HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.17.00 Minutes
August 17, 2000
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan,
Commissioner Romero, Vice Chairperson Meloni and Chairperson Sim
* Commissioner Teglia
Planning Division:
City Attorney:
Bldg./Fire Prevo
Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Adam Lindgren
Rocque Yballa
Chief Planner Sparks noted that there were no changes to the agenda.
1. Approval July 6, 2000 and July 20, 2000 Regular Meeting Minutes.
2. WinstarlBoston Properties/Gateway Center LLC, Owner
T. RichardsonlKukulica & Associates, Applicant
601 Gateway Blvd.
UP-00-050 and Categorical Exemption Section 15303 (d) Class 3
Use Permit allowing a wireless communication facility consisting of roof mounted antennae and equipment
room situated on an existing twelve-story office building in the Gateway Specific Plan District in accordance
with SSFMC Chapters 20.81 and 20.83.
Motion Honan / Second Meloni to approve the consent calendar with Commissioner Baldocchi abstaining from
the July 20,2000 minutes and with Commissioner Romero's corrections to the July 6, 2000 minutes. Approved
by majority voice vote.
3. Bay West Cove Specific Plan Amendment-Study Session
Slough Estates and Hines, Owners/Applicants
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SP-97-027/MODl and EIR-97-027/MODl
Study Session on proposed amendments to the Bay West Cove Specific Plan to allow the following uses in
Planning Areas 1, 2 and 3: Planning Area 1 (Hines): 600,000 gsf office, 20,000 gsf restaurant/retail and 350
hotel rooms or 20,000 gsf office on 20 acres; Planning Areas 2 and 3 (Slough Estates): 564,000 gsf officelR
& D, 10,000 gsf restaurant/retail and 8,000 gsf childcare facility (100 children) on 22.2 acres.
* Commissioner Teglia arrived at 7:40 p.m.
Bill Rogalla, Director of US Development for Slough Estates, presented his group and gave a brief background
of Slough Estates.
Al Chamorro responded to the comments made by the Commission and the City Council at the June study
Commissioner Teglia noted that an issue not addressed was the parking section in the BCDC area. Mr.
Chamorro noted that they have left the parking there and BCDC had no objection to that. He added that they
need the parking section to service the restaurant. Commissioner Teglia noted that the issue was not the
restaurant parking but the other end which was the comer at the main entrance to the whole area. He noted that if
that would be pulled back it would give more of a landscaping concept on the shoreline. He added that the
dedicated parking could be out of the zone. He mentioned that the problem with restaurants in the area is
surviving after business hours and suggested that the restaurant be in the most visible area. Mr. Regalia noted
that the advantage to having the childcare center at its current location is to have a drive and drop off area.
Bob La Rocca and Mr. Chamorro continued with the presentation.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if buildings G and F had a design or if it would be similar to the other buildings.
Mr. Chamorro noted that they are similar buildings and the concept is that they will use the same basic design
element. Chairperson Sim asked how long the elevation is from one end of the complex to another on buildings
F and G by the waterfront. Mr. Chamorro noted that it is about 400 feet and it is actually 2 buildings with a one
story element where there is an emergency generator, trash and a loading dock in one building.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked what the composition of the materials that are being discussed were. Mr.
Chamorro noted that what is in blue is glass and the white element would be a metallic panel.
Commissioner Romero noted that the changes and the modifications made to the project are in accordance with
the Commission's and the Council's suggestions, which has significantly improved the project. He added that the
location of the childcare center is good because it will be easily accessible to those that will be using the building
twice a day. He noted that having to go past a restaurant to pick up children would be an added inconvenience.
He added that the restaurant is well situated because it has the enhanced view of the Bay. He discouraged moving
the buildings and considering access to Oyster Point Boulevard from the parking garage because it would cause a
conflict with the traffic. Mr. Chamorro noted that they have discussed a right turn only access.
Commissioner Honan asked if the main entrance between buildings A and B is not protected from winds and
what the applicant has in mind to protect the main entries from the northwest winds. Mr. La Rocca noted that
there is landscaping proposed there and they have discussed putting additional trees in the area. Commissioner
Honan noted that the winds can be so severe that doors cannot be opened. She agreed with Commissioner
Romero that the project has improved. She noted that the restaurant is at a good location and the word will get
around that it is there.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked the Landscape Architect what types of trees they would be using on the site.
Mr. La Rocca noted that they have not decided which types will be used but have been in communication with
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the landscape architect of the Hines group. He added that they would like to have trees that are hearty in the area
and accent trees, evergreen trees and the street trees would probably be evergreen ash and acacia trees.
Chairperson Sim asked what the dimension between building G and the restaurant was. Mr. Chamorro replied
that it is a minimum of 60 feet. Chairperson Sim agreed with the other Commissioners about the improvements
but is still not convinced. He noted that the elevations make the project look like another office development. He
added that the projects are very significant for the City and there will not be another chance for developments
there. He added that the window glazing effects is arbitrary and does not get a sense of the concept. He asked
that the relationships between the buildings be defined and articulated, rather than creating boxes. He added that
Commissioner Honan's comments at the last joint study session mentioned that the landscaping should not hide
the building but complement it. Mr. Chamorro noted that they did not want to hide the building and purposely
left some open spots on Oyster Point to show the buildings.
Commissioner Baldocchi agreed with the Commissioners that the project is better and that there also is room for
improvement. She asked if there will be priority given to the parents that work in the complexes in the childcare
center. She added that this would minimize the traffic flow.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked if the architecture is similar to the buildings that are in Foster City and Redwood
City with the Electronic Arts detail. Mr. Chamorro noted that the intent was not to model another project. He
added that Oracle has reflective glass and these buildings have that.
Commissioner Honan would like to have South San Francisco shine for the project. Chairperson Sim noted
that he would like to see a model.
Recess taken at 8:15 p.m.
Recalled to order at 8:25 p.m.
Lisa Burke, Hines Ltd.; Ted Korth, Architect; and Paul Lettieri gave a brief presentation.
Chairperson Sim suggested the two developers for this project could get together and show the Commission a
drive by video. Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if the main corridor would act as a wind tunnel. Mr. Korth
noted that a wind screen has been set up but it is not solid. Vice Chairperson Meloni noted that the buildings are
high and the height can intensify the high winds through the corridors.
Mr. Lettieri continued with the presentation.
Chairperson Sim noted that he would like their comments to go to the City Council and would like the
presentation upgraded to another level that articulates the verbal expressions made in the presentation. Ms. Hines
noted that she was not aware what type of presentation the Commission wanted and will meet with staff to be able
to give the Commission an appropriate presentation.
Commissioner Honan asked for clarification on how the amphitheater would be sloped. Mr. Lettieri noted that
there are two walls there and after the first wall it will step up and there is the second wall. He added that it can
be used as seating space, or for an outdoor meeting and acts as a terminus to the area. Vice Chairperson Meloni
noted that it would be a terrace effect on one side and viewing it from the parking lot it would be a straight slope.
Mr. Lettieri noted that his comments are correct.
Commissioner D'Angelo noted that most of the days in South San Francisco are windy and less than warm. He
noted that the concept of meeting and eating outdoors is very difficult to have people use it. Mr. Lettieri noted
that if the space is not used it is not going to be unsuccessful because it is also a visual terminus. He added that
they believe they will get additional screening from the building and the trees that will be planting. Ms. Burke
noted that they will be doing various studies. She mentioned that she has worked in the Gateway for two years
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and it is important to Hines to get the wind factor resolved. She noted that with the south exposure between the
two buildings and the garage acting as a screen, the area will be as successful as can be.
Commissioner Honan noted that the amphitheater is going to have two walkways, and is concerned that the wind
will find its way into the area. She mentioned that the study will show if this will happen or not. Mr. Lettieri
noted that the wind study will show this and they do not want that to happen. Commissioner Honan noted that
there could be a curve to divert the wind. Mr. Lettieri noted that they want to use trees that will do something to
the wind at a pedestrian level rather than have the wind shred the trees. He noted that when the wind blows, as it
blows through mature trees the leaves break the wind up and it will help.
Chairperson Sim noted that the massing looks right on the three buildings. He noted that the Commission is in
agreement that the applicant has gone in a good direction. He noted that the way they have the project setup is
one approach and suggested that the box be broken up. He mentioned that the buildings have been articulated and
is looking toward having a remarkable project in the City of South San Francisco. He suggested having a model
showing how the two projects work together on the site.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked how many permanent jobs the development would create for both companies.
Ms. Burke noted that they estimate 2,000 employees. Mr. Regallia noted that they would also have 2,000
employees. Vice Chairperson Meloni noted that the traffic is horrendous and asked if anyone has contacted
CalTrain to put a small station in the area. Chief Planner Sparks noted that there is a station on Grand and
CalTrain is not delighted with having trains stop every mile but it can be suggested. He noted that this concept
has been brought up but no positive responses have resulted. He mentioned that the Commission will be seeing
TDM programs for East of 101 and the City is getting very firm with these programs.
Commissioner Teglia asked if the pedestrian section in the middle is envisioned as a flat area. He added that the
other developer was speaking of having an artistic focal point in their pedestrian areas, such as, pool fountain
statues and might be a consideration. He noted that the issues talked about at the last study session were
pedestrian access and one of the possibilities that was brought up was having access underneath the overpass
along the train tracks. He asked if this was being considered by Hines.
Ms. Burke noted that they were one of the first businesses to put public art in the City and intend to do that on the
Bay West Cove site. She mentioned that connecting the site to recreational resources, like the Bay Trail and the
Oyster Point widening bike trails, is something they are looking into. She added that many people are nervous
when it comes to walking near the but are willing to look at that possibility.
Commissioner Romero is concerned about having the hotel site converted to office because the hotel is an
important element to the project. He noted that he would not like to see the hotel eliminated from the project.
Ms. Burke noted that she has spoken to Director of ECD Van Duyn with regard to a hotel and will continue to
work on having a hotel on the site. She added that when the Owners Participation Agreement is drafted they will
look at creating something concrete along those lines.
4. Items from Staff
Chief Planner Sparks noted that there will be a meeting on September ill. He noted that Terrabay will not be
ready for that meeting. He added that Terrabay is tentatively on the September 27th Council agenda and asked the
Commission if they would like to have a study session on September 14, 2000 to go over substantial changes
being proposed. He noted that the developer would like the Commission public hearing be held on September
21 st and it was to the discretion of the Commission if they wanted the study session.
After discussing the availability of the Commission it was decided that the study session would be held on
September 14,2000 at 7:00 p.m. on Terrabay. Commissioners Teglia and D'Angelo noted that they would not
be available during that time.
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Chief Planner Sparks noted that the Commission would be taking public comments on the Bay West Cove SEIR
on the September 7th meeting.
5. Items from Commission
Commissioner Teglia asked that staff follow up on the vacant lot of Chestnut and Grand A venue. Chief Planner
Sparks noted that there are a couple of staff members working on that.
Commissioner Romero asked if RCN was also broadcasting the Planning Commission and City Council
meetings. Chief Planner Sparks noted that he would look into that.
6. Items from the Public - None
7. Adjournment
Motion Teglia / Second Honan to adjourn the meeting. Adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
'" -
~Qd G/~~
Thomas C. Sparks .
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
, hairperson
Planning ommission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting September 7, 2000, Municipal Services Building, 33 Anoyo Drive,
South San Francisco, CA.
Staff Reports can now be accessed on the website. www.ci.ssf.ca.us (Economic &
Community DevelopmentIPlanning webpages).
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