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May 20, 1999
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Honan, Vice Chairperson Sim, Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner
D'Angelo, Commissioner Meloni, Commissioner Romero, and Commissioner Teglia
Planning Division:
Chief Planner Harnish
Consultant Planner Knapp
Adam Lindgren
Richard Harmon
Cyrus Kianpour
ECD Director Marty Van Duyn
City Attorney:
Engineering Division:
Econ. & Community Dev.
Chief Planner Harnish asked that item 1 be heard after item 4.
1. Approval of the March 4, March 18, April 1 and April 15, 1999 Regular Meeting Minutes and the April 19,
1999 Special Meeting Minutes
2. Britannia Pointe Grand/T.J. Bristow, Owner
70 Harbor Way
PUD-98-053/MODl and Negative Declaration ND-98-053 (Certified 4/99)
Modification of Planned Unit Development to replace a 2 story, 56,000 sq. ft. office/R & D building with a
3-story, 70,000 sq. ft. office/R & D building.
3. W. W. Grainger/Craig Kozak, Owner
Federal SignlPaul Kozlowski, Applicant
1430 San Mateo Ave.
SC-99-026 and Categorical Exemption: Class 1, Section 15301
Type "C" Sign Permit to allow one non-illuminated and one internally illuminated sign, totaling more than
100 sq. ft. of sign area.
Motion Te2:lia / Second Meloni. Approved by unanimous voice vote with the exception of item #1.
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4. Terrabay (continued from May 6, 1999)
Project Description
The application requests modifications to the existing approved (1996) Specific Plan. The existing Specific
Plan specifies that an 18-story, 400 room hotel, a 268,800 square foot high technology trade center, a
57,500 square foot 4-story condominium office building, an 18,000 square foot health club and three
restaurants in a 5,000 square foot hotel seminar center would be built on the Phase ill Terrabay commercial
site. The proposed modification would provide for 340,000 square feet of office, a 7,500 square foot
restaurant and a 150-room hotel. The archaeological site (known as SMa-40) is proposed to be offered for
dedication either to the City of South San Francisco, The County of San Mateo for inclusion in San Bruno
Mountain County Park or another non-profit public trust. A Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
(SEIR) was prepared and certified by the City on February 17, 1999.
A public hearing will be conducted before the Planning Commission on May 6, 1999 on the above
described modified project and will include: Review and action on a Mitigation Monitoring Program for the
proposed project; Amendments to the Specific Plan and Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance to modify the
development mix and to codify certain development standards including protection of SMa-40 (the
archaeological site); Review and action on a vesting tentative subdivision map; Review and action on the
covenants, conditions and restrictions (C,C & Rs); Review and action on the Amended and restated
Development Agreement. No precise plan review is sought at this time.
Consultant Planner Knapp presented the staff report.
Dennis Breen, representing the applicant, stated that the alternatives given by staff would not work. He proceeded
to give examples of which alternatives would not work, which were transfer of density to the south of the
archaeological site, and the wetlands that are being impacted by the development are taken by the hookramps.
Bob Grandy, Grandy & Associates, gave a brief description of why the TDM program is relevant. He added that
the site has the ability to provide density that is an element of a smart growth philosophy and supporting with transit
services and alternative modes. He added that the TDM program is designed to provide incentives for transit,
carpool, and vanpool use. Enforcement comes through annual reporting mechanisms to the City identifying the
level of mode use. He added that they had confidence that this program will work. He added that the revised TDM
program had one change from the plan submitted earlier.
Chairperson Honan asked if the TDM update would be given to the Commission.
Mr. Breen stated that the precise plan would have the update in it.
Recess called at 8:00 p.m.
Recall to order at 8: 10 p.m.
Public Hearing was opened.
Kathy Manus, 824 Templeton Daly City, gave a brief idea of what she would like to see on the mountain. She also
included some of the things that Patrick Orozco would like to see on the mountain. She added that Friends of San
Bruno Mountain Board of Directors believe that this is an opportunity to offer living history. She urged the
Commission to approve the environmentally preferred plan.
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Gene Dove, 38 Greenridge, asked if the lights could be turned off, and proceeded to playa prayer for the
Commission to help them consider the project with their hearts.
Charlene Moore, 901 Hillside, read a letter from Patrick Orozco. Which stated: 1) The Rumseinritocsi Tribe was
not against development but against this being done on an ancient burial site because of its sacredness. 2.) Gave
alternatives such as the site being fenced off, building a replica village displaying how the Native American use to
cook, weave and make arrowheads, nature hikes, and a monument where people can read about the Ohlone
(Siplichiquin Tribe). She read a poem, which said that mother earth is crying sulfur acid tears.
Donald Jacobberger, 2231 Delvin Way - San Francisco, spoke in favor of development. He added that he
sympathizes with the sentiments made earlier.
Patricia Hernandez, added that she was speaking on behalf of the ancestors who rest on San Bruno Mountain. She
asked the Commission to think it was their family on that site. She added that the project would not benefit South
San Francisco residents because of the high prices of the house. She added that the project is going to disgrace and
disrespect sacred remains.
Patricia Cammock, 885 3rd - San Bruno, added that Indian Ancestry is part of history and that they are being
studied. She also stated that the Bay Area is diverse, and that she supported Patrick Orozco's ideas.
Ken McIntire - 235 Old Ranch Rd. RWC, read a letter from a resident of the Terrabay Phase I project, who could
not attend the meeting. The letter stated that many residents value the uniqueness of San Bruno Mountain. She
added that they are loosing large amounts of open space. She added that there was a huge slide in the 1940s and
erosion control work had not been completed.
Jacklyn Jehl, Hemlock Street, remembered how she would go to Holy Cross Cemetery and how she enjoyed those
quiet personal moments. She added that the Ohlone should have their sacred land untouched.
Fred Andres,2413 Carlson - Richmond, is opposed to development on the mountain. He added that the
communication between the applicant and the Planning Division has not been good with regard with the transfer of
rights. He added that he is in favor with the transfer of development rights for the Point Neighborhood, the
shellmound and the area north of the mound.
Philip Batchelder-, 2915A Wheeler Street, responded to Mr. Jacobberger's comments with regard to development
along transit routes. He added that the letter of Terrabay resident suggested to redevelop the dilapidated urban
zones. He responded to Mr. Breen's comment in discussing what is critical to this development. He added that the
City has cut its losses by approving less of Phase II. He referenced the Mitigation Monitoring Program, pages 5 and
7, and page 41. He added that opposition to the project was overwhelming.
Valerie Tulier, 2674 22nd Street - San Francisco, who is, Mexican Jikaria Apache and Puerto Rican, asked that the
Commission appeal to a cultural history. She asked the developer to think about what is important about the project
that they could not respect ancestral ground. She added that it is there belief that if the bones of their ancestors, they
will haunt those that disturbed the ground on which they lay. She wanted to appeal to the spiritual being of the
Commission and wanted to establish a connections to their ancestors. She asked that the Commission not build on
that land and they will be honored. She asked the Commissioners if they had felt the spirits on the land.
Dan Shattuc, 907 West Cardinal Drive, Sunnyvale, honored the last speaker with a moment of silence. He added
that the mountain is beautiful and he enjoys the environment. He added that the retaining walls are not aesthetically
pleasing. He agreed with the Ohlone people that the area should be saved and a mural should be put up in the area,
and that they know what the sites looked like.
J. R. Laiwa, 2674 22nd Street - San Francisco, added that the indigenous people have to struggle for a small piece
of land where their people are buried. He asked the Commission to have it in their heart to give the land to the
Ohlone people.
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Marie Blackowl, 407 Beach A venue, pointed out that an article in the newspaper said that there was a plan to let
future office workers know the importance of the site, so there would not be littering. She added that the office
buildings are not needed because there is enough congestion on Airport Boulevard. She stated that if the people of
South San Francisco would have voted on the item, it would not have gotten as far as it is.
Leland Behan, 186 Huntington Drive, DC, stated that he was taught to respect nature. He added that he cannot see
the beauty, and sacredness of a building. He hoped that the decision of the Commission would make them proud if
they decide to save the mountain, or ashamed for developing on it.
Jan Pont, 111 Belmont, thinks they have heard many comments against the project but just one that is for
development on the mountain. Many people would like to vote on it and the City should let the people decide what
the final decision on the mountain should be.
David Schooley stated that he has valued the mountain and everyone in South San Francisco loves it also. He
handed the Chairperson a newspaper article from 1989, which spoke of a march of more than a hundred people that
tried to save the mountain.
Brett Schembari, added that he grew up on San Bruno Mountain and related that he used to go there with his
father. He added that there is something spiritual about the park. He added that this is the only memorial that the
Ohlone people will have and no one should build on that land.
Pacho Gonzalez Villa Real, 380 Washington, added that the healing for drug and alcohol problems comes from the
mountain. He added that mother nature struck back last year in Pacifica on Longview and many thought it was EI
Nino. This was the result of man trying to have his way and his will with nature. The animals do not have the
power to make a decision, lying, stealing, and man cannot take away their lives.
Michelle Maz, asked the Commission to think of their relatives that have passed. She asked the Commission not to
disturb the mountain and the spirit that lives within the mountain.
Dennis Breen addressed several issues that came throughout the meeting. He added that there are monuments
available for the archaeological site. He added that his fum has invested millions of dollars on the project. They
have development rights because of the contributions that have been given. Some of which are large amounts of
land on the mountain that were given away, and contributions to the hookramps.
Public Hearing closed.
Assistant City Attorney Lindgren stated that he had asked Commissioner D'Angelo not to participate in the
discussion of Phase III because he had not participated in the previous discussion on May 6.
Chairperson Honan stated that Mr. Grandy's report noted that there can be development on the north side of the
shellmound, but in the EIR report Mr. Crane suggested that it is best to build south of the shellmound. She asked
Mr. Grandy if he had something in writing to substantiate his comment.
Mr. Grandy stated that his presentation was on the TDM plan, and he did not discuss the issue of north versus
south. He added that he had not seen a report from Crane and Associates suggesting that it is better to build on the
south side of the shellmound.
Commissioner Romero stated that the Commission has spent a large amount of time discussing the item. He likes
the idea of office buildings coming into South San Francisco but does not think it is appropriate to build a large
office building on the site. He added that the shellmound should be saved, and that a building north of the
shellmound should not be constructed. He stated that he would recommend denial of the project to the City
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Chairperson Honan asked if the wetlands were located north or south of the shellmound. Consultant Planner
Knapp replied that they are located on top, and north of the shellmound. Chairperson Honan asked if the EIR
stated that development was preferred south of the shellmound. Consultant Planner Knapp stated that the EIR
had the environmentally preferred development, which had all the development south of the shellmound. She added
that Mr. Crane was asked to analyze the amount of development that could be transferred from the Point to the
commercial site, and how much development could go south of the shellmound.
Commissioner Meloni asked how much the difference was in square footage proposed in 1998 and what is being
requested now. Consultant Planner Knapp added that the maximum being requested in 1998 was 343,000-sq. ft.,
and, assuming there was a 13% TDM program, there the request now would be approximately 400,000 sq. ft of
office space plus the hotel and restaurant for approximately 540,000 square feet. This assumes that the 13% TDM
program would work.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked if the Commission decided to go with development only on the southern part,
would there still be the thirty-foot buffer from the archaeological site. Consultant Planner Knapp replied that yes
the thirty-foot buffer would still be there. Chief Planner Harnish added that if the Commission felt that it is
appropriate to approve the development on the southern portion of the site, it would be necessary to redesign the
project. Commissioner Baldocchi added that the TDM would return with specifics along with the Precise Plan.
Chief Planner Harnish stated that the TDM has to based on the actual project, and then the most effective
measures would be analyzed.
Chairperson Honan asked if staff knew who the tenants would be, and what type of restaurant and hotel would go
in to the building. Chief Planner Harnish added that it is difficult for the applicant to find a user for the hotel and
restaurant until they know what has been approved. As far as the office building, staff does not know at the
moment. Chairperson Honan asked if staff was sure that the building north of the shellmound would be a single
tenant. She added that the height of the buildings to the south of the shellmound had not been determined and asked
if the City was guaranteed a height. Consultant Planner Knapp replied that the developer had requested the
buildings south of the shellmound to be 150 feet if there is no development approved on the Point. Chairperson
Honan asked if the Point would be dedicated as open space. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren replied that the
Commission can add that as a condition of approval. Commissioner Baldocchi added that she would support a
condition to have the Point dedicated to open space.
Commissioner Teglia stated that the Chairperson brings up good points. He added that it was a shame that the
Commission has been through study sessions and has asked for options, and all of a sudden they get all the options.
He felt that staff was recommending development on the southern side of the shellmound. Chief Planner Harnish
stated that staff recommendation was to permit the three pads, two south of the shellmound and one north of the
shellmound, which would include the office building. He added that staff's recommendation remains unchanged
and that they would support the decision that the Commission would make. Commissioner Teglia asked how staff
would suggest that the Commission handle the issue should they prefer the south only option. He added that the
Commission is doing a general approval and stated that the Chairperson made a good point in with regard to
approval of this project which dictates what the precise plan will be later. He added that pads, work in the rest of
the City where there is a set development, but something so sensitive, needs to be designed to maximize what is
there now. He added that the approval the Commission gives should allow some flexibility. He asked if it was
feasible to make an approval were grading not to take place until the Commission gets more specifics on what is
going into the site. Chairperson Honan disagreed with Commissioner Teglia, and did not believe that staff had
given alternative direction to the Commission. She added that she read it in the Environmental Impact Report. She
stated that the Commission has asked over and over again for alternatives and have never received a response.
Vice Chairperson Sim added that he has learned a lot about the project, cultural artifacts, Ohlone Indians, and
environment. He added that this has been encouraging to him. He asked about traffic issues regarding the
placement of the development, be it north, south or both, would there be a differences on the level of service. He
also asked if intersections were going to remain F. Consultant Planner Knapp added that the alternatives were
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designed so they would not exceed the impacts and mitigations in the 1998-99 SEIR. Mr. Crane added that if the
split development or just on one pad, they can work from an operation standpoint.
Vice Chairperson Sim asked about the wetlands being overtaken by the hookramps and the flyover. Consultant
Planner Knapp stated that the hookramp would occur east of the shellmound. She added that there are two ways to
deal with it one is a retaining wall that would take away one of the wetlands, and a causeway that would not. Jan
O'Flaherty proceeded to explain the design of the hookramps and added that it was in the preliminary stages.
Chairperson Honan asked Ms. O'Flaherty to show the Commission where the hookramps would be. Ms.
O'Flaherty proceeded to do so on the model of Terrabay Phase III. Commissioner Teglia asked if the hookramps
could be relocated to minimize the retaining walls. Ms. O'Flaherty stated that there were some alternatives that
they looked at on how to get traffic from 101 to Bayshore Boulevard. Commissioner Teglia asked if should there
be no development on the north pad does that open up any options or opportunities. Ms. O'Flaherty stated that it
does not change much in the area, because the grade on Bayshore Boulevard is at the existing grade. Whether there
is development on the north side or not, it is not impacting the profile of the Bayshore Boulevard realignment
project. Vice Chairman Sim encouraged City Engineer Kianpour to have some information on the hookramps
available to the City Council the following week.
Vice Chairperson Sim added that he is looking at both sides, the applicant has his economic situation to control,
and the sensitivity of the area from an ecological standpoint and from the historical archaeological aspects of the
site. He added that the project has a lot of economics, FAR, transfer of property, but he did not see the idea of what
the mountain might become. The Ohlone Indians have a vision of what the area might be for them. He added that
he is struggling on a vision of the project. He does not want it to be made up of only economics. He stated that the
area will be market driven and would like to know what the vacancy rates were going to be. He added that his vote
would be no development on the project do to the reasons he mentioned.
Chairperson Honan stated that the speakers had asked the Commission if they have searched their souls and asked
them to speak from their hearts. She added that she will speak for herself and has done a lot of soul searching, and
toured the mountain. She stated that nationality should not playa role on the mountain because they are all one.
She stated that she will respect the ancestral bones and would like them to respect her bones. She does not feel that
they have been given a base for the Phase ill. She explained that to raise children a solid base is needed or it will
fail, and she added that it is the same as building. She then proceeded that she would vote no on the project.
Commissioner Baldocchi stated that she was struggling with Phase III, and the developer has the right to build on
it. It is important that they work together to do what is best for South San Francisco and to make all parties
comfortable. She added that she liked the archaeological site being preserved and having a team of people talk
about what is the best way to preserve it. She stated that she is not opposed to intensifying the site and is not
comfortable with three pads.
Commissioner Teglia added that the Commission is sounding like they are coming to a consensus. It is obvious
that there will be development on the south pad, but if there is a change the Commission might need study sessions,
information, and a Specific Plan.
Commissioner Meloni added that there were a number of options for a development for the developer. He
expressed the same concerns as Chairperson Honan and added that there is no base for the project. He added that he
would also vote no on the project.
Motion Romero 1 Second Te2lia to deny staff's recommendation. Approved by unanimous roll call vote.
Ayes: Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner Meloni, Commissioner Romero, Commissioner Teglia,
Vice Chairperson Sim and Chairperson Honan
Abstain: Commissioner D'Angelo
Recess called at 10:00 p.m.
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Meeting recalled to orderl0:15 p.m.
Chief Planner Harnish informed the Commission that the minutes for the May 6, and May 20 Public Hearing on
the Terrabay project were being done by a court reporter and that the meeting had also been taped. He added that
the Council wanted to receive these before their meeting the following Wednesday and that the meeting was also
being taped by TCI. Chairperson Honan requested a copy of the tape and she would route it to the other
1. Approval of the March 4, March 18, April 1 and April 15, 1999 Regular Meeting Minutes and the April 19,
1999 Special Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Teglia gave corrections to the minutes of March 18, April 1, and April 19 minutes.
Motion Romero 1 Second Sim to approve minutes of March 4, 1999. Approved by majority voice vote with
Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Meloni, and Commissioner Teglia abstained.
Motion Te2lia 1 Second Romero to approve minutes of the March 18,1999 with modifications. Approved by
majority voice vote with Commissioners D' Angelo and Meloni abstaining.
Motion Te2lia 1 Second Sim to approve April 1, 1999 with modifications. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Motion Te2lia 1 Second Romero approved by majority voice vote with Commissioner Baldocchi abstaining.
Motion Te2lia 1 Second D' An2elo to approve April 19, 1999 with revisions and to go back to the Commission for
approval. Approved by majority voice vote with Chairperson Honan voting no.
5. Items from Staff
Chief Planner Harnish introduced Rocque J. Yballa the new Assistant Fire Marshall. He also thanked Richard
Johnson for the work he has done in the Building Division.
a. Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 1999-2000 adoption of Planning Commission
Resolution finding that the proposed Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the adopted
City General Plan, in accordance with Government Code, Division 1, Section 65401.
City Engineer Kianpour gave a brief presentation on the Capital Improvement program, which covered: 1) street
projects 2) CIP program dollars 3) CIP new appropriations 4).Project Identifications 5) Funding source designation
6) which are the high, medium, and low priority projects.
Commissioner Meloni asked when Spruce and Linden A venues were going to be fixed. City Engineer Kianpour
informed the Commissioner that they were working with San Mateo County on stabilizing the area.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked what the status was on the Hickey Boulevard extension from EI Camino to Old
Mission Road, and if there was a plan to extend it to Hillside Boulevard. City Engineer Kianpour stated that the
extension from Mission Road to Hillside Boulevard is in the City of Colma and it has been with the County for
several years. Commissioner D'Angelo offered his assistance in the project because he works for County Public
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Commissioner Romero asked what type of material would be used on the retaining wall for J uniperro Serra. City
Engineer Kianpour stated that the material would be soldier pile, pressure treated wood, the wall would be 14 feet
to 15 feet tall, and they are planning on requesting a budget increase for aesthetic improvements.
Commission Romero requested that they be noticed when the CIP goes before the City Council
Vice Chairperson Sim asked what the selection criteria is used in the process and if some of the Commissioners
can get involved in this process. He also asked if there was a way that the Engineering Division could help other
local entities. City Engineer Kianpour stated that he would be willing to look into that and invites any of the
Commissioners to participate if they wish.
Commissioner Meloni asked about doing the MSB HV AC replacement in two projects. City Engineer Kianpour
stated that Phase I of the MSB project was up and running when they decided to do the Police Department side of
the building.
Vice Chairperson Sim asked for an update on Artrise. City Engineer Kianpour stated that a presentation was
given to Council and an issue was money needed to retrofit the existing structure. Engineering Division will work
with Artrise and return to Council with options.
Commissioner Teglia asked if a cleanup of the Central Fire Station was part of the Capital Improvement Program.
City Engineer Kianpour stated that a painting contract for the interior of the building is being done, but there is
not one for the exterior of the building. That will be determined after the fire station study relocation, but as part of
the building maintenance program there have been some interim improvements. Commissioner Teglia suggested a
power wash for the building.
Commissioner Teglia asked about the Chestnut A venue widening project. City Engineer Kianpour stated that
they have been looking at replacing the signal at the intersection of Chestnut and Grand, widening to the south of
Grand, and improving the operation of the intersection. Commissioner Teglia stated that on one side of Chestnut
the homeowners have improved their landscaping and on the other side of the street has never been maintained. He
suggested that the City purchase that section and fix it.
Commissioner Romero asked about removing an overpass at Hickey Boulevard and replacing it with a stop light,
and what the purpose of that was. City Engineer Kianpour stated that they have noticed a lot of accidents at that
intersection and it is due to a lack of a protected left turn on Hickey. He explained how they would create a left turn
signal at that intersection. Commissioner Romero stated that children do not use Hickey because of the traffic and
he suggested that they consider putting a stop sign at the intersection near Chevy's restaurant for the children's
Motion Sim 1 Second D' An2elo. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
a. General Plan Scheduling
Chief Planner Harnish stated that the draft General Plan document is nearly complete and wanted some direction
from the Commission on how they would handle it. He added that the options were to have the meetings on
alternative Thursdays starting with a study session before the regular meeting, on off meeting days, or once a
month. The Commission stated that some would be on vacation during the summer. They decided to schedule a
study session on the General Plan Update for July 22, 1999.
6. Items from Commission
Commissioner Teglia stated that the Commission received an update on the outdoor produce displays on Grand
A venue. He added that he was disturbed by the fact that Panaderia Hernandez has made an effort, but the other
business has not made an effort to clean up their area. He noted that staff states that they continue to violate, and he
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would like to schedule a revocation hearing, in accordance with provisions of the Planning Commission's approval
of the Use Permit. Battalion Chief Johnson stated that the boxes in the doorway are fine, but the violation is inside
the doorway. He added that Norma Fragoso has translated for them to make sure that the applicant understands
what is happening. Commissioner Teglia added that there was a sense of competition if one store did something
and the other had to follow. He thought it was unfair to have Panaderia Hernandez spend a lot of money fixing the
area while the other store does not have to.
Motion Te2lia 1 Second Meloni directing staff to schedule a revocation hearing for J alisco Market. Approved by
unanimous voice vote
Commissioner Teglia asked about a letter thanking Council for allowing Commissioners to attend the Monterey
Conference. Chief Planner Harnish stated that it was written and Chairperson Honan signed it. Commissioner
Teglia requested a copy of the letter.
Vice Chairperson Sim stated that there is graffiti on the transformer on Westborough Townhomes. He asked staff
to clean it out as soon as possible.
7. Items from the Public
8. Adjourn
Motion Sim / Second Baldocchi to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
Marty Van Duyn
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
(JiYclith Honan, Chairperson
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting June 3, 1999, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San
Francisco, CA.
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