HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.06.97 Minutes
February 6, 1997
7:30 P.M.
Chairman Romero, Vice-Chairman Padreddii, Commissioners
Barnett, Sim, Teglia, and Baldocchi
Commissioner Masuda
E. & C. D. Director:
Planning Division:
Senior Plamler
Act. Secretary II
Assist. City Attorney
City Engineer
Police Department:
Marty Van Duyn
Susy Kalkin
Rosa Perez
Wayne Snodgrass
Arthur Wong
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Barnett/Second-Padreddii to approve November 7, 1996
Planning Commission minutes and November 21, 1996 were continued to next Ineeting.
Resolution Commending Mar2aret Warren
Resolution for her service to the City of South San Francisco Planning Commission.
Chairman Romero read commendation into the record and presented Resolution. Margaret Warren
thanked the present and past Commissions and Staff for their assistance through the years.
Resolution Commendin~ John Lucchesi
Resolution for his service to the City of South San Francisco Planning Commission.
Chairman Romero read commendation into the record and presented Resolution. John Lucchesi specially
thanked Margaret Warren, present and past Commissions and Staff for their assistance.
Resolution Commendin2 Michael DeZordo
Resolution for his service to the City of South San Francisco Planning Commission. Commissioner
DeZordo was unavailable to be present to receive Resolution, it would be mailed to his residence.
Motion-Romero/Second-Barnett: Motion to approve the Commendation Resolutions, they were
unanimously approved by voice vote.
415 Grand Avenue, Grand Avenue Ballroom/Lewis & Krauel, Applicant, Joseph P. Ferem,
Owner's Agent: UP-88-837/Mod 1; Categorical Exemption Class 1, Section 15301
Use Permit modification to allow a Ballroom dance studio (Commercial Recreation: Indoor
Entertainment) in the D-C Planned Commercial Zone District in accordance with SSFMC 20.26.030(c)
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Kalkin presented staff report. Parking exemption was given when building was built, but
since parking is a potential concern a condition has been added limiting starting hours to 6: 00 p. m. and
recommending that the patrons be encouraged to use public parking lots.
Representing the owner of building:
Joe Ferm
415 Grand Avenue, SSF
Mr. Ferm spoke in favor of the dance studio, noting its good
reputation at the present location in Redwood City and
noting they do not serve alcohol.
Chairman Romero closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Sim asked for clarification of the dance area and the method of noticing students where
they should park. The applicant clarified the dance area and agreed that flyers would be given at
Motion-SimlSecond- Teglia: Motion to approve UP-88-837/Mod 1 based on the findings and subject to
the conditions of approval. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
73 Camaritas Avenue, Ongpin Noodle House, Applicant; Julio Donati, Owner
UP-96-119; Cate~orical Exemption Class 1, Section 15301
Use Permit to allow an existing restaurant to operate between midnight and 4:00 AM on Saturday and
Sunday in the C-l Retail Commercial Zone District in accordance with SSFMC 20.22.070(a).
Chairman Romero opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. She noted that the Police Department's conditions
address the concerns of those residents who called and the one letter received. She further noted that the
Standard Conditions address the required enclosed debris area, but recommended it specifically be added
to the Planning Division's Conditions of Approval.
Manny U gerra
Partial Owner
73 Camaritas Avenue
Mr. Ugerra informed the Commission that the business began a year ago and
customers have requested late hours on Saturday and Sunday nights. He
agreed with all the conditions and mentioned that as far as too much noise,
they are located next to the fire station and Bell Market which are open 24
hours. He noted that parking is sufficient.
Chairman ROlnero closed the public hearing.
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Commissioner Teglia was concerned with late hours for a business that immediately abuts a residential
area. He noted that the fire department is sensitive to producing less noise during the evening. He stated
that the past use of this location was a less intensive use and described the history of the noodle house in
Westborough and a deli in Old Town that created a negative impact on the area when their hours were
After clarification of the hours of operation and location of the site, Commissioner Sim recommended
that the Planning Commission review the use after six months. Planner Kalkin so noted that Planning
Division's Condition No.2. a. read; "... reviewed at six months ...". Commissioner Sim asked that the
applicant be vigilant of the conditions and pro-active in regulating customers conduct in the parking lots.
Mr. U gerra stated he is targeting people coming from the movie theaters and parties in the area who are
looking for a place to eat at 2 AM.
Although the public hearing was closed, the Commission chose to hear comments from Mr. DeSoto.
Speaking Against the Application:
Frank DeSoto
Mr. DeSoto stated he lives 100' from the restaurant and is
concerned about the possible noises at 2 AM. He mentioned
that several neighbors were asked to come to the meeting but
does not understand why more were not present.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked for a briefing on previous problems of operations similar to this one.
Sgt. Petrocchi advised Mr. DeSoto that he should call the Police Department at any hour of the night for
assistance. He explained to the Commission the previous problems and noted the differences between the
two business sites. He noted that the conditions for this business are a reflection of what has been learned
from the Westborough site and the police department will be reviewing this business in 3 months to see if
one security guard is necessary, and for compliance with the noise ordinance. He stated that the applicant
has been working with them for over a year and was aware of the extent of the conditions. The applicant
has been very supportive and cooperative with all the conditions from the police department.
Commissioner Barnett asked the Commission to consider what clientele will be lured to South San
Francisco after 2 AM (since bars close at 2 AM) and would agree to this site being open only until 2 AM.
Commissioner Padreddii noted he agrees with the conditions given and with the 6 months review period;
it would be a good opportunity for the business to get a fair chance.
Commissioner Teglia agrees that it is reasonable to give a business a chance but it would be better if it
was located further down on El Camino Real; this establishment is too close to a residential area; just a
simple conversation in the parking lot at 3 or 4 AM would be too loud and the use is too intense.
Therefore, he recommended that the hours of operation stay as is.
Commissioner Baldocchi agreed with Teglia, and explained her concern with the problems that might
occur with the proposed hours.
Chairman Romero commented on allowing an inappropriate use too close to a residential neighborhood;
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the late hour activities have potential to cause problems and he does want a business to thrive but he
recommended 2 AM as a compromise.
Speaking for the Application:
Wilfreda Fernando,
Co-owner of business
73 Camaritas Ave.
Mr. Fernando explained that the customers who have asked for his
business to be opened later are mature adults over 50 years old,
and knows they would not be attracting young crovvds from bars.
He understood the conditions of the police department, and did not
foresee any problems.
Discussion continued on the potential nuisance to the neighborhood noting that late hour or 24 hour
businesses are mostly located on El Camino Real.
Motion-Padreddii/Second-Sim: Motion to Approve UP-96-119 subject to the conditions of approval.
Motion failed with the following Roll Call: AYES: Vice-Chairman Padreddii and Commissioner Sim;
NOES: Chairman Romero, Commissioners Teglia, Baldocchi and Barnett; ABSENT: Commissioner
Motion- Teglia/Second-Baldocchi: Motion to Deny UP-96-119 based on the public testimony. Motion
passed with the following Roll Call: AYES: Chairman Romero, Commissioners Teglia, Baldocchi and
Barnett; NOES: Vice-Chairman Padreddii and Commissioner Sim; ABSENT: Commissioner Masuda.
Items from Staff: Director Van Duyn stated the Commission had received information on the
consultant selection for the General Plan Revisions project and if the Commission had any questions to
call the office.
Items from Commission: None
Items from the Public: None
Motion-Romero/Second-Padreddii to adjourn meeting at 8:30 PM to bid farewell to the outgoing
Commissioners at Chevy's Restaurant at Hickey and Camaritas Avenue.
Motion-Romero/Second-Padreddii to adjourn meeting at 10: 15 PM to the Regular Planning Commission
Meeting, February 20, 1997.
Marty Van Duyn, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
William Romero, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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