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JUDe 18, 1998
The meeting was called to order 7:36 p.m.
PRESENT: Vice Chairman Teglia, Commissioner Romero, Commissioner Sim,
Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Masuda
ABSENT: Chairman Barnett
ALSO PRESENT: Planning: Jim Harnish
Mike Lappen
City Attorney: Kat Wellman
Adam Lindgren
Police: Ron Petrocchi
Engineering: Cyrus Kianpur
May 7, 1998, May 21, 1998
May 7, 1998 - Commissioner Masuda requested correction to page 6, adding that he does not
recall making the comment about truck and trailer. Motion-Masuda/Second-Sim to approve with
correction. Approved by majority voice vote.
Commissioner Masuda complimented the Deputy City Clerk for preparation of the minutes.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia requested that the message be conveyed to the Deputy City Clerk.
May 21, 19981 - Chairman Pro Tern Teglia requested that page 9 referencing the naming of
different areas should also include the reference to Mayfair being called Orange Park and page 10
regarding the items to be considered for the General Plan update be corrected to better reflect his
comments. Motion -Honan/Second-Masuda to approve with corrections. Approved by majority
voice vote.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia announced that the South Park item was being continued.
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Chairman Pro Tern Teglia stated that he felt it was important to make an announcement that the
Kaiser Property - Summerhill Homes application has been continued to the July 16th meeting and
would not be heard. Assistant City Attorney Wellman advised the Commission that a motion
was required to continue the item.
1. Redevelopment Process Presentation to the Commission
Chief Planner Harnish introduced Mr. Bob Beyer, Redevelopment Specialist for the City.
Mr. Beyer provided an overview of the redevelopment activities and the Commission's
involvement with those activities.
Commissioner Honan asked for a clarification regarding AutoN ation.
Commissioner Romero raised a question regarding the EI Camino Redevelopment area
citing his understanding that it was originally set up to fund the undergrounding of
BART, and asked if that was the case why is it still continuing as a redevelopment zone.
He followed Mr. Beyer's response with a question as to whether this would leave the area
open to developers to come in with extremely high density housing.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia followed that considering that the original reason for the
high density residential is no longer there, and medium density is being approved, stating
that he hoped that the General Plan update would eliminate high density zoning.
Commissioner Masuda asked if the Kaiser property had been considered as a retail
center, since the downtown doesn't have a grocery store.
2. South Park I Kaiser Foundation, Owner, Summerhill Homes, Applicant, GPA-98-
004, RZ-98-004, PUD-98-004, SA-98-004, Ne2ative Declaration ND-98-004
(Recommend continuance to Julv 16,1998)
General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from Planned Industrial to
Low Density Residential, Reclassification of the site from Planned Industrial (P-I) to
Single Family Residential (R-I-H) Zoning District, Planned Unit Development to allow
lots smaller than the City's minimum requirement of 5,000 square feet, Tentative
Subdivision Map allowing up to one hundred fifty-eight (158) lots for single family
residences, situated on a vacant 18.9 acre site bounded by Orange Avenue, Railroad
Avenue and the future North Canal Street (APN-014-042-030), in accordance with
SSFMC Titles 19 and 20.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia read the title of the report and asked for a motion to continue.
Motion-Sim/Second-Masuda to continue. Approved by majority voice vote
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3. Items from Staff
1998 - 1998 Capital Improvement Program - adopt a resolution finding that the
proposed Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the adopted General Plan in
accordance with Government Code Division 1, Section 65401.
Chief Planner Harnish introduced the new City Engineer Mr. Cyrus Kianpur. Mr. Kianpur
presented the 1998 - 1999 Capital Improvement Program and asked the Commission to make a
determination of its consistency with the General Plan through adoption of the resolution
Commissioner Sim pointed out a minor tabulation discrepancy in the dollar amount for the
building facilities which he assumed has already been noted for correction. He also asked for
further details about the library and the fire station projects.
Commissioner Romero raised a question and asked for clarification to the reference to
replacement of underground fuel tank at the Corporation Yard.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia stated that he was curious about the same thing. Some discussion
followed on the apparent inconsistency of a new tank going in to the new corporation yard while
Olympian Oil is supposed to provide an emergency generator at their site and the Commission's
understanding that credit cards had been issued in lieu of putting in a fuel tanks.
Mr. Kianpur explained that the underground tanks referred to are strictly for generators which
will provide emergency power.
Commissioner Honan had a question regarding what was included in the improvements to the
MSB building.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia suggested that maybe the P A system and carpets in the chambers
could be considered. He also asked for further details about the street repairs and how they may
relate to the proposed Chestnut A venue widening, adding that he would like to more attention
given to that project and he would like to see plans for what is going to take place there.
Commissioner Romero asked for clarification on what determines whether a street is repaved as
opposed to reconstructed.
Commissioner Masuda spoke of the Del Monte and Camaritas area, stating that a traffic study
should be done to determine how much a street is traveled.
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Commissioner Baldocchi asked if sidewalk repairs can be incorporated into the sewer repairs to
the area between Baden and Magnolia. Further discussions followed on the responsibility for
sidewalk repairs.
Commissioner Romero asked if something could be done to alleviate future problems in the
area of Junipero Serra that experiences slides. He also recommended placing a walking trail
alongside of the hill.
Motion-Romero/Second-Masuda. Approved by majority voice vote.
Mr. Harnish requested that the order of the next two items be reversed.
a. Regional Water Transportation Network Presentation
Mr. Lappen informed the Commission that he was representing Vice Mayor Datzman, Angela
Rey from the Multi-Agency Transit Management, and Peter Grannell from the San Mateo County
Harbor District, adding that over the past few weeks this presentation has been before various
boards throughout the County promoting the idea of using of Oyster Point as a location for a
ferry terminal that would link with the rest of the county. He then proceeded with the
Commissioner Sim was interested in looking at the distance between other ferry stations and
how they compare to what might be proposed here.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked if the service would be connecting with existing service, or
would it be new runs.
Commissioner Romero asked if the network is being designed for commuting or for recreation,
and if it may be possible to link it with the Oakland Airport. He asked if other cities aside from
Redwood City are interested in the service.
Commissioner Masuda noted the loss of commute time when making stops at other locations,
adding that in his opinion it would be wiser to seek docking at eastern cities instead of trying to
compete with the Jack London Square.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked if consideration has been given to looking at Shearwater as a
possible site.
Mr. Harnish distributed a memo from Senior Planner Kalkin to the Commission regarding the
Oakmont Villas/Storage USA - Neighborhood Meeting.
Mr. Harnish informed the Commission that the Planning Division would be moving to the Annex
on June 27th.
b. Overview of the Planning and Environmental Review Process; getting ready for
the review of the Terrabay SEIR
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End of Tape 1
Mr. Hamish noted that it would not be necessary for the minutes to reflect his presentation
inasmuch as it was on disk, and proceeded with the presentation.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked if the analysis will provide various options, or just what the
developer wants to do.
Commissioner Honan asked how large a project has to be to require an EIR.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked if there is a vehicle for searching for unknown issues in the
enviornmental review process.
Commissioner Romero asked if the Precise Plan would be coming along with the EIR.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia asked that the City Attorney provide a generic presentation on
vested rights at the July 9th meeting He also suggested that there may be certain rights that the
Commission has and certain ones the developer may have, not necessarily applicable to the
Terrabay project.
Assistant City Attorney Wellman introduced the new Assistant City Attorney, Adam Lindgren.
Mr. Lindgren spoke briefly to the Commission stating that he would be providing the
Commission with a presentation on vested rights on entitlements.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia stated that he would like clarification on the extent of discretion the
Commission has to avoid going to court.
4. Items from Commission.
Commissioner Honan:
· Requested that when scheduling the agendas consideration be given to placing visitors
before other items.
· She also reported a problem with the overfilled trash containers at the Brentwood parking
Lot in front of Goodwill.
Commissioner Masuda:
· Reported complaints he has gotten from people taking shortcuts in the property between
Borba's, close to Grand A venue by the Comfort Inn with transients sleeping there who
have threatened a youngster on a bike, and accosted another individual.
Commissioner Romero addressed the Commission on his concern for the lack of attendance by
Chairman Barnett at meetings. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia agreed, adding that it is more than just
a title, he suggested talking to the Chairman with the concurrence of the Commission.
Commissioner Honan asked if this should be the Commission's recommendation or should it
come from staff. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia volunteered to bring the concerns to the Chair. Ms.
Wellman stated that if the Commission wishes to pursue this they should agendize it for the next
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meeting. Chairman Pro Tern Teglia suggested bringing the concern up to the Chairman first.
Chairman Pro Tern Teglia:
· Again asked that staff look into the Ong Pin violation of their sign ordinance by putting
up a banner, adding that the bank also has a banner. He spoke of the Mayor's discussion
on communications, adding that he sometimes feels that the Commission's actual
recommendations are not appropriately being conveyed to the Council, citing the day care
issue which went to the Council at the last meeting.
End of Tape 2
5. Items from the Public
5. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned 10:47 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting of July 2,1998 - Cancel
Regular Meeting, July, 16, 1998 Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo
Drive, South San Francisco, CA.
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