HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.06.97 Minutes
March 6, 1997
7:00 P.M.
Introduction to Planning - General Plan and Zoning
7:30 P.M.
Chairman Romero, Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Commissioners
Masuda, Barnett, Sim, Teglia, and Baldocchi
Dir. OfE&C D:
Planning Division:
Senior Planner
Assist. Planner
Act. Secretary II
Assist. City Attorney
Eng. Div.: Dev. Review Specialist
Police Department:
Marty Van Duyn
Steve Carlson
Larry Kasparowitz
Rosa Perez
Wayne Snodgrass
Richard Harmon
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Aplil4 and 18, 199G, and January IG, 1997 Removed from the Agenda.
Resolution Commendin2 Jacqueline Stavi
Resolution for her service to the City of South San Francisco Design Review Board.
Chairman Romero read the resolution into the record. Ms. Stavi thanked the Commission for their
support through the years.
1200 EI Camino Real, Sprint Spectrum/Elena Anaya/E & Y Kenneth Leventhal, Applicant
Kaiser Permanente, Owner, UP-97-001; Mitigated Negative Declaration #ND-97-001
Use Permit and Mitigated Negative Declaration to allow installation of six roof mounted wireless
communication antennas and appurtenant equipment cabinets situated at 1200 El Camino Real (APN
010-292-210) in the Planned Commercial (P-C) Zoning District, in accordance with SSFMC Section
20.24.070 and Chapters 20.77 and 20.83.
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report and noted Planning Condition #7 will apply only should
the roof mounted equipment cabinets be visible from surrounding areas.
Representing Applicant:
Elena Anaya
E & Y Kenneth Leventhal
321 Miller Ave., SSF
Ms. Anaya stated Sprint would be placing the antennas where they will
not interfering with the existing antennas.
No further comments; Chairman Romero closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Padreddii after reviewing the site, he feels this would be a good service to the community
and antennas will not be an added burden.
Commissioner Sim agreed with Commissioner Padreddii and asked that the view of residents on the hills
looking down on a project should be considered.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked for more information on the equipment.
Commissioner Masuda and Chairman Romero asked that at the next application for Sprint to bring a map
indicating locations of antennas in South San Francisco
Chairman Romero asked how far apart do antennas need to be and asked about the radiation emissions,
since he was concerned of Kaiser's employees would have close contact if they are working on the roof
Representing Applicant:
Tamy Jones
Sprint Spectrum
Representing Applicant:
Joe Segura, R. F. Engineer
4683 Chebot Dr.
Pleasanton, CA
Ms. Jones explained Federal laws governing wireless communications
and effects. She explained the service area and the necessity for
overlapping to get full coverage. They have initial build out phase, down
the road they would be using cables. Informed of the sites in South San
Mr. Segura stated that antennas need to be at least 1 to 1-1/2 miles away
from each other. He reported that radiation levels drop as the distance
away from the antenna increases.
Ms. Jones also responded that radiation is only present at 5 ft or closer. Planner Carlson reminded the
Commission of the Elks Club case and how it applied to this case. Ms. Anaya explained that Warning
Signs are posted surrounding the antennas. Commissioner Barnett informed on electro-magnetic
radiation studies.
Commissioner Teglia asked about future expansion. Mr. Jones noted that the request on this case
includes future expansion for this site.
Motion-Barnett/Second-Sim: To approve Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ND-97-001. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
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Motion-Barnett/Second-Padreddii: To approve Use Permit No. UP-97-001 based on the findings
contained in the staff report and subject to the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by
voice vote.
1200 EI Camino Real - Garage, Kaiser Permanente/N oah Kahn, Owner/Applicant
UP-78-471/Mod 3; Miti2ated Ne2ative Declaration #ND-96-125
Use Permit Modification and Mitigated Negative Declaration to allow a seismic upgrade to an existing
parking garage with new buttress structures and an exterior stairway including re-striping of the parking
spaces located at 1200 El Camino Real in the P-C Planned Commercial Zone District in accordance with
SSFMC 20.74.080(e) and 20.91.030(1).
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Assistant Planner Kasparowitz presented the staff report. He stated the proposal is to reduce the standard
8'-6" parking spaces to compact size, maintain the same number of spaces and enlarge the handicap
accessibility spaces to meet ADA standards. He noted a change in the recommendation that the Planning
Commission hold an evidentiary hearing and recommend action to City Council. He indicated that in
order for the Parking Management Plan to work, an added condition that no fees shall be charged for the
Parking Management Plan area be required.
Commissioner Masuda asked what could be done of parking on EL Camino Real. Planner Kasparowitz
noted El Camino Real is a state highway, and City could make recommendations to CalTrans.
Commissioner Barnett noted that the 1986 parking study needs to be updated before he could consider a
Use Permit modification.
Mr. Kahn stated that Kaiser reviewed all their parking structures
and the South San Francisco structure was one which needed
upgrades. He described the two-part project as a Seismic and ADA
upgrade; and asked that the seismic upgrade be allowed without
delays and the ADA upgrades such as structure entrance, driveways
to parking lot, parking spaces and access pathways to the parking structure and hospital buildings be a
separate issue. He agreed that staff's requests are valid and they do have a draft parking management
plan. He noted that the Architect and the Traffic Management Coordinator are present should the
Commission have further questions.
SoeakinS! for Auolicant:
Noah Kahn, Structural Engineer
1950 Oakland Street,
Commissioner Teglia expressed concern on a ten year situation of employee parking being moved to the
top floor. Mr. Kahn noted that the parking management plan does address employee parking at rooftop.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked if Kaiser had a three or five-year plan for parking management?
In response to Commissioner Masuda's questions on El Camino Real parking and public transportation,
and Commissioner Baldocchi's, Mr. Kahn noted they are keeping track of parking needs and hope to
make use of BART as one major public transportation.
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Chairman Romero closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Teglia noted how employee parking on the roofwould alleviate the parking at ground
level and hopefully take care of those who park in the red zones. He noted the trailers on site taking up
parking spaces, and suggested that they be placed at the side or back near loading docks, not in front. He
recommended that this be continued to allow the Commission to review updated parking data.
Commissioner Masuda does not want to delay the project, feels the conditions cover the areas of concern
and recommends for Council's approval.
Commissioner Padreddii spoke of the improvements to the property and does not want to delay. He
recommends that Plan B be forwarded for Council's approval with all the conditions.
In response to Commissioner Teglia's questions, Director Van Duyn stated the applicant indicated they
do not have a problem with a two week continuance provided that they can go ahead with the seismic
work~ and staff has no concerns with the seismic aspects of the project. He noted staff could bring
updated parking data to the Planning Commission at their next meeting.
Commissioner Sim asked for a clarification on parking standards in South San Francisco. Sgt. Petrocchi
explained the parking standards and stated there are no compact spaces. Sgt. Petrocchi noted that eight
feet wide parking spaces are acceptable only for long term parking (i. e. , employees), and accessible
landing areas and pathways should not be combined.
Chairman Romero asked if the Police Department had authority to enforce the handicap parking spaces?
Sgt. Petrocchi responded they have authority to enforce for handicap and fire lane violations, and
although parking on El Camino is legal, they will recommend posting a time limit to discourage overnight
parking. Discussion continued on the parking situation and possible reasons why vehicles would prefer to
park on El Camino Real.
Chairman Romero asked that if splitting the two actions of the application would cause problems?
Director Van Duyn stated that Kaiser is still required to meet the minimum parking standards of the City
and the prior use permit and modifications stipulate the required number of parking spaces, but if the
Commission wants to see the final Parking Management Plan before it is referred to Council it could be
done. Chairman Romero was in favor to continue so that the parking management plan can be reviewed
by the Commission, but does not want to delay the seismic upgrades to the parking structure.
Director Van Duyn noted that the Commission could get the parking management plan as submitted
today and as information comes in the Commission will receive it. Discussion continued on the parking
management plan and pros and cons of a parking study and whether this item should come back to the
Commission in two weeks.
Commissioner Teglia stated he would like to see the parking management plan even in draft form, and is
confident that it will work.
Commissioner Barnett stated the importance of updated information on the parking situation before
recommending for Council's approval, but the seismic upgrades should be done and not held back.
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Director Van Duyn explained the process in obtaining a parking study. In response to Commissioner
Masuda's question, Planner Kasparowitz indicated that a Draft Parking Management Plan was submitted
after the staff report was prepared but it had been reviewed by Planning and Police Departments and it is
going in the right direction.
Chairman Romero asked for straw vote on requiring an updated parking data before forwarding this
application to Council? NOES: Romero, Masuda, Padreddii, Teglia and Sim. YES: Baldocchi, and
Motion-Masuda/Second-Padreddii: To recommend for approval to City Council Use Permit Modification
UP-78-471/Mod 3, based on the findings and subject to the Amended Conditions of Approval:
No. A. 2. o. The applicant shall not inlplenlent any fee for parking on any portion of this
site without a nlodification of tit is use pernlit. .
Motion passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Masuda, Padreddii, Sim, and
Barnett. NOES: Commissioners Baldocchi (wants to see the updated parking data), Teglia, and
Chairman Romero.
Motion-Masuda/Second-Padreddii: To approve Mitigated Negative Declaration ND-96-125. Motion
passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Commissioners Masuda, Sim,
and Barnett. NOES: Commissioners Baldocchi, Teglia, and Chairman Romero.
Chairman Romero called for a ten minute recess at 9:07 PM and meeting was called back to order at 9: 15
780 EI Camino Real, Jagdish Dayal, Applicant/Owner
PUD-97-004, GP-97-004, RZ-97-004, Miti~ated Negative Declaration #ND-97-004
Planned Unit Development, General Plan Amendment, Re-zoning and Mitigated Negative Declaration to
allow residential units and establish density limits; and to allow two apartments over garage and 600 sq.
ft. office with parking in the front setback and less than 6 ft. landscape strip on sides in the C-l Retail
Commercial Zone District in accordance with SSFMC 20.84, 20.87.
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Assistant Planner Kasparowitz presented the staff report noting that the applicant has let the PUD of
1995 expire, and the new application includes commercial offices and two apartments with parking
requirements met. He explained the General Plan amendment to be considered first to allow
residentiaVmixed use development in Planning Area 2, 6 and 10 as noted in Exhibit A with language
restrictions about placing residential units on El Camino Real. He also explained the Zoning amendment
for (C-IL). The Zoning Map does not give a density designator, the property is surrounded by "L" and
"H" densities, and the Commission needs to select a density designator, Exhibit B shows impacted area.
He concluded with an explanation of the PUD exceptions, and noted that the Negative Declaration is for
the General Plan amendment and the Conditions of Approval are for the PUD. Staff recommends
approval of Negative Declaration and for the Commission to resolve to recommend approval to City
Council of the General Plan amendment and Zoning Ordinance and approve the Planned Unit
Development. He noted that one condition be added from the zoning ordinance: If there is one, two or
three units they must have enclosed garages.
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Mr. Jagdish Dayal
Mr. Dayal motioned from the audience that he was present should the
Commission have any questions.
Chairman Romero closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Masuda asked what the applicant had for landscaping. Planner Kasparowitz described the
applicant's proposal for landscaping and that removal of the turfblock area in the backup area was
recommended by the Engineering Division due to the driveway being off ofEl Camino Real.
Commissioner Padreddii is pleased to have the area improved and agreed with Engineering's
recommendation for a wide driveway.
Commissioner Teglia asked if the mixed-use would apply to all of Area 6, and what density would
proposed project fall under? Planner Kasparowitz explained it would only effect the C-l Zone in Area 6
and explained that it would meet medium density. Discussion continued about zero side setbacks for this
zone and that the Commission would see any residential proj ects in the C-l zone because it is a
conditional use.
Commissioner Masuda asked if these were rentals. Planner Kasparowitz explained they were presented as
such, but if they wanted condos they would have to go through a tentative map.
Chairman Romero asked for clarification of Engineering's concerns. Richard Harmon, Development
Review Specialist, explained the conditions from Engineering recommending that parking stalls be placed
to compensate for the landscaping being lost.
Commissioner Teglia commented that the project may be trying to fit to much on a small lot.
Commissioner Baldocchi noted she too felt this is a very small lot. Discussion continued on the parking
requirement for the residential use and the office use. Commissioner Padreddii and Masuda noted that
this lot is not as small as the others. Commissioner Sim asked about the parking in front as opposed to
the rear. Planner Kasparowitz explained the various proposals submitted and noted that the proposed
project was one of the most favorable submittals seen from the past.
Commissioner Sim commented on the El Camino Corridor and asked what did the Commission wish to
see in this area? Director Van Duyn explained site design issues. Planner Kasparowitz noted this would
be a good issue (of where a corridor might be improved) to discuss during the General Plan process.
Chairman Romero asked if ADA requirements are being met in the apartment units. Director Van Duyn
responded that with a certain number of units the ADA requirements kick in, but two units do not apply.
Motion-Barnett/Second-Padreddii: To approve Negative Declaration No. ND-97-004. It was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion-PadreddiilSecond-Barnett: To approve PUD-97-004 based on the findings contained in the staff
report and subject to the Amended Conditions of Approval:
No. A. 2. k. Garages are required for tlte residential units per South San Francisco
Municipal Code 20. 74. 040 (a) (1).
It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
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Motion-PadreddiilSecond-Masuda: To approve Resolution recommending to the City Council adoption
of a General Plan Amendment GP-97 -004 which allows mixed uses in the C-I Retail Commercial Zone in
Planning Area NO.6 along El Camino Real. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion-Barnett/Second- Teglia: To approve Resolution recommending to the City Council adoption of a
Zoning Amendment ZA-97 -004 which establishes a density designator of "H" for mixed uses in the C-l
Retail Commercial Zone in Planning Area NO.6 along El Camino Real. It was unanimously approved by
voice vote.
Items from Staff: Director Van Duyn reported that the joint meeting of March 19th has been canceled
due to City Council's lack of quorum and is tentatively rescheduled for April 16t\ 1997.
Items from Commission:
Commissioner Masuda asked that when McClellan's site is developed, there is a need at El Camino Real
for a pedestrian bridge/walkway across El Camino Real because at sunrise there is a blind spot for
motorists of pedestrian coming out of the stairway. Director Van Duyn noted that the Project Planner will
be notified and she did want would have a study session with the Commission on this project.
Commissioner Barnett asked about the Heather Heights and noted several were sold but not built. Mr.
Harmon noted that building permits are being held up until unresolved issued have been answered.
Commissioner Sim informed the Commission of the conference he and Commissioner Baldocchi attended
this past weekend and recommended it to others. He commented on the issues discussed and asked if the
City has an ordinance restricting drainage on sites of one property owner and flowing into another's.
Mr. Harmon explained there is no ordinance and owners resolve these issues. Assistant City Attorney
explained owners options. Discussion continued on possibilities.
Items from the Public: None
Adjournment: Motion-Padreddii/Second-Barnett: To adjourn meeting at 10:10 PM to the Regular
Planning Commission Meeting of March 20, 1997.
Marty Van Duyn, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
William Romero, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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