HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.08.99 Minutes
Tulv R. 1999
The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m.
Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner D'Angelo,
Commissioner Meloni, Commissioner Romero, and Chairperson
Commissioner Teglia and Vice Chairperson Sim
Planning Division:
City Attorney:
Tom Sparks, Chief Planner
Susy Kalkin
Mike Lappen
Adam Lindgren
Chairperson Honan stated that the meeting is being videotaped and that there was a sign up
sheet for those interested in receiving the Draft General Plan and Draft Environmental Impact
1. General Plan Update Workshop
City of South San Francisco
Workshop to discuss Land Use and Special Planning Area sections.
Chief Planner Sparks gave a brief description of the workshop. He stated that the Draft General
Plan would be posted in the City's website for downloading.
Consultant Planner Lappen and Rajeev Bhatia, consultant from Dyett & Bhatia, gave the staff
Commissioner Romero asked if the calculation density took into consideration the exclusion of
private streets versus public street. Rajeev Bhatia stated that it is excluding public rights of way
not private rights of way. Commissioner Romero added that this policy is inconsistent and
wanted to discuss whether that should be continued as a policy. Mr. Bhatia added that this does
not penalize adding more streets. Commissioner Romero added that it seems like the public street
projects are penalizing themselves by eliminating the number of units they can propose. He
suggested that this policy be looked at and modified.
Mr. Bhatia continued with the staff report.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked for an explanation on the GIS. Chief Planner Sparks stated that it
is an acronym for Geographic Information System and it is implemented in a wide variety of
ways. The City is interested in developing a GIS and is in the early stages of putting one
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together. It is a large database, which has large amounts of information that is used for parcel
boundaries, land use information, and everything that has to do with the lay of the land.
Depending on the links and information in it, this can be used by different people. The City is a
couple of years away from significant implementation. He added that this is a workshop and the
Commission can conduct the meeting as they please.
Commissioner Romero asked if the presentation information was included in the Draft General
Plan. Mr. Bhatia added that everything is in the document and nothing has been excluded.
David Black, CB Richard Ellis, added that he had recently sold the Fuller O'Brien site. The plans
of this new owner are not what is shown on the proposed general plan map. He asked how the
land use change came up, and who pays for the change. He questioned the East Grand A venue
area because of the transfer station, and the paint manufacturer ICI Glidden is there. He added
that he does not see how retail will prosper in this area.
Mr. Bhatia added that they talked about the need for retail in that area. He stated that this area is
in need of commercial sites because of the development in the biotech industry. They are trying
to create an environment where employees can do all their errands in the area that they work in.
Consultant Planner Lappen added that there were several options looked at and wanted to create
something that would not compete with the downtown area. East of Grand A venue has the best
access to the majority of the employees in that area and that is why this is an ideal location for
that activity.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked if the general plan study was in process before Mr. Black stated
his concerns. Chief Planner Sparks added that the general plan has been in process for about two
years or more, and the consultant team thinks this is the ideal area to provide these services to the
large amount of employees in the East of 101 area.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked Mr. Black if this collides with the plans of the new owner. Mr.
Black stated that the Fuller O'Brien site is 26 acres and borders Genentech and where the
Transfer station will be. He added that he would not like to have a sandwich next to a paint
factory and a garbage facility. Mr. Bhatia informed the Commission that the changes being
proposed by the public are being put on record and they will be dealt with at the last meeting or at
another time.
Alan Folks asked that the Commission hold off on the project for a month or so they can study
the area and come up with solutions on what they believe is the most appropriate use for the
Chairperson Honan asked if this has been discussed with staff. Chief Planner Sparks added that
Mr. Black had met with staff last week to discuss the item. He added that at the time escrow had
not closed. He would not suggest delaying the general plan process and Mr. Folks could come
back with his information in one month. Commissioner Baldocchi added that the Commission
would not be adopting anything until August so Mr. Folks will have time to give us information.
She also asked for a clarification on the timeline to be given to the public so they can get their
information to the Commission. Chief Planner Sparks stated that the general public should get
their information to the Commission as soon as possible.
Lou Dell' Angela, mentioned some policies 1) Policy 3.6-1-1 which restrict the annexation of any
portion of a Country Club into the City. He added that the Scopesi property fronts South San
Francisco and should be permitted to be annexed to the City. He asked to have this policy deleted
or modified to read parcels which front on a street which meets City standards can be considered
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for annexation. 2) On behalf of John Bacon of South City Lumber, he thanked City staff for
fixing Lindenville. He added that they had questions on how the loft residential would work
because many buildings are single story buildings. 3) Policy 3.1214 recommends the possibility
of acquiring 4-6 acres of the Serra Vista school site be investigated. He added that this proposal
has not gone to the school board and added that there is a School/City Council liaison committee
that discuss these issues. Should 4-6 acres be taken from the site, it could create problems in the
long run. He added that he will draft a letter to the Commission and Staff to describe in detail
what he wants done.
Mike Valencia, Produce Terminal Attorney, stated that the area is the only one that is designated
Regional Commercial. He gave a brief history of how Golden Gate Produce terminal came to the
City, and added that this is the largest terminal in the Bay Area. The land is made up of three
occupants Park & Fly, Parking Company of America and the Golden Gate Produce Terminal.
He added that it is referred to in the General Plan and that the plan requires transition of a
regional shopping use. He added that he has to go back to the Board of Directors and tell them
what major changes and alterations mean. He asked if this would affect his clients in any way
and how Terminal Court will be extended out to Victory A venue because this will cause a big
impact on the produce terminal. He added that they do not oppose the changes but are trying to
understand how these things would be implemented.
Chief Planner Sparks stated that there is no intent to force the produce terminal out, but will be
more prepared to respond to those concerns when the Commission reviews Chapter 3. He
thanked Mr. Dell' Angela for his comments on the Lindenville area. He added that the policy
referred to suggest that the possibility of using 4-6 acres at the Serra Vista school be studied. The
annexation issue in the Country Club park areas has been an ongoing discussion and there are
many more issues that the County and the residences have. He added that there would be more
background information given to the Commissioners at the next workshop.
Commissioner Meloni asked if they want to question some zoning areas would it be appropriate
to make them now or later. Chief Planner Sparks stated that they could talk about this if it is what
they want to achieve. Commissioner Meloni added that they should study the Parkway estates in
regard to the PUD.
Mr. Dell' Angela suggested that the Commission listen to the concerns of the public and discuss
the item in question by the public. Chairperson Honan does understand the concerns and cannot
be jumping around from subject to subject. She added that the Commission considered this and it
was consensus of the Commission to consider these issues. She also mentioned that the schedule
was being posted on the community channel and in the newspaper.
Mr. Bhatia added that the Commission has these workshops to try to understand the General Plan
and they are open public hearings for the public later on in the process. Chief Planner Sparks
added that the public is welcome to raise issues for future discussion. Chairperson Honan added
that the next meeting on the General Plan would be on July 22, 1999. Commissioner Baldocchi
requested that the schedule be posted in the back of the room for the public's information.
Commissioner Meloni asked for a clarification of the map on page 2-10. Mr. Bhatia stated that
the figures on the map are building heights above sea level.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked if the Commission will be discussing the BART area and
surrounding areas in the future.
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Chairperson Honan felt that commercial businesses are needed in the East of 101 area. She then
asked where the best area to plan these commercial businesses would be. Commissioner
D'Angelo added that many buildings have been taken this into consideration.
Mr. Bhatia added that the were not trying to make people rush from one area to the other but to
have everything in one concentrated area to make things easier for the public. Commissioner
Baldocchi added that there are needs for this area and a survey should be done to find out what is
there, what is needed and try to encourage these things to go in the area. Chairperson Honan
added that a supermarket was needed near Terrabay. Commissioner Baldocchi encouraged the
development of commercial businesses in the East of 101 but also suggested that it not take away
from the downtown commercial area. Mr. Bhatia added that there are specific policies that
balance both of these. He added that the Downtown commercial category is more than a retail
category. This category covers more than retail.
Commissioner D'Angelo does not disagree with small commercial pockets in the East of 101 area
but thought that access in and out of the area is a bigger issue.
Commissioner Meloni asked for a description on a regional power center. Mr. Bhatia replied that
a power center is more than one big box retail center. Commissioner Baldocchi asked what the
benefits of having a power center were. Chief Planner Sparks added that a retail specialist would
be able to give that analysis. Mr. Bhatia added that they look for ways to improve areas and
access to those areas. Commissioner Meloni asked if retail traffic and truck traffic would work
together. Mr. Bhatia added that the truck and commercial traffic hour are different.
Commissioner Baldocchi stated that she understood the need for big box\power centers as a tax
revenue generator. She added that there are many power centers with the same type of big box
stores in the area and would like a more creative approach to developing the area while still
maintaining healthy city coffers.
Commissioner Romero added he has issues with regard to the area adjacent to the San Bruno
BART station. He also asked if a larger copy of page 3.20 and landuse diagram on 2-7 for the
purpose of their discussion at the next meeting.
The Planning Commission wanted the following subareas discussed at their next Special Planning
Commission meeting: East of 101, Westborough, South Spruce Corridor/BART, Lindenville,
Paradise Valley, Downtown, and Sign Hill.
2. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
onan, Chairperson
anning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting July 15, 1999, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo
Drive, South San Francisco, CA.
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