive and Sunset Avenue, and that the rear yard set backs are less than the 10' minimum approved. He also noted that the retaining wall appears higher than the approved 8'. Chief Planner Harnish explained that all concerned department staffwould be meeting tomorrow morning to review the issues. They plan to review the plans as the Commission approved them and how the project has developed into what is there now. They would review Chairman Romero's concerns and any other variations from the approved plan. He would be coming back to the Commission at the second meeting in August with a report. He noted that there are representatives of the Building Division, Jim Kirkman and Engineering Division, Richard Harmon to answer any questions. Chairman Romero expressed concern that once the Planning Commission approves conditions it is necessary for the applicant to complied with them. Staff needs to be responsible to make sure they are adhered to. Chairman Romero asked who is responsible from Building Division and Fire Department, now that they are combined. Chief Planner Harnish explained the plan check review procedure and that some judgement is exercised when plans are at the construction level. He believes this is where some variations may occur. In regards to the guardrail, the need for a guardrail was indicated at this level. Mr. John Garcia, representing Santa Clara Development, stated that the engineers noted the need for a guardrail before the parcel map was recorded and that the decorative wall is still going to be installed behind the guardrail. Items from the Public: No further items from the public. Adjournment: Motion-Barnett/Second-Masuda: To adjourn the meeting at 12: lOAM to the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of August 7, 1997. The Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. I \ [AwP William Romero, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco JH:rp PC Mtg. 7/17/97 Page 14 of 14