HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.20.00 Minutes
July 20, 2000
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Planning Commissioners:
Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Romero, Vice
Chairperson Meloni and Chairperson Sim
Planning Commissioners:
Commissioner Baldocchi and Commissioner Teglia*
Planning Division:
Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Adam Lindgren
Richard Harmon
Sgt. Mike Massoni
Thomas Ahrens
City Attorney:
Police Dept.:
Bldg./Fire Prevo
Principal Planner Kalkin noted that item #5 would be continued per the applicants request.
Jackie Williams, 242 Longford Drive, noted that she was before the Commission on July 7 and had mentioned a
petition of 136 signatures from Huntington Terrace, Crown Colony and West Winston Manor against the
excavation and foundation for the Serramonte Corporate Center. She added that Daly City was using a 1986 EIR
and Daly City was not putting this on the agenda because there was no action required by the City Council. She
noted that a settlement agreement was found dating back to 1986 between South San Francisco and Daly City on
the project. She added that the agreement is valid if Daly City is keeping the project as it was approved in 1986.
She noted that if it is changed then it will need a new EIR and Daly City has been working with the South San
Francisco Engineering Division with regard to traffic issues. She was concerned that the agreement was found
too late in the process and noted that there should be a better way to file such important agreements. She asked
that the attorneys research and find out if an EIR is required on the project. She also requested that there be a
better system of finding valid agreements.
Assistant City Attorney Lindgren stated that he would look at how the agreements are kept and noted that Mrs.
Williams' comments will be passed on to City Attorney Mattas. He added that subject to the provisions and terms
of the agreement, the City Attorney could consider Mrs. Williams's request.
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Commissioner D'Angelo thanked Mrs. Williams for her tenacity in bringing points up to the Planning
Commission and City Council, because she brings up issues that have a lot of merit.
Assistant City Attorney Lindgren added that under the Public Records Act it is important for the City to keep
good records and to share those with members of the public. He added that the omission was the result of an
administrative error.
1. Approval of June 1, 2000 Regular Meeting Minutes.
2. Neighborhood Sports Bar/Rodney Magat, Applicant
Kelly..Moore Paint Co., Inc., Owner
107 Hickey Blvd.
UP-00-046 and Categorical Exemption Section 15301 Class 1 Existing Facilities
Use Permit to allow indoor entertainment within 200 feet of a residential district and hours of operation
after 12 midnight in the Retail Commercial (C-l) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Section
20.22.030 and 20.22.070.
3. PacBell Wireless/Michael Li, Applicant
No. Calif. Joint Pole Assoc., Owner
89 Franklin Ave.
UP-00-041 and Categorical Exemption Section 15332 Class 32 In-Fill Development Project
Use Permit allowing a wireless communication facility on an existing utility pole, located within the
public right-of-way near 89 and 92 Franklin Avenue in the Single Family Residential (R-l) Zone district
in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.16, 20.77 and 20.83.
4. Gregory Clark, Owner
Allen Ash/Sandra Jimenez, Applicant
293 Dundee Drive
V -00-048 and Categorical Exemption Section 15303(a) Class 3
Variance to allow an exemption to the twenty foot rear yard setback requirement due to irregular lot
configuration in the Single Family Residential (R-l) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Section
Commissioner Honan pulled items 2 and 4. She noted that on item #4, she hoped that Chief Planner Sparks
would follow through with the comments made by the DRB with regard to the west wall.
Motion Meloni / Second D' An2elo to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of items 2 and 4.
Approved by unanimous voice vote.
2. Neighborhood Sports BarlRodney Magat, Applicant
Kelly- Moore Paint Co., Inc., Owner
107 Hickey Blvd.
UP-00-046 and Categorical Exemption Section 15301 Class 1 Existing Facilities
Use Permit to allow indoor entertainment within 200 feet of a residential district and hours of operation
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after 12 midnight in the Retail Commercial (C-l) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Section
20.22.030 and 20.22.070.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Public Hearing opened.
Sophie Mason, 10 Arlington Drive, opposed the approval of the use permit. Her concerns were having
entertainment go to 1 am on Fridays and Saturdays and 12 a.m. on Wednesdays. She questioned why this was
going to be allowed at all because of the potential noise. She added that the findings of approval mention 55
decibels at the site and the adjoining buildings are 10% higher. She noted that the staff report indicates the
parking demand would be staggered with the market and Chevy's, but mentioned that the staff report is
inconsistent because Chevy's is very busy on Friday and Saturday nights.
Donald Mason, 10 Arlington Drive, was appalled by the staff report. He mentioned that staff is not thinking
about the neighbors because all the items being considered are recommended for approval. He asked the
Commission to deny the use permit.
Public Hearing closed.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked that Sergeant Massoni explain the noise levels for the public. Sergeant
Massoni noted that there is a standard condition put on these types of uses and the sound level is established by
sound engineers to make sure that it is not intrusive on the neighborhoods. He added that the Police Department
wants to make sure that if they have such a use the sound stays at a 55 dB level. He noted that the applicant
would be required to hire an acoustical engineer who would measure all around the business.
* Commissioner Teglia arrived at 7:50 p.m.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked if the neighborhood was surveyed. Senior Planner Carlson noted that a public
hearing notice was sent out. The members of the public are encouraged to attend the hearings and write
comments. Commissioner D'Angelo added that there is no insulation provided to the residents if the business
generates 55 dB of noise. He noted that he cannot support the project and cannot understand how staff is
recommending this for approval.
Commissioner Honan asked if there would be dancing at the site. Senior Planner Carlson noted that it is a
small bar but it could be done. Commissioner Honan noted that this is a large amount of entel1ainment for such
a small area.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if the Police Department has other alternatives if the neighbors complain about
the noise. Sergeant Massoni mentioned that if the 55 dB noise level is maintained it is o.k., but if it is exceeded
the City can file charges through the City Attorney's office for violating the noise level. Assistant City Attorney
Lindgren noted that an officer would be sent out to check the decibel level and would ask that the noise be
reduced. Mrs. Mason noted that by the time the Police Officer gets to the site the noise is lower because the
public has scanning devices and can hear when Police calls are made. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted
that the Planning Commission or Planning could initiate a use permit revocation hearing based on complaints.
Helen Headlee noted that she was not notified about the meeting and neither were the residents on upper Duval
Drive. She noted that she does not want this in her neighborhood and it is really bad for the neighborhood.
Commissioner Romero did not agree that this permit was consistent with the General Plan since the General
Plan does not encourage live entertainment within 200 feet of a residential area. He added that the business has
been very successful for the past 30 years and the name change is a way for the business to evolve into something
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nicer for the neighborhood. He noted that evolving into a nightclub environment where there will be music and
dancing that could adversely affect the adjacent neighbors would not be appropriate for the neighborhood.
Commissioner Teglia concurred with Commissioner Romero's comments. Chairperson Sim noted that there is
sensitivity to the neighborhoods needs and there is a potential for a public nuisance.
Motion Teglia / Second Honan to continue the item to allow staff to return with Findings of Denial based on the
Commission's discussion. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
4. Gregory Clark, Owner
Allen Ash/Sandra Jimenez, Applicant
293 Dundee Drive
V -00-048 and Categorical Exemption Section 15303(a) Class 3
Variance to allow an exemption to the twenty foot rear yard setback requirement due to irregular lot
configuration in the Single Family Residential (R-l) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Section
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Public hearing opened.
Sandra Jimenez, Designer, noted that they have addressed the west wall issue (long blank fa<;ade) and they plan
to incorporate a window and add some architectural scoring. She added that the main concern was the setback.
She noted they had explored other designs that met the setback but which would cause it to have a strange
elevation which would be an eyesore frOlTI the backyard.
Public hearing closed.
Chairperson Sim asked if there had been an opportunity to try some schemes and discuss those with staff. Since
there are so many ways to articulate score joins and windows. Mrs. Jimenez noted that it has not been addressed
but they will do that with staff.
Commissioner Honan asked if the window and the scoring were agreed upon at the meeting. Mrs. Jimenez
noted that they had agreed upon the window a week ago and additional scoring was discussed at the meeting. She
added that the plans will be shown to the Planning Division.
Jackie Williams, 242 Longford Drive, mentioned that she is not affected by the project and was very impressed
that she was noticed for this project because it is a good start of communication between the City and the
Chairperson Sim noted that the Commission had the choice of delegating to the Chief Planner review of the side
wall design or have it return as a consent item. Commissioner Romero noted that it could be delegated to the
Chief Planner.
Motion D' Angelo / Second Teglia to approve the Variance and have the Chief Planner review the design of the
side wall.
5. Belle Air Island
Olympian Oil/George Firenze, Applicant
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Bay Investment Co., Owner
305 North Access Road
UP-00-064 and Negative Declaration ND-00-064
Use Permit to allow construction of a 24-hour commercial card-lock fueling facility with vehicle parking
in accordance with SSFMC 20.32.030(c). (Continued from July 6, 2000)
Senior Planner Carlson noted that this item would be continued.
Commissioner Teglia asked that staff make sure that the item is not reagendized until it is actually ready to go
Motion Honan / Second D' An2elo to continue the item off calendar.
6. Hebrew Academy of San Francisco
Steven RajningerlLocus Architecture-applicant
Greg & Barry Welch, Owner
325 Victory Ave.
UP-00-033 and Categorical Exemption Class 3 Section 15303 Existing Facilities
Use Permit allowing auto auction sales and incidental auto repair in the Industrial (M-l) Zone District in
accordance with SSFMC Section 20.30.030(c) and Chapter 20.81.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Rabbi Lipner gave a brief description of the school and how the funding comes from car auctions.
Steve Rajninger, Locus Architecture, noted that the school has been very successful. He added that the parking
lot will be resurfaced. He asked that the Commission waive 6% of the 10% landscaping requirement to allow
them to re-grade and revamp the site for parking.
Claude Ganze noted that he was helping to fund the project and that the improvements would be over $100,000
for which a lot of the funding is not available. He asked that the Commission stretch out the beautification fees to
allow the payment of these in-lieu fees over time.
Public hearing opened.
Sergeant Massoni noted that there be an additional condition: "Cars that come into the possession of the
company shall not at any time be staged, parked, or anyway left upon the city streets."
Public hearing closed.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if the sign would be a freestanding sign or would there be signs on the building.
Senior Planner Carlson noted that there would be one on the building and a ground-mounted sign. Vice
Chairperson Meloni noticed that the exit goes into the adjoining property for traffic flow. Senior Planner
Carlson replied that both sites are owned by the same property owner and there is no easement involved. Vice
Chairperson Meloni noted that the easement on the east of the property is in bad shape and asked if there were
plans of cleaning it up and maintaining it. Senior Planner Carlson noted that this can be added if the
Commission wishes to do so.
Chairperson Sim asked if there was a materials board available for viewing. Commissioner Teglia asked if
staff had discussed phasing in 4% of the landscaping for the site. Senior Planner Carlson noted that phasing
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was discussed earlier that day. He added that the ordinance allows the applicant to contribute to the Cultural Arts
fund in-lieu of providing landscaping. He noted that if the Commission decided that they can contribute to the
Cultural Arts fund a condition of approval would have to be added.
Commissioner Teglia asked if the property owner was aware of the City's requirements. Senior Planner
Carlson noted that there was a meeting discussing the City's requirements and the issue of in-lieu fees was not
discussed. He added that there was discussion of increasing the landscaping and to maintain their buildings.
Commissioner Teglia asked if the large trees with a 20 foot drip line were to be installed as mature specimens.
Senior Planner Carlson noted that the Commission has in the past required specimen size trees and that they be
24 inch box, and that 15% of the trees be 36- inch. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted that the Cultural
Arts Ordinance has a provision that does not allow the percentage of landscaping to be decreased.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked if the flooring was being replaced. Mr. Rajninger noted that it is concrete and
does not need to be replaced. Commissioner D'Angelo asked if the east side was to be landscaped. Senior
Planner Carlson noted that the railroad easement is on that side and it is presently unimproved. He added that it
would have to be purchased and a parcel map would have to be filed to merge the two sites.
Commissioner D'Angelo noted that the street is already overflowing with traffic. Sergeant Massoni noted that
staging cars in that area would be very difficult because it is very congested. He was concerned that the applicant
does not double park and that they do not leave cars out on the street at all. Commissioner D'Angelo noted that
it is very congested on Sundays.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked how they were able to significantly increase the number of parking spaces from
the original number. Senior Planner Carlson noted that they looked at parking and increased the circulation
capabilities by having the spaces perpendicular to the rear part of the building.
Commissioner D'Angelo noted that he was concerned with the landscaping because the applicant has not met
the standards. He recalls being severe with other applicants and needs a better solution with respect to the
landscaping. He added that waiving the 6% landscaping was not good.
Rabbi Lipner noted that they are not open on Saturdays and there will not be any street parking on that day at all.
He clarified that they will provide 4% landscaping but are asking to have in-lieu fees for the remaining 6%, and
have the fees spread out over time because of cost issues. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted that the code
is clear that findings be brought before the Commission regarding in-lieu fees and if the Commission were to take
such an action it would have to be noticed, which it was not. He added that there has to be a form filled out for
those that request the Cultural Arts in-lieu fees as an option. Senior Planner Carlson suggested that the
Commission continue the item to allow staff to have findings available if they decide to grant the contribution.
Assistant City Attorney Lindgren gave a list of findings the Commission must adopt to allow the contribution
of in-lieu funds:
a) Landscaping credit shall not be adverse to public health safety or general welfare of the community, nor
detrimental to the surrounding properties.
b) That on-site landscaping is included along property boundaries visible from the public rights of way to
the maximum extent feasible for the maximum public benefit.
c) That the quantity of landscaping shall not be reduced on the site.
Commissioner Romero asked how the landscaping was determined because if the drip line is considered it is not
consistent with how things have been done in the past. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the ground was
analyzed and the canopy was not included.
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Commissioner Honan asked for clarification with regard to the repair portion of the use. Senior Planner
Carlson noted that the autos are being repaired in the auto repair section and they can repair only those cars that
are to be sold at the auction. Commissioner Honan asked how the City can be sure that the auto repair would be
for the auctioned autos. Senior Planner Carlson noted that it could be added to the findings of approval.
Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted that a statement that no vehicles shall be repaired on the site which is
not intended for sale on the site can be added.
Commissioner Honan noted that the drainage is a price that is paid by the owner of a business, which has to do
with the welfare of any City. She added that the Commission has gone through great efforts to increase the
landscaping in the City. She noted that she cannot accept the 4% landscaping that the applicant proposes.
Commissioner Teglia was uncomfortable with the application, but has no problem with the use. He noted that
the package is not complete because the applicant is not the only tenant and the landlord needs more
responsibility. He added that staff should speak to the other tenant and landlord to see what they can come up
with and return to the Commission. Mr. Rajninger stated that it is very important to the applicant that the item
be approved in order to activate the business. He added that if the commission requires 10% site landscaping the
applicant will devise a plan to meet the requirement.
Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted that the landscaping issue is driving the necessity of using the Cultural
Arts fund and that is the only item that is not before the Commission. He added that if the applicant can agree to
provide 10% landscaping and meet the City's requirements there would be a complete package, without a
specific landscape plan. He added that the Commission would be able to approve the 10% landscaping but they
would not have the plans for review. Senior Planner Carlson noted that there is room for 10% landscaping on
the site. He added that the Commission can approve the 10% landscaping and if the applicant does not meet this
they will have to return with the exception via the Cultural Arts ordinance provisions.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked if the landscaping would take away from the parking. Senior Planner Carlson
noted that it would not necessarily impact parking and staff is interested in maintaining the number of spaces as
proposed. He added that the Commission could delegate the Chief Planner to review those plans. Assistant City
Attorney Lindgren noted that the Commission could approve the use permit with 10% landscaping on the
condition that the plan be brought before the Commission before any building permit could be issued for the
Commissioner Romero noted that he would feel comfortable having the landscape plan return to the
Commission and he noted that he does not mind losing a couple of parking spaces to accomplish the 10%
landscaping. Commissioner Teglia agreed with Commissioner Romero's comments.
Chairperson Sim asked if the site was handicap accessible. Mr. Rajninger stated that this change use does not
trigger this requirement. Mr. Lipner noted that they agree with 10% landscaping. Assistant City Attorney
Lindgren noted that there is a 15 day appeal period for the use permit and that allows staff to return to the
Commission with the landscape plan in a timely fashion.
Motion Te~dia / Second Meloni to approve UP-00-033 with additional condition from the Police Department,
landscaping plan is subject to Planning Commission review on the Consent Calendar at the next available
Recess taken at 9:00 p.m.
Recalled to order at 9:05 p.m.
7. ZYMED Laboratories, Inc., Owner/Applicant
561-571 Eccles Ave.
UP-00-023 and Categorical Exemption
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Use Permit allowing a research and development lab use generating in excess of 100 average daily
vehicle trips in the Planned Industrial (P-I) zone district, in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.32.060.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report and recommended adding a condition for Transportation
Demand Management (TDM) because of the growth in the East of 101 area. He asked that the Commission also
add another condition that was inadvertently left out which requires that the construction drawings comply with
the approved plans.
Peter Lu, Zymed Laboratories, Inc., gave a brief history of their company and its growth. He noted that many
of their employees use public transportation like CalTrans, shuttles and other sources. He added that the
accidental smell emissions have been mitigated and they are working with San Mateo County Health Department
on the issue. He noted that it was not their laboratory that had the solvent leakage but another laboratory.
Douglas White, WHL Architects, presented architectural renderings, color schemes and various views of the site
to the Commission.
Public hearing opened.
Public hearing closed.
Commissioner D'Angelo noted he has known Mr. Lu at a professional level for more than five years and
inspected his facilities on a regular basis which were always in compliance with all regulations. He asked if he
has to abstain from voting or if this is a conflict of interest. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted that under
statutory or common law principles this would not create a conflict of interest. Commissioner D'Angelo noted
that in his experience with Mr. Lu, his explanations are valid and has always complied with Federal and State
Commissioner Honan noted that the solvent leak is noted to be the Mr. Lu's business and Mr. Lu is claiming that
its not their laboratories. Senior Planner Carlson noted that he was not able to get a hold of Mrs. Baldwin, of
San Mateo County Health Department and could give the Commission an update as soon as Mrs. Baldwin is
Commissioner Honan asked that if the applicant had a program in effect to clean their cages so that the problem
that occurred on Memorial Day would not happen again. Mr. Lu noted that they did and have discussed the issue
with the animal facility personnel. He added that they addressed it by looking at the future process that will be
changing due to laws being passed in Europe that do not allow mice to produce certain antibodies. They will have
to follow the European design that produces the antibodies in bio-reactors, so they will not be using animals to
produce these anymore. He added that they have specially designed lab quarters for animals. He added that the
issue happened at their temporary site, which was occupied for 2 months. Commissioner Honan asked if the
applicant has a report from County Health Depa11ment. Mr. Lu noted that they spoke with the County and they
have suspended their mice operations because they do not have the facilities to keep the mice in.
Commissioner Romero asked if the urine smell that occurred on Memorial Day weekend was rodent urine. Mr.
Lu noted that it was mice urine. He added that they were at 907 Grandview, which has an adjacent occupant, and
with the long weekend the urine smell emitted caused the neighbor to be alarmed. Commissioner Romero asked
if staff had inspected the problem. Mr. Lu noted that San Mateo County Health went to inspect the site.
Assistant Building Official Ahrens noted that the Fire Department responded because the complaint came in as
a potential chemical spill. He added that it was refened to County Health because there was no hazard.
Commissioner Romero asked how staff was handling the County's comments with ensuring the appropriateness
and legalities of disposing of the animals. He noted that the City should be involved with this to make sure that
the animals are being treated in a humane manner. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the County is involved
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with this and the Health officer for the County would take care of that for the City. Commissioner Romero
asked if the Commission wants to go ahead with the application or hold it up until the County has an update for
the Commission on the item. Vice Chairperson Meloni noted that the applicant is required to get a permit from
the State which will cover the disposal of the animals. He added that a regular inspection is made by County
Health to make sure that the applicant complies with his permit.
Commissioner Teglia noted that he is comfortable with the application because the staff report stated that the
County will be following up on the issue. He also added that these are the only incidents in such a long tenure in
the City.
Commissioner Honan noted that she was uncomfortable with the fact that the staff report shows that the solvent
odor was from ZYMED and according to the applicant it came from another laboratory. Commissioner
D'Angelo noted that a solvent odor could come from anywhere and Mr. Lu would not have a reason to give the
Commission a false report. He added that Zymed is inspected twice a year by the two County inspectors. He felt
that this is an experienced entity and feels comfortable supporting the project. Senior Planner Carlson noted
that staff can follow up with the County and get an update for the Commission.
Commissioner Romero noted that without the outcome of the County Health Department inspection report he
would have to vote against the permit.
Motion. Meloni / Second D'Angelo to approve UP-00-023 with additional conditions added by Senior Planner
Carlson .
Ayes: Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Meloni and Chairperson
Noes: Commissioner Honan and Commissioner Romero
Absent: Commissioner Baldocchi
Abstain: None
Approved by majority roll call vote.
8. Intrinsic Shaw Road, LLC/Michael Tevis, Owner
Joel Weinberg/TSH Architects, Applicant
225 Shaw Rd.
UP-00-022 and Negative Declaration ND-00-022
Use Permit to allow an office/assembly use generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips in the
Industrial (M-l) zone district in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.30.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report, noting the Commission may want to discuss the lack of any
landscaping along the Shaw Road frontage.
Michael Tevis, President of Intrinsic Ventures, noted that they have struggled with parking issues but will be
providing a shuttle program for their future tenants. He mentioned that they expect dot coms and warehouse type
tenants. He noted that they have met the 10% landscaping and would add 17 parking spaces to meet the City's
requirements. He added that there were some issues with regard to landscaping setbacks and that there may be a
solution for that.
Public hearing opened.
Public hearing closed.
Chairperson Sim noted that this is an exciting and interesting design. He added that landscaping should be
grouped, as long as requirements are being met.
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Vice Chairperson Meloni noted that this is the only property on the street, with the exception of the City's pump
station that has landscaping in the front. Senior Planner Carlson suggested that the Commission can consider
low decorative walls that don't take up much space and will help screen the views of the vehicles.
Chairperson Sim asked if the Commission wanted the applicant return with the landscape plan for review and
approval. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren noted that there can be a condition of approval based on approving
an occupancy permit. Mr. Tevis noted that if they find a solution to the parking and a solution to the landscaping
then they can return to the Commission when that is all prepared.
Chairperson Sim asked the applicant for a brief description of the parklift. Mr. Tevis noted that it is a parking
system that is being studied and there is one in Berkeley and in Emeryville. He noted that they are studying it on
this site in two different areas.
Commissioner Teglia noted that there should be a continuous band along Shaw and there should at least be a
small hedge on Shaw. Senior Planner Carlson recommended that the Commission add a standard condition
requiring that the construction drawings comply with the approved plans. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren
noted that the landscape plan will have to return to the Commission prior to final inspection.
Motion Honan / Second Meloni to approve UP & ND 00-022 with additional conditions stated by Assistant City
Attorney Lindgren and Senior Planner Carlson. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
9. Items from Staff - None
10. Items from Commission - None
11. Items from the Public - None
12. Adjournment
Motion Meloni / Second Honan to adjourn the meeting. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Susy Ka n, Principal Planner
Acting ecretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Eugene Sim, hairperson
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting August 3,2000, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South
San Francisco, CA.
Staff Reports can now be accessed on the website. www.ci.ssf.ca.us (Economic &
Community DevelopmentlPlanning WebPages).
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