HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.19.97 Minutes
June 19, 1997
7:30 P.M.
Chairman Romero, Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Commissioners
Barnett, Masuda, Sim, Teglia and Baldocchi
Planning Division:
Chief Planner
Senior Planner
Act. Secretary II
City Attorney
City Engineer
Police Department:
Jim Harnish
Steve Carlson
Rosa Perez
Wayne Snodgrass
Arthur Wong
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi
Sgt. Mike Massoni
Motion-Padreddii/Second-Teglia: To approve Planning Commission Minutes of June 5, 1997, as
presented. The minutes were unanimously approved by voice vote, with Commissioner Barnett
494 Forbes Blvd., Jessica McClintock, Inc., Applicant/Owner
UP-97-010; Cate~orical Exemption, Class 1, Section 15301
(ContinuedfromMarch 20, and May 15,1997)
Use Permit to allow retail sales, sign program, and use generating more than 100 ADT in the (P-I)
Planned Industrial Zone District in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Sections
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Chief Planner Harnish presented the staff report noting the following concerns which were covered in the
conditions of approval: 1) Landscaping to be reduced in height to provide better line-of-site for drivers;
2) Parking lot resurfacing; 3) Police Department security measures; and 4) the Oyster Point Overpass fee.
There being no comments from the public, Chairman Romero closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Masuda asked whether the applicant concurred with the conditions. Chief Planner Harnish
confirmed he had spoken with the applicant's representative and he indicated concurrence with the
conditions of approval.
Commissioner Teglia commented that the proposed sign was not up to the standards in the area. Signs in
the area are generally short monument signs with company's names. He suggested that the applicant
delete the word "Outlet" and just use the company's logo in large letters. Discussion continued regarding
the design of the sign.
Representing Applicant:
Sue Margulis, Manager
Jessica McClintock, Inc.
494 Forbes Blvd., SSF
Ms. Margulis explained that the word "Outlet" indicates the hours of
operation to their customers and differs from the manufacturing
Chairman Romero inquired about the cars parked along the pedestrian pathway at the entrance of the
parking lot and whether this area is to be restricted to assure that customers park only in the striped
areas. He was also concerned about designated employee parking. Ms. Margulis noted that parking in the
front entrance pathway area was used by administrative staff and business representatives on a short term
basis to drop off merchandise. She stated the area would be posted with a half hour maximum time limit
and that security staff will monitor the parking lot. She noted that employees park on the side parking lot.
They also have agreements with neighboring businesses for the use of their parking lots during weekend
sales events. (A copy of agreements was handed to staff). Ms. Margulis stated that they would be
resurfacing and striping the parking lot.
Commissioner Sim asked about the retail sales traffic. Ms. Margulis informed the Commission that their
manufacturing department has quarterly sales resulting in a large number of buyers. She confirmed that
they have modified the sales hours to eliminate conflicts with the neighboring businesses.
The Commission discussed the sign hanging from the tree and asked that it be removed and replaced as
soon as possible. Ms. Margolus agreed to remove the tree sign and replace it.
Motion-Teglia/Second-Barnett: To approved UP-97-010 based on the findings and subject to the
conditions of approval. The Motion was unanimously approved by voice vote.
450 East Grand Avenue, International Coatings, Inc.,(ICI Paints), Applicant/Owner
UP-97-041; Cate~orical Exemption: Class 3(e), Section 15303
Use Permit to allow a fence over three feet in height in the required front setback and over six feet in
height in all other required setbacks located at 450 East Grand Avenue (formerly Fuller-O'Brien) in the
Planned Industrial (P-I) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.73.020.
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Carlson presented staff report and noted that revised plans had been submitted showing
staff and Design Review Board recommendations. The revised plans show the existing 6 foot high fence
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and the new fence which would be 8 feet high. The proposed fencing complies with Policy 37 of the East
of 101 Area Plan. Staff recommends approval subject to findings and conditions of approval.
There being no comments from the public, Chairman Romero closed the public hearing.
The Commission noted that the new fence would be an improvement.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked the applicant to describe the security issues necessitating a perimeter
Representin2 Applicant:
Fasil Tegene, Plant Engineer
ICI Paints
Mr. Tegene stated that due to the type of industrial chemical
company, security for their products and employees was high priority.
Planner Carlson noted that the fence location would not effect the traffic circulation.
Chairman Romero was concerned with the 20 foot deep front setback. Planner Carlson noted that the
front setback and the rolling gate would not conflict with the vehicle circulation pattern. Chairman
Romero was also concerned with the lack of landscaping near the front of the fence.
Commissioner Teglia agreed and supported the concept of more landscaping along the front entrance
gate and fence. Discussion continued on the possibilities of adding landscaping. The applicant presented
photographs to the Commission of a similar site with fencing. Chairman Romero noted that the sample
photographs being presented include landscaping along the fence.
Commissioner Barnett noted that a decorative gate and fence may be sufficient since it was at the end of
East Grand Avenue.
Vice-Chairman Padreddii was concerned that the landscaping requirements would have been met at the
time the building was built. Planner Carlson noted that the landscaping requirements may not have been in
existence at the time.
Commissioner Sim asked if there was a code requirement for landscaping. Assistant City Attorney
Snodgrass eXplained the code requirements and that the Commission has the discretion to require
improvement on the landscaping at this time. Planner Carlson noted that prior fence permits have
included landscaping along that edge of the fence. Discussion continued on the amount of new
Motion-MasudalSecond-Padreddii: To approve Use Permit UP-97-041 based on the findings and subject
to the conditions of approval.
On the Motion, Amended Motion-Romero/Second- Teglia: Amended the motion to include a condition
requiring landscaping in the required 20 foot deep front setback area. The Amended Motion passed with
the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Romero, Commissioners Baldocchi, Sim, and Teglia;
NOES: Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Commissioners Barnett, and Masuda.
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Gellert Blvd. & Appian Way, BBG Dev. Grp., Marketing ConceptslEarl Williams, Api.
DR-S-97-040(C); Cate~orical Exemption: Class 11(a), Section 15311
Type "C" Sign Permit to allow a Sign Program for residential sales including a monument sign and flags
for the Bay View Villas (St. Francis) in the Medium Density Residential (R-2-H-P) Zone District, in
accordance with SSFMC Sections 20.76. 155(e) and 20.76.160.
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report noting that the revised plans were delivered after the
staff report was written. The revised plans reflect some of the suggestions of the Design Review Board.
He noted that the revised plans include monument signs 12 feet in height and 10 flag poles, each 17 feet
in height. Staff recommends that the height of the monument sign and flag poles be less than 10 feet and
that the flags be limited to the project entry driveway on Gellert Boulevard. Staff recommends approval
subject to the findings and conditions of approval.
Representin2 Applicant:
Earl Williams
Marketing Concepts
109 Campisi Way, Suite 140
Campbell, CA
Mr. Williams stated that Staff has presented the applicant proposal
and that he was available to answer any questions the Commission
may have.
There being no comments from the public, Chairman Romero closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked how long the flags would be displayed. Planner Carlson responded that
Condition No. 5 states that flags and monument sign shall be removed no later than the sale of the last
Planner Carlson stated that the Commission needed to determine the height of the flag poles, the height of
the monument signs, and the maximum number of the flags allowed for this project.
Commissioner Teglia asked what has been the past recommendations for height limits on similar projects.
Planner Carlson stated that the maximum allowed consistent with the Sign Ordinance for monument signs
it is 10 feet in height. He noted that previous approved sign projects restrict the number and location of
flags to the vehicle entrance way of the project.
Commissioner Sim agreed that the height limit should be 10 feet for the flag poles.
Motion-PadreddiilSecond-Barnett: To approve Type C Sign Permit No. DRS-97-040(C) based on the
findings and subject to the conditions of approval. The Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
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384 Oyster Point Blvd.
AMB Institutional Realty AdvisorfM J Research, Inc.lSteven F. Torres, ApI./Owner
UP-97-042; Cate~orical Exemption: Class 1, Section 15301(e)(2)
Use Permit to allow a conversion of a portion of an existing building from warehouse to research and
development, and to allow parking lot modifications in the Planned Commercial (P-C) Zone District, in
accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.24.
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Carlson presented staff report noting that the building would convert from warehouse to
R&D, with hours of operation from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. He informed the Commission that there is a
difference in the calculations for the proposed use and the existing 15 parking spaces would need to be
increased to a minimum of 22, although the applicant calculates the increase differently. Staff
recommends approval of the Use Permit for the conversion from a warehouse to R&D based on the
findings and subject to the conditions.
Renresentin2 Annlicant: Mr. Torres stated they were in agreement with staff and the Design
Steve Torres, Project Executive Review Board recommendation except for the over all calculations
ADP Marshall of the square footage. He explained that while the applicant would
4800 Great America Parkway, be occupying 6,600 square feet, approximately 5,000 was existing
Suite 500 office. Therefore, the proposed application would only be creating a
Santa Clara, CA 1,500 square foot lab area. He stated they would work
with staff on the calculations for Oyster Point Overpass fees and parking as they reach the construction
permitting process. Mr. Torres noted that the tenant area is being included.
Chairman Romero asked Mr. Torres ifM. J. Research was expanding into the warehouse area. Mr.
Torres stated that M. 1. Research was presently occupying the office space and they plan to expand into
the warehouse with the intent to convert it to research and development.
Commissioner Teglia asked for a clarification on the issues of parking and calculation offees. Planner
Carlson noted that the actual square footage of warehouse space being converted, will determine the
parking increase, and that the on-site parking will meet the City's minimum parking requirements. The
Oyster Point Overpass fees will be determined by the City Engineer.
There being no comments from the public, Chairman Romero closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Masuda was glad to see the screening of the rooftop equipment.
Motion-MasudalSecond-Teglia: To approved Use Permit UP-97-042 based on the findings and subject
to the conditions of approval. The Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
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Chairman Romero called for a five minute recess at 8: 40 PM and the meeting was called back to order at
8:45 PM
Commissioner Baldocchi expressed concern that the City does not have a city-wide telecommunication
policy and indicated that she would prefer not to move forward with more wireless communication
applications until the Commission studies the issue and gets direction from City Council. She asked that
the Commission consider a 30 day continuance for Items #5 and #6 on the agenda.
Conlnlissioner Teglia strongly concurred witlt Conlnlissioner Baldocclti. He recalled newspaper
articles fronl otlter cities regarding tlteir policies on teleconlnlunication. Conlnlissioner Teglia
expressed concern tltat several Council nlenlbers Itave sit own interest in tltis issue and tltat tlte City
Manager's office sltould be taking direction fronl City Council He felt tit ere were nlultiple
opportunities tltat tlte City Council nlay want to look into and would reconlnlend a joint nleeting witlt
City Council for direction.
The Commission concurred that a city-wide policy would be beneficial. Discussion continued that many
wireless communication applications had been approved and that the use of city owned facilities needs to
be considered.
The Commission discussed the options to continue the items or consider a continuation to allow the
Commission to discuss the issue with the City Council. Vice-Chairman Padreddii and Commissioner
Masuda were not in favor of continuing the items.
Commissioner Barnett commented on his concerns that the Commission is reacting to the applications
instead of reviewing them in the context of an established policy plan. He would like the communication's
companies also included in some of the meetings to present their future plans.
Planner Carlson noted that staff has drafted a wireless communication ordinance, but an environmental
assessment still needs to be done.
Chief Planner Harnish noted that the earliest possible time to get the matter before the City Council
would be July 9th.
Chairman Romero advised that a subcommittee needs to be appointed to discuss this issue with Council
and asked if it needed to be a public hearing. In response, Assistant City Attorney Snodgrass, stated a
subcommittee would not require a public hearing under the Brown Act.
Chief Planner Harnish explained that a moratorium would be a strong action; that continuing the items,
until additional information can be obtained may be more appropriate. He noted that the process to
review an ordinance would take some time. Continuance of the two items would be to allow the
Commission to get direction from City Council and review the scope of the draft ordinance.
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#5 480 Grandview Drive, Rooftop Management Systems/Alan Wingate, Applicant
(LBC Mabuhay Corp., Owner)
UP-97-032, and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ND97-032
Use Permit to allow a wireless communication facility comprised of a roof mounted antenna and a ground mounted
equipment building in the Planned Industrial (P-I) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.77 and
#6 320 Shaw Road, Nextel/Joe Wyman, Aplllicant (Todd & Rebecca Magaline, Owner)
UP-97-033, and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ND96-064 Previously Certified
Use Permit to allow wireless communication facility comprised of a 65 ft. tall mono-pole and ground mounted
equipment building in the Industrial (M-I) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.77 and 20.83.
Motion-TeglialSecond-Baldocchi: To continue Item #5 and #6 of the agenda to July 17, 1997, Planning
Commission meeting. The Motion passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Romero,
Commissioners Baldocchi, Barnett, Masuda, Sim, and Teglia. NOES: Vice-Chairman Padreddii.
Mr. Wyman stated that this is a new industry and that Nextel has a legislative branch that would be
available to meet and assist the City. He noted that they would have preferred to have been able to
present their application to the Commission tonight.
Items from Staff:
Chief Planner Harnish reported on the neighborhood meeting he had attended regarding the North Sign
Hill development, there were approximately 50 people in attendance. The persons in attendance
mentioned their concerns that should be noted in the environmental review. Chief Planner Harnish stated
his discussion at the meeting focused on the general plan, subdivision map and rezoning requirements;
and advised them of the possible time frame of the application process.
Chief Planner Harnish noted that the appeal on 119 So. Linden Avenue Use Permit had been approved by
City Council with added conditions that the business does not operate until all the conditions are met and
that the applicant pay for all costs incurred for code enforcement. The City Council received a letter
today from the applicant requesting to be allowed to operate the business while meeting conditions.
Chief Planner Harnish reported that Terrabay Phases II and III will be coming through soon. A contract
planner will be obtained for Terrabay project. Also, a full time planner will be onboard at the end of June
to temporarily fill the Assistant Planner's position.
Chief Planner noted that Planning Commission's July 3rd meeting will be very short with only one item,
the Trammel Crow project on Oyster Pt. Blvd.
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Items from Commission:
Commissioner Barnett informed the Commission he had visited the Chestnut Estates project. He noted
that most models have a three-car garage, but one model had a two-car garage. Planner Carlson noted
that the Commission's recommendation was to reduce some models to two-car garage to provide more
landscaping and to add variety on the models.
Chairman Romero advised that a subcommittee be established to discuss the Commissions concerns on
the wireless communication applications. Commissioners Teglia, Padreddii and Baldocchi volunteered
and were appointed. Chairman Romero asked that the Subcommittee to report back to the Commission at
the next meeting.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked about the comments from Historical Commission. Chief Planner noted
that they had responded with minor comments and would be presented at the July 17th meeting.
Commissioner Sim asked about the trash collecting at the rear of Alidos fence, and the signage at the
corner of West borough and Callan Boulevards. Planner Carlson noted that the Code Enforcement had
been informed of the trash at the rear of Alido' s restaurant and the Design Review Board had reviewed
the signs at the corner of West borough and Callan Boulevards.
Planner Carlson informed the Commission that staff would be reviewing the Negative Declaration for the
California Golf Club removal of trees. Also staff received an environmental document from San Francisco
Water Company, regarding replacement of pipes on Bayshore Blvd. While the document describes the
project as being in Daly City and Brisbane, some trenching may be going through parts of the Terrabay
area off of Bayshore Blvd. Staff noted that San Francisco Water had been advised to review the Terrabay
EIR. San Francisco Water indicated that they will be hiring an archeologist to review the matter.
Discussion continued on the San Francisco Water right-of-way. City Engineer Arthur Wong confirmed
that San Francisco Water has a right-of-way for a water line on Airport Blvd. City Engineer Wong
described how it would impact the hookramp proposal.
Items from the Public:
Adjournment: Motion-Barnett/Second-Masuda: To adjourn the meeting at 9:40 PM to the Regular
Planning Commission Meeting of July 3, 1997. It was unanimously passed by voice vote.
an Francisco
William Romero, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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