HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.17.00 Minutes
February 17, 2000
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan,
Commissioner Romero, Vice Chairperson Meloni and Chairperson Sim
Commissioner Teglia *
Planning Division:
City Attorney:
Police Dept.:
Water Quality:
Bldg./Fire Prevo
Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Susy Kalkin, Senior Planner
Mike Upston, Senior Planner
Mike Lappen, Consultant Planner
Allison Knapp, Consultant Planner
Adam Lindgren
Richard Harmon
Sgt. Mike Massoni
Ray Honan
Rocque Yballa
Chief Planner Sparks noted that item 4 would be continued, due to unresolved issues with regard to the
environmental document. He noted that some comments were received from CalTrans and staff would like time
to respond to those comments. He noted that the applicant for Cellular One, item #5, has significant changes to
the proposal and staff would like time to review these.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked when item #4 would be before the Commission. Chief Planner Sparks
suggested the next meeting, which would be March 16th, because of the cancellation of the March 3rd meeting.
COlnmissioner Meloni asked if staff could address the Design Review Boards concerns with regard to the bridge
1. Approval of Minutes for January 6, 2000 Regular Meeting.
2. Gateway Lot (Parcel 5)
Hines/HMS Gateway Office, L. P., owner/applicant
801-951 Gateway Blvd.
PM, PUD-99-095/MOD 1 and Negative Declaration ND97-063 (Certified 12/97)
Parcel Map to resubdi vide a 9.4 acre parcel into 3 lots with reciprocal parking and access throughout and
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Planned Unit Development to allow lots which do not front on a public street. (continuedfrom February
3, 2000)
3. TeleCommunications Ordinance
City of South San Francisco-owner/applicant
ZA-98-094 and Negative Declaration No. ND-98-094
Amendment of Title 20 (Zoning Ordinance) of the South San Francisco Municipal code adding Chapter
20.105 Antenna and Tower Regulations establishing regulations of antenna facilities including siting,
design and review and approval procedures, and repealing SSFMC Chapters 20.77 Signal Receiving and
Transmitting Antenna Regulations and 20.83 Antenna Permit Procedures in accordance with SSFMC
Title 20. (continued to consent calendar from February 3, 2000)
Commissioner Meloni asked if the access easements could be granted through the other parcels for item #2.
Katherine Fogelman, Hines, noted that there is an easement agreement for what used to be lots 1 and 9.
Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted that for item #3, in subsection 20.105.080 the changes that the
Commission had requested were done. Commissioner D'Angelo noted that on page 9 of 10 the words "at the
owners expense" is repeated and noted that it should deleted. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted that it is
duplicated and the conection would be done.
Motion Romero / Second Baldocchi to approve the Consent Calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
4. ExelixislBritannia Pointe Grand Ltd. Partnership, owner/applicant
169 Harbor Way
PUD-98-053/MOD2 and Negative Declaration ND-98-053/MOD2
Modification of a Planned Unit Development to allow expansion of the existing 28.8 acre business park to
incorporate an additional 1.73 acres into the southwest comer of the park, and construction of a two-story,
49,000 square foot office/R&D building in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.84.
Public Hearing opened.
Chief Planner Sparks requested that the item be continued to March 16th for the reason stated under Agenda
Public Hearing closed.
Motion Honan / Second Meloni to continue the item. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
5. CellularOneNivian Heinzel-applicant
CaI Water Service-owner
480 S. Grandview Ave.
UP-99-049 and ND-99-049
Use Permit allowing a second wireless communication facility, consisting of ground mounted antenna and an at-
grade equipment cabinets, situated on a 2 acre landlocked parcel on Point San Bruno Hill (APN 015-250-
110)adjacent to 1000 Orandview Drive, in the Planned Industrial Zoning District (P-I) in accordance with SSFMC
Chapters 20.32, 20.77 and 20.83
Public Hearing opened.
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Chief Planner Sparks noted that the Commission can consider hearing the item.
* Commissioner Teglia anived at 7:45 p.m.
Jay Wallace, Sanger & Olson representing Cellular One, noted that there are no substantive changes in the
project. He added that the only changes that they are proposing are the changes in the proposed conditions of
approval. He noted that Cellular One has removed the 20 foot mono-pole, and replaced it with three 8 foot tall
antennas attached to the chain link fence on the site. He noted that Cellular One has also provided landscape
screening and are willing to provide more. He noted that they were asked to put the equipment cabinet
underground and they have put the cabinet in the back of the site behind a 10 foot reservoir. He noted that the
materials that the Commission had received are the photo simulations that show what the applicant was
proposing. He noted that the site is not visible and thought that there is no aesthetic or planning purpose to having
the cabinet underground. He added that they retmned to the Design Review Board, and they had no comments.
He noted that he would like to change the following Conditions of Approval:
· #4 - He thought that they did not need to comply with the conditions for the Nextel use permit and they should
not be responsible for the applicant not complying with their conditions.
· #2 - Description should be changed to reflect Cellular One's project
. #5 - Cleaned up a typo.
· #6 - He noted that he deleted the words "prior to the issuance of any permit", because he thought that the
underground equipment cabinet should not be required.
· #7 - He deleted the reference with regard to having a geotechnical report because he hopes that they will not be
required to underground the equipment cabinet.
. #13 - He thought that they should not be required to install a stop sign because it was a condition to another
project and there can only be one stop sign.
He added that he had a letter from California Water Company and they would like that the equipment cabinet not
be underground because of reservoir concelns.
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Romero noted that he felt uncomfortable with going forward with the application and would like
to give staff the opp0l1unity to review the changes in the document.
Motion Romero / Second Honan to continue the item to March 16th. Unanimously continued.
Commissioner Teglia mentioned that the application has improved and noted that staff should review the Use
Permit for Nextel to see if they have fully complied with their conditions.
6. Items from Staff - None
7. Items from Commission
Commissioner Baldocchi notified the Commission that she would be active in the League of CalifOlnia Cities
Housing Community Economic Development Policy Committee this year. She noted that they would follow
legislation on Economic Development issues, Redevelopment, Smart growth, housing and group home issues.
Commissioner Romero noted that there was a study done with regard to the SSFUSD's need to have available
sites for schools and would like to get a copy of this to review. He noted that there was an indication by the
district that the opening of schools is not necessary. There have been a significant number of portable classes
installed at various schools.
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Commissioner Baldocchi asked if the Commission is going to take any action with regard to sign standards.
Chairperson Sim noted that he would meet with the Commission who are interested but first speak to the Chief
Planner to see what needs to be done to form a subcommittee.
Chairperson Sim noted that he has been contacted by the League of California Cities Planning Commissioners
Conference to moderate a panel discussion on a Code Enforcement issue. He asked the Commission to give him
ideas and asked if any wanted to participate to let him know.
8. Items from the Public - None
9. Adjournment
Motion Romero / Second Meloni to adjourn the meeting. Adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 8: 10 p.m.
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Eugene Sim
Plam~ng C> mmission
City ~LS6uth San Francisco
Regular Meeting March 2, 2000 cancelled due to a Planners Institute Conference the
Commissioners are attending
Regular Meeting March 16,2000, Municipal Services Building, 33 Anoyo Drive, South
San Francisco, CA.
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