HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.16.00 Minutes
March 16, 2000
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner D'Angelo, COlnmissioner Honan,
Commissioner Romero, Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Meloni and
Chairperson Sim
Commissioner Teglia*
Planning Division:
Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Adam Lindgren
Richard Harmon
S gt. Mike Massoni
Rocque Yballa
City Attorney:
Police Dept.:
Bldg./Fire Prevo
AGENDA REVIEW - No changes.
1. Approval of Minutes for January 20, 2000 Regular Meeting.
2. Sprint PCS/Jim Matteson-applicant
Jon Toby -owner
407 Cabot Blvd.
UP-99-078 and Negative Declaration ND-99-078
Use Permit allowing a 58 ft. tall telecommunications facility. (recommend continuance to April 6, 2000)
3. Exelixis/Britannia Pointe Grand Ltd. Partnership, owner/applicant
169 Harbor Way
PUD-98-053/MOD2 and Negative Declaration ND-98-053/MOD2
Modification of a Planned Unit Development to allow expansion of the existing 28.8 acre business park to
incorporate an additional!.73 acres into the southwest corner of the park, and construction of a two-story,
49,000 square foot office/R&D building in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.84. (recommend
continuance to April 6, 2000)
*Commissioner Teglia arrived at 7:30 p.l11.
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Approved at the Aplil 20, 2000 Regular Planning Commission Meeting.
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Vice Chairperson Meloni removed item #1 from the Consent Calendar. He noted that he would need to abstain
from approving those minutes because he was not at the meeting. Commissioner Teglia asked that the definition
of the added condition with regard to scallops along the fence line be very detailed and easy to understand.
Motion Te~lia / Second D' An~elo to approve the Consent Calendar, with corrections to the minutes of January
20, 2000. Approved by majority voice vote with Vice Chairperson Meloni abstaining from item 1.
4. CellularOneNivian Heinzel-applicant
Cal Water Service-owner
480 S. Grandview Ave.
UP-99-049 and ND-99-049
Use Permit allowing a second wireless cormnunication facility, consisting of ground mounted antenna
and an at-grade equipment cabinets, situated on a 2 acre landlocked parcel on Point San Bruno Hill (APN
015-250-110)adjacent to 1000 Grandview Drive, in the Planned Industrial Zoning District (P-I) in
accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.32,20.77 and 20.83. (continued from February 17, 2000)
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report
Public Hearing opened.
Jay Wallace, Sanger & Olson representing Cellular One, noted that there are two issues to be resolved:
1. Landscaping - He noted that they will landscape the entire site, if the Commission desires. He added that Use
Permits are selective and pertinent to the project.
2. Equipment shelter - He explained that there is no reason to require theln to put the equipment shelter below
ground. He recalled showing the Commission photo montages from different perspectives and all of those
showed that the equipment shelter could not be seen.
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner D'Angelo noted that the equipment cabinet needed to be below grade when the iteln first CaIne
before the Commission. Mr. Wallace noted that the equipment cabinet was at the western edge of the site, and
has been moved along the fence line. Commissioner Teglia noted that Nextel should augment their landscaping
and it is a point that was brought up at the last Ineeting. He added that the cabinet was required to be below grade
for the Nextel site. He mentioned that the photo simulation from Genentech shows that it is visible. He added
that he was comfortable with the application with staff s recommendations. Vice Chairperson Meloni and
Commissioner D'Angelo concurred with Commissioner Teglia's comments.
Senior Planner Carlson suggested that if the Cormnission wants to have the cabinet underground, they can
modify condition #5 to make it clear to have the cabinet underground.
Motion Te~lia / Second Honan to approve the Negative Declaration and the Use Permit with the change
mentioned by Senior Planner Carlson in condition #5.
5. EI Faro/Jesus Ontiveros-applicant
George E. Bushman-owner
435 EI Camino Real
UP-99-076 and ND-99-076
Use permit allowing a drive-thru window at the existing EI Faro Fast food restaurant, with hours of
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Approved at the April 20, 2000 Regular Planning Commission Meeting.
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operation from 7 A.M. to 12 A. M. and within 200 feet of a residential district in the Retail Commercial
(C-l) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.22 and 20.81.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Public Hearing opened.
Lou Dell' Angela, representing the owner, noted that the site plan shows ilnproved landscaping, they have added
two new parking spaces, and have a new trash enclosure. He added that the owner does not want to lose two
parking spaces, and makes the trash enclosure visible to the aparhnents in the rear.
Jesus Ontiveros, owner, asked the COlnmission to approve the use permit. He noted that they have not had a
problem with the neighbors and with the City in their 18 years at that location.
Mr. Chen, Architect, noted that there is a 7-foot fence in the rear followed by trees. He emphasized that no one
has complained in so many years of business. He added that the lanes are 13 feet wide and there is enough room
in the area.
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Romero noted that he agreed with the applicant with regard to the trash enclosure and does not
see a gain in moving it 20-25 feet because it will be visible from the restaurant and from the apartment building.
He asked if the queuing lane would get long enough to block the handicap stalls, would that present some kind of
liability on the driver that is blocking that handicap stall. Sergeant Massoni, noted that a vehicle blocking a
handicap stall is subject to a citation, and noted that an officer might ask the person to move a car before issuing a
citation. He added that this is the best area for the handicap stalls.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if the handicap stalls could be Inoved to the opposite side. Sergeant Massoni
noted that it does not make any difference from the Police Deparhnent's perspective.
Commissioner Honan asked what the reason for the 25 feet near the trash enclosure was. Senior Planner
Carlson replied that the proposal is to eliminate parking spaces number 22 and 23, and to replace it with a
landscape barrier. He noted that it is on the property line and there is no landscape screening adjacent to the
property boundary. Commissioner D'Angelo noted that the photographs have a trash visible and asked if the
new enclosure include the dumpster. Mr. Dell' Angela stated that there is an old concrete building with a narrow
opening on the side and it is impractical to put the dumpsters in there. He noted that there will be a new enclosure
with 9 foot doors that will make it easy for the dumpsters to roll in and out.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked what the enclosure was going to constructed of. Mr. Dell' Angela replied that it
would be chainlink and similar to McDonald's. Vice Chairperson Meloni noted that the odor would not be
enclosed with a chainlink fence. Senior Planner Carlson noted that staffs recommendation was to have a solid
wall enclosure and solid gates, and the ordinance specifies that it be concrete wall or something equivalent. Mr.
Dell' Angela noted that the applicant would work with staff to comply with the ordinance.
Commissioner Teglia concurred with all the Commissioners' comments with regard to the landscaping. He was
concerned about the exterior garbage containers and suggested that one of the conditions be that all the containers
be stored in the trash enclosure at all times. He asked if stall 22 could be relnoved and add another tree in the
area. Commissioner D'Angelo noted that he supports those recormnendations. Vice Chairperson Meloni asked
what size trees were being put on the site, and recommended a minimum of 24 inch box trees to get some screen.
Commissioner Teglia noted that it should have the same standards as other applications of 24 inch box and 15%
36 inch box.
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Approved at the April 20, 2000 Regular Planning Commission Meeting.
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Chief Planner Sparks noted that there are no issues from the Planning Division perspective with moving the two
handicap stalls.
Motion TeQlia / Second Romero to approve ND-99-076 and UP-99-079 with the following conditions:
. Handicap stalls be Inoved to stalls 3 and 5.
. Trash enclosure be allowed as reflected in the current plans with additional landscaping in what is now stall
. That the trash enclosure be of solid construction.
. New trees be a minimum of24 inch size box with 15% 36 inch size box trees.
Approved by unanimous voice vote.
6. Items from Staff
Chief Planner Sparks gave the Commission an update on the following items.
. League of Cities Planning Commissioners Conference, which was attended by 5 COlnmissioners. He noted
that Chairperson Sim and Vice Chairperson Meloni participated in a Code Enforcement session. He added
that Assistant City Attorney Lindgren participated in a non-conforming uses session, which was attended by
some of the City's Councilmembers.
. Terrabay Phase III will return to the Commission. He noted that the City Council settled an ongoing lawsuit
and that the shellmound would be preserved.
. The final map for Phase II would be ready for adoption in the upcoming Council meetings.
. Phase III will have an application submitted sometime in the next few months.
. The City Council approved an agreement to have Jim Hamish update on the City's zoning code.
. Upcoming City Council meetings - They will hold a study session on housing issues on March 29th at 6:00
p.m., and will go before the Commission after the Council has had this meeting. They will also hold a
community meeting at Sunshine Gardens on April 13th. The Antenna Tower Ordinance will be before the
Council on March 22nd.
. Oakmont Vistas - There have been meetings with the applicant to see what will be done with the 5-acre parcel
and staff is moving towards having a develoPlnent agreelnent drafted.
. Bay West Cove - The developers are trying to word out what will be the Master Plan on the site.
. Cyrus Kianpour has resigned as of March 24th.
7. Items from Commission
Commissioner Teglia noted that there was a presentation made by Vice Chairperson Meloni showing the
improvements that Hillsborough has done. He added that those things being applied in Hillsborough could be
applied in the City. He suggested having a sub-committee formed and have it in the years work plan. He asked
staff to research to see what conferences are available for Planners.
Commissioner Romero agreed that the presentation made by Vice Chairperson Meloni was excellent.
Commissioner Romero wanted to go on record dissociating himself from SOlne COlmnents Inade by a Planning
Commissioner at a debate regarding a referendum. He noted that the Commissioner's participation in this debate
implied that he was representing the entire Commission. He added that the press played it off as the Planning
Commission against the Council. Commissioner Romero added that the Commission was not taken into
consideration to decide whether they supported this participation or not.
Commissioner Honan also wanted to go on record that she was speaking for herself and her feelings. She noted
that she was surprised to see a Planning Commissioner on t.v. in this debate. She added that the Chairperson is
appointed by the Commission to be the spokesperson and it is in the bylaws that were voted and agreed upon.
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Approved at the April 20, 2000 Regular Planning Commission Meeting.
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She added that she took high offense to a brochure that was circulated with the words, "we the Planning
Commission", and the Commissioner's picture on it. She noted that the Commissioner could have stated, "I as a
Planning Commissioner", not represent the entire Commission. She added that her thoughts on the measure are
on public record for the public to read. She added that she will not allow any other COlnmissioner to speak for her
only the Chair speaks for her.
Commissioner D' Angelo noted that a Planning Commissioner is being criticized for participating in a debate but
if the Councilmembers are on that same debating team they are not criticized. He noted that if a COilllllissioner is
being criticized then the Commission should acknowledge that the other side on the debate included the
Councilmembers. He added that there were two instances that there were at least two Councilmember
participating in such debates. He noted that there needs to be a fair balanced and an opinion needs to be given on
the actions of the Council, which was not done. He noted that the record stands on its own with regard to
comments given.
8. Items from the Public - None
9. Adjournment
Motion Romero / Second Honan to adjourn the meeting. Adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
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Thomas C. Spar\:"
Secretary to thlPlanning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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Euge~e ~im, ~h~i~erson'--~
Plannmg CommISSIOn
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting April 6, 2000, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South
San Francisco, CA.
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Approved at the April 20, 2000 Regular Planning Commission Meeting.
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