HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.20.97 Minutes
March 20, 1997
7:00 P.M.
Introduction to Planning - Zoning.
7:30 P.M.
Chairman Romero, Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Commissioners
Masuda, Siln, Teglia, and Baldocchi
Commissioner Barnett
E. & C. D. Director:
Planning Division:
Urban Planner
Senior Planner
Assistant Planner
Act. Secretary II
Assist. City Attorney
City Engineer
Dev. Review Specialist:
Police Department:
Marty Van Duyn
Steve Solomon
Steve Carlson
Lawrence Kasparowitz
Rosa Perez
Wayne Snodgrass
Arthur Wong
Richard Harmon
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The April 4, and 18, 1996, and January 16, 1997 lninutes were relnoved
from the Agenda.
494 Forbes Blvd., Jessica McClintock, Inc., Applicant/Owner
UP-97-010; Cate20rical Exemption, Class 1, Section 15301
Use Permit to allow retail sales, sign program, and use generating more than 100 ADT in the (P-I)
Planned Industrial Zone District in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Sections
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Commissioner Teglia stated that the proposed sign is still below standards, he would like to see an
improvement on the design.
Chairman Romero closed the public hearing.
Motion- Teglia/Second-Sim: Motion to continue to April 171\ 1997 Meeting per applicant's request. It
was unanimously approved by voice vote.
180 Kimball Way, Kwong Kolm Architects by Henry I(wong, Applicant; Equitable Life
Assurance Society, Owner; PUD-96-129; Miti2ated Ne2ative Declaration No. ND-96-129
Planned Unit Development to allow the conversion of warehouse floor area to office area, and a use
generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trip ends, situated at 180 I(imball Way, operating 24
hours/day, to allow a parking ratio of 1.8 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet offloor area for the R &
D use, allow the construction of a parking lot at 292 East Grand Avenue for the Research and
Developlnent and industrial uses at 180 I(imball Way, in the Planned Industrial (P-I) Zone District, in
accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Sections 20.32.060, 20.32.070(a),
20.74.070(c), and 20.74. 120(b). (Continuance requested to April 3, 1997)
Chairman Romero directed staff to continue PUD-96-129 as requested by staff to April )I'd, 1997.
899 Airport Blvd., A&S Engineering/Shell Oil Co., Applicant/Owner
UP-96-110, V-96-110 and Mitigated Negative Declaration #96-110
Use Pennit to allow the conversion of automobile work bays to a 24-hour food mart and Variance to
allow a reduction from fourteen (14) parking spaces to eleven (11) spaces situated in the P-C Planned
Comlnercial Zone District, in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Sections
20.24.030(c), 20.24.070(a), and 20.82.080.
Chairman Romero directed staff to continue UP-96-11 0, V -96-110 as requested by the applicant to April
17t\ 1997.
Adjacent to 1000 Grandview (APN 015-250-110),
Nextel Communications/California Water Service Co., Applicant/Owner;
UP 96-124, Miti2ated Ne2ative Declaration #96-124
Use Pel111it allowing a wireless communication facility consisting of ground mounted antelU1a and a subtelTanean equipment vault
with landscape screening, situated on a two (2) acre landlocked parcel on Point San Bruno Hill (APN 015-250-110) adjacent to
1000 Grandview Drive, in the Planned Industrial (P-I) Zoning District, in accordance \\Tith South San Francisco Municipal Code
Chapters 20.32, 20.77, and 20.83.
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Carlson presented staff repoli noting staff s consideration to the surrounding environment
and that the proposed project should not detract to the surrounding area. The negative declaration was
circulated for 20 days and no COlnlnents were received. The plans have some changes and staff
recommends approval.
Mr. Wyman described Nextel's services and the proposed project as
a 16' Inonopole with up to 12 panel antennas, and below grade
equipment rOOln adjacent to the antenna array. He explained their
effolis to screen the antenna frOln the Wind Harp and the continued
landscaping as in the CalWater site, between their project and the
open space to the north of the area. He indicated that the site would provide a service coverage area to
the North to candlestick point, and to the South to the San Francisco Int'l. Airport. He presented a list of
antenna locations, and infonned that additional sites were being sought to the south in the Shaw Road
area and further south into San Bruno. Mr. WYlnan introduce Mr. Scott Hagberg, Construction Manager,
and Mr. Nate Coats, RF Engineer, for Nextel who are available to answer questions.
Representing the Applicant:
Joe Wyman, Planner
Nextel Comn1unications
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The Commission asked to see the list of additional sites in South San Francisco. They suggested the pole
be painted to blend into the area, and that a tree be added bet\veen the pole and the water tank next to the
mature acacias. There was concern that the poles/antennas not rust and wanted the fence to match.
Mr. Wyman stated the poles could be painted gray to blend into the horizon and that they reduced the
ridge by 60% with a slender monopole. He noted that the poles are 16 feet and the antennas are 4 feet,
they come galvanized and the fence would be painted to luatch the surrounding landscaping. Mr. Wyman
indicated this was a fence within the CalWater facility fence and will have dense foliage. Mr. Coats stated
that the applicant could place additional low shrubs to create a dense foliage between the pole and the
water tank next to the mature acacias.
The Comluission thanked the applicant for doing a subterranean project and the coverage map of the
serviced area.
Chairman Romero closed the public hearing.
Motion-Padreddii/Second-Masuda: To approve Negative Declaration ND-96-124 and Use Permit UP-
96-124 based on the findings contained in the staff report and subject to the conditions of approval. It
was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Kaiser Permanente - Garage: Parking Management Plan
Planner l(asparowitz presented the updated information submitted by l(aiser which included the parking
counts from Kaiser's security guard and a letter from Kaiser's Administration supporting the Parking
Management Plan. Sgt. Petrocchi had reviewed the parking luanagement plan.
The Comluission discussed the relocation of the trailers parked at the side entrance of the hospital visible
from EI Caluino Real and taking up ten parking spaces. Staff infoflued that the total number of parking
spaces would be reduced with patients' parking spaces at eight feet-six inches wide, and the employee'
parking at the top level at eight feet in width.
Planner Kasparowitz stated that the City Council would set the public hearing date on April 9th, for the
public hearing to be held on April 23rd. He clarified that the parking study analyzes the parking demands
and luanuvers~ and the parking management plan is an internal document to manage the
customer/employee parking.
Discussion continued on controling the street parking on EI Camino Real. City Engineer Arthur Wong
stated that if Kaiser comes up with a parking management plan and if one of the proposal is time limited
parking on EI Camino Real, the City could then ask for Caltrans' review. At the present time, there have
be no complaints of that area. The Commission further discussed the parking on EI Camino Real and
persons using Caltrans bus systelu.
Chairman Romero asked whether the City could review the EI Camino Real parking issue before BART
was in place. City Engineer Wong noted that the proposed parking garage for BART willlueet their
proposed demands.
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Study Session - Downtown Flexibility Ordinances:
Commissioner Teglia and Baldocchi will be abstaining from this item as advised by City Attorney.
Chairman Romero called a 5 minute recess at 8:20 PM. Meeting called back to order at 8:25 PM.
Planner Steve Solomon presented staff report noting that the City Council had reveiwed the ideas to
make standards less restrictive in the old town areas due to the lanes. He indicated that there would be no
action today, but the ideas brought forward by the Planning Con1mission would be incorporated into a
draft ordinance to be reviewed at a public hearing. He presented slides showing: 1) Examples of ramps
that match and do not match with the existing building. 2) Front yard side fences and shrubs with height
limits. 3) Garage access in Lanes and rear yards fences and structures; and 4) Single side parking at
lanes on asphalt and cement curbs with little landscaping.
Planner Sololnon asked the Commission to note how changes could be Inade: A) Inodify standards, B)
require minor permit hearing, or C) develop policies and design standards. He noted that some changes
are needed city-wide, and other changes just in residential/rural areas. The possibility of an overlay
district, which overlays on the standard districts, n1ay be considered for the accessory structures category.
He also indicated how the City needs to allow for accessibility ramps and have a method of removing the
ramps when they are no longer needed. The rear yard decks are allowed but not on side yards since they
may intrude in the privacy of the neighbors. The front yard decks are not allowed to exceed 18 inches in
height, and there are no set backs established.
Planner Solomon explained how limits or floor area ratio (FAR) of sites are similar to performance
standards. Discussion continued on the performance approach for a front yard use detennination (what is
a front yard used for and how to define the front yard useable space area).
Planner Solomon noted in the interpretation of flexible zoning, exceptions could be measured by the
flexibility in the percentage, if the site meets certain standards. Assistant City Attorney Snodgrass stated
that an ordinance needs to have usable definate standards, i.e. a range that staff could say something is or
is not permissible, is acceptable.
The Commission discussed a variety of ramps and ways of screening them. One idea was a retaining wall
and earth filled base ralnp with shrubs along the edge for screening. The Commission expressed concern
that all residents would build decks to the front propeliy lines, the option for review by the Comlnission
on a case by case basis is desirable through the variance process.
Planner Solomon explained that Council's focus was on residents with existing structures who want to
alter the existing stnlctures and should not be constraint from Inaking improvements to the existing
properties. Discussion continued on items to consider through improvements such as landscaping on
hillsides, drainage, and concerns with noise as the usable space between neighbors is narrowed. The
Commission considered limiting the height of decks to not introde into the privacy of the neighbors.
Discussion continued on limiting height on accessory structures and not allowing them any closer than
five feet from the rear yard property line. Planner Solomon noted the pros and cons of reducing the 20
foot setbacks for garages on lanes. The main concern was that the vehicle can be Inaneuvered if less than
20 feet away frOln the property line. The trade off is parking on the lanes vs. maneuverability.
Director Van Duyn indicated that with the allowed parking on lanes, the attractiveness to the front of the
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house will be encouraged. He noted that this policy is only talking about those lots with older homes
which were built with only one car garage. Discussion continued on the restrictions of parking in the
front yards.
Chairman Romero noted that some of these issues apply to specific areas of the City and would like to
have the next report diferentiate which issues apply to specific areas and which apply City wide.
Further discussion continued on rear yard accessory structures. Planner Solomon noted that there is a
lilnits of two accessory structures and the square footage is limited to a specific percentage of the
required rear yard but does not lilnit with consideration to the lots size. He explained that the
Commission lnay want to consider the protection of the usable open space in the rear yards, this would
discourage cottages and in-law units. Accessory stnlctures are itelns that could be reviewed in the case by
case basis with the minor use permit or use permit process to allow a review to lnake sure they meet the
intent of the standards.
Discussion continued on the restrictions or establishing Design Standards of sheds, what could be
implemented or what is desired. Does the Commission want to require a planning pennit when a building
permit is not being required by the UBC. The COlnmission considered the need to control buildings that
would effects neighbors' propeliy or aesthetic view. The Commission considered "rules" vs. "guidelines"
to assist the resident and business in the design of the accessory structures.
The Commission discussed the possibility of increasing rear yard fence limits from 6 feet to 8 feet and the
safety concerns for front yard fence limits from 3 feet to 6 feet. Discussion continued that a rod iron fence
does not impede in the visibility and heights of 4' or 6' could be considered, but solid fences are not
recommended in the fi"ont yards higher than 3'.
The Commission thanked Planner SolOlnon for a very informative report.
COlnmissioner Teglia and Baldocchi returned to the dias.
Items from Staff: None
Items frolTI Commission:
Chairman Romero noted a possible hazardous condition of an unfinished fence job at Romney & Del
Monte Avenue near Aha Lama Middle School. Director Van Duyn stated that the Building Division!
Code Enforcement will be notified.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked whether the Commission could be aware of items coming before the
Commission faliher in advance than a week. Staff noted that items in the Design Review Board agenda
and minutes are a preview of what the Planning COlnmission will be receiving. Director Van Duyn and
City Attorney cautioned the COlnlnission of talking to applicants before the public hearing.
Commissioner Sim invited the Planning COlnlnission to the AIi Rise fundraiser Council will be serving.
Also the American Planning Association is having their convention the first Monday of April, the
Commissioners are invited to breakfast.
Commissioner Teglia noted that the project location lnap included in the packet are helpful. He also
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reported that banners along Grand Avenue are looking sloppy. Director Van Duyn stated staffwould
review the Inatter and step up enforcement.
Chairman Romero informed that he was contacted by an irrate resident after attending a neighborhood
meeting, that a 149 unit project had been approved and commencing in six months on the north side of
sign hill. The meeting was held by the property owner, Mr. Jim Tucker and his representative, Mr.
Lagomarsino. Chainnan Romero expressed concern that the residents have been Inisinformed and
notified the resident that the Planning Comlnission had not approved such a project.
Planner Carlson informed the COlnlnission that the developer had met breifly with Planning, Building,
Engineering and Police Departlnents, but they have not subn1itted a cOlnplete application. He had
discussed with them that a community meeting would be advisable after they had submitted an
application. Staff was not notified of the apparent meeting. Director Van Duyn stated that Planning
Division could send out a letter to residents to inform theln that there is no official application on file and
that they would be notified when the proposed project would come before the Planning COlnmission and
City Council for review. Planner Carlson noted the applicant and owner have been informed that an EIR
will be needed. Director Van Duyn will inform Mr. Lagomarsino and Mr. Tucker to schedule a work
session with the Planning COlnmission and to Ineet with City staff as soon as possible.
Items from the Public:
Motion-Masuda/Second- Teglia: Motion to adjourn meeting at 10:00 PM to the
Regular Planning C0l111nission Meeting of April 3, 1997.
Willialn ROlnero, Chainnan
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Ma V Duyn, Secretary
Plan . ng Commission
City of South San Francisco
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