HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.22.99 Minutes
Tnlv 22 1 QQQ
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Meloni, Commissioner
Romero, Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Sim and Chairperson Honan
STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division:
Thomas C. Spat"ks, Chief Planner
Susy Kalkin
Mike Lappen
Rajeev Bhatia
ALSO PRESENT: Dyett & Bhatia
1. General Plan Update Workshop
City of South San Francisco
Workshop to discuss Chapter 3 (Planning Sub-Areas Element).
Chief Planner Sparks gave a brief description of what the General Plan chapter 3 would entail.
. Downtown Sub Area
Michael Lappen and Rajeev Bhatia gave a presentation.
Commissioner D' Angelo asked what the motivation for high density versus medium or low density. Mr. Bhatia
replied that there is development that has high density and they are encouraging high density residential in the
downtown. Senior Planner Kalkin and Mike Lappen added that they are trying to create additional activity in the
downtown at"ea. They tried to look at ways of adding some additional population to stimulate commercial activity in
the downtown. Mr. Bhatia added that they are looking at similar densities and directed the Commission to Page 2-40
of the Draft General Plan. Having two to three floor residential developments can attain the high densities.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked if this would be affordable housing. Mr. Bhatia stated that it would be much more
affordable than what is currently out in the area. Chairperson Honan added that this is similar to 3rd A venue in San
Francisco and it is also being done in San Mateo. Chief Planner Sparks added that this is one approach that will
improve the economic status in the area.
Commissioner Baldocchi stated her concern of not having enough parking in the area and how difficult it has been to
~olve this problem. She was also concerned that the parking was being minimized and would only worsen the pat"king
,roblem. She felt that Downtown is the heat"t of the City and the character of the new development needs to be
onsistent with what is existing. Mr. Bhatia added that policy 3.1-1-10 requires a new development to provide off
street parking and not minimizing parking. Commissioner Meloni asked if the downtown development is looking at
owner occupied or rental uses. Mr. Bhatia stated that ownership is not being defined in the General Plan.
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Commissioner Teglia was concerned with downtown being degraded if it moves toward high density. He added that
~ncouraging high quality housing in the at'ea would bring in a different type of community.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked for a clarification on the enteltainment element that was put into the downtown.
Chief Planner Sparks added that the City Council had a study session on Tenanomics and they talked about the
possibility of having some new developments like a large parking stiucture and a class A office building and a major
motion picture complex. Commissioner Baldocchi stated that she would be concerned about having a big
development in the downtown. Mr. Bhatia stated that some of the detail needs to be sorted out through the zoning
ordinance. Commissioner Baldocchi asked about having chain stores on Grand A venue. Mr. Bhatia added that this
would be undertaken as a zoning ordinance issue.
Vice Chairperson Sim thinks that affordable housing is good for the downtown and would encourage high density in
the downtown. He was concerned about congestion on either side. Commissioner Teglia added that most of the
affordable housing is in the downtown area and encouraging it may not bring a balance to that at'ea. He added that
condos could be included in the downtown area to accomplish this balance. Vice Chairperson Sim wanted
information on how the 3rd street corridor in San Mateo became such a development. He added that it was not so dense
and how high density will be implemented in South San Francisco.
Commissioner Romero asked that high-density area in the downtown is extremely large and there is no open space to
offset this. High density leads to more families with children that do not have a place to play. He would like medium
density with higher quality projects and more open space. Commissioner Baldocchi added that in Old hish town
there were empty lots that were converted into green spots. She added that green spots should be incorporated
throughout the neighborhood. Mr. Bhatia added that the City could buy properties to dedicate them into open space.
=ommissioner D'Angelo added that the Commission has a desire for open space, not reducing parking, having quality
levelopments and an emphasis on owner operated businesses. The Commission also desires less dense residential
developments. Chairperson Honan agreed with Vice Chairperson Sim in having open space and high-density
developments. Commissioner Meloni asked what the driving factor would be to enable the density to change. Mr.
Bhatia stated that it is a variety of forces and factors.
. Lindenville, South Spruce Corridor and BART Station Sub area
Michael Lappen and Rajeev Bhatia continued with the presentation.
Commissioner Romero asked if the primary reason for the Zellerbach site not being recommended for residential
would be because it is in the 65-db zone. Mr. Bhatia stated that the 65 db CNEL was not an issue but the
compatibility with the existing businesses. Commissioner Romero stated that the 65-db zone does not affect a large
portion of the Zellerbach site. He added that the reconfiguration of db zone would put the entire site out of the 65
CNEL zone. He added that in the previous recommendations staff has recommended residential development in the
Lindenville area. He stated that the Zellerbach site is up for sale, the business has moved and it is time to see what will
be done with that site. Senior Planner Kalkin stated that the site is sold and is being occupied by the Airport
Commission. Commissioner Romero stated that he looks at the site in conjunction with the BART station because
the Tanforan station is in close proximity. He would like the area to develop into mixed use and be community
commercial which would be consistent with the surrounding areas. Commissioner Baldocchi liked Commissioner
Romero's idea and would like to see a metro area where the employees can live and shop. Chairperson Honan did
not want to eliminate any residential developments west of 101 because residential developments are not allowed east
of 101.
:ommissioner D'Angelo added that they are trying to move businesses from one side of Linden and moving them to
.nother area. He stated that East of 101 is rapidly growing with Biotech uses and it is moving out the freight
forwarding uses. These companies are looking for a place to move he would like for this area should stay as it is
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::unently designated. Commissioner Romero clarified his suggestion on the Lindenville area. His suggestion was
having a mixed use. He noted that there will be a linear pat"k in the BART area and the residents will have access to
that park. Vice Chairperson Sim asked staff to review a bond measure that was proposed to encourage a transit
village concept. Commissioner Baldocchi stated that a guiding policy called for enhancement of the area by
undeltaking streetscape and other improvements, she suggested having some landscaping in the Lindenville area.
Lindenville and South Spruce areas should compliment each other with the landscaping. Mr. Bhatia stated that the
policies at"e strictly for certain areas but can be used for others.
Vice Chairperson Sim asked if there were design concepts for the linear park and where it would end in the City.
Senior Planner Kalkin stated that there would be a bikeway that would connect the BART stations.
Recess taken at 9:00 p.m.
Recalled to order at 9: 10 p.m.
. El Camino Corridor Sub Area
Michael Lappen and Rajeev Bhatia continued with the presentation.
Commissioner Meloni asked why there was a high-density designation in the Sunshine Gat"dens at"ea. Senior Planner
Kalkin stated that the City Council at one point had discussed having a high-density senior development.
Commissioner Meloni stated that this might be a problem in the neighborhood just like in Willow Gat"dens. Senior
Planner Kalkin stated that the map is reflecting the discussions made by City Council. Commissioner D'Angelo
asked about the senior housing being considered on Chestnut which would preclude the need for this at"ea to be high
lensity. Senior Planner Kalkin stated that the City Council was discussing both sides. Commissioner Teglia stated
hat if senior housing is not in the definition then anyone can put a high-density development there. He suggested that
be left low density and if there is a specific application on senioi" housing then the General Plan can be amended.
Senior Planner Kalkin stated that there is a policy that allows senior housing going in any zone at a higher density
with a conditional use permit. She suggested having a policy of that SOlt if the Commission desires. The Commission
agreed to do this.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked if the Commission would be looking at design standards and guidelines along the EI
Camino Conidor. Mr. Bhatia stated that there are specific overlay zones and are being discussed. He added that they
recommend that the City pursue a joint development process in the BART station at"ea. The federal government
defines this. It also gives the City money to be enteltaining more subsidized leases. Commissioner Baldocchi was
concerned with an overflow of parking in the area and gave examples of Kaiser and what would happen when BART
would be completed. Mr. Bhatia stated that there at"e specific implementing policies for that. Commissioner
Baldocchi suggested that they add housing to the EI Camino Corridor to make it more transient oriented. Mr. Bhatia
stated that this is what the current proposal is trying to achieve.
Vice Chairperson Sim was interested in urban design and putting parking in the back to have the commercial
businesses in the front of the street. He asked if the City is supporting an urban design or the suburban look. Mr.
Bhatia stated that the City is and directed the Commission to the last policy in page 3-29, which calls for transit
supportive development requirements. Chief Planner Sparks directed the Commission to page 3-33; policy 3.4-1-8
has some significant strictures to potential developments.
. East of 101 Sub Area
v'lichael Lappen and Rajeev Bhatia continued with the presentation.
. Public input
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Richard Cook, Attorney representing Pat "king Company of America, informed the Commission that they are in the
center of the proposed power center. He stated that PCA is a viable business and hundreds of jobs depend on the
Commission's decision. He informed the Commission of their operations. He added that PCA pays more taxes than
the downtown area.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked what the disruption would be to PCA, and the neighboring companies that the
extension would cause. Mr. Cook added that they could work around this and PCA has always done been willing to
work with the City. Commissioner Teglia asked if they had a proposal of what the at"ea should be. Mr. Cook stated
that the proposal legislates them out of existence and they are willing to develop a proposal for the General Plan that
would not destroy their business.
Mike Valencia, representing the Golden Gate Produce Terminal, stated that they have 200 trucks a night in the area
and this proposed extension would impact the operation. He understood that the interchange would not be created
unless the power center was started. He stated that the produce terminal would be out of business before the
interchange can be developed and the power center would have to be built before the interchange is built. He
proceeded to give some background information on how the Produce Terminal started in SF. He gave the Commission
a book by the name of It Happens Every Morning. He stated that they have been keeping low key, they have been a
good neighbor and have suppOlted the Chamber of Commerce for many years. They would like the City to promote
the Produce Terminal.
Chairperson Honan asked why they were keeping low key. Mr. Valencia stated they don't want the public to go
there in the busy hours, which are 2-4 a.m. They don't adveltise, and don't want children running around because it is
a busy active place. He added that it operates well and everyone is welcome to visit the terminal and buy a box of
Jroduce. Commissioner Baldocchi clarified her comments on uniqueness and she meant that they should stay away
i"om the big box retail.
Nick Hascol, Planner with EDA W, representing Guy Arnold, owner of 415 East Grand Avenue, which is proposed as
a potential town center. Mr. Arnold submitted a letter to Consultant Planner Lappen and asked the Commission to
review the letter. Mr. Arnold was concelned with where the area would be going. Mr. Atnold has intended his
intention of having EDA W review existing policies and future policies for the site. He stated that they would follow
up with a review on the site and become more active in this process.
Fred Etzel, representing Ted and Keith Simas owners of Shell station at Hickey Boulevard, stated that Costco is
proposing a gasoline which will sell gasoline at 20 cents lower than market prices in order to draw people to that
station. He added that big box retail adjacent to a transit station is not a good use for that property. He added that a
transit village is not compatible with big box retail. He added that they are content with keeping the land use
designation as it is with the existing General Plan. He stated that in the middle of the area is a big box retail that will
have parking for owners and the gas station. He reviewed the sketch plans reports and it states that the City needs
more housing to attract high biotech jobs that the City seeks. He stated that they keep the 15 dwelling units per acre
land use designation so that these people can have access to the BART station. He stated that since Proposition 13
property taxes are taken by the state and that cities have retail sales tax and transit occupancy tax as a source of
revenue. He would like them to look at 15 units per acre.
Deborah Barker, representing Park & Fly, stated that they SUppOlts their neighbors. She wanted some clarifications
on defining what major alterations were.
lacki Williams, 242 Longford Drive, wanted to know what they have planned for the Sena Vista school site and West
;Y-inston Manor in general. Her homeowners association is interested in keeping this as a school sight. She added that
association wants this reopened as a school and the school board says that nothing will be done with the school.
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She gave some history on a school for delinquents that was going to go in there. She wanted a clarification on low
jensity residential, how it is zoned and what is going to happen.
Chairperson Honan asked if there were community meetings scheduled for some associations. Chief Planner
Sparks stated that one is scheduled on July 27th in Westborough. He added that the ultimate disposition of the site is
entirely up to the school board. He added that policy 3.12-1-3 states that they will require any new development to be
low density residential. Senior Planner Kalkin added that it is consistent with the current designation of the site. Ms.
Williams added that they want the school to be kept as a school use. Mr. Bhatia added that the low density residential
is minimal in the area and they are going to have half as parkland. Ms. Williams asked if the at"ea could be changed
from single family to a higher density. Mr. Bhatia stated that the policy states that if a new development goes in it
would be single family residential.
Commissioner Baldocchi explained that the school is part of the City and the school district needs to work with the
City. Commissioner Teglia added that this is a big concern throughout all the propelties in that area. He added that
these schools were put in the middle of residential areas. He suggested that this be zoned as an educational facility or
open space. He stated that the City needs a strategy where the school sites are designated as school zones. Mr. Bhatia
stated that this could be done through the general plan. Commissioner Romero added that the schools should not be
rezoned because this would create a conflict with the school district and the City. He would like to see a feasibility
study to acquire the land.
. Other Elements
Consultant Planner Lappen informed the Commission that there were two full page adds in the Independent
:ommissioner D'Angelo had a question in terms of running the meetings and the community meetings. Consultant
Planner Lappen added that the Chamber of Commerce was going to help with the outreach to all the communities
through faxes and letters. They were also making an effOlt to work with the homeowners associations representatives.
Commissioner Teglia asked to have two issues explored: 1) Suggested that the City Council and the School District
work together in trying to preserve the school sites designated as school sites. He gave an example of El Rancho on
how the zoning and density impacts were increased. 2) He wanted some additional information on the three businesses
along Produce Avenue. They have been against the regional commercial designation and the extension of Victory. He
wanted to know if there was another alternative for these businesses.
Commissioner Baldocchi stated that the BART configuration talks about bikeways and transpOltation. She added that
these bikeways should be connected throughout the City. She wanted a safe way for the bicyclists to get around the
City. Mr. Bhatia stated that there is a figure that shows how the bikeways flow and it will be discussed in the
transportation element. Commissioner Baldocchi was concerned about having the town center at the end by the bay.
She could see these disbursed throughout the area. She could see an office building but not a dry cleaning service. Mr.
Bhatia stated that these facilities did not necessarily have to be put on the map but they could have a policy with the
intent of putting them in the at"ea.
Vice Chairperson Sim reiterated the density issue and asked staff to give the Commission a visualization of 30-40
units per acre. He wanted to see the transformation of some cities, for example San Mateo 3rd Street cOlTidor, and
some chronology on how it works now.
:ommissioner Romero stated that some issues that the Commission discussed should be summarized and brought
>ack to the Commission for a final decision. Chief Planner Sparks stated that staff is maintaining a list, which will
_etmTI to the Commission. Commissioner Romero would like to have an analysis of the rezoning the school sites as
schools, because of the dangers of leaving these propelties open for higher density developments.
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Chairperson Honan thanked everyone for their patience and comments.
Motion Sim / Second Baldocchi to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Thomas C. Sparks
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
J uq' onan, Chairperson
PIArrning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting August 5, 1999, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San
Francisco, CA
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