HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.07.98 Minutes
May 7, 1998
The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m.
Chairman Pro-Tern Teglia, Commissioner Masuda, Commissioner
Romero, Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner Honan,
Commissioner Sim
Chairman Barnett
Planning Division:
Jim Harnish
Mike Upston
Susy Kalkin
Kat Wellman
Ron Petrocchi
Richard Harmon
Ray Honan
City Attorney:
Police Dept.:
Water Quality Control:
A motion to approve minutes of Meeting of February 19, 1998, tonight's minutes to show
Commissioner Masuda arrived late, the time was 7:33 p.m.; Chairman Pro-tern Teglia's
comment, the corrections were excellent. Item #2 showed his no vote, he felt Commissioner
Baldocchi had seconded the motion, all said-aye, the minutes were approved.
Chief Planner Jim Harnish introduced Mary Bolt, Deputy City Clerk, who is sitting in for Irene
Shadd who is on vacation.
1. McLellan Retail Store/Kelly-Moore Paint, Owner E. A.
Davidovits & Co., Inc./Peter Polivka, Applicant
137 Hickey Boulevard
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Up-98-027 and Categorical Exemption: Section 15303(e),
Class 3
Use Permit allowing an open storage facility located in the Retail Commercial (C-1) Zone
District within 200 lineal feet of a residential district in accordance with the SSFMC
Sections of 20.22.070 & 20.22.030.
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia read the title in its entirety and asked if anyone wanted to pull the item.
No one replied.
MIS MasudaIRomero - to approve consent calendar.
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
2. Clarion Inn
Jay Singh, Prime Lodging Inc., Applicant; Ken G. Funk, Owner
264 South Airport Boulevard
Up-97-089, Pud-97-089, and ND-97-089 (Continuedfrom
Planning Commission Meeting of April 16, 1998)
Use Permit and Planned Unit Development application to allow construction of a 4-story,
101 room airport oriented hotel which will generate in excess of 100 average daily vehicle
trips (ADT), with requested exceptions to standard floor area ration (FAR) and front year
setback requirements in accordance with SSFMC CHapter 20.24.030(c), 20.24.050, 20.84
& E of 101 Policy LU-46.
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia read the title in its entirety, opened the public hearing, and called for
the Staff Report.
Senior Planner Kalkin stated this item was continued from the April 16th meeting. There was
request by the Commission to review 3 items. First, that the architect investigate shifting the
building further back into the site. They have now achieved a 16 to 17 foot front yard setback by
shifting the building approximately 5 feet back further into the site. The second issue was
clarification of the City's planting program along South Airport Boulevard, specifically about the
types of trees and how tall they would be. The third item had to do with the median on South
Airport Boulevard.
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia asked if the applicant was present and would like to make a
presentation. Project architect Sharad Lal, 3108 Willow Pass Road, Concord, made a brief
presentation. Chairman Pro-tern Teglia asked if there were any cards on the issue. Being none,
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia closed the public hearing and opened it up to the Commission.
Commissioner Romero noted they had complied with all the Commission request made
previously. Chairman Pro-tern Teglia had a question about conditions of approval item 14A, that
15% of all trees shall be a box specimen of 24 inch, assuming those 15% are larger than the rest
of the trees being planted, he suggested increasing the percentage of larger trees. Commissioner
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Honan indicated more mature trees would be more beneficial.
MIS Romero/Sim based on the attached findings and subject to the attached conditions with an
amendment that 15% of all trees be 36 inch box and the rest 24 inch, by roll call vote:
Commissioner Masuda-aye, Commissioner Romero-aye, Commissioner Baldocchi-aye,
Commissioner Honan-aye, Commissioner Sim-aye, Chairman Pro-tern Teglia-aye, Chairman
Barnett-absent. Motion passed with a 15 day appeal period.
3. The Early Years/Monfredini Properties, Owner
Joanne Eugenia Musante, Applicant
371 Allerton A venue
Up-98-020 and ND-98-020
Use Permit to allow a preschool within an existing office building located in the Planned
Industrial (P-l) Zone district in accordance with the SSFMC Section 20.32.030(b)
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia read the title in its entirety, opened the public hearing and called for the
Staff Report.
Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. Chairman Pro-tern Teglia invited the applicant
to describe her proposed school. Joanne Eugenia Musante of 2101 Sneath Lane, San Bruno
briefly described her project. Chairman Pro-tern Teglia asked if anyone in the audience would
like to speak. Being none, he closed the public hearing and opened the floor to the Commission
for discussion. Commissioner Masuda had a question about the type of fencing. Ms Musante
stated it will be cyclone with slats. Chairman Pro-tern Teglia had a question regarding whether
there should be a fence separating the parking area from the play area. Ms. Musante stated they
have to provide the fence according to the State Department of social services requirements.
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia then asked her what type she planned there; she replied cyclone with
privacy slats, which she has at the present location. Chairman Pro-tern Teglia asked staff if they
considered what may be visible from the road area; what type or construction. Senior Planner
Kalkin stated it was typical fencing material for the area.
Commissioner Romero's concern was if the side door exit was going to be the one used for the
play yard, as the children would not be safe crossing the parldng lot. Ms. Musante replied there
was an exit door at the back comer which will be used to access the play yard. Commissioner
Romero stated concern about the play area. Ms. Musante replied there will be asphalt for ball
playing and bicycle riding and two redwood boxes, one with tanbark for a play structure and
another for a sandbox. Another concern of Commissioner Romero was the condition of the
existing asphalt; Ms. Musante said it was good. Commissioner Honan was concerned about
insufficient space for 100 children to play. The applicant indicated that she has 5 groups, and at
the most there would be 45 children outside at one time. Chairman Pro-tern Teglia asked staff
about signs; Senior Planner Kalkin stated they are going to use the existing sign that had
previously been the Philippine News. Commissioner Sim related he had observed several items
covered by the staff reports one being the potential hazards; the strong need for the facility
supported by the community and letters; and showing there could be 20 parking spaces rather
than 18. He indicated he was prepared to make a motion.
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MIS SimlBaldocchi to approve Negative Declaration 98-020, Use Permit 98-020 based on the
attached findings and subject to the attached conditions, by roll call vote; Commissioner Masuda-
aye, Commissioner Sim-aye, Commissioner Romero-aye, Commissioner Baldocchi-aye,
Commissioner Honan-aye, Chairman Pro-tern Teglia-aye, Chairman Barnett-absent; Motion
4. Josephine Eskridge, Owner/ Applicant
108 Arroyo Drive
UP-98-015, ZA-98-015 and ND-98-015
Zoning Amendment and Negative Declaration to allow child care centers in the R-l
Single Family zone district, and Use Permit to allow a childcare center for 15 children at
108 Arroyo Drive.
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia read the title in its entirety, opened the public hearing and called for the
Staff Report.
Associate Planner Upston presented the staff report. Chairman Pro-tern Teglia asked if the
applicant was present and whether she would like to make a presentation. The applicant
Josephine Eskridge, 2450 Olympic Drive, South San Francisco, made a brief presentation.
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia asked if anyone would care to speak, being none, he closed the public
hearing and opened the floor to the Commission. Commissioner Baldocchi was concerned with
the drop off area spaces and with the flow of traffic. Chief Planner Hamish noted that the traffic
flow would be relatively low.
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia inquired about the employees parking. Associate Planner Upston
stated they could park in any space. Chairman Pro-tern Teglia suggested the garage be reserved
for employee parking.
Commissioner Honan was concerned over noticing. Associate Planner Upston stated that the
minimum requirement is 300 feet, although he went a little further, and that staff had not received
any letters. Senior Planner Kalkin stated further that all homeowner associations were notified as
well. Commissioner Masuda had similar concerns.
Commissioner Honan asked about trees. Associate Planner Upston stated they will take a while
to grow. Commissioner Romero expressed concern over the City and County of San Francisco's
Water easement that runs through the property. He understood many residents of Del Monte
recently received notices from the water department to remove all trees growing in their back
yards and remove any obstacles that would inhibit their ability to get to their pipes. Engineer
Richard Harmon responded, he does not think this will be a problem for the applicant. The water
department just does not like to see buildings over the easement. Commissioner Romero
questioned whether the Commission had the legal authority to approve the permit with
improvements in the easement. Assistant City Attorney Kat Wellman responded they did. Mr.
Richard Harmon added the easement rights have been there a along time before the subdivision.
The pipes and easement were put in place in the early 1900's, they were pre-existing to the
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Commissioner Sim recalled when Ms. Eslaidge shared the EI Rancho site with ArtRise, and
extended appreciation for her service to the COIilInunity. With regard to the zoning amendment,
Commissioner Sim concurred with staff, that we do need some flexibility in allowing such a
facility. He supported the concerns of the Commission, regarding the noise and traffic. The
natural parameters of the site seem to indicate a day care facility, with the building being more
toward the street, the back seems to have a natural mitigation with the fences butted against each
other. He noted his support for the project and was prepared to make a motion.
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia stated he supports the project but has some concerns about the
amendment. The project site is well suited for its use. The problem is opening up the entire City
by amending the R-1 zone. He thought there could be another way around this without changing
the zoning. Commissioner Masuda agreed, this R-1 is a very large area and anyone could open
this business, every house in this City could end up with a day care. Associate Planner Upston
stated that staff had looked at alternatives such as a rezoning and general plan amendment.
Commissioner Pro tern Teglia stated that he was not comfortable seeing day care in all residential
areas. Chief Planner Harnish related that staff had discussed this issue at length before bringing it
forward and recognize this kind of amendment affects a large area of the City, but felt given the
circumstances the amendment would give the Planning Commission the flexibility to recognize
other similarly situated cases, and decide on a case by case basis. Commissioner Romero asked if
day care was allowed in private residences, staff answered yes, that family dare care is currently
allowed in all residential zones. This permits care for up to eight children under the small family
day care, and up to fourteen in a large family dare care home. Assistant City Attorney stated that
the entire recommendation will go before Council for approval of the zoning change before the
Use Permit can be approved.
Commissioner Sim stated he felt there should be more feedback from the community. Chief
Planner Hamish stated the noticing was done in the paper and to properties within three hundred
feet on the site. When it goes before Council it will be noticed again. Commissioner Masuda
recommended adoption of the attached resolution recommending the City Council approve ZA-
98-015 and Neg. Dec. 98-015 as well as use permit UP-98-015, with the added conditions that
the employee park in the garage, the front landscape be restored and maintained, and that Council
understand that the Commission has concerns with opening up the entire R-1 Zone to this type of
MIS Teglia/Masuda with roll call vote: Commissioner Romero-aye, Commissioner Baldocchi-
aye, Commissioner Honan-aye, Commissioner Sim-aye, Commissioner Masuda-aye, Chairman
Pro tern Teglia-aye, Chairman Barnett-absent.
5. Olympian Oil Co., Owner/applicant
35 So. Linden Ave.
UP-98-018 and Categorical Exemption: Class 2, Section 15302 (b) (Continued from
Planning Commission Meeting of April 16, 1998)
Use permit to allow a remodel of an existing 24 hour gasoline station including expansion
of a mini mart, a 20 ft. tall pole sign and a total sign area in excess of 300 sq. ft., in
accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.30.030 (c).
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Chairman Pro-tern Teglia read the title in its entirety, opened the public hearing and called for
staff report.
Staff report given by Associate Planner Upston. Representing Olympian Oil was Rusty Firenze,
Vice President of Olympian Oil Co., who made a brief presentation, Chairman Pro-tern Teglia
asked for any speakers, being none, he closed the public hearing opening the floor to the
Commissioner Masuda expressed concern if the plans for the setback on the pumps had allowed
for the street widening. Rich Harmon, Development Review Specialist, stated was not aware of
any plans to widen Linden Ave.
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia was concerned about the landscaping. Chief Planner Harnish explained
that given the proposed design and lot configuration there was little opportunity for landscaping.
At this point the Clerk stated there was a problenl with the recorder.
Meeting recessed at 9:05 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 9:16 p.m.
The Police Department consultant, Ron Petrocchi noted some minor changes to the Police
Department's Conditions attached to the staff report. Chairman Pro-tern Teglia asked if more
landscaping could go on the side of the mini mart where the signs are. The applicant stated he
was not sure. Chairman Pro tern Teglia asked about the tank farm area. Commissioner Romero
was concerned about the generator and the trade off for in lieu of landscaping fees. Mr. Firenze
restated they only offered it as a service; it is costing them in excess of $32,000.00. He felt the
$2,500 in lieu fee was appropriate. Chairman Pro tern Teglia added the fee is not automatic, it is
subject to approval. Commissioner Honan stated she could not see adding more landscape. She
thought the generator was fine. Chief Planner Harnish gave more insight that the in lieu fee can
be used for beautifying the city elsewhere. Commissioner Honan's concern was traffic and that
possibly some barriers be added, or perhaps continue the item.
MIS Masuda/Honan, to approve the Use Permit with added conditions to install planter boxes in
front and a landscape strip down the length of the building. Carried by roll call vote:
Commissioner Masuda aye, Commissioner Romero-aye, Commissioner Baldocchi-aye,
Commissioner Honan-aye, Commissioner Sim-aye, Chairman Pro tern Teglia-aye, Chairman
Barnett absent.
6. Jalisco Produce Market/Jose Ayar, Owner
Roberto Ayar, Applicant
441 Grand Ave.
UP-98-019 and Categorical Exemption: Class 11 Section 15311(c)
Use Permit to allow outside storage display of produce located in the Downtown
Commercial Zone District (D-C) in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.26.060 (a)
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia read the title in its entirety, opened the public hearing and called for
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staff report.
Staff report was given by Associate Planner Upston. Chairman Pro-tern Teglia closed the public
hearing and opened it to the Commission for discussion. Commissioner Masuda raised a concern
over traffic hold ups along Grand Avenue when trucks are unloading. Chief Planner Hamish
stated that the Police concur and are trying to work with the property owner who is very open.
Commissioner Baldocchi was concerned with boards in the windows. The applicant said that is
the back of the current produce bins inside the store and when the new displays are up they won't
show. Commissioner Masuda was concerned about improved displays. Commissioner Honan
raised some concerns about sanitation; Mr. Ray Honan, WQCP gave a report that the street
sidewalks had been washed down with only water.
MIS Masuda/Romero to approve use permit UP-98-019 with an added condition that no boxes
will be placed in the public right-of-way. Carried by roll call vote: Commissioner Masuda-aye,
Commissioner Sim-aye, Commissioner Baldocchi-no, Commissioner Honan-aye, Chairman Pro-
tern Teglia-no, Chairman Barnett absent. Passed with a 15 day appeal period.
7. Items from Staff
Chief Planner Harnish indicated there were no items for the first meeting in June and
recommended canceling the meeting. The Commission concurred. Chief Planner Hamish would
be on vacation from May 23rd to June 7th.
8. Items from Commission
Commissioner Honan had three items: 1) She requested Staff use the term "emergency
vehicles" rather than Police and Fire vehicles; 2) She was concerned about the
transient/homeless person on El Camino ,Real, and still concerned about the one on
Chairman Pro-tern Teglia informed the Commission about the availability of video tapes
from the League of California Cities conference. He also indicated the hot dog stand on
El Camino may have built an office out of shipping containers.
9. Items from the Public
MIS Masuda/Sirn to adjourn
Marc Teglia, Chai t ro Tern
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco