HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.20.97 Minutes
February 20, 1997
7:30 P.M.
Chairman Romero, Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Comlnissioners
Barnett, Masuda, Sim, Teglia, and Baldocchi
E. & C. D. Director:
Planning Division:
Senior Planner
Senior Planner
Assistant Planner
Act. Secretary II
Assist. City Attorney
City Engineer
Police Department:
Marty Van Duyn
Steve Carlson
Susy I{alkin
Larry I{asparowitz
Rosa Perez
Wayne Snodgrass
Arthur Wong
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi
Assistant City Attorney Snodgrass informed the new Commissioners they would be abstaining from
minutes of meetings which they were not present.
Motion-Padreddii/Second-Masuda: Motion to approve Minutes for November 21, December 5, 1996 as
presented and December 10, 1996 with the correction that Commissioner Masuda was present at the
meeting. They were approved by a unanimous voice vote. COlnnlissioner Barnett abstained from
Novelnber 21 and December 10 lninutes, Comlnissioner Masuda abstained frOln Decelnber 5 minutes, and
Commissioners Baldocchi, Sim and Teglia abstained from alllninutes.
80 Chestnut Ave., California Water Co., owner/applicant
UP-97-003; Categorical Exemption Class 1, Section 15301(f)
Use Permit to allow improvements to an existing water treatment facility to include a new filtration, a
reaction vessel, a 560 square foot building for storage of chemicals and equiplnent controls, and a 65,000
gallon (21 foot high) wash water reclamation storage tank in the O-S Open Space Zone District in
accordance with SSFMC Section 20.34.030(b).
Chairman ROlnero opened public hearing.
Senior Planner I{alkin presented staff report noting that the applicant was present to answer questions.
Representing the Applicant:
Ken Wilkins, Carrollo Engineers
2700 Ygnacio Valley Rd., Ste 300
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Mr. Wilkins stated he represented the owner/applicant. He
noted the applicant's agreelnent with staff's recOlnmendations.
Commissioner Sim asked whether there would be any surface mounted light fixtures on the building and
if so they should be defused because of residents nearby. He asked if the dirt road near Calma Creek
would be used on a regular basis or just as an emergency exit. He further expressed concern that the new
building addition match the existing in tenns of color and roof style.
Mr. Wilkins stated the lighting, light fixtures and addition to the building would match the existing
facilities. He also noted that the dirt road would be used only for maintenance access.
Comlnissioner Baldocchi asked what area of the City these wells would service. She questioned whether
CalWater was considering future growth or whether this project was only intended to repair an existing
Mr. Gravelle
District Manager
California Water Co.
80 Chestnut Ave., SSF
Mr. Gravelle stated the area serviced extends from Chestnut to Bayshore
Freeway, and froln EI Calnino to Hillside Boulevard. He explained that this
project would improve water quality and noted CalWater could drill wells to
increase supplies for future growth.
Commissioner Teglia asked the applicant to identify the types of chemicals stored on the site and
questioned whether there were other solutions to improve the water quality. He believed that the
temporary connection to San Francisco Water a year ago seemed to ilnprove the quality, and asked
whether this connection could be an option. He suggested that the wells be used as an emergency source
only and the City should connect to San Francisco Water on a permanent basis.
Representing the Applicant:
Bruce I(ubrat
Water Quality Department
California Water Co.
Representing the Applicant:
Rob Gessette
Vice President of Engineering
California Water Co.
Mr. Kubrat stated that CalWater currently stores chlorine, and would
add one tank in the future. He explained that the connection to San
Francisco Water a year ago did not eliminate the probleln and further
explained the process undeliaken for filtration.
Mr. Gessette stated that the wells are beneficial to the community,
and are lnore cost effective for residents than connecting to San
Francisco Water on a permanent basis. He explained that flushing
and treatment of the source would mitigate the problem.
Commissioner Padreddii noted that CalWater's service has been good to the community in the past years
and is pleased to see the improvements.
Commissioner Barnett asked about the capacity of the wells and whether it was a renewable resource.
Mr. Gessette responded it was a renewable resource and CalWater is working with the City of Daly City,
City of San Bruno and City of San Francisco to put together a ground water management program to
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ensure long tenn preservation.
Chairman ROlnero comlnented on the need for the ilnprovement and thanked the applicants for their
efforts in preserving our resources.
In regards to landscaping, Commissioner Teglia suggested that the trees also be brought around the
property line next to the future Orange Park expansion project. Discussion continued regarding the use of
trees in an "L" shape for the screening of the storage area frOln the residential area.
The Commission expressed concern that the storage area be minimal and not becolne a large storage yard
since it is adjacent to a residential area.
Motion-Masuda/Second-Padreddii: Motion to approve UP-97-003 based on the findings and subject to
the conditions of approval. The motion passed with the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman
Romero, Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Commissioners Masuda, Barnett, Sim and Baldocchi. NOES:
COlnmissioner Teglia.
608 Linden A venue, DiNapoli Pizza/Roberto Oliviera, Applicant
UP-97-005; Categorical Exenlption Class 1, Section 15301
Use Permit to allow an existing linlited service eating and drinking establishl11ent to operate take out
restaurant unti I 2 AM on Friday and Saturday evenings in the C-l Retail Commercial Zone District
in accordance with SSFMC 20.22.070(a)
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Planner Kasparowitz presented staff report, noting correction on item 2 of staff report - the applicant was
allowed to keep the dining rOOln open. He summarized the history of the use permit. He noted that since
the dining area moved to the Grand Avenue site, the Linden Avenue site would only be take-out and
delivery, which would no longer need the use pennit. The request to stay open after midnight does
require a use permit. There have been complaints received from the residents regarding debris and
delivery drivers double parking, blocking driveways and speeding on California Street.
Representing the Applicant:
Rafael Oliviera, DiNapoli
608 Linden Avenue, SSF
Mr. Oliviera asked that the hours of the delivery service be extended
until 2 AM on Fridays and Saturdays to keep up with the competition.
In reference to the neighborhood complaints, he believes there is only
one neighbor complaining.
The COlnmission discussed with the applicant that he consider changing the delivery service out of the
Grand Avenue location which is in a cOlnmercial area and could accomlnodate the 2 AM hours. Mr.
Oliviera noted that after midnight there is no traffic on Linden Avenue, therefore, the delivery trucks
would have no problems in the delivery service. Mr. Oliviera stated that they were remodeling the Grand
Avenue site and would eventually lnove the business to Grand Avenue.
Discussion continued on the debris probleln and what is being done to mitigate it. Mr. Oliviera indicated
there are five other businesses and his trash was lnainly cardboard which is cleared three times a week.
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Chairman ROlnero closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked whether the use pennit on Grand Avenue has the 2 AM hours. Planner
I(asparowitz noted that the 202 Grand Avenue location is in the downtown cOlnmercial zone where a full
use restaurant is permitted but would need a use pennit to operate after midnight.
Motion-Barnett/Second-Teglia: Motion to adopt Findings of Denial for Use Permit UP-97-005. The
Motion passed with the following unanimous roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Romero, Vice-Chairman
Padreddii, Commissioners Barnett, Masuda, Sim, TegIia and Baldocchi. NOES: None
599 Railroad Avenue, Sprint Spectrum, Applicant (Basque Cultural Center, Inc., Owner)
UP-96-123; Miti2ated Ne2ative Declaration ND-96-123
Use Pennit allowing wireless cOlnmunication antenna and appurtenant facilities mounted on roof and
building facade in the P-I Planning Industrial Zone District in accordance with SSFMC 20.83.
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Carlson presented staff report noting the facade lTIounted wireless comlTIunication antenna
would match existing facility and the roof mounted equiplnent cabinets would be screened. The Negative
Declaration had a 20 day review period and no written COlTIlnents were received. One neighbor called to
inquire about the project.
Commissioner Masuda asked why the antenna was to be mounted on the side of the building rather than
the roof Comlnisioner Teglia asked about the type of communication system.
Ms. Anaya explained that the panels are lTIounted to the side, front or
back of buildings to transmit to the next available station which may
be at the Kaiser building or 320 Shaw Road in this case. Ms. Anaya
explained that this was a PCS Personnal COlTIlTIUnication System and
its variety of uses in transITIitting voice and data.
Commissioner SilTI asked for clarification of the location of the antennas. His concern was that the roof
lTIounted units are screened from the front view of the building. Planner Carlson stated that roof mounted
equipment cabinet units would be located at the rear of the building and that a condition could be added
to this effect. COITImissioner Sim asked that the elevation plans be corrected.
Representing the Applicant:
Elena Anaya, agent for Sprint
321 Miller Ave, SSF
Chaiman Romero closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Padreddii stated that after reviewing the site, he concurs with staff's recommendation.
The Commission suggested that the trays could be plaed at the rear of the building- (with Sprint's
engineer's review). Ms. Anaya noted that the plans were reviewed and lnet with the Basque Cultural
Center Board's approval before the lease agreement was signed. She would recommend the covering of
the trays to their engineers. Ms. Anaya presented TaITIi Jones, represtative with Sprint, who explained the
cable locations.
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Motion-Barnett/Second-Siln: Motion to approve Mitigated Negative Declaration ND-96-123. The
motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote. AYES: Chairman Romero, Vice-Chairman Padreddii,
Commissioners Masuda, Barnett, Siln, Teglia, and Baldocchi. NOES: none
Motion-Masuda/Second-Barnett: Motion to approve UP-96-123 based on findings and subject to the
Conditions of Approval. The motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote. AYES: Chairman Romero,
Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Commissioners Masuda, Barnett, Siln, Teglia, and Baldocchi. NOES: none
Discussion continued on the need to provide wireless communication to the comlnunity and what other
Cities are requiring from the communication companies, such as a five year plan.
Chairman Romero called for a 5 minute recess at 8:55 PM and the meeting was called back to order at
9:00 PM.
1155 EI Camino Real, l\1ax's Restaurant / Plaridel E. Fuentabella, Applicant
UP-93-950 Six-l\1onth Review
Use Permit to allow a full service restaurant within 200 feet of a residential district with closing at 10 PM,
in a Retail COlnmercial (C-l) Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco
Municipal Code Sections 20.22.030, 20.22.040(c), and 20.22.070(a).
Chairman ROlnero opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Carlson presented staff report sUlnmarizing the history of the use permit noting that the
conditions of approval are being reviewed, mainly for noise and odor reduction. He reported there was
one complaint/service call recorded by the Police Depatilnent during the previous six lnonths. The
applicant had installed an odor filtration systelTI. Additional equiplnent appears to be too costly compared
with the percentage of odor reduction to be achieved. The COlTIlnission was asked to consider if the
applicant had done everything possible to reasonably mitigate odors and noise.
Representing the Applicant:
Ms. Priscilla Santos,
Assistant Manager
Max's Restaurant
Ms. Santos explained the Police service call and that she had
instructed the tluck drivers to pick up the oil after 8:00 AM. She
understands that the hours of operation for the business are 9:00 AM
to 10:00 PM, the deliveries/pickup can start at 8:00 AM. She
presented a delivery slip indicating pick up of the used oil was after
8:00 AM.
Chainnan Romero indicated that Condition NO.4 states the hours for pickup as 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
Ms. Santos stated she would notify the ttucking cOlnpany of pickup hours. Discussion continued on the
Commission's previously stated concerns to the applicant at the prior Planning Comlnission meeting. It
was noted that the applicant may have been confused since some business activities, such as dishwashing,
minor clean up before and after hours was normal and permitted as long as it was inside the building, not
noisy and employees arrived and left the site as quietly as possible.
Speaking Against the Application: Ms. Renz explained how the odors are worse during the winter
Ms. Jeanne Renz lnonths. The cleaning crew had arrived at 5: 15 AM this week
130 Aha Lama Drive and did not leave until 9:00 AM. The garbage trucks are
South San Francisco arriving between 7:00 - 7:30 AM. The workers are leaving
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about midnight and there are custOlners entering the restaurant at 10:00 PM. She noted that possums are
getting into the garbage area at Max's and that the garbage container should be closed and enclosed.
At the request of the Commission, Ms. Renz further explained her concerns of the noise froln the cleaning
equipment, the odors, and the noise created by the garbage trucks. Commissioner Sim asked Ms. Renz if
she had talked to the management at Max's, she stated she did in the beginning and received a threatening
letter fi"Oln their attorney.
Commissioner Baldocchi recomlnended to Ms. Renz to call the Police Department for documentation.
Ms. Renz stated she has kept her own notes. Planner Carlson noted that Ms. Renz had be instructed by
the Commission to call the Planning Division and leave a message so that staff can talk to the applicant to
mitigate problems as soon as possible.
Commissioner Padreddii indicated that the review was to see if the conditions of approval are being met,
and now wanted to hear fi"On1 the applicant again.
Ms. Santos explained the incident with the cleaning COlnpany which was a one-tilne occurrence at 5 :30
AM. She also stated that the Scavenger COlnpany had been informed not to pick up before 9 AM, she
observed them pick up at 11 AM, and she was not aware that they were picking up before 8:00 AM.
Director Van Duyn asked that the applicant review the conditions, be given 90 days and to show proof
and verification that the scavenger company will not pick up before 9:00 AM. The 90 days would also
give the applicant the oppOliunity to review the odor issue.
Discussion continued on the hours of operations and allowances for after hour cleanup immediately after
Director Van Duyn read into the record the hours of operation: Condition A.4. states, "The use
operation, including truck delivery and trash pick-up, is lilnited between the hours of 9:00 AM until 10:00
PM, seven days a week." This Ineans nothing can be done before 9:00 AM and doors close at 10:00 PM;
and customers may finish their meal and all activities cease no later than Ilh hour later.
Commissioner Teglia asked that other odor consultants or expelis be consulted during the 90 days.
The Commission unanilnously concurred to continue UP-93-950 for 90 days to May 15, 1997. The
applicant agreed on the continuance.
73 Camaritas Avenue, Ongpin Noodle House, Applicant; Julio Donati, Owner
UP-96-119; Cate20rical Exemption Class 1, Section 15301
Adoption of Findings for Denial related to a request for a Use Permit to allow an existing restaurant to
operate between midnight and 4: 00 AM on Saturday and Sunday in the C-l Retail Commercial Zone
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Motion-Barnett/Second-Teglia: Motion to adopt Findings of Denial for Use Pennit UP-96-119.
On the Question: Commissioner Sitn asked for clarification why the staff report states under Discussion;
"that the denial was based on concerns for the neighborhood regarding noise frOln the patrons", although
there were no testimonies of cOlnplaints. COlnmissioner Baldocchi noted that there were residents
present at the previous meeting stating their concerns of the possibility of noise after midnight. Assistant
City Attorney Snodgrass clarified that the wording in the "Findings of Denial" was what the Commission
was adopting.
The Motion passed with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Chairman Romero, COlnmissioners Barnett, Teglia, Baldocchi, and Sim.
NOES: Commissioner Padreddii (because the Police Dept.' s conditions would cover concerns.)
ABSTAINED: Commissioner Masuda.
Items from Staff:
Planner Kasparowitz presented a sUlnlnary of the Design Review Board composition, role, design
process, and what the Design Review Board looks at. He informed the Commission that a letter of
resignation was received from Jackie Stavi which leaves a vacancy for an Architect on the Design Review
Board at this time.
Director Van Duyn informed that Planner Kasparowitz would be giving a "Planning 101 Class" for the
new comlnissioners and any other commissioner who is interested. Class would start at 7:00 PM half
hour before the next three regular meetings and will be noticed in accordance with the Brown Act.
Director Van Duyn stated staff is working on a Bus Tour for the Planning COlnmission. Director asked
that the COlnmission submit available dates (4 hours during the day) for March, April and May for the
tour. The tour would only be for Planning Commission and Design Review Board will be invited.
Director Van Duyn noted there is another Bus Tour for the City Council and Planning Commission on
the General Plan with the consultants working on the general plan updates to be scheduled.
Director Van Duyn informed that a tentative date for a City Council/Planning Commission Joint
Workshop Meeting on Wednesday, March 19th. The purpose of the meeting would be to discuss the
general plan and process of the update; the second part of meeting would be a more open communication
with Council where the COlnmission may bring up issues of concern.
Items from Commission:
Commissioner Barnett asked whether the colors of a building on the 200 block of Grand Avenue had
been approved or gone through a process for approval. Director Van Duyn explained that the City's
CDBG program has assisted some businesses on Grand Avenue to improve their buildings. That
particular building recently painted did not accept assisted by the City and therefore staff was unable to
recommend the colors.
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Commissioner Masuda informed that the Shell station off ofE. Grand has scale signs that were not
approved. Staff noted they were notified and the signs have been taken down.
Commissioner Padreddii asked if Boston Market was going through, since the article in the newspaper
indicated that they were not going to open in South San Francisco. Director Van Duyn stated that the
San Bruno market was not doing well and they were putting a hold on the one in South San Francisco.
Chairman Romero stated the Purdue Tire on Spruce is storing too many tires out side. Staffwill check
on the storage and infonn the business.
Commissioner Masuda informed that large trucks on North Canal are pulling gravel off site and large
gravel is getting onto the street. Staff will look into this.
Itenls from the Public:
Motion-Barnett/Second-Masuda to adjourn meeting at 10:25 PM to the Regular
Planning COlnmission Meeting of March 6, 1997.
~5! ~ rbr
M~Y .U1 Duyn, S~cretary
Plalir b Commission
City of South San Francisco
\tJ,m.j\ lILf-N^-\
William Romero, Chainnan
Planning COlnmission
City of South San Francisco
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