HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.03.97 Minutes MINUTES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION April 3, 1997 PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP: 7:00 P.M. Introduction to Planning - CEQA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Romero, Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Commissioners Barnett, Masuda, Sim, Teglia, and Baldocchi ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division: Senior Planner Assistant Planner Act. Secretary II Assist. City Attorney City Engineer Police Department: Steve Carlson Lawrence Kasparowitz Rosa Perez Wayne Snodgrass Arthur Wong Sgt. Ron Petrocchi APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 4 and 18, 1996, and February 6, 1997 Motion-Padreddii/Second-Masuda: Motion to approve the April 4, 1996 Planning Commission Minutes as presented. The Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote and Commissioners Sim, T eglia and Baldocchi abstaining. Assistant City Attorney Snodgrass stated that the April 18, 1996 Minutes would be continued to next meeting to give Commissioner Barnett time to listen to the recording and allow for a quorum to approve the minutes. Motion-Padreddii/Second-Baldocchi: Motion to approve February 6, 1997 Planning Commission Minutes as presented. The Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR - AGENDA ITEMS 180 Kimball Way, Kwong Kolm Architects by Henry Kwong, Applicant; Equitable Life Assurance Society, Owner PUD 96-129; Mitigated Negative Declaration 96-129 (Continued fronl to March 20, 1997) Planned Unit Development to allow the conversion of warehouse floor area to office area, and a use generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trip ends, situated at 180 Kimball Way, operating 24 hours/day, to allow a parking ratio of 1.8 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area for the R & D use, allow the construction of a parking lot at 292 East Grand Avenue for the Research and Development and industrial uses at 180 Kimball Way, in the Planned Industrial (P- I) Zone District, in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Sections 20.32.060, 20.32.070(a), 20.74.070(c), and 20.74. 120(b). (Continuance requested to April 17, 1997) Motion-SimlSecond-Padreddii: Motion to continue PUD-96-129 to the April 17, 1997 Regular Planning Commission meeting. The Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEM 345 Shaw Road, Crocker's Lockers/Karpa Storage/Paul Karakashian, Owner/Applicant UP-95-1000/Mod 1; Ne~ative Declaration No. 800 (Previously Certified) Use Permit Modification to allow number, location and type of signs for a personal storage facility in the M -1 Industrial Zone District in accordance with S SFMC 20.91. Chairman Romero opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Carlson presented staff report and noted that the applicant was requesting three signs facing the freeway and would submit revised plans this evening to show a 4' x 6' monument sign which would keep the total amount of signage under 300 square feet to keep within the original use permit modification. Representing Mr. Karakasian explained that the sign on building D had been relocated to the Applicant: north side of building A facing north for more visability from Shaw Road. The Paul Karakasian relocation of signage on Building C from the south elevation to the west side of 16347 Lilac Lane the building was considered by two factors 1) freeway visability for north bound Los Gatos, CA traffic on 101 and 2) they were unable to mount the sign on the south side of the wall. The monument sign will be reduced to a 4 x 6, aluminum frame construction with an aluminum panel inside and a bronze frame. He noted that there were massive trees on the Caltrans frontage and they plan to place more trees on the frontage. The Commission clarified the issue of which signs would be seen from the freeway and Shaw Road. Chairman Romero closed the public hearing. Commissioner Sim asked if this had been reviewed by Design Review Board. Planner Carlson responded in the affirmative. Commissioner Sim asked that, in the future, photos and colors schemes of projects be included as seen by the Design Review Board. Motion-Teglia/Second-Sim: Motion to approve UP-95-1000/Mod1 based on the findings and subject to the conditions of approval. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. 912 Commercial Avenue, Alfredo & Vicki Luna, Owner/Applicant V-97-020; Cate20rical Exemption, Class 1, Section 15301(e)(1) Variance to allow a two story addition to encroach into the side setback and allow a garage to be less than 20 feet to the back of sidewalk in the (R-2-H) Medium Density Residential Zone District in accordance with SSFMC 20.82. Page 2 of6 PC Mtg. 4/03/97 Chairman Romero opened the public hearing. Planner Kasparowitz presented staff report noting the property dimensions (57' wide at the front, 25' wide at the rear and 100' in depth). He indicated that the Municipal Code requires 10'x20' inside dimensions for a garage and in order to accomplish this, the applicant will encroach into the required 5' side setback by 2'. Staff recommends that the garage be the minimum of 10'x 20' and the driveway length be expanded to a minimum of 18'. Staff recognizes that due to the unique shape of the lot, there are special circumstances and recommends approval of the variance. Mr. and Mrs. Luna explained they have lived there for 11 years and are trying to maximize the use of their lot. Their neighbor has no objection to their addition and is present to answer any questions. Discussion continued on the length of the proposed garage structure and driveway. Chairman Romero asked the applicant if he had any objection to staff's recommendation for the garage to be the minimum of 10'x 20' and the driveway length be expanded to a minimum of 18'. Mr. Luna responded he did not have a problem with that recommendation. Chairman Romero closed the public hearing. Commissioners Barnett and Teglia agreed that this project was a good example of the use of the variance process and a good use of flexibility. Commissioner Sim explained the percentage of lot coverage as it compared to the other lots in the block and cautioned the Commission of the precedence they would be setting for neighbors in that area. Chairman Romero noted that the gas meter may be to close to the driveway. Mr. Luna stated he had already spoken with PG&E and will be moving it away from the driveway, closer to the electric panel near the corner with a protective pole adjacent to it. PG&E has agreed. Motion-Barnett/Second-Teglia: Motion to approve V-97-020 based on the findings and subject to the conditions of approval. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. 200 San Felipe Avenue, Neal & Bina Mitchell, TR/Grocery Store, Owner/Applicant: UP-81-608 An evidentiary hearing to consider revocation or modification of Use Permit UP-81-608 to allow a neighborhood grocery store in the (R-l) Single Family Residential Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.91. Chairman Romero opened the public hearing. Planner Kasparowitz presented staff report noting that the grocery store is a non-conforming use permitted through UP-81-608, but the use can not expand. He stated that the U-Haul truck rental use is clearly illegal, because it was not permitted with the original use permit. He indicated that the Code Enforcement and City Attorney's office have notified the owners and store manager. He noted that the applicant has ceased the U -Haul business as of the date that the staff report was written. Staff Page 3 of6 PC Mtg. 4/03/97 recommends to hold the public hearing, hear testimony of those present and take no action since the truck rental operation has ceased. Representing Applicant: Mr. Bhatia indicated he was providing a service to the neighborhood Baljit Bhatia, Store manager and started renting trucks on November 1996. He stated that the U- 200 San Felipe Haul truck manager received a letter from the City in February 1997 South San Francisco telling them to stop the U-Haul truck rental, but he was not aware of the problem until he received the letter from the City Attorney on March 19, 1997, and then immediately stopped the rental truck operation. Mr. Bhatia acknowledged that he understood the need for a permit before providing the service of rental trucks. He presented a petition from the neighborhood that supported the U-Haul business. Representing Applicant: Mr. Rittner stated he was the new Field Manager for U-Haul in February Boyd Rittner, SF Area 1997 he was not aware of the previous letters. When Mr. Bhatia advised Field Manager for U-Haul him of the letter from the City Attorney, he contacted the City and 500 Paul Ave. completed removal of the equipment from the property as of March 27. San Francisco He indicated that he has learned a lot of the zoning laws in the last two months, and noted that Mr. Bhatia did not understand the zoning laws. Mr. Rittner concluded that Mr. Bhatia did not want to lose the grocery store business. Speaking In Favor of Applicant: Betty Crackbon 161 San Felipe Ave. South San Francisco Mrs. Crackbon spoke in favor of the grocery store and the rental truck business. She indicated that this store manager keeps the store in good condition and clean. Speaking In Favor of Applicant: Henry Crackbon 161 San Felipe Ave. South San Francisco Mr. Crackbon spoke in favor of the grocery store and the rental truck business. He indicated that the trucks are kept clean and there are no oil spills. Speaking with Concern: Mr. Tamburini stated he has lived in this house since 1954. He indicated John Tamburini that the store has repeatedly violated city ordinances; i.e., neon signs. He 172 San Felipe Avenue spoke of an objectionable article in the San Francisco Chronicle. His South San Francisco main concern is that the owners are not notifying the store leases of the City's ordinances and restrictions. He would like to keep this as a residential neighborhood. He reported that one of the U -Haul trucks ran a stop sign at a high speed. Speaking Against Applicant: Mr. Baldocchi stated he lives across the street from the store. He Angelo Baldocchi does not want the U-Haul trucks because they are an eyesore. He wants to keep the area as residential. He noticed the trucks in November and does not understand why the process was so long to get them to stop. Speaking Against Applicant: Dave Savage 533 Serra Drive, SSF Mr. Savage stated he does not want the V-Haul trucks and suggested that they relocate the business to El Camino Real. He noted that the store is not a problem. Page 4 of6 PC Mtg. 4/03/97 Chairman Romero closed the public hearing. Chairman Romero commented that since staff is not recommending revocation because the U-Haul trucks have been removed and business has ceased, there was no need for action. Assistant City Attorney clarified to the applicant that if the Commission takes no action, the store will continue to operate under the original use permit. Commissioners Baldocchi and Teglia inquired as to how long it would take to have another hearing should the rental truck operation arise again. Attorney Snodgrass and Planner Kasparowitz stated approximately two to three months to allow for agendized and to send out legal notices. Attorney Snodgrass further explained the different ways the City can address violations (code enforcement, planning commission and city council, criminal process and ultimately trial). The Commission concurred in staff's recommendation to take no action at this time. In conclusion, Chairman Romero clarified to the applicant that the Commission takes no action, that the store may continue to operate under the original use permit; and to contact Planning Division staff should he wish to apply for a permit for the rental truck operation. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Items from Staff: Planner Carlson reported that the City Council Joint meeting for April 16th had been canceled. He reported that Mr. Harnish, General Plan Consultant, will give the Planning Commission a briefing before the joint meeting with Council when ever it is rescheduled. In response to the Commission's concern on banners and signs, staff will ask the City Manager to discuss the issue with the Fire Chief to provide input in prioritization and allow Code Enforcement officers to address the issue. Regarding the North slope of sign hill, staff has received several phone calls, but no application has been filed. He reported that the appeal to Council by Ling N am Noodle House was approved with additional conditions, closing at 2 AM and a 90 day and six-month review periods. Items from Commission: Commissioner Barnett commented that he did not like the cyclone fence surrounding the construction site on Franklin Avenue and asked that staff recommend other ideas to developers. Commissioner Masuda initiated to set a date for the Commission's Bus Tour - April 23, 10-2 consensus and City Council will be invited. Staff reminded of the tentative special 'meeting for April 24, 1997. Commissioner Barnett asked whether R V's are allowed overnight parking at the Marina. Staff noted this is under Harbor District. Commissioner Sim invited the Commission to the Art Rise fund raiser, Sunday, April 6th at 6:00 PM @ Municipal Services Building - City Council will be serving dinner. Page 5 of6 PC Mtg. 4/03/97 The Commission commented that they want to see the graphics and photos that are submitted to the Design Review Board at the Planning Commission meetings. They agreed that the graphics/photos submitted need improvement and directed staff that all applications be submitted with complete graphs and drawings as required. Chairman Romero suggested that questions from the Commission that require extensive answers should be given to staff in advance of meeting, so that applicant and staff can provide a complete answer at the meeting. Commissioner Masuda informed that on the new site of Japan Auto Parts has a possible hazardous condition with two crates of engines/parts outside. Staff will check the area and speak with the operators. Commissioner Teglia was concerned with the back log of the minutes and asked if staffing was the problem he would bring this up at the joint City CouncillPlanning Commission meeting. Planner Carlson explained the results of a past survey done of the Planning Commission secretary which indicated it was the most tasked secretarial desk and had enough work to two positions, but no action was taken. Planner Carlson suggested as an alternative the use of "Action Minutes". He noted that items going to City Council could have more detail. The Commission concurred that they wanted to increase the level of detail as they have been and would like to request, ifnecessary, additional part-time staff to the City Council to allow Planning staff to provide biweekly detailed minutes. Their main concern is that the City Council have the Planning Commission's discussions together with the staff report at the time the item is going before Council. Commissioner Sim asked on the status of the Design Review Board vacancy. Planner Kasparowitz reported that the Design Review Board vacancy had been advertised in the San Mateo County and San Francisco AlA newsletter. He indicated six applications have been received and April 30th is deadline to file. The vacant position is for an architect. This position does not need to be a resident, since there are two residents on the board at the present time. Items from the Public: None Adjournment: Motion-Masuda/Second-Baldocchi to adjourn meeting at 9: 15 PM to the Regular Planning COlTIlTIission Meeting of April 17, 1997. \))~fl~ William Romero, Chairman Planning Commission City of S01.l;th San Francisco WR:MVD:rp Page 6 of6 PC Mtg. 4/03/97