HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.15.99 Minutes
April 15, 1999
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Chairperson Honan, Vice Chairman Sim, Commissioner Baldocchi,
Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Meloni, Commissioner Romero, and
Commissioner Teglia
Commissioner Baldocchi
Planning Division:
Jim Harnish, Chief Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Mike Upston, Associate Planner
Mike Lappen, Consultant Planner
Adam Lindgren
Richard Harmon
Ray Honan
City Attorney:
Chief Planner Harnish stated that the applicant for item #3 has requested to have the item pulled from the
Consent Calendar.
Comnlissioner Romero requested that item #2 be removed from the Consent Calendar.
1. So. San Francisco Redevelopment Agency/Applicant 339-341 Commercial Ave.
General Plan Conformity finding for a potential acquisition by the City of So. San Francisco Redevelopment
Agency of property located at 339-341 Commercial Ave. in the R-3-L Multi-Family Residential Zone
Motion Te2lia / Second Meloni to approve the Consent Calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
(Consent Calendar - Public Hearin2 items)
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2 Bay View Villas (a.k.a. St. Francis Hts.)
A ppian Way @ Gellert Blvd.
pun 88-12/MOD 2 and Categorical Exenlption Class 4, Section 15304
Modification to a residential Planned Unit Development to delete a stairway and modify the private roadway
entry on Appian Way.
Public Hearing was opened.
Associate Planner Upston gave the staff report
David Bowers, applicant, gave a brief history of the project, which was approved in 1988. The City entered into
an agreement that required a central staircase that has been installed. The requirement for the stairway within the
project. He gave a brief description of the entrance and exits on Appian Way pointing out some plans. The City
brought the issue of the staircase up to the developer and they started to look for alternatives. One of these was to
take out all landscaping, cut the hillside back from the homes. Engineering Division concurred that doing the
work was debatable whether the original approval of 200-foot line setback could be met. The developer came up
with the plan that is before the Commission, and it includes comments from the Engineering Division and the
Homeowners Association.
Vice Chairperson asked for information on the referendum of the Homeowners Association to remove the
Mr. Bowers stated that there have been several meetings before the Board of Directors regarding the
Homeowners Association. The Homeowners that were impacted with the proposed placement of the stairway had
issues with security. Another issue was liability because the Homeowners Association is responsible for half the
liability of the existing stairway. He added that every homeowner was polled and the majority responded. The
result of the poll was not to have the stairway.
Comnlissioner Sim asked who was the proponent of the referendum
Mr. Bowers stated that he had sent out a questionnaire to all the homeowners and asked them to check a box. All
of those questionnaires were sent to the Homeowners Association directly and that is where they were tallied.
Comnlissioner Romero asked who would be responsible for installing the stairway.
Mr. Bowers responded that it would be the developer's responsibility.
Public Hearing was closed.
Conlmissioner Romero asked if staff had any background information on MOD/l.
Senior Planner Carlson stated that there had been some modifications to the architectural character of the
Conlmissioner Romero was concerned about the elimination of the stairs and the offset of loosing them to
landscaping and it does not seem like a equitable trade off. He was also concerned about redesigning the street,
and is also concerned about children in the development trying to cross the street to the park. He suggested that
they install a stop sign.
Richard Harmon, Engineering Division, stated that it was not legal to install a stop sign at that location,
because it is an arterial and warrants have to be met for installation of stop signs. He added that if the City would
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install a stop sign there and if there were an accident at that location the City would be liable for whatever
Conlmissioner Romero addressed his concern with having people go the opposite way down the street.
Mr. Harmon presented the Commission a brief summary of a traffic study that had been done with the signal
review of the project. The exit on Appian Way was seen as a potential safety problem because of the line of sight.
There was a specific condition of approval on the project that required a line of sight corridor to be maintained.
The developer did not meet the specific condition and the homes were not built according to those conditions to
provide the line of sight. The alternatives were to change the driveway to be a one way, and the homeowners did
not feel this was the best solution for them. It was suggested the intersection be reconfigured to prevent left-hand
turns from the driveways, and avoid the potential of accidents at that intersection.
Conlmissioner Romero pointed out that if the cars could not be seen coming out of the dri veway, then neither
would pedestrians.
Mr. Harmon stated that there is a pedestrian crosswalk where the existing stairs meet the street. The street was
designed in the ] 960s, and the applicant's proposal satisfies both the homeowners and staff's safety concerns.
Vice Chairperson Sim asked if anyone had done a cost analysis comparing the cost of constructing the stairway
vs. additional landscaping.
Chief Planner Harnish stated that staff has not seen a cost analysis, but if the Homeowners Association agreed
with the modification, the City would support their position on the issue.
Commissioner Sim asked if this is setting a precedent, to change the project, to allow these referendums.
Chief Planner Harnish stated that regardless of the Commission's action the Homeowners Association can
request a change, because they want to make a modification. Whether it is approved or denied it is the same with
any Association.
Assistant City Attorney Lindgren stated that the Commission is not setting any legal precedent.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked if a portion of the cost for the staircase could be dedicated to landscaping or to
use the money somewhere else within the facility.
Assistant City Attorney Lindgren stated that the Commission can make modifications as they are requested; and
if there were an in-lieu fee, a nexus would be required.
Conlmissioner Teglia asked if there was a warrant study conducted or was a stop sign considered.
Richard Harmon stated that the stop sign consideration came up recently, and there was not enough traffic to
meet State warrants for a stop sign
Chairperson Honan stated that she would agree with the HOA and they will be dealing with that situation. She
agreed with the concerns and the Commission should listen to the homeowners.
Chairperson Honan stated that she understands the Commissioners concerns but her decision is being based on
what the homeowners want.
Vice Chairperson Sim asked that the item be continued with the Attorney getting back to the Commission with
Commissioner D' Angelo's request
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Assistant City Attorney Lindgren stated that if there is an impact connected to the project and stated that he
would work closely with staff to see if there was an interest to make a significant change.
Commissioner Teglia stated that the Planning Commission would recommend adding the fees to Council and
have them consider it.
Conlmissioner Romero stated that it would not be reasonable to expect an offset. He added that this issue should
have been resolved better, and that something should be done to improve the project.
Chief Planner Harnish suggested that if the Commissioners prefers they can continue the item.
Mr. David Bowers stated that the applicant offered to put the stairway in and the Association did not want a
stairway. This is why they decided not to, and he added that as a developer they have already negotiated a
financial settlement with the Homeowners Association.
Conlnlissioner Sim questioned how much the financial contribution was.
Mr. Bowers replied that it was 30% of savings not to put the stairway in which saves $14,000.
Comnlissioner Romero added that the modification is being recommended to the City Council, and that the
negotiations have been done. He asked why the Commission was approving this, if the homeowners have already
approved it.
Chief Planner Harnish stated that PUD modifications require City Council approval. The applicant landscaped
with the expectation that the Commission and Council would concur with them. Should the Commission deny the
proposal and the Council agrees, the applicant will be obligated to put the stairway in.
Associate Planner Upston added that the landscaping is not complete and they will finish it upon Council's
Motion Ronlero / Second Te2lia to recommend approval of the modification to City Council. Approved by
unanimous voice vote.
3 Oyster Pt. Tech. Ctr.lTrammel Crow NW., Inc.-owner
Arrow Sign Co. -applicant
345-349 Oyster Pt. Blvd.
SC-99-015 and Categorical Exemption Class 11 Section 15311
Type "C" Sign Permit allowing a comprehensive sign program.
Senior Planner Carlson gave the staff report and stated that the applicant requested that the item be pulled from
the Consent Calendar, because they wanted additional signage for one of the buildings.
Conlnlissioner Meloni asked if the monument signs are 8 feet in height.
Senior Planner Carlson stated that they are 8 feet in height.
Conlnlissioner Teglia noted that the Design Review Board, recommended that the height not exceed 6 feet.
Senior Planner Carlson stated that the original 8 foot tall monument sign was approved by the Planning
Commission as part of the PUD. The applicant a sign program which includes building fa~ade signs and a second
monument sign.
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Dean Givas, Trammell Crow, stated that they are happy with the sign program with one change to it. He
explained that the three tenants at 347 Oyster Point Boulevard want one exterior tenant sign.
Public Hearing was closed.
Conlmissioner Teglia stated that he remembers the approval and does not remember about the eight-foot sign
and he suggested that the rest of the monument signs be 6 feet in height.
Chairperson Honan thinks that putting in 6-foot sign would not be consistent.
Conlmissioner Teglia stated that there would still be some sight lines because of the hillside.
Vice Chairperson Sim added that it should be consistent.
Motion / Teglia to approve the permit with an additional condition that sign C2 be no more than 6 feet in height.
For lack of a second the motion dies.
Motion Te2lia / Second Sim to approve the sign permit. Unanimously approved.
4 Arturo Ramirez/owner-applicant
309 Baden A venue
UP-98-108 and Categorical Exemption Class 3 Section 15303 (c)
Use Permit to allow a commercial building within 200 ft. of a residential district.
Associate Planner Upston presented the Staff Report.
Arturo Ranlirez, 309 Baden A venue, stated that he purchased the property for his business as a warehouse, and
was told that the zoning was not for such a use. He now is proposing a 2-story building which will be retail and
an office. He added that the item on parking would go before the Parking Place Commission.
Conlmissioner D'Angelo asked what kind of retail the applicant anticipates for the bottom lever.
Mr. Ramirez stated that it could be clothing or any type of retail business, which he will be leasing
Conlnlissioner D'Angelo asked if the applicant will be upstairs.
Mr. Ranlirez replied that his office would be on the second floor.
Vice Chairperson Sim stated that the Design Review Board stipulates some joints and wanted to know why they
were not on the plans.
Associate Planner Upston stated that the major change the applicant has made is with the roof, scorelines and
joints were not implemented.
Vice Chairperson Sim was concerned about exit coverage's.
Mr. Ramirez stated that they would go in underneath the building and come out from the other building.
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Public Hearing closed.
Conlmissioner Meloni asked if it would be used as an eating establishment
Assistant City Attorney Lindgren stated that it would require a Use Permit.
Conlmissioner Romero stated that the original proposal was a three level building and agrees with staff that it
was too tall. He added that the project looks too plain and would recommend improvements to the second level.
Teglia agreed with Commissioner Romero's observations.
Chairperson Honan asked if the building goes along with the rest of the buildings around the area.
Associate Planner Upston stated that it was intended to be that way.
Motion Sim / Second Meloni to approve the use permit with an additional condition that the applicant revise the
back elevations to reflect the Design Review comments, as well as approval of a parking exception by the Parking
Place Commission. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
5. Bob Jr.'s Towing-applicant
Olympian Gulf Properties-owner
39 So. Linden Ave. #T
UP-99-014 and Categorical Exemption Class 1 Section 15301
Use Permit to allow operable and inoperable vehicle storage in the Industrial (M-l) zone district.
Associate Planner Upston presented the staff report.
Robert Fabris, 39 #T South Linden, stated that the company has been operating at the site since ] 990. The site
works for their buildings. He added that they have been removed from the Police Departments rotation until this
issue is resolved.
Comnlissioner Meloni asked if they were going to install paving and drainage per city standards.
Mr. Fabris stated that they were.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked if they had a time schedule.
Mr. Fabris stated that they would do it immediately, if the permit were approved.
Public Hearing Closed.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked about an objection to the permit from another business in SSP.
Associate Planner Upston stated that the issue arose, when a competitor complained about the unfairness of
having them apply for a use permit and the applicant did not.
Commissioner Ronlero asked if Mr. Fabris had been out of business for over a year.
Associate Planner Upston stated that the applicant had been instructed not to operate from that site.
Chief Planner Harnish added that when the applicant was asked to cease using the site and apply for a use
permit they cooperated and did so.
Motion Te2lia / Second D' An2elo approved by unanimous voice vote.
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Recess called at 9: 1 0
Meeting called to order at 9:25
6. Hilton Hotel/Corporex Oyster Pt., LLC-applicant
City of So. S.F .-owner
Raiser Resources LLC- Leaseholder
SW corner Oyster Pt. Blvd. & Marina Blvd.
GP-99-005, SP A-99-005, RZ-99-005, ZA-99-005, PP-99-005,PM-99-005 & MND-99-005
General Plan, Specific Plan Amendment, Rezone, Zoning Amendment and Precise Plan to permit
construction of a 10-story full service hotel containing 325 rooms, 1 restaurant, 13K meeting space, and a 3-
story garage with 325 parking spaces.
Consultant Planner Lappen gave the staff report.
Mr. Gene Hess, Corporex-West, stated that he would give some information on the project. He explained what a
full service hotel provides, which is rooms, restaurant, breakfast, lunch, dinner, meeting spaces, ballroom, atrium
and valet parking. The City wanted a full service hotel at the location. He gave some background of the property.
He added that Raiser Resources was the original tenant of the property, which is owned by the City and leased to
the Harbor District. The characteristics of the site is a landfill which needs remediation and mitigation measures,
and a large amount of cost incurred which is why there is a larger hotel on the site to justify the investment. He
proceeded to give the Commission some information on what they will do at the site. 1) They have not asked for
more land. 2) There is an allowed 100-foot height for the building and permitted a signage, 26-foot sign that
would make the total height 126. They negotiations were that they build 126 feet and the sign would go on the
building. 3) They were required to have 325 rooms to replace the Hilton Hotel lost at SFO. 4) There were some
limitations on parking over the swell and BCDC's jurisdiction. There have been informal meetings with BCDC
to see what will be permitted. Hilton guidelines are that parking should be a 1: 1 ratio. He added that they want to
protect what is being offered to the guests, and this is why they are offering regulated parking. He added that they
agreed with City staff that control of the parking facility is advisable for servicing the guests.
Janles E. Sparesus, Archiplan Int'l. LTD, stated that from the distance the building would have a presence.
The signage has earthtone colors and will help to tie that area with surrounding areas. He proceeded to show the
Commission some color renderings of how the hotel will look. He added that the character is in line with the
Roy Kato, Landscape Architect, stated that they have met with the City's Design Review, and BCDC. They also
have coordinated with the Harbor District in regard to the Bay Trail. They made some changes to the landscaping
as they coordinated with the Harbor District and King Ventures in regard to landscaping. 1.) They would use
Monterey Cypress trees for the street. 2.) The Bay Trail would be allowed to go on the opposite side of Marina
Blvd. and connect with the trail near the bridge crossing from Genentech 3.) BCDC was concerned about the sight
line to the bay. They proposed that they would leave native and remove non-native. He then proceeded to give
the two new Commissioners a review of how the land settles 3-4 feet over 15 years, and the dilemma of planting
trees. 5.) The solution was to put undulating bands, separated by non-water material bands. He then decided to
carry the bands throughout the site, and this would also save water.
Mr. Hess addressed one other issue regarding the parking structure, that the 100-foot shoreline band of the
BCDC, has a setback from the swell. BCDC has jurisdiction with the 100 feet area that will require that the
applicant keep vegetation as it is. He stated that they would be precluded to go higher because of BCDC' s
setback requirement from the swell. He also addressed the name of the hotel, which was an issue with the
Commission. He stated that it was important for Hilton to keep Hilton San Francisco Airport at Oyster Point
Marina because it identifies the hotel as an airport-oriented hotel, and not to be confused with the Hilton Garden
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Leo Paddredi, Harbor Commissioner and representing the Harbor District, they asked a lot of questions in regard
to parking, and landscaping. The Commission voted to endorse and support the plant. The Marina had been run
down but is now going through a lot of improvements.
Chairperson Honan asked if the Harbor District had any agreement with the Hilton in regards to parking.
Leo Paddredi added that there were several discussions on the lease agreement, and they made several
amendments to the Lease.
Director of Econonlic & Comnlunity Development Van Duyn added that there is a lease between the Harbor
District and Raiser as the awarded leaseholder for the property. The lease also brought in a third property, which
was Corporex. The joinder lease includes Raiser, Corporex, and the City. There is a joinder, which means that
the City has to approve the Harbor Districts lease in order to extend the length of the existing land lease that the
City has with the Harbor District.
Conlnlissioner Ronlero asked who the new Chairman of the Harbor District was.
Mr. Paddredi stated that Pietro Paravano is the new Chairman.
Commissioner Romero asked about a document that he received from Harbor Commission Ken Lundi, and
asked if what was in the document, was the consensus of the Commission.
Mr. Paddedi stated that this was a new appointed Commissioner, and he brought that document up at their
meeting. That is the Commissioner's viewpoint
Mr. Hess added that Corporex has an executed lease effective February 17th between the Raiser, the City, and the
Harbor District. He stated that Corporex has an agreement with Hilton to be entitled to have the franchise for the
project. He added that Hilton would build another full service hotel in Burlingame.
Assistant City Attorney Lindgren stated that the leases do not relate to offsite parking.
Public Hearing closed.
Conlnlissioner Meloni asked about an amendment to achieve the multi storage.
Chief Planner Harnish stated that the current designation on the site OIimits the uses of parking and other service
related uses. One of the actions before the Commission is to amend the Specific Plan. A parking garage would
be on the existing parcel.
Commissioner Meloni could something be built on that parcel 9, for example parking.
Consultant Planner Lappen stated that the current zoning asks for a public park and related uses so it cannot be
done because the change would be require change of zoning
Comnlissioner Meloni asked if the BCDC setback is in relation to the height of the structure.
Mr. Sparesus stated that yes the] OO-foot setback is from the five-foot contour.
Commissioner Meloni asked if it precluded them from going deeper to expand parking.
Mr. Sparesus stated that their problem was the grade situation and that there was a limited area that they were
able to get into the ground. Should they try to grade somewhere else it would increase the settling of the land.
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Commissioner Meloni asked how much the occupancy of the meeting room was.
Mr. Sparesus added that if 15 square feet per person divided the 13,000 square feet it calculated an average of
Conlnlissioner Meloni asked if the total parking included parking for the disabled.
Mr. Sparesus the total parking has 8 handicap stalls.
Commissioner Meloni asked if they plan on operating a rental car service
Mr. Hess stated not at this present time.
Consultant Planner Lappen stated that it is included in the Conditions of Approval that there shall not be rental
car operations on site.
Chief Planner Harnish_added that the intent of the condition is to prevent rental cars from being stored there.
Comnlissioner Meloni was concerned about the monitoring of the gated area not becoming accessible to non-
Mr. Hess stated that matching license plates with guest registration does this, and also who the employees are that
are in the parking. There is one entrance in and one out.
Commissioner Meloni stated he was in agreement with the name South San Francisco at Oyster Point.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked what the standard occupancy of the building would be.
Mr. Hess there is a significant number of new hotels coming on the market, and a better selection for the guests in
the future.
Commissioner D'Angelo stated that they would have a surplus of people with cars and not enough parking
spaces because there are employees, guests, and maybe a banquet to accommodate.
Mr. Hess stated that this would be true if everyone would be entering in his or her own vehicle. Being airport-
oriented hotel the guests are using airport shuttles, and some have three in a car.
Chairperson Honan asked if any of the other hotels had an altelllative plan for parking overflow.
Consultant Planner Lappen stated that the new hotel in Millbrae, which is 500 rooms, raised some concerns
with the neighborhood because of the 325 parking spaces. The Millbrae Council put together a management plan
that was based on what Burlingame was doing with their hotels such as Marriott and Hyatt. Staff plans to monitor
that hotel closely regarding its impact on off street parking. The City is taking a proactive approach to parking
issues so the hotels will not have a negative parking impact on neighboring properties.
Chairperson Honan asked if they would have enough parking for banquet facilities and if there is an alternative
plan if the hotel is completely full.
Mr. Hess stated that they had a thought to enter into an agreement for additional parking. The plan is to see if
there can be an agreement with the local businesses for off site parking.
Chief Planner Harnish added that in the proposed conditions of approval they would anticipate that one
component would be identification in anticipation of major events, where there might be overflow parking.
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Consultant Planner Lappen stated that conditions of approval] 3-] 5 address that issue and proceeded to read
Chief Planner Harnish added that recommendations go much further than the City has gone with any hotel.
Chairperson Honan stated an issue with the name and is offended by this.
Commissioner Ronlero added that he feels the same way, as do the other Commissioners in regard to the name.
Mr. Hess stated that he would take the Commission comments and insist upon them to Hilton.
Conlmissioner Ronlero was concerned about the parking because of the growing development of the Oyster
Point Marina, and how much parking will be available. He strongly urged that there be a plan to address parking.
Comnlissioner Teglia and Mr. Sparesus entered into discussion on the parking structure and how feasible it was
to grade into the cap and then reseal for another deck. It was explained that the foundation should not be
disturbed and kept in tact. BCDC would not allow the applicant to go higher because of the five-foot contour.
Mr. Hess added that BCDC had three separate issues. ].) setback in the] OO-foot shoreline band. 2) Maintaining
the views to the Bay. 4) Access to the swell.
Vice Chairperson Sim is also concerned about the name, and urged Mr. Hess to show Hilton the property.
Commissioner Teglia added that SSF is recognized because of the biotech companies, and that Hilton should be
informed of this.
Vice Chairperson Sim asked what the architect had done to reflect some of their comments.
Mr. Sparesus stated that they went back to the design and evaluated the colors, detail, and textures that they were
working with. The area that was worked on was detailing of the building, and influencing the character of the
building. They were trying to reflect the Oyster Point Marina character, and it was a feeling.
Chairperson Honan asked about the clock.
Mr. Sparesus added that it had been removed.
Commissioner Meloni asked if the lower level would be put in the front end would it affect BCDC.
Mr. Sparesus stated that the height is actual parking garage area, and the building would get larger.
Commissioner Teglia suggested that the BCDC staff could go with them. He recommended that the General
Plan amendment, FAR increase ] .6, be restricted to this site specifically.
Vice Chairperson Sim recommended that the applicant show a view from Oyster Point Boulevard towards the
Hotel to the Council.
Economic & Comnlunity Development Director Marty Van Duyn wanted to comment on the project, and
stated that staff struggled with the parking issue. He proceeded to give the Commission some background
information on the project. ].) Early on in the process ECD and City Manager's office have pushed the applicant
to a full service hotel. It was mutually agreed that they wanted to maximize the hotel to a full service hotel. 2.)
The City owns the property and leases it to the Harbor District. The City enforces parking in the area. The
contingency has to come to the City and the Harbor District. They wanted to maximize the opportunities. It is the
City's expectation to have a shortage of parking than have an unsuccessful amount of development regardless of
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the use 3.) The Harbor District is getting very aggressive with development in the area. The public market is
growing in the area because of King Ventures, Ferry Service, The Commodore boat services, and restaurants.
There is a Master Plan for the Oyster Point Marina in process now. Should there be success with staff's plans for
the marina then there will be need for structured parking. 4.) He added that many hotels were analyzed with
parking ratio's similar to the Hilton Hotel are located in Burlingame. Burlingame is fighting park-n-fly, and the
City has prohibited rental car parking and mandated that they have airport shuttles. He advised the Commission
to approve the project because they know what is going on with the hotel market. Staff likes the project and this
project gives the opportunity to tunl around the Marina and develop it more.
Motion Te2lia / Second Sim approve item with modification to restrict FAR to that site, that the applicant
explore lower level parking, and that the name issue given consideration, and that that staff work with the
applicant on these recommendations. Approved by unanimous vote.
7 Items from Staff
a) 1999 AP A Planning Commissioners workshop
Chief Planner Harnish stated that the Commission had an application to a Planning Commissioners workshop
and asked if anyone was interested to contact him before April 30th for registration.
b) Open house from 11-2 at the Oyster Point Marina
Chief Planner Harnish stated that there will be tours of the Commodore and food will be provided
9 Items from Commission
read 2 letters one from her and one from the mayor
10 Items from the Public
Chairperson Honan (verbatim) - So that my words are not misconstrued, I request this statement be recorded in
our minutes verbatim. For this reason I will address this to the Commissioners.
What I am about to say is not open for discussion nor will it be discussed. This is a statement to the
Commissioners from your Chairperson Judith Honan.
Various times the press will contact you as a Commissioner regarding items we have discussed or voted on. If
you wish to speak to the press you should only speak for yourself, not the entire Commission. I strongly
recommend when you speak with the press, that you emphasize you are only speaking in behalf of yourself. Any
statements in regards to the entire Commission will only be spoken through he Chairperson. In the Chairperson's
absence, the Vice-Chairperson can handle this. I understand that the press can misconstrue words. However, it
must be completely understood that absolutely no one Commissioner is to speak for this entire Commission. That
is one of the responsibilities of the Chairperson.
She added that she was asked to read a memo from Mayor Datzman, which were comments from the Council
meeting of April 14, 1999, concerning comments in a newspaper article. The memo related that the Planning
Commissioners are appointed to perform certain responsibilities, such as, 1) review plans; 2) make
recommendations; 3) vote according to their conscience 4) allow items to be referred in appropriate cases to the
City Council for final action. The memo added that the packets include a variety of information, including
comments from the Commission, and that the job of the Planning Commissioner is to review and vote. It was
pointed out that one member of the Commission did not understand this because of a recent newspaper article.
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The Council can call upon a Commissioner for input on a project but cannot represent the Commission. This is
the job of the Chairperson. She requested that this issue be discussed at a future Planning Commission meeting.
Chairperson Honan then called for a Special Meeting held at 7 :00 p.m. in the City Hall Annex Conference Room.
She requested that all Commissioners attend.
11. Adjourn
Motion Te2lia / Second Ronlero to adjourn the meeting.
The meetiJjlg was adjourned at ] 2:00 p.m.
~}udith Honan, Chairperson
L/ Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Special Meeting April 19, 1999. City Hall Annex, Conference Room, 3]5 Maple Avenue,
South San Francisco, CA.
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